北京高考词汇表05年.docx
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北京高考词汇表05年
高考词汇表
a
a,an
able
beabletodosth.
about
above
abroad
absence
accept
accident
according
ache
achieve
across
act
active
actor
actress
actual
add
address
admire
admit
advance
adventure
advertisement
advice
advise
affair
affect
afford
afraid
beafraid(of)
Africa
African
after
afterall
afternoon
afterwards
again
againandagain
onceagain
against
age
attheageof
ago
agree
agreetodosth.
agreewithsb.
agriculture
ahead
aim
air
beair
aircraft
airport
alarm
alive
all
allover
inall
notatall
allow
almost
alone
along
aloud
already
also
although
altogether
always
amaze
America
American
among
and
anger
angry
beangrywithsb.
animal
announce
another
oneafteranother
answer
anxious
any
anyhow
anyone/anybody
anything
anywhere
apologize
appear
apple
appreciate
April
area
argue
arm
takesth.inone’sarms
army
around
arrange
arrival
arrive
arriveat/inaplace
art
article
artist
as
as…as
notas/so…as
asif/though
ash
ashamed
Asia
Asian
ask
askforsth
asksb.forsth.
asleep
assistant
astonish
at
athlete
attack
attempt
attend
attention
payattentionto
attitude
attract
august
aunt
Australia
Australian
author
autumn
average
avoid
awake
away
b
baby
back
bad
badly
bag
baggage
bake
balance
ball
balloon
ban
banana
bank
bare
bargain
base
basic
basin
basket
basketball
bath
bathe
bathroom
battle
be(am,are,is,was,were,being,been)
beach
bear
beard
beat
beautiful
beauty
because
becauseof
become(became,become)
bed
gotobed
makethebed
bedroom
bee
beef
beer
before
beg
begin
beginning
atthebeginningof
behave
behind
believe
bell
belong
belongto
below
belt
bench
bend
beside
besides
best
doone’sbest
allthebest
better
hadbetter
between
beyond
bicycle/bike
big
bill
billion
biology
bird
birth
birthday
birthplace
biscuit
bit
abit(of)
bite(bit,bitten)
bitter
black
blackboard
blame
blanket
bleed
blind
block
blood
blouse
blow
blue
board
boat
body
boil
bomb
bone
book
boring
born
beborn
borrow
boss
both
both…and
bottle
bottom
bowl
box
boy
brain
branch
brave
bread
break
breakdown
breakout
breakfast
atbreakfast
havebreakfast
breath
holdone’sbreath
outofbreath
breathe
brick
bridge
brief
bright
bring(brought,brought)
Britain
broad
broadcast
broom
brother
brown
brush
bucket
build
building
burn
burst(burst,burst)
bury
bus
bush
business
busy
bebusydoingsth
bebusywithsth.
but
butcher
butter
button
buy(bought,bought)
by
bybus/car/plane/train/ship/air
bye-bye
c
cabbage
café
cage
cake
call
callfor
calm
camera
camp
can
Canada
Canadian
candle
cap
capital
captain
car
card
care
carefor
takecareof
careful
careless
carpet
carrot
carry
carryon
carryout
cart
case
castle
cat
catch(caught,caught)
catchupwith
cattle
cause
cave
ceiling
celebrate
cent
center/center
centimeter
central
century
certain
certainly
chain
chair
chairman(pl.chairmen)
chalk
challenge
chance
change
change…into
channel
chapter
character
charge
chat
cheap
check
cheek
cheer
cheese
chemistry
cheque/check
chest
chicken
chief
child(pl.children)
chimney
china
Chinese
chocolate
choice
choose(chose,chosen)
Christmas
church
cigar
cigarette
cinema
gotothecinema
circle
citizen
city
civil
clap
class
haveclasses
afterclass
classmate
classroom
clean
clear
clerk
clever
climb
clinic
clock
close
cloth
clothes(pl.)
