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1、高中英语必修9Module4Period2GrammarandUsage2019-2020年高中英语必修9Module4Period2GrammarandUsageStep1: General introduction (1)1. Warming up by doing exercisesNow please finish Part1 (Page 46) Part2, and Part3 (Page 47). Try to revise the usage of get, have and not.2. Summary of the usage of get, have and not.1)g

2、et1 变成;变得He went out and got drunk. 他到外面去喝醉了。Shell soon get better again. 她不久就会康复的。Its time you get married. 你该结婚了。get + 宾语 + 宾补: 使成为某种状态; 使变成某种结果I must get the breakfast ready. 我必须准备好早餐。He got his wrist broken. 他折段了手腕。3 get sth. done: 完成某事; 做好某事The farmer got his planting done before the rains came

3、. 那农民在雨季前完成了种植。get sth. doing: 使开始做某事Can you really get that old car going again? 你真的能发动那部旧车吗?Its not hard to get the children talking; the problem is to stop them.让孩子们谈话不难,停止他们谈话却有问题。get to do sth.: 达到某种认识或感觉When you get to know him youll like him. 当你了解他的时候,你就会喜欢他。They soon got to be friends. 他们不久便

4、成了好朋友。get sb. to do sth.: 使某人作某事You will never get him to understand. 你永远不会使他了解。I cant get anyone to do the job. 我找不到人做这工作。have got: 拥有或具有We have got a new car. 我们有一辆新车。have got to: 必须It has got to be done today. 此事必须今天做好。get 短语:get along with / get away from / get down to / get in / get off / get o

5、ver / get through (with) sth. / get together withHow is she getting along with her studies? 她学习进展如何?He gets along well with his boss. 他与老板相处得很好。Two of the prisoners got away from the prison. 两名犯人逃跑了。He got down to work after the holidays. 假期过后他开始着手工作。The train got in five minutes earlier. 那班火车早到了五分钟

6、。The farmers are getting in the crops. 农民们在收割庄稼。We got off immediately after breakfast.一吃完早饭我们就出发了。She cant get over her shyness. 她不能克服她的羞怯。He has got through all his work. 他已经完成了所有的工作。We are going to get together with some friends. 我们计划在一起聚一聚。2)have 吃;饮Do you have tea or coffee for breakfast? 你早饭喝茶

7、还是和咖啡?What shall we have for dinner? 我们晚饭吃什么? have sb. do sth. 要某人作某事What would you have me do? 你想让我干什么? have sb. doing sth. 使某人一直作某事I had my child doing his homework the whole afternoon. 我让孩子做了一下午作业。 have sth. done:请某人作某事Youd better have that bad teeth pulled out. 你最好把那颗蛀牙拔掉。I must have these shoes

8、 repaired. 我必须把这些鞋拿去修。 Have sth. done: 蒙受He had his pocket picked.他遭受到扒窃。 have 短语: have sth. back / have sb. in / have sth. on / have sb. over (round)Let me have the book back soon. 快些把书还给我。You should have the child in; its so cold outside. 你应该让那孩子进来,外面太冷了。The baby has nothing on. 那婴儿什么都没穿。We had Su

9、e and Steve round for dinner last night. 昨晚我们请休和史蒂夫来家中晚餐。3)not 与助动词、系动词、情态动词连用成为否定。You mustnt cheat in the exam. 考试不能作弊。He isnt honest. 他不是一个诚实的人。I dont like pop music. 我不喜欢流行音乐。 用于think, suppose, believe, expect, fear, fancy, trust, hope, seem, appear, be afraid之后,相当于一个由that 引导的从句。“Can you e next w

10、eek?”“Im afraid not.”“下个礼拜你能来吗?”“恐怕不行。”“Will it rain this afternoon?”“I hope not.”“今天下午会下雨吗?”“但愿不下。” not at all: 别客气;没关系;不要紧;没什么;一点儿也不“Thank you very much.” “Not at all.”“非常感谢你。”“别客气。”Im not tired at all. 我一点儿都不累。 用以指不在,相反或否定Not before 10 a.m. 十点之前不。Not here. 不在这儿。Not he.不是他。Step2: General introduct

11、ion (2)1.Warming up by doing exercisesNow, please finish Part1, Part2 and Part3 and try your best to revise the usage of some、any、than and but.2. Summary of the usage of some、any、than and but.1) some/ any some 用于肯定句中,any 用于否定句,疑问句,条件从句及表示怀疑的句子中。There are some children outside. 外面有几个孩子。We havent any

12、tea. 我们没有茶了。Are there any stamps in that drawer? 那个抽屉里有邮票吗?I doubt whether there are any flowers in Mr. Greens garden.我怀疑格林先生的花园里有没有花。 如果问话者期待对方肯定的回答,some 也可用语疑问句中。Will you have some cake? 请用一点糕饼好吗?Will you please buy me some stamps when you go out?你出去的时候给我买些邮票好吗? 在if 引导的假设从句中, some 和 any 均可用。If we

13、had some / any money, we could buy it. 如果我们有钱,我们就能买它了。 some,any 可以和more 连用。Give me some more. 再给我一些。Do you want any more? 你还要一些吗? somethe rest / someother / somethe othersSome children learn languages easily while others with difficulty.有些小孩学习语言很容易,而有些则很困难。 some(or other): 某个He lives at some place i

