匠心筑梦文化强国演讲稿中英文版docWord下载.docx
《匠心筑梦文化强国演讲稿中英文版docWord下载.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《匠心筑梦文化强国演讲稿中英文版docWord下载.docx(8页珍藏版)》请在冰豆网上搜索。
dissemination
(n.)
disseminator
(n.)(人物)
5.stage
[英]
[ste?
d?
]
[美]
[变形]
过去分词:
staged
现在分词:
staging
过去式:
stages
复数:
n.①a
point,
period,
step
in
a
process
development
阶段;
时期;
步骤
②a
section
of
journey
race旅程(或赛跑中)的一段
③a
raised
floor
platform,
typically
theatre,
on
which
actors,
entertainers,
speakers
perform
舞台
v.①present
performance
(a
play
other
show)
表演,上演(戏剧等)
②(of
person
group)organize
and
participate
public
event)
(个人,团体)筹划,谋划;
举行,发动(公众事件)
③cause
(something
dramatic
unexpected)
to
happen
使(突发或意外事件)发生
6.ethnic
[?
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θn?
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ethnics
adj.①of
relating
population
subgroup
(within
larger
dominant
national
cultural
group)
with
common
tradition
(与)种族(有关)的;
(与)民族(有关)的
②of
origins
(与)民族和文化渊源(有关)的
③denoting
origin
by
birth
descent
rather
than
present
nationality
血统的,出身的
n.
chiefly
N.
Amer.
member
an
ethnic
minority
〈主北美〉
少数民族成员。
7.essence
s(?
)ns]
s?
ns]
essences
the
intrinsic
nature
indispensable
quality
something,
something
abstract,
determines
its
character本质,实质;
要素