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Lesson 7国际化与发展类.docx

1、Lesson 7国际化与发展类7. 国际化与发展题材 Globalization and Development引言国际话题可分为国际援助、国际合作、国际旅游、多元文化、英语全球化等几条主线。具体来说:富国应不应该帮助穷国,国际援助中经济援助不一定解决贫困问题,提倡其他形式的援助是否同意?环境保护要不要加强国际合作国际旅游的利与弊国际旅游带来关系紧张还是促进理解为了赚钱吸引游客的项目会破坏传统文化,而有的人认为这是保留文化的唯一途径游客应该遵循当地人的习俗,另一些人则认为应该接纳文化差异多元文化的利与弊国际交流是否会导致民族特色丧失是否应该入乡随俗是否应该创造国际语言英语全球化的利弊21世纪的

2、机遇与挑战传统食品、服装、风俗习惯习惯与改变国际问题题目真题再现20080726 Some people think the main benefit of international cooperation is in protection of the environment, while others think that the main benefit is in the world business. Discuss both views and give your opinion.关键词解读:国际合作的好处20081120 International travel is beco

3、ming cheaper, and more and more countries open their door and with more and more tourists. Do the advantages of the increased tourism outweighits disadvantages?关键词解读:国际旅游20090207 Rich countries often give financial aid to poor countries, but it does not solve the poverty, so some people think that r

4、ich countries should give other types of help to the poor countries rather than the financial aid. To what extent do you agree or disagree?关键词解读:国际援助20100109 Some people believe that charity organizations should give aid to people in the greatest need wherever they live, while others think charity o

5、rganizations should concentrate on helping people in their own country instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.关键词解读:慈善组织帮助最需要的人20100626 International travel often leads people to have some prejudices rather than broad-mind. What are the main reasons of this phenomenon? What do you thi

6、nk people can do to get better understanding of the countries they visit?关键词解读:国际旅游带来偏见还是开阔视野链接机经关键词国际旅游 对于国家之间,增进相互了解(enhance mutual understanding),促进文化交流 (promote cultural exchange)。 对于本国,国际旅游能促进旅游资源的开发(exploit tourist resources)、创造就业机会 (create job opportunities)、促进相关产业发展(promote the relative indu

7、stries like catering, transportation and commerce),具体来说,旅游业的兴起带动航空业的发展(The surge of the aviation industry prompted by expanding tourism has already brought considerable benefits)。 增加税收 (increase the tax revenue)、提高生活水平 (improve the living standard)、 提升城市在世界的形象和地位 (build up the image and status in th

8、e world);对于个人来说,开阔人们的视野 (broaden ones horizons)、并能丰富人生经验 (enrich ones experience)。 有害的一面:对旅游资源的过度开发(over-exploitation of tourist resources)、破坏生态环境 (impair the ecological environment)、破坏野生动物的栖息地 (destroy the habitats of the wildlife)、过度消耗自然资源 (over-consume the natural resources)。 游客要尽量做到在美好的自然环境和文化环境

9、中,带走的只有照片和记忆(take nothing but pictures and memory)、不要造成(graffiti pollution) 涂鸦污染,也不要故意破坏文物的行为(vandalism);同时要(support local environmental and conservation efforts)。 文化的融合(cultural assimilation)不代表是一种文化入侵(be regarded as encroachment on the tradition),而是对文化的丰富(enrichment)。国际援助 出于人道主义(humanitarianism),援

10、助国(donors/ donating countries)对贫困国家(needy countries/ poverty-stricken countries/ impoverished countries/ underdeveloped countries)实施国际援助(international aid/ assistance),例如给予援助物质(beneficence/ donation)等,帮助受助国家(recipient countries)摆脱贫困(shake off the poverty),解除困苦(relieve the sufferings)。 通过经济援助方式(adequ

11、ate funding of efforts to combat the poverty),除了经济援助之外,还有什么方式的援助:应该在教育、医疗、公共基础设施、食物、安全的饮用水、卫生、基础教育、医疗保健(adequate food, safe water and sanitation, basic education, basic health care);通过科技,富国应该在技术和资金方面给与援助(transfer technology and cash from richer to poorer countries, to help the latter alleviate the p

