专八人文知识习题及复习资料Word格式文档下载.docx
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17th
18th
19th
century
3.
Which
sport
is
supposed
to
America’s
national
used
call
“American’s
favorable
pastime”?
a
baseball
basketball
rugby
cricket
4.
The
largest
city
New
Zealand
b____
Auckland
Wellington
Christchurch
Dunedin
5.
After
Adam
Bede,____wrote
Mill
Floss
Silas
Marner
which
moral
problems
arediscussed
psychological
analysis
characters
emphasized.
George
Eliot
Jane
Austin
Dickens
Charlotte
Bronte
6.All
following
odes
written
John
Keats
Ode
Autumn
Nightingale
Skylark
Melancholy
7.
Of____’s
four
famous
comedies,
best
known
Lady
Windermere’s
Fan.
Oscar
Wilde
Richard
Sheridan
Bernard
Shaw
Somerset
Maugham
8.
If
air
stream
meets
with
no
obstruction
sound
pronounced,
it
a(n)
__c__
voiced
consonant
voiceless
vowel
explosive
9.
internationally
accepted
system
phonetic
transcription
____
With
__d__,
Latin
words
were
added
vocabulary
language
spoken
Britain.
invasion
Romans
Christianization
Britain
Scandinavian
Norman
Conquest
答案
国际音标(international
alphabet)是目前世界上比较通行的音标,简称IPA,最初制定于1889年
美国人口构成
population
United
States
bit
more
than
million,
about
13%
Black,
%
Hispanic(讲西班牙语的人),4%
Asian
rest
White
Americans.
It
third
most
populous
country
world
after
China
India.
states
California,
Texas,
York,
Florida
Illinois.
More
80%
Americans
live
urban
areas.
巩固:
按照人口数量排列,美国在世界排在第几位;
按照面积排,美国又是排第几位呢?
Christmas
usually
connected
reunion
large
family
eating
Easter
eggs
resurrection
Christ
forgiving
other’s
sins
ethnic
minorities
blacks
Mexico-Americans
Spanish-Americans
Chinese
establish
____colonies
along
North
American
between
16.7
1733.
A.
C13
D14
university
Laval
University
Toronto
McGill
Simon
Fraser
Robinson
Crusoe
Henry
Fielding
Daniel
Defoe
Samuel
Richardson
Jonathan
Swift
6.
____is
Walt
Whitman.
Representative
Men
Traits
Nature
Leaves
Grass
not
novelist.
James
Emily
Dickinson
William
Dean
Howells
Mark
Twain
one
core
branches
linguistics.
Phonology
Psycho-linguistics
Syntax
Semantics
common
factor
three
sounds:
[p],
[t],
[k]
spread
nasal
voicing
按面积计算,美国继俄罗斯,加拿大,中国之后位居第四。
按人口计算,美国继中国,印度后,居第三。
答案
练习题:
1.The
epic
Anglo-Saxons
____.
Robin
Hood
Sir
Gawain
Green
Knight
Canterbury
Tales
Beowulf
____was
outstanding
single
romance
Arthurian
legend
alliterative
verse.
Piers
Plowman
Knight
for
Tales.
Geoffrey
Chaucer
Milton
Shakespeare
Francis
Bacon
Most
ballads
5th
focused
as
heroic
figure.
Nights
Gawain
Hamlet
5.In
century,
Thomas
More’s
work
____became
immediately
popular
its
publication.
Paradise
Lost
Pleasant
Satire
Three
Estates
Of
Beauty
Utopia
Edmund
Spencer’s
masterpiece
has
been
regarded
great
poems
language.
Amoretti
Shepherd’s
Calendar
Faerie
Queen
Four
Hymns
from
Shakespeare’s
sonnet
No.18.
“Let
me
marriage
true
minds”
“To
or
be:
that
question”
“Shall
compare
thee
summer’s
day”
“No
longer
mourn
am
dead”
vivid
portrayal
earn
him
an
enviable
history
literature.
Julius
Caesar
Falstaff
Hamlet
King
Henry
9.The
tragedies
Hamlet,
Macbeth,
Othello
Antony
Cleopatra
B.
Caesar
Twelfth
Night
Lear
does
belong
romantic
love
comedies?
