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1、黄冈英语试题 黄冈市2013年初中毕业生学业水平考试英语试题(考试时间120分钟 满分120分)第一部分选择题(共80分)2、语言知识运用(共二节,计35分)第一节单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)A)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出与句子划线部分意义相同或相近并能替代的那一项。26.How far is Yuhua Middle School from here? Its around five minuteswalk. A.about B.over C.more than D.less than27.The boy did his homework with the help

2、of his father in the past.But now he can do it alone. A.for himself B.on himself himself D.with himself28.The French book must be Li Yings.Shes the only one whos studying French. A.belong to Li Yings B.belong to Li Ying C.belong Li Yings D.belong Li Ying29.After nine yearshard-work,finally his

3、dream came true. the end the moment once last30.Speak slowly,Mr.Wang.I cant follow you. A.understand B.hear C.listen D.expectB)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。31.Someone called you just now. I know.But I was busy at that moment.When I called back,there was no . A.voice B.sound C.answ

4、er D.result32.When is Jays concert? It s_three o clock_the afternoon of July 18th.;in;on C.on;in;on33.What would you like to drink,girls? ,please. A.Two glass of water B.Two glass of waters C.Two cups of tea D.Two cups of teas34.Is this_football,boys? No, it is not . A.yours;ours B.yo

5、ur;our C.yours;our D.your;ours35.What should we do now,Mr.Clark? Please turn to Page_and look at the_picture. A.Twelve;fifth B.Twelfth;fifth C.Twelve;five D.Twelfth;five36.I dont know where to go this summer vacation. Why not_visiting Huanggang?There are many places of interest there. A.suggest B.wo

6、nder C.consider D.regard37.Whos the man over there?Is it Mr.Black? It_be him.Hes much taller. A.may not B.cant C.will not D.mustnt38.How is your grandma?Shes fine.She used to_TV at home after supper.But now she is used to_out for a walk.;go B.watching;go C.watching;going;going39.Dad,

7、please tell me when Mum_.I miss her very much. She will return when she_her task.And she will bring a nice present for you. A.returns;finishes B.returns;will finish C.will return;finishes D.will return;will finish40.Could I borrow your camera? ,but please give it back by Saturday. A.I am sorry B.Of

8、course C.Certainly not D.No,thanks41.Do you know_? He is a dentist. A.where he is from B.where is he from C.what does his father do D.what his father is42.Why are you walking so quickly,Edward? There_a talent show in ten minutes. A.will have B.will be going to have D.are going to be43.How heavi

9、ly it is raining! What a pity!We have to_our sports meeting. A.put off B.put out C.put on D.put up44.How often do I need to feed the dog? It_food everyday,or it will be hungry. A.must give B.must be give C.must be given D.must be gave45.Where is Tom? We cant find him anywhere. Perhaps he_home. A.has

10、 come going C.went D.was going第二节完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。 Martin is a fifteen-year-old boy.He used to be a“problem child”,but are cent 46 with his mother changed his life.He didnt use to give his mother many problems. 47,after his fathers death a few years ago,

11、Martins life became 48 more difficult.His mother couldnt afford to pay for her childs education.To do this,she 49 work,and so was of ten not at home. His mother looked after him as 50 as she could.Unfortunately,Martin still caused problems.He was not 51 in studying and he of ten got in to trouble.Lu

12、ckily,his mother was very 52 and didnt give up trying to help him.In the end,she 53 a difficult decision:to send him to a boysboarding school.Martin hated it and used to cause a lot of trouble. One day,he told his teacher he wanted to leave the school.The teacher said it was necessary for Martin to

13、54 with his mother.Martin called his mother,but to his 55,this phone call changed his life.“It was exactly 56 Ineeded,”he said.“My mother helped me to understand how much she had given me.She also told me that even though my father was no longer with us,he was 57 me and would always take pride in ev

14、ery thing good I do.Thats when I decided to change.I realize that 58 my father died,I have been afraid of being alone,and have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me.” Now Martin has 59 changed.He has been working hard and is now one of the best students in his class.How was he able to cha

15、nge?His mothers 60 helped him to feel good about himself.46.A.conversation C.survey D.speech 47.A.So B.But C.Therefore D.However48.A.very B.many C.much D.too 49.A.could B.had to C.should D.would50.A.soon B.quickly C.well D.good 51.A.pleased B.tired C.bored D.interested52.A.worried B.patient