12、overty);通过教育(address urgent needs in education and heath, to eliminate illiteracy can make a huge difference)。 国际援助的意义发扬人道主义精神(humanitarian aid),政府增加责任感 (increase accountability),帮助贫困国家提高生活水平(living standard)和科技水平(technical level);缩小贫富差距(bridge the gap of the rich and poor),寻求全世界共同发展(seek the common

13、 development)。有道德上的责任(a moral obligation),帮助穷人不仅有经济上的意义,也有道德上的意义(aiding the poor makes moral as well as economic sense)。为受灾的人提供救助(relief)是一种尊重生命的体现(show respect for life)。有利于促进和平和稳定(peace and security),促进各个领域的交流(cultural, economic and social interaction),促进全球文明的发展(global civilization)。缓和紧张关系(ease/ r

14、elieve tension),让一些国家可以融入全球经济(involvement in the global economy),促进和平稳定(peace and stability)。 国际援助的弊端:被援助国的经济依赖(the poorer countries economic reliance/ dependence),一些国家会比以往都更依靠援助(more dependent on aid than ever),被援助国的经济依赖(poorer countries economic reliance/ dependence),这会有损其自信(erode self-confidence)

15、、创造力(creativity)和国民的尊严(pride and dignity)。由于存在着腐败的政府官员和无能的管理,存在着滥用援助物资的潜在危险。(There exists a potential danger of the abuse of the beneficence by some corrupt governmental officials and inefficient administration),钱被滥用(mishandled);富裕国家只是用一种掩盖的手段来掠夺廉价的自然资源而从贫困国家中受益。 (Aid from rich countries is just a d

16、isguised way to exploit cheap natural resources and get great benefits from poverty-stricken countries).富国也以其他的方式危害着发展中国家,其中以温室气体的排放最为显著。(Rich countries also harm their developing counterparts in other ways, most notably with their emissions of greenhouse gases.) 或者援助的目的是出于经济利益的考虑、政治和外交方面的考虑等(donate

17、 money for economical, political or diplomatic reasons.) 词汇部分tourism n. 旅游,旅游业【同源词汇】tour n. 旅游,旅行;tourist n. 旅行者【即学即用】It may seem, that tourism brings only benefits, but further consideration shows that it also has disadvantages. 看似旅游业只带来了一些优势,但仔细考虑发现它也具有弊端。 词汇拓展 tourism activities 旅游活动 tourism indu

18、stry 旅游业 tourism marketing 旅游营销 tourism resource 旅游资源 tourist destination 旅游胜地;旅游目的地 tourist attractions 旅游景点 tourist guide 导游tourist resort 观光胜地recreation n. 娱乐,消遣,休养【同源词汇】recreational adj. 娱乐的,消遣的【同义表达】amusement n. 消遣,娱乐;entertainment n. 消遣, 娱乐; relaxation n. 消遣, 娱乐,放松【即学即用】Tourism is the act of t

19、ravel for the purpose of not only recreation, but also the process of experiencing. 旅游不仅是为了休闲放松,也是体验的过程。catering n. 饮食服务,备办食物【同义表达】provision n. 供应品【经典搭配】catering business 饮食业catering service 饮食服务【即学即用】It might occupy local services such as entertainment, accommodation and catering for tourists. 要为游客

20、提供娱乐、住宿及餐饮的服务。cuisine n. 烹饪,菜肴【即学即用】The increased exposure to the local culture, local cuisine, local economy, and environment inherently leads to enriching experiences. 多接触当地的文化、美食、经济、环境,就会丰富人生体验。taxation n. 征税,纳税【同义表达】revenue n. 税收【即学即用】Many countries depend heavily upon travel expenditures by for

21、eigners as a source of taxation and as a source of income for the local people. 很多国家依赖于外国游客而带来的税收,也是当地人收入来源。export vi & vt 出口,输出【即学即用】Therefore, the development of tourism is often a strategy to promote a particular region for the purpose of increasing commerce through exporting goods and services.

