高考英语词汇3500默写版.docx
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高考英语词汇3500默写版
Unit1a------achieve
a
abandon
ability
able
abnormal
aboard
abolish
abortion
about
above
abroad
abrupt
absence
absent
absent-minded
absolute
absolutely
absorb
abostract
absurd
abundant
abuse
academic
academy
accelerate
accent
accept
acceptable
acceptance
access
accessible
accident
accidentally
accommodation
accompany
account
accountant
accumulate
accuracy
accurate
accuse
accustomed
ache
achieve
Unit2achievement-------affair
achievement
acid
acknowledge
acquaintance
acquire
acquisition
acre
across
act
action
active
activity
actor
actress
actual
actually
acute
ad
adapt
adaptation
add
addict
addicted
addiction
addition
address
adequate
adjust
adjustment
administration
admirable
admire
admission
admit
adolescence
adolescent
adopt
adore
adult
advance
advanced
advantage
adventure
advertise
advertisement
advice
advise
advocate
aeroplane
affair
Unit3affect------analyse
affect
affection
afford
affordably
afraid
Africa
African
after
afternoon
afterward
again
against
age
aged
agency
agenda
agent
aggressive
ago
agree
agreement
agricultural
agriculture
ah
ahead
aid
aim
air
aircraft
airline
airmail
airplane
airport
airspace
alarm
album
alcohol
alcoholic
algebra
alien
alike
alive
all
allergic
alley
allocate
allow
allowance
almost
alone
along
alongside
aloud
alphabet
already
also
although
altitude
altogether
aluminum
always
A.M./a.m.
amateur
amaze
amazed
amazing
ambassador
ambassadress
ambiguous
ambition
ambulance
America
among
amount
ample
amuse
amusement
analyse/analyze
Unit4analysis------appreciation
analysis
ancestor
anchor
ancient
and
anecdote
angel
anger
angle
angry
animal
ankle
anniversary
announce
annoy
annoyed
annual
anonymous
another
answer
ant
Antarctic
Antarctica
antique
anxiety
anxious
any
anyhow
anyone
anything
anyway
anywhere
apart
apartment
apologize
apology
apparent
appeal
appear
appearance
appendix
appetite
applaud
applause
apple
applicant
application
apply
appoint
appointment
appreciate
appreciation
Unit5approach------athlete
approach
appropriate
approval
approve
approximately
apron
arbitrary
arch
architect
architecture
Arctic
area
argue
argument
arise
arithmetic
arm
armchair
army
around
arrange
arrangement
arrest
arrival
arrive
arrow
art
article
artificial
artist
as
ash
ashamed
Asia
Asian
aside
ask
asleep
aspect
assemble
assess
assessment
assignment
assist
assistance
assistant
associate
association
assume
assumption
assure
astonish
astronaut
astronomer
astronomy
at
athlete
Unit6athletic------basin
athletic
Atlantic
atmosphere
atom
attach
attack
attempt
attempted
attend
attention
attitude
attract
attraction
attractive
attribute
audience
audio
aunt
authentic
author
authority
automatic
automobile
autonomous
autonomy
autumn
available
avenue
average
avoid
await
awake
award
aware
away
awesome
awful
awkward
baby
bachelor
back
background
backpack
backward
backwards
bacon
bacterium
bad
badly
badminton
bag
baggage
bake
bakery
balance
balcony
ball
ballet
balloon
bamboo
ban
banana
band
bandage
bang
bank
bankrupt
banquet
bar
barbecue
barber
barbershop
bare
barely
bargain
bark
barrier
base
baseball
basement
basic
basically
basin
Unit7basis------bottle
basis
basket
basketball
bat
bath
bathe
bathroom
bathtub
battery
battle
bay
be
beach
bean
beancurd
bear
beard
beast
beat
beautiful
beauty
because
become
bed
bedding
bedroom
bee
beef
beer
before
befriend
beg
beggar
begin
beginner
beginning
behalf
behave
behavior
behind
being
belief
believe
bell
belly
belong
belongings
below
belt
bench
bend
beneath
beneficial
benefit
bent
beside
besides
best
best-seller
bet
betray
better
between
beyond
Bible
bicycle
bid
big
bike
bill
billboard
bin
bind
bingo
biochemistry
biography
biology
bird
birth
birthday
birthplace
biscuit
bishop
bit
bite
bitter
black
blackboard
blame
blank
blanket
bleed
blend
bless
blind
block
blog
blond
blonde
blood
bloom
blouse
blow
blue
blues
board
boast
boat
body
boil
bold
bomb
bond
bone
bonus
book
bookcase
booklet
bookseller
bookshelf
bookshop
boom
boost
boot
booth
border
bore
bored
boring
born
borrow
boss
botanical
botany
both
bother
bottle
Unit8bottom--------capsule
bottom
bounce
bound
boundary
bow
bowl
bowing
box
boxing
boy
boycott
brain
brake
branch
brand
brand-new
brave
bravery
bread
break
breakfast
breakthrough
breast
breath
breathe
breathless
breed
breeze
brewery
brick
bride
bridegroom
bridge
brief
bright
brilliant
bring
broad
broadcast
brochure
broken
bronze
broom
brother
brown
brunch
brush