14、n East Africa. 他住在东非的某个地方。I have read that story in some book or other. 我以前在一本书里读到过这个故事。2)than 与及物动词连用时,than 后的代词形式视全句文意而定。I know you better than he (does). 我比他更了解你。I know you better than him. 我了解你胜过我了解他。I like her no better than he (dose). 我和他喜欢她的程度相等。I like her no better than him. 我喜欢她和他的程度相等。 与不及

15、物动词连用时,than 后面的动词用宾格形式。He is several years older than me. 他比我大几岁。He can run faster than me. 他比我跑得快。 no other than:就是It was no other than my old friend Jones. 就是我的老友琼斯.3)but 并列连词, 表转折。He is a hardworking but not very intelligent boy. 与no one, none, nothing, who, what, all, everything, everyone 等连用,译为

16、:除外。But 后面跟名词,代词,不定式做宾语,如果不定式前出现动词do 的任意一种形式,but 后的不定式符号to 省略。Nothing but disaster would e from such a plan. 这项计划只能招致灾祸,别无益处。Who but Mike would do such a thing. 除了迈克之外谁愿意干这种事?I can do nothing but wait for a good chance. 除了等待一个好的时机之外我别无选择。 can not but:不得不;只好I can not but admire your decision. 我不得不钦佩你

17、的决定。3. The NMET exercises:1) The final examination is ing up soon. It s time for us to our studies. (2004 辽宁)A. get down to B. get out C. get back for D. get over2) Be careful when you cross this very busy street. If not, you may run over by a car. (2002 北京)A. have B. get C. bee D. turn3) my sister

18、three times today but her line was always busy. (2005 北京)A. Id phoned B. Ive been phoning C. Ive phoned D. I was phoning 4) We have only a sofa, a table and a bed in our apartment. We need to buy more furniture. (2005 上海)A. any B. many C. little D. some5) I cant see any coffee in the cupboard. ? (20

19、05 北京)A. Has it all been finished C. Was it all finishedC. Has it all finished D. Did it all finish6) Theres cooking oil left in the house. Would you go to the corner store and get ? 2004 北京)A. little; some B. little; any C. a little; some D. a little; any7) You havent lost the ticket, have you?- .

20、I know its not easy to get another one at the moment. (2004 江苏)A. I hope not B. Yes, I have C. I hope so D. Yes, Im afraid so8) We had three sets of garden tools and we seemed to have no use for . (2004 浙江)A. none B. either C. any D. each9) Paul had to write a history paper, he couldnt find time to

21、do it. (2004)A. but B. so C. because D. if10) Laws that punish parents for their little childrens actions against the laws get parents . (xx 重庆)A. worried B. to worry C. worrying D. worry(Keys: ABCDA AACAA)Step 3: Exercises for consolidation:Rewrite the following sentences using the grammar we learn

22、t in this unit.1. The boss pays his workers by the hour.The workers by the hour.2. His car was pletely damaged in the earthquake.He in the accident.3. You will gradually realize your mistakes.You will your mistakes.4. We have enough food supplies.We enough food supplies.5. I must get someone to fix

23、my puter.I must .6. Such a plan can only be carried out by Mr. Smith.Such a plan can be carried out by Mr. Smith.7. I must following his advice because I can do nothing else.I can his advice.8. I admire her but he admires her better.He admires her .( Keys: get paid; had his car pletely damaged; get

24、to realize; have got; have my puter fixed; no other than; do nothing but follow; better than I )Step 4: Homework1. Finish Part4 (Page 47) and Part4 (Page51).2. Write a letter in response to Mr. Morgans letter. Say that you disagree with him.Key for reference:To the editor,Im sorry to say I disagree

25、with Mr. Morgan.I admit that English is a major language in the world. If people are out of their own munities, they should use English to make their lives, their jobs easy to deal with and to make the munication with others easy. But that doesnt mean major languages should dominate smaller ones.As

26、we all know, small languages are important because they are used to record different cultures in the world, which make the world a colorful place. So if small languages die out, then their cultures will die out with them.Furthermore, its not fair that everyone has to learn English. To some people, i

27、t is easy to learn languages, but to others, it may be with great difficulty.So we should allow small languages to exist and we should take measures to reserve them.Yours sincerely,Li Hua2019-2020年高中英语必修9Module4Period3SelfassessmentStep 1: Listening and speaking1. Warming up The following words came

28、 into the English language from French, Chinese, Arabic or Spanish. Use a dictionary to check the meaning of the words.algebra alligator chocolate garage hotel kiosk silk tomato tornado zeroKeys for reference:代数学 短吻鳄 巧克力 汽车间 宾馆 电话亭 丝绸 西红柿 龙卷风 零2. Listening Listen to the lecture and finish Part3 and

29、Part4. (Page 48)3. SpeakingWorking in pairs to think of as many ways as you can of expressing agreeing and disagreeing.4. Introducing function EnglishNow, lets learn to express agreeing and disagreeing. Reference to the topic:With reference toI was interested to read aboutAs toAgreeing:I think so.I

30、agree with you that.I agree toIts true thatDisagreeing:Im afraid I really cant agree with you that In my opinion, It isnt true to say that Summing up your opinions:So , In conclusion, In a word, In short, Step 2: Multiple choice1. We have to the wheat as soon as possible because a storm is on the wa

31、y. (xx 湖北)A. get away B. get across C. get through D. get in2. Were going to with some friends for a picnic. Would you like to join us? (xx 北京)A. get in B. get over C. get along D. get together3. Sarah, hurry up. Im afraid you cant have time to before the party. (xx)A. get changed B. get change C. get changing D. get to change4. I have done much of the work. Could you please finish

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