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1、补偿贸易合同补偿贸易合同合同编号:_签订时间:_签订地点:_订立合同双方:_甲方:_地址:_电话: _传真:_E-MAIL: _乙方:_地址:_电话:_传真:_E-MAIL: _鉴 于鉴于乙方拥有现用于制造_的机器设备,并愿意将机器设备卖给甲方;鉴于乙方同意购买甲方用乙方提供的机器设备生产的_,以补偿其机器设备的价款; 鉴于甲方同意从乙方购买该项机器设备; 鉴于甲方有意向乙方出售_,以偿还乙方的机器设备价款; 因此,考虑到本协议所述的前提和约定,甲、乙双方特订立此协议。第一条 贸易内容 1. 乙方向甲方提供用于生产的_型机械_台,以及各种其他辅助机械设备,并同时提供各类机械设备所必需的附配件及

2、备用件,以及在生产过程中各种必需的测试仪器。具体的各类机械设备、测试仪器、附、配件、备用件之型号、名称、规格、数量、价格、包装、要求、交货期限等,由双方另行签订设备进口合同,作为本合同不可分割的一部分。 2. 甲方用乙方提供的机械设备所生产的部分产品以及其他商品,或经双方协商,用_工厂生产的_商品来偿付全部机械设备的价款。具体的偿付商品的名称、数量、价格、交货期限等,由双方另行签订补偿商品供货合同,作为本合同不可分割的一部分,设备进口合同与补偿商品供货合同可合并为补偿贸易购销合同。第二条 支付条件与方式 由甲乙双方对开信用证,即由甲方分期开出以乙方为受益人的远期信用证,分期、分批支付全部机械设

3、备的价款;乙方开出以甲方为受益人的即期信用证,支付补偿商品的货款。甲方用乙方支付补偿商品的货款来支付全部机械设备的价款。当乙方支付的货款不能相抵甲方所开的远期信用证之金额时,其差额部分由乙方用预付货款方式,在甲方所开的远期信用证到期前汇付甲方,以使甲方能按时议付所开的远期信用证。甲方所开的远期信用证的按期付款,是基于乙方按规定开出限期信用证及按规定预付货款。乙方保证按规定开出信用证及预付货款。第三条 偿付期限 甲方用_年_个月,分月用商品偿付全部机械设备的价款。偿还日期自第一批机械设备到货后约_个月后开始,原则上每月偿还的金额是全部机械设备价款的_分之_。甲方可以提前偿还,但需在_个月前通知乙

4、方。 在甲方用补偿商品偿还机械设备价款期间,乙方应按本协议项下的有关补偿商品合同的规定,开出以甲方为受益人的足额、限期、不可撤销、可分割、可转让的信用证。第四条 计价货币和作价标准 双方商品均用_币计价。乙方提供的全部机械设备及所有仪器、附件配件用_币作价,甲方提供的补偿商品则按签订合同时甲方出口货物的币基价,以当时的币对_币在甲方用补偿商品偿还机械设备价款期间,乙方应按本协议项下的有关补偿商品合同的规定,开出以甲方为受益人的足额、限期、不可撤销、可分割、可转让的信用证。 的汇率折算为_币。第五条 利息计算甲方所开的远期信用证及乙方所预付货款的利息应由甲方负担。双方议定年利息为百分之_。第六条

5、 技术服务 货物到达甲方口岸后,由甲方自行安装,但在主要设备安装过程中,甲方认为需要时,乙方必须派出技术人员进行现场指导,提供必要的技术服务,在此过程中由于技术上的问题,所造成的损失由乙方负责。 经双方协调,为完成此项工作,由乙方派出_数量的技术人员。在中国的一切费用均由乙方承担。第七条 附加设备 在执行本协议过程中,如发现本合同项下的机械设备在配套生产时需要继续增添新的机械设备或测试仪器时,可由双方另行协商,予以增订,增订的项目仍应列入本合同范围之内。第八条 保险 设备进口以后由乙方投保。设备所有权在付清货款后发生转移,之后,如发生意外,损失先由保险公司向投保人赔付,再按比例退回甲方已支付的

6、设备货款。第九条 违约责任 乙方不按合同规定购买补偿商品或甲方不按合同规定提供商品时,均应按合同条款承担违约责任,赔偿由此造成的经济损失,并向对方支付该项货款总值的_%的罚款。第十条 履约责任 为保证合同条款的有效履行,双方分别向对方提供由各自一方银行出具的保函予以保证。甲方的担保银行为_国_银行,乙方的担保银行为_国_银行。第十一条 合同条款的变更 本合同内容如遇特殊情况需要变更,须经双方协商一致。第十二条 不可抗力 由于人力不可抗拒的原因,致使一方或双方不能履行合同之有关条款,应及时向对方通报情况,在取得合法机关的有效证明之后,允许延期履行或不履行有关合同义务,并可根据情况部分或全部免除违

7、约责任。第十三条 仲 裁 凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,均应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会深圳分会,按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁,仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。仲裁适用中华人民共和国法律。 除非另有规定,仲裁不得影响合同双方继续履行合同所规定的义务。第十四条 文字、生效本合同当中_两种文字写成,两种文字具有同等效力。本合同自签字之日起生效,有效期为_年。期满后,双方如愿意继续合作,经向政府有关部门申请,获得批准后,可延期_年或重新签订合同。甲方:_ _乙方:_授权代表签字:_ _授权代表签字:_ _ _ _ _ _年 _月 _日COMPENSATION TRA