16、 C.careful D.serious 53.A.made B.took D.thought54.A.argue B.say C.discuss 55.A.surprised B.surprising C.surprise D.surprises56.A.which B.what C.that 57.A.seeing B.noticing C.helping D.watching(2)A.since B.before C.after D.when 59.A.always B.hardly C.really D.just60.A.advice

17、 C.idea D.decision三、综合阅读(共三节,计34分)第一节综合知识(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分)根据所掌握的文化或背景知识,选择最佳选项。61.In_,people are supposed to kiss when they meet for the first time. A.Mexico B.Japan C.Korea D.Brazil62.France is a good place for vacation,you can visit_in France. A.Big Ben B.the Eiffel Tower C.Mount Fuji D.the Great

18、Wall63.Potato Chips were invented by a chef called_. A.Martin Robinson B.Stephen Hawking C.George Crum D.James Naismith64.What is the theme of Disney Land?A.Disney movies and Disney Characters. B.Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.C.Disney Cruise. D.Cartoons.65.Michael Jordan is a great American_player. A

19、.soccer of the following statements about inventions is TRUE?A.Calculator was invented after computer. B.Car was invented after TV.C.Computer was invented before TV. D.Telephone was invented before T V.第二节阅读理解(共7小题;每小题2分,满分14分) 阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。 (1) Th

20、e American book Who Moved My Cheese has been a best seller all over the world.It teaches people how to face changes in their lives.It is just for teens.The book tells us that when facing change in our life,like a new school or new friends,dont be afraid.Use this change to make a better life. The boo

21、k gives an example of a change at school.A school is changing from having two terms to three terms because there are too many students.Several teens are talking about this.Most of them are unhappy and worried.But Chris is not.He laughs and tells a story about two mice,two“little people”and some chee

22、se. The four are in a maze(迷宫)looking for The cheese.Here,cheese means some thing important in life.But they find the cheese is gone.The mice realize that they cant change what has happened and have to find more cheese.This means finding different dreams.The little people cant do this.They are afrai

23、d of change so they find no cheese. After Chris finishes the story,the friends understand one thing:to get more cheese,move in a new direction quickly.His friends understand how this can be used in the changes all teens face,such as doing well at school or feeling good about yourself. 67.The book Wh

24、o Moved My Cheese wants to teach us_. to find the cheese to face changes to make a better life to do well in our study 68.From the story,we can know that finding more cheese means_. A.finding more food B.finding more friends C.finding different dreams D.feeling good about our

25、selves69.Why does Chris tell the story to his friends? A.He wants to help his friends out. B.He likes telling stories. C.His friends like listening to stories. D.His teacher asks him to do so. (2) Long long ago a man went to India and he had never been there before.When he got there,he saw a lot of

26、fruit,but much of it was expensive because they couldnt grow much because there was little water.Finally he saw a big basket of some very red and long fruit.And it was the cheapest in the shop. So he went up and asked,“How much each kilo?”and the shop keeper said,“Two rupees(卢比).”Two rupees in India

27、 was nothing.So he bought a whole kilogram of the fruit and started eating it.But after he ate some of it:oh,my god!His eyes watered,his mouth watered and burnt,and his face became red.He jumped up and down,saying,“Ah!Ah!Ah!” But he still continued to eat the fruit!Some people who were looking at hi

28、m shook their heads and said,“Youre crazy,man.Those are chilies(辣椒)!You cant eat so many!People use them as a condiment,but only a little bit to put into food for taste.You cant just eat them like that.”But the silly man said,“No,I cant stop!I paid money for them,and now Ill eat them up.Its my money

29、!” And you think that man was silly,right?We sometimes do a lot of things like that.We spend money,time or effort doing something.And even though its been a long time,hard experience tells us it wont work,and we know theres no more hope,we still continue just because weve put money,time,effort and l

30、ove in to it.Just like the man who ate the chilies and felt so bad but couldnt stop because he didnt want to waste the money hed paid. So even if youve lost something,let it go and move on.Thats better than continuing to lose.70.The man chose to buy the red and long fruit only because . A.he hadnt e

31、aten it before_ B.he was hungry was cheap D.he hadnt seen it before71.The underlined word“condiment”in Paragraph3 probably means_. A.零食 B.水果 C.调料 D.蔬菜72.Which of the following sentence is TRUE?A.The man went to India to buy fruit. B.The man didnt want to waste money.C.The man bought the fruit because it was expensive. D.India can grow a lot of fruit.73.From the passage,we can learn that_.A.we shouldnt waste money B.we shou

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