bucket
Buddhism
budget
buffet
bug
build
building
bulb
bull
bullet
bump
bunch
bungalow
burden
bureaucratic
burglar
burn
burst
bury
bus
bush
business
businessman
businesswoman
busy
but
butcher
butter
butterfly
button
buy
buzz
by
cab
cabbage
cafe
cafeteria
cage
cake
calculate
calendar
calf
call
calm
calorie
camel
camera
camp
campaign
campus
can〔1〕
can〔2〕
canal
cancel
cancer
candidate
candle
candy
canteen
cap
capable
capacity
capital
capsule
Unit9captain------chicken
captain
caption
capture
car
carbon
card
care
career
careful
careless
carpenter
carpet
carriage
carrier
carrot
carry
cart
cartoon
carve
case
cash
cassette
cast
castle
casual
cat
catalog
catastrophe
catch
category
cater
Catholic
cause
caution
cautious
cave
ceiling
celebrate
celebration
celebrity
cell
cement
cent
centigrade
centimetre/centimeter
central
centre/center
century
ceremony
certain
certificate
chain
chair
chairman
chairwoman
chalk
challenge
challenging
champion
chance
change
changeable
channel
chant
chaos
chapter
character
characteristic
charge
charity
charm
chart
chase
chat
cheap
cheat
check
check-in
checkout
cheek
cheer
cheerful
cheers
cheese
chef
chemical
chemist
chemistry
cheque
chess
chest
chew
chick
chicken
Unit10chief------communicate
chief
child
childhood
chimney
china
chocolate
choice
choir
choke
choose
chop
chopstick
chorus
Christian
Christmas
church
cigar
cigarette
cinema
circle
circuit
circulate
circumstance
circus
citizen
city
civil
civilian
civilization/civilisation
claim
clap
clarify
class
classic
classical
classification
classify
classmate
classroom
clause
claw
clay
clean
clean-up
cleaner
clear
clerk
clever
click
client
climate
climb
clinic
clip
clock
clone
close
closed
closely
cloth
clothes
clothing
cloud
cloudy
club
clue
clumsy
coach
coal
coast
coat
cocoa
code
coffee
coin
coincidence
coke
cold
collapse
collar
colleague
collect
collection
collective
college
collide
collision
color
colorful
coloring
column
comb
combat
combine
come
comedy
comfort
comfortable
coming
command
comment
commerce
commercial
commission
commit
commitment
committee
common
communicate
Unit11communication------connection
communication
communism
communist
community
compact
companion
company
comparable
comparative
compare
compass
compassion
compensate
compete
competence
competition
competitive
competitor
complain
complaint
complete
complex
complicate
complicated
compliment
component
compose
composition
comprehension
compromise
compulsory
compute
computer
concentrate
concentration
concept
concern
concerned
concerning
concert
conclude
conclusion
concrete
condemn
condition
conduct
conductor
conference
confidence
confident
confidential
confirm
conflict
confuse
confused
confusing
confusion
congratulate
congratulation
connect
connection
Unit12conscience------corrupt
conscience
conscious
consciousness
consensus
consequence
conservation
conservative
consider
considerable
considerate
consideration
consist
consistent
constant
constitution
construct
construction
consult
consultant
consume
consumer
contact
contain
container
contemporary
content
contest
context
continent
continue
continuous
contract
contradict
contradictory
contrary
contrast
contribute
contribution
control
controversial
convenience
convenient
conventional
conversation
convey
convince
convinced
cook
cooker
cookery
cookie
cooking
cool
cooperate
cope
copy
copyright
corn
corner
corporation
correct
correction
correspond
correspondence
corridor
corrupt
Unit13cost------declare
cost
cosy
cottage
cotton
cough
could
council
count
counter
country
countryside
county
couple
courage
course
court
courtyard
cousin
cover
cow
cowboy
crack
craft
crash
crayon
crazy
cream
create
creation
creative
creature
credit
crew
crime
criminal
criminal
crisis
crisp
criterion
critic
critical
criticism
criticize
crop
cross
crossing
crossroads
crowd
crowded
cruel
cry
cube
cubic
cuisine
cultivate
cultural
culture
cup
cupboard
cure
curiosity
curious
currency
current
curriculum
curse
curtain
cushion
custom
customer
customs
cut
cute
cybercrime
cycle
cyclist
dad
daily
dam
damage
damn
damp
dance
danger
dare
dark
darkness
darling
dash
data
database
date
daughter
dawn
day
daylight
daytime
dead
deadline
deadly
deaf
deal
dear
death
debate
debt
decade
decide
decision
declare
Unit14decline------detective
decline
decorate
decoration
decrease
deed
deep
deeply
deer
defeat
defence
defend
define
definite
definition
degree
delay
delete
deliberate
deliberately
delicate
delight
delighted
delightful
deliver
delivery
demand
demanding