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1、B3U6B课文单词新视野3New Words:accordance accordance (n.) -accord (v./ n.) -according (ad.) -accordingly (ad.);n. U (in with) according to 按照;依据EG: We should act in accordance with the law. 我们应依法办事。In accordance with her wishes, she was buried in France. 根据她的遗愿,她被埋葬在法国。In other words, things in nature are l

2、arge or small, new or old, only in accordance with the measures and the comparisons involved.自然界事物的大小、新旧是根据相关的标准和参照物来判定的。duration duration (n.) -durable (a.) -during (prep.); n. U the length of time that sth. lasts 持续期间EG: He planned a stay of two years duration. 他计划呆两年。The storm was of short durati

3、on. 暴风雨持续时间很短。rotate rotate (v.) -rotary (a.);v. turn around a fixed point, or make sth. do this (使)旋转;(使)转动EG: The satellite slowly rotates as it circles the Earth. 卫星在绕地球旋转的同时缓慢地自转。circular circular(a.)- circle (n./v.)-circuit (n.)- circulate (v.) -circulation (n.); a. shaped like a circle; round

4、圆形的,圆的EG: The full moon has a circular form. 满月呈圆形。The cattle are kept in a large circular enclosure. 牛都被圈在一个大的环行圈里。hydrogen n. U 氢EG: Water contains hydrogen and oxygen. 水含有氢和氧。Hydrogen is a kind of easily burning gas. 氢是一种易燃气体。nitrogen n. U 氮EG: What is the percentage of nitrogen in air? 空气中氮的百分比是

5、多少?Nitrogen is of paramount importance to life on the Earth. 氮对地球上的生命来说非常重要。sphere n. 1. C an object shaped like a round ball 球形;球体EG: A huge sphere hangs from the ceiling. 天花板上悬挂着一个巨大的球体。Every point on the surface of a sphere is at an equal distance from its center. 球面上的每一点到球心的距离都是相等的。2. C a range

6、or area of activity, work, etc. 范围;领域EG: Most of our friends come from the same social sphere as we do. 我们的朋友大多和我们来自同一社会阶层。It is sometimes difficult for film stars to keep the public and private spheres of their lives separate. 对影星来说,把公开行为和私生活分开有时是很难做到的。primitive a. 1. of a very early stage in the d

7、evelopment of sth. 原始的;早期的EG: Primitive races colonized these islands 2,000 years ago. 原始人2,000年前开垦了这些岛屿。Even today the villagers live in a primitive one-crop economy. 直到今天,村民们仍过着原始的以单一作物为生的生活。2. simple when compared with modern things 简陋的;粗糙的EG: They built a primitive shelter out of tree trunks. 他们

8、用树干建造了一个极简陋的棚子。People are living in tents, without running water and in primitive conditions. 人们住在帐篷里,没有自来水,生活条件简陋。shell n. C the hard outer covering of sth. 硬壳EG: The little birds eggs had pretty blue shells. 这些小鸟的蛋有美丽的蓝色蛋壳。I used to spend hours collecting shells on the beach. 我过去常常一连几个小时在海滩上捡贝壳。di

9、nosaur n. C 恐龙EG: What was the largest of all dinosaurs? 恐龙中最大的是哪一种? The dinosaurs were the reptiles that inhabited the Earth before the appearance of man and died out. 恐龙是爬行动物,在人类出现以前生活在地球上,现在已经灭绝了。mammal n. C an animal that drinks milk from its mothers body when it is young 哺乳动物EG: Humans, dogs, e

10、lephants are all mammals, but birds and fish are not. 人类、狗和大象都是哺乳动物,而鸟和鱼不是。More than 100 bird species and 35 mammal species have been identified at the park. 在那个公园,有100多种鸟和35种哺乳动物已被确认。warm-bloodeda. having a warm body whether the temperature around is hot or cold (动物)热血的EG: It would seem that there

11、are two types of warm-blooded animals. 好像有两种热血动物。When the results of these tests are finally known, we may at last know for sure whether dinosaurs were warm-blooded or not. 当最终得出这些测试的结果时,我们就可能确定恐龙是否是热血动物。flourish vi. grow or develop successfully 茂盛;兴旺EG: Four years ago, the countrys tourist industry

12、 was flourishing. 四年前,这个国家的旅游业繁荣起来。Very few plants will flourish without enough water. 没有足够的水很少有植物会生长得茂盛。evolution evolution (n.) -evolve (v.); n. 1. U the development of living things over many thousands of years from simple early forms 进化EG: The Theory of Evolution was advanced by Darwin. 进化论是由达尔文

13、提出的。The process of biological evolution has taken billions of years. 生物进化的过程经历了数十亿年。In the course of evolution, some birds have lost their power of flight. 在进化过程中,一些鸟丧失了飞行的能力。2. U the way in which sth. gradually changes and develops 演变;发展EG: Cultural and social evolution has now become extremely rap

14、id. 文化和社会发展现在变得极为迅速。Political evolution is a slow process. 政治变革是一个缓慢的过程。species n. (pl. species) a plant or animal group whose members all have similar features and are able to produce young plants or animals 物种;种EG: The giant panda is an endangered species. 大熊猫是一种濒临灭绝的物种。There are over 50 species o

