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1、南师大gis精品课程精品课程南师大gisdocThe first part is the basic theoryThe first chapter is an introduction1.What, s, your, comprehension, of, the, concepts, of, GIS?2.What, are, the, difference, and, the, relation, between, the, basic, function, and, , the, applied, GIS, function, of?3.With, the, development, of

2、, the, information, technique, what, kind, of, changes, has, brought, to, the, modern, survey, ing, , and, mapping, technique, and, analysis, geographic, technique?4.What, are, the, differenee, and, the, relation, between, instrumental, , GIS, and, applied, GIS?5.Try to classify the input devices of

3、 GIS according to different classification methods and explain their characteristics6.what are the main methods of modern space positioning technology? What is the impact on the development of GIS technology?7.what are the major changes in GIS technology due to the emergenee and development of netwo

4、rk technology?8.What are the symbolic technologies of GIS at several different stages of development, and how does their appearancepromote GIS development?The second chapter is the mathematical basis of Geography1.What, are, the, relations, between, earth, surface, the, the, geoid, and, the, Earth,

5、spherop?2.How, many, coordinate, systems, are, there, describe, the, geographic, spatial, data, to, What, are, the, them, relations, between?3.What, are, the, advantage, and, the, of, describing, a, point, disadvantage, on, the, ground, by, using, geodetic, coordinate, and, geocentric, coordinate?4.

6、What, are, the, main, characteristics, and, the, applicability, of, the, UTM, Projection, and, Projection, the, Lambert?The How to transform the elevation of the different datunT?6.What are the deformation characteristics of the Gauss projection? Why is it often used as a map projection for large sc

7、ale ordinary maps? digital maps, what are the changes in meaning and form of map scale?8.Apart from the topographic map, what geographical space frames are there? How do they encode?9.How can GPS data be integrated with digital map data?10,what factors should be considered in choosing the projec

8、tion? What kind of map projection should I choose if I want to make a land use map of 1:10?The third chapter is spatial data model1.What, are, the, main, characters, of, the, spatial, objects?2.What s, the, meaning, of, spatial, relationship, What, s, the, advantage, of, spatial, relationship, in, o

9、bjects, describing, the, spatial?3.What are the components of the conceptual model of spatial data? Try to analyze the relationship between them4.try to analyze some of the main data model of GIS, their respective advantages and disadvantages5.What are the spatial data types? Its characteristics are

10、 briefly described第4章空间数据结构1、 比较栅格数据结构和矢量数据结构,它们各自的特点是什么?2、 栅格数据和矢量数据结构有交换标准吗?请解释你的观点。3、有人认为矢量数据的本质是栅格数据。你对这个句子有什么看法?4、 总结矢量数据和栅格数据在结构表达方面的特色。5、 简述栅格数据压缩编码的儿种方式和各自优缺点。6、 简述矢量数据编码的几种方式和各自优缺点。7、 给出一张图,试写出图中的毛钱数据文件和对其中多边形进行联 接编辑的算法步骤,比较多边形联接编辑的异同。第5章空间数据组织与管理1、 空间数据库的含义和特点是什么?2、 矢量数据管理有多少种?它们的优点和缺点是什么?

11、3、 栅格数据的管理方式有哪些,各有什么优缺点?4、 数据库中空间数据是如何进行分幅分层组织的?5、 空间数据的索引方式有哪些,比较各种方法的优缺点。第6章空间数据采集与处理1、 GIS数据源有多少种?简要描述他们的性格和收集方法。2、 我们能从地图上得到所有的数据吗?请用一个例了解释一下。3、 用户如何从输入到GIS中的数据中发现错误?4、比较栅格数据重采样的方法。5、 有多少种方法可以进行数据格式转换?6、 简述空间数据编辑的主要内容和方法。7、 假设一条矢量等高线上的点太过密集了,如何减少占用系统的存 储空间?你能给出多少方法?各有什么适用范围?8、 对于扫描仪输出的结果般需要做哪些处理

12、?9、 如果两个作业小组各自从数字化仪上得到两张相邻图幅的地图数 据,在GIS中不能准确对接,该怎么办?10、 空间数据共享的方法有哪些?11、 简述空间数据入库流程。12、 如何评价GIS的数据质量,以野外测量为例,分析其数据误差的 来源。第7章空间数据查询与空间度量1,简要描述空间数据查询的类型和内容。2o描述地理分析领域中拓扑关系查询的意义。2。 说明空间数据查询的一般过程及查询结果的显示方式。4。说明分形维数提取方法及其在空间分析中的作用。第8章GIS基本空间分析1,描述了缓冲区分析的原理和用法,并比较了本章介绍的两种缓冲 区的构建方法。2、 空间数据对网络分析的基本要求是什么?三栅格

13、数据与矢量数据在多层面叠置方法与结果上有什么差异?叠 置分析的地学意义是什么?4。举例说明不同形状的空间分析窗口在地学分析中的作用。5o试分析栅格数据在GIS空间分析中的优点与局限性。第9章DEM与数字地形分析lo DEM在GIS空间数据分析中的地位和作用是什么?2、 描述DEM数据的來源,简述其特点。3、 描述坡度、坡向、平面曲线和剖面曲线的概念、提取方法和地理 意义。4。 简述规则格网DEM和锡的数字地形分析的主要内容,并比较它们 的异同。5。 不同类型地理信息描述地形起伏特征分别采用什么方法,各有何 优缺点?6。说明数字高程模型(DEM)的分类体系。第10章空间统计分析1、统计分析、空间