clothing
cloud
club
coal
coast
coat
cock
coffee
coin
cold
catch/takecold
haveacold
collar
collect
college
gotocollege
colo(u)r
comb
combine
come(came,come)
comeback
comedown
comefrom
comein
comeon
comeout
comfort
comfortable
commercial
common
communicate
communism
communist
communist
companion
company
compare
compete
complete
composition
computer
comrade
concert
concern
condition
conduct
condition
conduct
conductor
conference
confident
congratulation
connect
consider
beconsideredas
construction
contain
content
continent
continue
contribute
control
convenient
conversation
cook
cool
copy
corn
corner
correct
cost(cost,cost)
cottage
cotton
cough
count
counter
country
couple
courage
course
ofcourse
court
courtyard
cousin
cover
becoveredwith
cow
crazy
cream
create
crew
crop
cross
crossing
crowd
cruel
cry
cup
cupboard
cure
curious
curtain
cushion
custom
customer
cut(cut,cut)
cycle
d
daddaily
damage
damp
dance
danger
indanger
dangerous
dare
dark
darkness
date
daughter
dawn
day
byday
dayafterday
dayandnight
oneday
thedaybeforeyesterday
thedayaftertomorrow
theotherday
dead
deaf
deal(dealt,dealt)
dealwith
agood/greatdeal(of)
dear
death
December
decide
decision
declare
deed
doagooddeed
deep
defeat
defence/defense
defend
degree
delay
delicious
delight
deliver
demand
department
depend
depth
describe
description
desert
desert
design
desire
desk
destroy
detect
determine
develop
development
devote
dialogue/dialog
diamond
diary
dictation
dictionary
die
diet
difference
different
difficult
difficulty
dig(dug,dug)
digest
dinner
dining-room
directdirection
director
dirt
dirty
disadvantage
disagree
disappear
disappoint
disaster
discover
discovery
discriminate
discuss
discussion
disease
dislike
dish
distance
distant
district
disturb
dive
divide
do(did,done)
dosomecleaning/cooking/shopping
dowellin
doctor
dog
dollar
door
double
doubt
down
downstairs
downtown
dozen
draw
drawer
drawing
dream
dress
drill
drink
drive
drop
drown
drug
drunk
dry
duck
due
dull
during
dust
dusty
duty
e
each
eachother
eager
ear
early
earn
earth
east
eastern
easy
takeiteasy
eat
eatup
edge
edit
education
effect
effort
egg
eight
either
either…or
elder
electric
electricity
elephant
eleven
else
employ
empty
encourage
end
intheend
endless
enemy
energy
engine
engineer
England
English
inEnglish
Englishman(pl.Englishmen)
enjoy
enjoyoneself
enjoyable
enough
enter
entertainment
entire
entrance
envelope
envy
equal
equipment
escape
especially
Europe
European
even
evenif/though
evening
event
ever
eversince
forever
every
everybody/everyone
everyday
everything
everywhere
exact
exactly
examine
example
forexample
excellent
except
excite
exciting
excuse
exercise
exhibition
exist
expect
expense
expensive
experience
experiment
expert
explain
explanation
explode
exploit
express
expression
extra
extraordinary
extremely
eye
f
face
facetoface
makeaface
fact
asamatteroffact
infact
factory
fade
fail
fair
fairly
faith
fall(fell,fallen)
fallasleep
fallill
false
familiar
family
famous
fan
far(farther,farthest,further,furthest)
faraway
farfrom
sofar
farm
farmer
farther
fast
fasten
fat
father
fault
favour
favourite
fax
fear
feather
February
feed(fed,fed)
feel(felt,felt)
feellikedoing
feeling
fellow
female
fence
festival
fetch
fever
few
afew
field
fierce
fifteen
fifth
fifty
fight(fought,fought)
figure
fill
fillin
film
final
find(found,found)
findout
fine
finger
finish
fire
firm
first
atfirst
firstofall
fish
fist
fit
befitfor
five
fix
flag
flash
flat
flame
flesh
flight
float
flood
floor
flour
flow
flower
fly
fold
follow
fond
befondof
food
fool
foolish
foot(pl.feet)
onfoot
football
for
forbid
force
foreign
forest
forever
forget(forgot,forgotten)
forgive(forgave,forgiven)
fork
form
former
fortnight
fortunate
fortunately
fortune
forty
forward
found
fountain
four
fourth
fox
France
free
setfree
freedom
freeze
French
Frenchman(pl.Frenchmen)
frequent
frequently
fresh
Friday
fridge(refrigerator)
friendmakefriends
friendly
friendship
frighten
from
fromnowon
fromthemon
from…to…
front
infrontof
fruit
fry
fuel
full
befullof
fun
makefunof
funny
fur
furniture
further
future
g
gain
game
garage
garden
gas
gate
gather
gay
general
generally
generation
gentle
gentleman(pl.gentlemen)
geography
German
Germany
gesture
get(got,got)
getalong
getaway
getback
getdown
getin
getoff
geton
getonwithsb.
getthrough
gettogether
getup
gift
girl
give(gave,given)
giveback
giveout
giveup
glad
glance
glass
globe
glove
go(went,gone)
goaway
goback
goby
gofishing/shopping/skating/swimming
goforawalk
goon
goondoing
goonwithone’swork
goout
goover
goal
goat
god
gold
golden
good
begoodat
goodbye
goods
goose(pl.geese)
government
grade
graduate
graduation
grain
grammar
grand
granddaughter
grandfather
grandmother
grandson
grass
great
greatly
Greek
green
greet
greeting
grey/gray
ground
groundfloor
group
grow(grew,grown)
growup
guardguess
guest
guide
gun
gym=gymnasium
h
habit
hair
haircut
half
halfanhour
hall
ham
hammer
hand
handin
handout
handbag
handkerchief
handle
handsome
hang(hung,hung)
happen
happy
happiness
hard
hardly
hard-working
harvest
hathate
have
havegotto
havesth.on
haveto
he
head
useone’shead
headache
haveaheadache
headmaster
health
healthy
hear(heard,heard)
hearfrom
hearof
heart
learn/knowsth.byheart
heat
heaven
heavy
height
hello
sayhelloto
help
helponeselfto
helpsb.withsth.
helpful
her
here
hereandthere
hero
hers
herself
hi
hide
high
hill
him
himself
hire
his
history
hit
hobby
hold(held,held)
hol