Tempest
As
You
Like
Merchant
Venice
练习题答案及题解:
1.D
《贝奥武夫》是英国一部著名的英国史诗,也是英国文学中的一部重要作品,用古英语写成。
2.C
《高文爵士和绿衣》以亚瑟王和他的骑士为题材,歌颂勇敢、忠贞、美德,是中古英语传奇文学最优秀的作品之一。
Chaucer被誉为“英国诗歌之父”,他的代表作是《坎特伯雷故事集》,它是以本土文学为主流的英国书面文学历史开始的重要标志。
4.C
英国15十几民谣大部分是关于流传于英国民间家喻户晓的传奇人物罗宾汉和他的伙伴们的故事。
民谣中的罗宾汉是一个仗义疏财,劫富济贫的绿林好汉。
5.D
托马斯.莫尔是英国重要的早期人文主义者。
他的著作《乌托邦》勾画出了一个社会平等,财产共有,人民和谐相处的理想大同国。
长诗《仙后》是英国杰出诗人Edmund
Spencer的杰作,它是英国诗歌创作的典范。
Spencer在《仙后》一诗中创造了著名的“斯宾塞诗体”,其影响深远。
7.C
day”源自莎士比亚著名的第十八首诗。
8.B
喜剧人物福斯坦福是莎士比亚在《亨利四世》中创造的一个为百姓喜闻乐见的不朽的艺术形象。
福斯坦福是个50多岁的破落骑士,爱冒险又胆怯,喜欢吹牛又贪婪,说谎欺诈,浑水摸鱼,无所不能。
同时他生性幽默,喜剧情节和笑料通过他的所言所行妙趣横生。
9.D
莎士比亚的四大悲剧一般指:
Hamlet,Macbeth,Othello
以及King
Lear。
10.B
Tempest
是莎士比亚后期一部浪漫主义传奇剧,莎士比亚在创作中坚持人文主义理想,以宽恕仁爱为主要精神,期创作风格添加了不少浓郁的浪漫空幻色彩。
1."
Gold
Rush"
vividly
depicted
novels.
Hemingway’s
Twain’s
Jame’s
Faulkner’s
2.The
period
Old
literatue
refers
449-1066
14thcentury
-
mid
14th
century-
3.The
transcendental
David
Thoreau
Walden
Experience
Essays
4.____has
entitled
"
Father
Poetry"
.
Philip
Freneau
Ralph
Waldo
Emerson
Cullen
Bryant
Whitman
emotional
effect
social
significance
made
first
well-known
sociological
novel
Literature.
Sun
Also
Rises
Uncle
Tom’s
Cabin
Man
Sea
Sister
Carrie
Stephen
Crane
An
Tragedy
Ambassadors
Main
Street
Red
Badge
Courage
7.Which
Benjamin
Franklin?
He
writer
member
draft
Declaration
Independence
scientist
once
elected
President
Whitman’s
characterized
all
features
strict
poetic
form
simple
conversational
free
natural
rhythmic
pattern
easy
flow
feelings
9.American
fiction
1960s
retered
imagism
black
humor
new
Beat
Generation
10.William
Faukener
author
Far
From
Madding
Crowd
Sound
Fury
For
Whom
Bell
Tolls
Scarlet
Letter
1.B
马克吐温的很多短篇小说对Gold
Rush(淘金)进行了很形象的描绘。
2.A
Anglo-Saxons所说的语言被称为古英语,Anglo-Saxons是在五世纪中侵入英国领土的,直到1066年诺曼公爵政府英格兰,建立诺曼底王朝,才代替了Anglo-Saxons。
3.B
瓦尔登湖是梭罗最杰出的超验主义作品。
4.A
Freneau(1752--1832)被称为“美国诗歌之父”。
著有:
wild
Honey
Suckle;
To
Memory
Brave
Americans。
5.B
汤姆叔叔家的小屋是美国文学史上第一部揭示黑人被虐待,宣扬反奴隶制度的小说,激发了社会各界人士的感情,是一部社会性质很强的小说。
6.D
Courage《红色英勇勋章》是Stephen
Grane的代表作。
7.D
Franklin
是伟大的作家,科学家,还是美国独立宣言的撰写人之一,但是未曾担任过美国总统。
8.A
Whitman主张自由诗体,认为诗歌不应该收到格律约束。
他的代表作《草叶集》标志着真正意义上美国诗歌的诞生。
9.B
黑色幽默是二十世纪六十年代盛行的小说类型,用幽默的手法来揭示可悲的现实。
Crowd为
托马斯哈代的作品;
Tolls为海明威的作品;
Letter为霍桑的作品。
philosophical
literary
moment,
_____
flourished
England
1830s
Civil
War.
modernism
rationalism
sentimentalism
transcendentalism
Poe’s
collection
stories
_____.
Traveler
Leather
Stocking
Tales
Goteque
Arabesque
book
Emerson?
Scholar
Self-Reliance
Disobedience
finest
example
Hawthorn’s
symbolism
recreation
Puritan
Boston
Letter
Young
Goodman
Brown
Marble
Fawn
Ambitious
Guest
chief
spokesman
Transcendentalism
Nathaniel
Hawthorn
Emerson
Washington
Irving
Transcendentalists
recognized
“highest
power
soul”.
intuition
logic
data
senses
thinking
“Declaration
Intellectual
Independence”?
Traits
Conduct
Life
Men
literature
produced
only
female
poet
during
nineteenth
century.
This
Anne
Bradstreet
Austin
Harriet
Beecher
Captain,
My
Captain
Lincoln
Whitman