8、DE CONTRACTContract No.: _Date of Signing: _Place of Signing: _The two Parties:Party A: _Address: _Tel:_Fax: _E-mail: _Party B: _Address: _Tel:_Fax: _E-mail:_WITNESSETHWhereas Party B has machines and equipment, which are now used in Party Bs manufacturing of _, and is willing to sell to Party A the

9、 machines and equipment; and Whereas Party B agrees to buy the products, _, made by Party A using the machines and equipment Party B supplies, in compensation for the price of the machines and equipment, and Whereas Party A agrees to purchase from Party B the machines and equipment, and Whereas Part

10、y A agrees to sell to Party B the products, _, in compensation of the price of Party Bs machines and equipment; Now therefore, in consideration of the premises and covenants described hereinafter, Party A and Party B agree a follows:ARTICLE 1 TRANSACTIONS A) Party B agrees to provide Party A with _

11、machines to be used in production, their auxiliary machinery, accessories and spare parts and a variety of measuring and testing instruments required in the process of production. The details of the models, names, specifications,quantity, prices, packing, delivery , etc. thereof shall be specified i

12、n an additional equipment-import agreement to be concluded by and between both parties which shall serve as an component part hereof. B) The total value of the machines, auxiliary equipment, etc. supplied by part B shall be paid off by Party A with part of the manufactures made therewith and/or othe

13、r goods, or with(designate name)products made in (Name of the plant)if both parties agree. The specific name(s), quantity, price, delivery, etc. of the goods granted as the make-up payment shall be decided in an additional compensation goods-supply agreement made by the parties which shall serve as

14、a component part hereof. The equipment-import agreement and compensation-goods-supply agreement aforesaid may be merged as one called sales agreement on compensation trade(See appendix).ARTICLE 2 PAYMENT Both parties agree to open letters of credit in favor of each other, i.e. Party A will open, at

15、regular intervals, long term letters of credit in favor of Party B to pay by installments the total cost of the machines and auxiliary equipment provided by Party B; whereas Party B will open sight letters of credit in favor of Party A to pay the products to be delivered by Party A. Party A shall pa

16、y for the total cost of the machines and auxiliary equipment with the money remitted by Party B as reimbursement for the products to be delivered by Party A. In case the sum to be paid by Party B fails to cover the value of the long-term letters of credit opened by Party A, the difference shall be m

17、ade up by Party B by paying that much to Party A in advance, before the long-term letters of credit are due, to enable Party A to reimburse on time the long-term letters of credit it opens. The payment of the long-term letters of credit opened by Party A is based on Party Bs opening a sight letter o

18、f credit under the provisions and on its paying the advance required herein. Thus, Party B warrants, guarantees and covenants that it will open the letters of credit and pay the advance as provided herein.ARTICLE 3 REIMBURSEMENTParty A shall reimburse Party B for all the machines and auxiliary equip

19、ment supplied by Party B by delivering goods to Party B on a monthly basis and the reimbursement will last for_ year(s) and _months(s). The reimbursement shall start approximately _month(s) after the first delivery of the machines and, in principle, the money to be reimbursed per month shall be _per

20、cent of the total amount due for the machines. With a _month(s) notice to Party B, Party A may reimburse Party B in advance. Within the reimbursement period, Party B shall, under the provisions of the additional sales agreement aforesaid, open, sight, irrevocable, divisible and assignable letters of

21、 credit, covering the full amount, in favor of Party A.ARTICLE 4 STANDARD MONEY AND PRICE STANDARD The standard money for this transaction is (Name of currency). All the machinery, auxiliary equipment and measuring and testing instruments , etc. provided by Party B shall be valued with (Name of curr

22、ency), while the goods provided by Party A to Party B as reimbursement shall be valued with the basis price (Name of currency) of the same goods exported by Party A at the time when this agreement is entered into, and the total price (Name of currency) shall be changed into that of (Name of currency

23、) in accordance with the exchange rate then.ARTICLE 5 INTRERESTParty A shall pay the interest on its long-term letters of credit and the interest on the cash in advance rendered by Party B. The annual interest rate is agreed upon at_%.ARTICLE 6 TECHNICAL SERVICEThe machinery, after arrival at its de

24、stination, shall be installed by Party A, Party B shall dispatch its technicians to render spot instructions and other necessary technical assistance during the installation of the main machines, as may be requested by Party A in case of necessity, Party B shall be liable for the losses resulted in

25、such a course of installation from technical default on its part.ARTICLE 7 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENTDuring the enforcement of this agreement, if it is found necessary that, in addition to the machinery and equipment listed herein, some new accessories or measuring and testing instruments are needed for c

26、ompletion of the project, (an) additional order(s) may be made through negotiation by the parties. The new items thus added shall be incorporated in agreement.ARTICLE 8 INSURANCEThe machinery and auxiliary equipment, after shipment, shall be insured by Party B. The title thereof shall be transferred

27、 into Party B after full payment therefore is made by Party B, thereafter, the unforeseeable losses concerning the machinery and auxiliary equipment shall be indemnified for first by the Insurance Company to Party B, then Party B shall remit for Party A,in proportion, the sum already paid by Party A for the machinery or equipment involved in the contingency.ARTICLE 9 LIABILITY FOR BREACH OF AGREEMENTParty B shall , if it fails to comply with this agreement to make purchase of the goods delivered by Party A as reimbursement, or

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