14、统计分析、空间自相关和空间插值的含义是什么? O2o如何解释变异函数?3。 什么叫探索性数据分析?探索性数据分析的目的?4。 空间自相关问题使用什么参数进行分析?其结果的地理解释是什 么?5。 什么是空间冋归,与经典的冋归有什么差异?第11章地理信息可视化1。 简述空间信息可视化的概念和形式。2。 描述了 GIS的输出产品,并说明了它们的特点。3。 描述地图符号在空间信息可视化中的作用和意义。4。 什么是视觉现实?视觉现实在空间信息可视化中的意义和作用是 什么?5。 简述地图图面配置的方法与内容。6oThe hypsometric method content and its applicat

15、ion significance in three-dimensional visualization, comparison of contour map, shading map and perspective of the advantages and disadvantages of stereo image8.what are the three-dimensional modeling of spatial information and what are their respective characteristics?The twelfth c

16、hapter is the transmission of geographic informationWhat concept s the of WebGIS What are the main character and advantage of WebGIS?2.Describe, the, key, technique, of, WebGIS, briefly.3.What s, the, concept, of, WebGIS, based, on, Grid, which, What, s, the, it, chatacter, of?4.briefly describe the

17、 layering and characteristics of the OS I model and the TCP/IP mode1.5.,briefly describe the principles and characteristics of network GIS based on C/S mode and B/S mode What is a thin client?6.briefly describe the application and Prospect of GIS in mobile technology.The second part is to improve th

18、e exercisesThe first chapter is an introduction1.please, search, GIS, application, samples, interests, you, that, at, home, and, aboard, through, the, Internet2.please, search, the, research, institutes, related, to, GIS, and, its, distribution, by, the, Internet3.,what are the main publications abo

19、ut GIS technology in our country? What are the characteristics of each?4.,according to the information you have, analyze the development prospects of gisThe second chapter is the mathematical basis of Geography1.what, is, the, effect, in, the, and, application, ways, of, definition, the, traditional

20、, maps, because, , of, the, emergence, of, Digital, map?2.what, is, the, relationship, between, the, scalar, and, spatial, resolution, of, the, map?3.try, to, realize, transformation, between, the, Xi, an, the, Geodetic, Coordinates, and, Beijing, Geodetic, Coordinates, by, computer, programming.4.e

21、xplain where the surface of the earth magnetic what equals 0 degrees and 90 degrees, 180 degrees, 90 degrees greater than, less than 90 degrees;5.test analysis, latitude and Iongitude, why use 60 hexadecimal instead of 10?The third chapter is spatial data modelGenerally, explain, the, Object, Orient

22、ed, GIS, system, and, its, potential, advantages, compared, to, systems,other, etc.Use, how, to, the, current, data, model, to, the, GIS, model, of, a, garden, create, please, list, you, detailed, , steps, and, pla.n.The mutual influence between the 3. model of vector data and raster data model can

23、often be compared with particle physics as two, try to give your opinion.The fourth chapter is spatial data structure1.try, to, explain, the, possible, about, the, combination, of, ways, vector, data, structure, and, raster, data, structure2,try to modify the four tree definition,Make it suitable fo

24、r storing digital elevation data and explain the advantages and disadvantages of its storage structure.The fifth chapter is the organization and management of spatial dataCompare, the, characteristic, of, ArcSDE, OracleSpatia.1, and, other, spatial, data, , engine, by, reading, materials,GIS, etc.Ta

25、king, Jiangsu, province, for, example, try, to, explore, the, ways, and, methods, of, data, management, in, creating, the, provincial, GIS, of, Jiangsu, province3,analyze the characteristics of spatial and attribute data management of GIS software4,try to compare the attributes of ArcGIS, MGE and Ge

26、oStar in data management strategy.The sixth chapter is spatial data acquisition and processingBy, reading, literatures, and, web, materials, analyze, the, new, technology, and, method, in, , data, acquisition, , in, current, GIS2.what, are, the, methods, of, spatial, data, sharing?3.Consider the fol

27、lowing data sources needed for GIS applications or data production, and explain the reasons(1) 1:100 m ill ion DEM; (2) 1:5 million DEM; (3) in the eastern part of our countrys urban planning; (4) investigate the eutrophication of Taihu Lake basin.4.the design of a GPS road measurement system hardwa

28、re and software components, requiring the measurement of the road center line, road conditions and roadside ancillary facilities (the use of GPS technology and GIS technology);The seventh chapter is spatial data query and spatial measurement1.practise, each, operation, of, spatial, query, and, spati

29、al, measure, introduced, in, data, this, chapter, by, the,software, ArcView.2.try to design more than two algorithms to achieve the perimeter and area of the spotThe eighth chapter, GIS basic space analysis1.suppose the affection of a pollution declines with distance exponentially, the effect radius

30、 and the classification index are known, try to explain the steps and ways analyzing the pollution source with a buffer2.take, grid, DEM, data, data, source, find, the, peak, point, of, a, hill, by, raster, window, as, analyze (there, is, no, software, limitation, to, GIS, etc)3.,the establishment o

31、f an application for the siting of nuclear power plants, requiring nuclear power plants near the Bay, convenient transportation, terrain slope of less than 5 degrees, geological conditions safe, and avoid residential areas Try using the GIS method to design the application model for the location sel

32、ection. Use the block diagram to describe its operation and explain its operations and operatorsThe ninth chapter is DEM and digital terrain analysis The write a program to generate slope and aspect form regular a grid DEM. 2. explain, the, definition, of, grid, View, Shed, analyze, please, write, a, program, to, analyze, point, DEM, to, point, view, , shed, DEM. , of,

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