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1、公共部门经济学双语教案公共部门经济学(双语)(07115020)课程教案甘行琼、胡洪曙一、授课对象本课程适用于财政学专业、税收专业的大三以上学生学习,在学习本课程之前应先学习大学英语、西方经济学、财政学等课程。课时方面应设置3学分51课时。二、各章学时安排章 目章 名课 时 数Chapter 1Individuals and Government5Chapter 2Efficiency, Markets, and Governments5Chapter 3Externalities and Government6Chapter 4Public Goods5Chapter 5Public Cho

2、ice and the Political Process6A exercise of speechImitation of president or finance minister3Chapter 6Introduction to Government Finance4Chapter 7Taxation, Prices, Efficiency, and the Distribution of Income4Chapter 8Budget Balance and Government Debt4Chapter 9The Theory of Income Taxation4Chapter 10

3、Fiscal Federalism and State and Local Government5合 计51三、教材使用情况Public Finance: A Contemporary Application of Theory to Policy(第八版),David N. Hyman著,北京大学出版社,2005年7月。四、教学手段主要采取讲授与案例教学,全部课程采用多媒体。五、参考资料1Public Finance(第七版),Harvey S. Rosen著,清华大学出版社,2005年8月。2Public Finance in Theory and Practice,Holley H. U

4、lbrich著,清华大学出版社,2004年3月。六、教学内容安排Chapter 1 Individuals and Government教学目标:After studying this chapter, the students should be able to: 1. Use a production-possibility curve to explain the trade- off between private goods and services and government goods and services.2. Describe how the provision of

5、government goods and services through political institutions differs from market provision of goods and services and how government affects the circular flow of income and expenditure in a mixed economy. 3. Discuss the various categories of federal, state, and local government expenditures in the Un

6、ited States and the way those expenditures are financed.内容提要:Public finance is the field of economics that studies government activities and alternative means of financing government expenditures. Modern public finance emphasizes the relationships between citizens and governments. Government goods a

7、nd services are supplied through political institutions, which employ rules and procedures that have evolved in different societies for arriving at collective choices. Government goods and services are usually made available without charge for their use, and they are financed by compulsory payments

8、(mainly taxes) levied on citizens and their activities. A major goal in the study of public finance is to analyze the economic role of government and the costs and benefits of allocating resources to government use as opposed to allowing private enterprise and households to use those resources.重点难点:

9、The allocation of resources between government and private use; The structure of state and local government expenditure; Market failure and the functions of government: how much government is enough? Government transfer payments; Nonmarket rationing.有关提示:这一部分是公共部门经济学的引言部分,应让学生明白公共部门和私人部门的区别,以及他们各自是如

10、何配置资源的,另外也要熟悉美国政府支出的增长情况。在这部分内容中主要应使学生对公共部门经济学有一个感性的认识。课堂设计:首先和学生讲明本章的教学目的和重点、难点。结合教材相关内容提问学生如下问题:1. Give four examples of government goods or services and discuss how they are distributed to citizens.2. What is the difference between government purchases and government transfer payments?讲稿内容:1. Ind

11、ividuals, Society and Governmenta. Public finance is the field of economics that studies government activities and the alternative means of financing government expenditures.b. Governments are organizations formed to exercise authority over the actions of persons who live together in a society and t

12、o provide and finance essential services.c. Political Institutions are rules and generally accepted procedures that evolve for determining what government does and how government outlays are financedd. Examples of Political Institutions:Majority rule; Representative government2. The Allocation betwe

13、en Private and Government Resourcesa. Private: Food; Housing; Cars; Clothingb. Government: National Defense; Public Schools; Policec. A Production-Possibility Frontierd. Distribution of Government Goods and ServicesNonmarket rationing: Prices and willingness to pay those prices are not applicable to

14、 goods like national defense.3. The Mixed Economy: Markets and Politicsa. Pure Market EconomyVirtually all goods and services are supplied by for-profit private firms. Supply and demand determine price.b. Mixed EconomyA mixed economy is one in which government supplies a considerable amount of goods

15、 and services and regulates private economic activity.4. Government Expenditures in the United Statesa. Government purchases of labor; land; capitalb. Government Transfer Payments Welfare; Social Security c. Structure of Federal Government ExpendituresPurchases of Goods and Services; Transfer Paymen

16、ts; Grants in Aid to State and Local Governments; Net Interest Paidd. The Structure of State and Local Government Expenditures in the United StatesEducation; Civilian Safety; Transportation; Executive, Legislative, and Judicial; Income Security; Health and Hospitals; Recreational and Cultural Activi

17、ties5. Financing Government Expenditures in the USa. Taxes: Income (Corporate and Personal); Payroll; Excise; Customsb. State Budget Crunch of 200237 states were forced to reduce their budgets.Revenues were typically 10% less than anticipated.States with the most severe deficits: AK, AZ, CA, NY, NC,

18、 OK, OR, VA, and WAc. Causesa) Cuts in taxes on business and individuals in the 1990s b) No sales tax collections on servicesc) Growth in costs of Medicaidd. Implications of a Graying AmericaSocial Securitya) In 2008 baby-boomers start to retire and collectb) The ratio of workers to retiree falls e.