22、因此,通过产品和服务输出,旅游业是促进当地贸易发展的方略,从而带动地区的发展。occupation n. 职业【即学即用】Tourism provides direct employment for the people associated with occupations in bars and hotels. Thanks to it, the average standard of living of people increases well and at the same time unemployment is on the decrease. 旅游业能够带动相关行业的就业,如酒

23、吧和旅馆。多亏了旅游业,人们的生活水平有所提升,与此同时,失业率有所下降。infrastructure n. 基础设施,公共建设【经典搭配】infrastructure construction 基础设施建设【即学即用】Wildlife can be adversely affected by the construction and maintenance of tourist infrastructure, and by tourist activities. 基础设施的建设与维护、游客的参观活动,会给野生动物带来负面的影响。artificial adj.人造的,人工的,人为的【经典搭配】

24、artificial intelligence 人工智能 artificial satellite 人造卫星【即学即用】In addition, in order to attract tourists, a lot of artificial facilities have been built, which have certain unfavorable effects on the environment. 另外,为了吸引旅游者,修建大量设施,对环境产生不利影响。graffiti n. 墙上乱写乱画的东西(graffito的复数形式) vt. 在上涂鸦,涂写【经典搭配】graffiti

25、 pollution 涂鸦污染【即学即用】The ultimate goal is to leave a very selective record of ones visit: no traces at camp sites; zero pollution of air and water; properly disposed of waste; no graffiti pollution and fair compensation for resources used. 最终的目标是要留下该留下的足迹:露营的地方不要留下痕迹,空气和水的零污染,恰当地处理废物,没有涂鸦污染,对于使用的资源要

26、有合理的补偿。vandalism n. 故意破坏文物的行为【即学即用】Tourism undermines culture by commercializing it and this is often connected with increasing litter, graffiti, vandalism and noise - tourists do not always respect traditional cultures, which is sad but true. 旅游业的商业化破坏了文化,随处扔垃圾、涂鸦、故意破坏文物、噪音等污染,令人遗憾是游客不能一贯地尊重当地的传统文化

27、。ecotourism n. 生态旅游,生态旅行【即学即用】Ecotourism can be more prosperous as a green industry, which aspires to give indigenous peoples an opportunity to realize fair income and to raise them up from extreme poverty.生态旅游作为绿色产业前景远大。生态旅游能够实现本土居民可观收入,摆脱极度贫困。思路拓展The International Tourism Society (TIES) defines ec

28、otourism as “Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the welfare of local people.”做个环保的旅行者的公式=E3 (Environment, Economics, Education)1 环保(Environmentally friendly)selection of energy efficient lodging, consuming local produced food and goods, and minimizing was

29、te at all levels环保的游客:节约能源,吃当地食物,减少垃圾2 经济利益(Economic benefits)supporting indigenous economy, including local produced food, goods and services, and local employment generator 支持本地经济3 人文教育(Educational and enriching) explore the diversity and complexity of the local natural and human ecology 探索自然及人文的丰

30、富性ecosystem n. 生态系统【即学即用】Increasingly tourists are visiting areas where the ecosystem is fragile and resources are scarce. 大量的游客涌入到景区,致使生态系统遭到破坏,资源匮乏。思路拓展如何做到responsible travellersSolutions (for visitor) act to support cultural diversity 包容文化多样性 engage in activities that add value to the community 做

31、对当地有价值的事 dont do activities that deteriorate the environment 不能破坏环境 dont engage in illegal activities 不能从事违法活动sensitive adj. 敏感的【即学即用】The traveler must reexamine their behavior and become more sensitive to their impact on the local environment, both natural and cultural. 游客必须要重新认识自己的行为,意识到会不会对当地的自然环

32、境和人文环境造成影响。conscientious adj. 认真的,尽责的【同源词汇】conscientiously adv. 良心上;conscientiousness n. 尽责,凭良心办事【即学即用】There are hundreds of ways to be an environmentally conscientious traveler. 很多种方式能成为环境保护意识强的游客。indigenous adj. 本土的,国产的,固有的,土著的【经典搭配】indigenous population 土著【即学即用】The traveler must learn the cultural and social taboos and the local customs and tra

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