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1、Sumatran orangutan Sumatran orangutan(Pongo abelii) Sumatran orangutan threatsOrangutans were hunted relentlessly throughout the majority of their South East Asian range, their large size and slow movements making them easy targets for hunters(8). However, the main threat to orangutans today is loss

2、 of habitat(7). In the past twenty years 80 percent of orangutan habitat has been lost to illegal logging, gold mining and conversion to permanent agriculture, in particular, palm oil plantations. What is special about these animals is their unique vulnerability to exploitation. Much of this may be

3、attributed to their extremely long inter-birth interval, typically eight years, making them the slowest breeding primates on earth(7).Forest fires raged through much of Borneo in 1997 and 1998 and it is estimated that around one third of the islands orangutan population was lost at this time. Orangu

4、tans that wander into palm oil plantations and other human-inhabited areas may also be captured for the illegal pet trade, although this is a by-product of shrinking habitat and not a main issue. Recent political instability in the region has caused an increase in illegal logging in protected areas,

5、 and an increase in the capture of infants for the illegal pet trade. The population of Sumatran orangutans was reported to have fallen by 46 percent from 1992 to 1999Sumatran orangutan conservationThe Sumatran orangutan is fully protected by law in Indonesia and is listed on Appendix I of the Conve

6、ntion on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), which bans international trade in this species. The key to saving this species is protecting tracts of unexploited forest that are interconnected and contain sufficient habitat(8). A massive national park has been proposed in the north of S

7、umatra covering 25,000 square kilometers and encompassing the existing Gunung Leuser National Park. The Leuser ecosystem will play a key role in protecting important refuges of the critically endangered Sumatran rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis), elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus) and tiger (Panth

8、era tigris sumatrae), as well as the orangutan and numerous lesser-known species(8). Due to the large home ranges that these apes require it is the protection of habitat that will ensure that these beautiful and enigmatic people of the forest survive into the next century(7).种群现状联合国环境规划署世界自然保护监测中心发表


10、500只,分布也特别零散,处于极其危险的境地。最终,保护中心会将救助的苏门答腊猩猩放归到岛上的国家公园里。衷心希望,苏门答腊猩猩不仅可以在那里重新过上自由的生活,同时也能够避免灭绝的命运。苏门答腊猩猩 The Sumatran Orangutan根据2008年的一份调查,目前野生的苏门答腊猩猩仅有6600只左右。当地居民对森林的过分砍伐,造成苏门答腊猩猩栖息地被严重破坏。另外,当地居民还对苏门答腊猩猩进行捕捉和猎杀,也是造成该物种数量急速减少的原因所在。According to a 2008 survey, the current wild Sumatran orangutan, only 6

11、600 or so. Local residents on the forest felling caused by excessive, Sumatran orangutan habitat was severely damaged. In addition, local residents also to the Sumatran orangutan for trapping and hunting, but also caused the number of species to reason在苏门答腊岛,农民为了防止自己的农作物被猩猩偷食,经常用枪射杀它们。如果猩猩是带着幼崽的,那么小

12、猩猩就会被当作宠物卖掉。而宠物猩猩的命运也十分悲惨,由于没有到正规的食物,它们通常病弱不堪。 最终,保护中心会将救助的苏门答腊猩猩放归到岛上的国家公园里。希望苏门答腊猩猩不仅可以在那里重新过上自由的生活,同时也能够避免灭绝的命运。In the island of Sumatra, farmers in order to prevent their crops were apes steal, often with gun shooting them. If the orangutan with pups, so small orangutan will be sold as a pet. Wh

13、ile the pet chimpanzee s fate is also very sad, because there is no formal food, they are usually extremely sick. Finally, the protection center will help Sumatran orangutan reintroduction to the island national park. Hope Sumatran orangutans can not only where to live a free life, but also to avoid

14、 the fate of extinction. 熊猫大熊猫的分布区已经相当狭小,实际上它的分布地点仅限于中国陕西秦岭南坡,甘肃、四川交界的岷山,四川的邛崃山、大相岭、小相岭和大小凉山等彼此分割的6个分布区域,栖息于海拔为1400米3600米之间的落叶阔叶林、针阔叶混交林和亚高山针叶林带的山地竹林中,总面积为29500平方公里。每个区域又由于高山、河流或公路、耕地等人为因素的影响,再被分离成更小的单位,所以栖息地实际面积不足总面积的20%,仅有约5900平方公里。总计全中国有30个小的种群,总数为1000只左右。其中除四川卧龙外,每个种群不足50只,有的仅有10余只。支离破碎的栖息地和孤立分布
















30、ne,bud,andbambooshoots.Thegiantpandahabitatusuallyhaveatleasttwokindsofbamboo.Whenabamboofloweringdeath(every30120annualbamboofloweringperiodicallytodeath),giantpandaseatbamboocanother.However,habitatfragmentationofcontinuousstateincreasedhabitatswithinonlyonekindofbamboo,whenthebamboodeath,thisareaisapandafaceshunger. 金丝猴 当前,除中国外,这些稀世珍宝在世界上仅有法国、英国等极少数国家的博物馆中收藏有若干标本。金丝猴的珍贵程度与大熊猫齐名,同属“国宝级动物”,它们毛色艳丽,形态独特,动作优雅,性情温和,深受人们的喜爱。金丝猴当前有五个种类:滇金丝猴、黔金丝猴、川金丝猴、越南金丝猴和2012年新近发现的“怒江金丝猴”(暂定名)。其中除了川金丝猴全身是金黄毛色外,其它三种都没有金色的体毛。滇金丝猴的体毛主要是黑灰色和白色的,它背披黑毛,臀

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