19、 MedicareHealth care inflation is substantially higher than overall inflationf. MedicaidIncreased use of long-term care for baby-boomers6. How Much Government is Enough?The question of how much government is enough is an important one in any society. It is the tradeoff between public and private goo

20、ds. When government gets bigger, its increased involvement comes at the expense of less private consumption.课后思考题:1. How does the mechanism for distributing and rationing most government services differ from that for distributing goods through markets?2. What is a production-possibility curve? Show

21、how such a curve can be used to explain how private goods and services must be sacrificed to obtain government goods and services.3. Discuss the trends in government expenditures and outlays as a percentage of GDP.Chapter 2 Efficiency, Markets, and Governments教学目标:After studying this chapter, the st

22、udents should be able to: 1. Discuss the difference between positive and normative economics.2. Define the efficiency criterion and show the marginal conditions for efficiency can be used to identify the efficient output of a goods or service.3. Demonstrate how taxes and subsidies affect incentives

23、and how they can prevent competitive markets from achieving efficient outcomes.内容提要:Resources are efficiently allocated when the well-being of any one person cannot be increased without harming another. This condition is attained when all goods are consumed over any period up to the point at which t

24、he marginal social benefit of each good equals its marginal social cost. When prices in competitive markets reflect marginal social costs and benefits, market exchange achieves efficiency. Individuals opposing actions that improve efficiency act rationally. They are simply better of with a larger sh

25、are of a smaller pie. To predict outcomes any political process, it is necessary to know the benefits of any changes proposed, to whom they accrue, and what changes in the distribution of income result.重点难点:Normative evaluation of resource use: the efficiency criterion; Markets, prices, and efficien

26、cy conditions; Market failure: a preview of the basis for government activity; compensation criteria; Utility-possibility curve.有关提示:这一部分是公共部门经济学的基础理论部分,应着重培养学生对相关概念的辨别能力和记忆能力,要提示学生帕累托最优只存在于理论当中,在现实当中是很难达到的。课堂设计:这部分应结合课件中的大量图示来给学生讲明本章中出现的大量重要概念和基本理论,以老师讲解为主。结合教材相关内容提问学生如下问题:1. Under what circumstanc

27、es will a resource allocation be efficient?2. What are the marginal conditions for efficiency?3. Describe how taxes can affect incentives and cause losses in net benefits.讲稿内容:1. Positive and Normative Economics a. Positive Economics explains “what is,” without making judgments about the appropriate

28、ness of “what is.”b. Normative Economics: designed to formulate recommendations about what “should be.”2. Normative Evaluation of Resource Use: The Efficiency Criterion a. Pareto OptimalityThe efficiency criterion is satisfied when resources are used over any given period of time in such a way as to

29、 make it impossible to increase any one persons well-being without reducing any other persons well-being. b. Marginal Conditions for Efficiency Total Social Benefit; Total Social Cost Net Benefit = TSB TSC Maximum Net Benefit occurs where MSB = MSC 3. Conditions under which the Market is Pareto Opti

30、mal a. A perfectly competitive market system exists if:a) All productive resources are privately owned.b) All transactions take place in markets, and in each separate market many competing sellers offer a standardized product to many competing buyers.c) Economic power is dispersed in the sense that

31、no buyers or sellers alone can influence prices.d) All relevant information is freely available to buyers and sellers.e) Resources are mobile and may be freely employed in any enterprise. b. If These Conditions are MetP = MPB = MSB and P = MPC = MSCSo P = MSB = MSCc. When Does Market Interaction Fai

32、l to Achieve Efficiency?Monopoly; Taxes; Subsidies 4. Market Failure: A Preview of the Basis for Government Activity a. Government intervention may be warranted if a market exhibits: a) Monopoly power by one supplier b) Effects of market transactions on third partiesc) Lack of a market for a good where MSBMSC (i.e. a public good)d) Incomplete information ab

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