15、f birds living on the island. 有五十多种鸟栖居在这个岛上。manual a. done with the hands 手工的;人工的EG: The latest post office machines can sort letters at 30,000 items an hour, which is much faster than manual sorting. 邮局的最新机器每小时可以分拣3万份邮件,大大快于手工分拣。A lot of manual workers will lose their jobs as a result of using robo

16、ts. 机器人的使用将使很多体力劳动者失业。n. C a book which gives practical instructions on how to do sth. or how to use sth. 操作手册;指南EG: The computer comes with a 600-page instruction manual. 该电脑附有一本600页的操作手册。She bought a manual of home repairs. 她买了一本家庭维修手册。ore n. C, U rock, earth, mineral, etc. from which metal can be

17、 obtained 矿石;矿砂EG: Metal ores are often found mixed with rock and dirt and are rarely pure enough to be processed straight away. 人们找到的金属矿石经常是和岩石及尘土混在一起的,很少纯净得可以直接进行加工处理。Six thousand tons of ore can be processed at the site each day. 每天在这块场地上可以加工处理六千吨矿石。machinery machinery (n.) -machine (n./v.); n. U

18、 machines in general 机器EG: New machinery is being installed in the factory. 这家工厂正在安装新机器。The use of heavy machinery has damaged the site. 使用重型机械破坏了该场地。tractor n. C a vehicle which is used on farms for pulling machinery or other heavy things 拖拉机EG: The tractor is the most widely used agricultural mach

19、ine. 拖拉机是用得最广泛的农业机械。A new tractor of this size costs $60,000. 这种型号的新拖拉机六万美元一辆。fertilizer fertilizer (n.) -fertile (a.);n. C, U (BrE fertiliser) a natural or chemical substance which is spread on the land to make plants grow well 肥料;化肥EG: Animal manure makes a good fertilizer. 动物粪是良好的肥料。Others say th

20、at exporting fertilizers and pesticides to developing countries will help them increase their production. 其他人说,出口化肥和杀虫剂给发展中国家将帮助他们增加产量。location location (n.) -locate (v.); n. C a place or position of sth. 地点;位置EG: Were trying to find a good location for our party. 我们正设法找一个理想的聚会场所。First, we must deci

21、de on the location of our new swimming pool. 首先,我们必须选定新建游泳池的地点。proportionalproportional (a.) -proportion (n.); a. corresponding in size, amount or degree to sth. 与.成比例的EG: The degree of punishment is meant to be proportional to the seriousness of the crime. 刑罚的程度应当是与犯罪的严重性成比例的。The pay will be propor

22、tional to the amount of time put in. 报酬将与花费的时间成比例。proportionallyad. being proportional 与.成比例地EG: Proportionally to her income, she spends far more on holidays than I do. 她在度假上比我花的钱多得多,这和她的收入是成比例的。The crime rate is proportionally much higher in the north of the country. 就比例而言,犯罪率在这个国家的北部要高得多。restrain

23、t restraint (n.) -restrain (v.); n. U the ability not to do sth. that one wants to do very much 克制;抑制EG: The government appealed for restraint, insisting the crisis could be resolved without the use of force. 政府呼吁人们克制,并坚持说无需使用武力就可以解决危机。I think you showed great restraint in not hitting him after hear

24、ing what he said. 听了他的那种话你居然没有揍他,我认为你表现了很大的克制力。fraction n. C a small part of sth. 小部分;片段EG: The shopkeepers are complaining that business has been reduced to a fraction of what it was before the war.店主都在抱怨说生意已经减少到战前的很小一部分了。The car missed me by a fraction of an inch. 那车差一点撞到我了。renew vt. 1. replace st

25、h. with sth. new of the same kind 更新;更换EG: The window frames need to be renewed. 这些窗户框架需要更新了。I bought some material and renewed the covers on the chairs. 我买了些布料更换椅套。2. arrange for sth. to continue for a further period of time 将.延期EG: If you are wondering whether to renew your subscription to our mag

26、azine, perhaps you would like to read page 19 before deciding. 假如您还在考虑是否要续订我们的杂志,请您在做决定之前读一读第19页的内容。Gordon has not renewed his contract with the company, which means he may leave the company soon. 戈登还没有续签他与公司的合同,这意味着他也许不久将要离开公司。pollution pollution (n.)- pollute (v.); n. 1. U substances that make air

27、, water, soil dangerously dirty 污染物EG: industrial/chemical pollution 工业/化学污染物The men were clearing all the pollution off the beach. 那些人正在清除海滩上的所有污染物。2. U the process of making air, water, soil dangerously dirty 污染EG: The congress has approved of the anti-pollution laws. 国会通过了反污染法。Major steps are bei

28、ng taken to control the pollution of beaches. 现正采取重要措施来控制海滩的污染。likewise ad. in the same way; similarly 同样地EG: They went on foot and I did likewise. 他们步行去,我也步行去了。The clams were delicious. Likewise, the eggplant was excellent. 蛤蜊味道很好,茄子也一样。petroleum n. U a dark thick oil obtained from under the ground

29、 石油EG: This area is rich in petroleum. 这个地区盛产石油。Petroleum is found in underground deposits in various parts. 石油可在地下多处分布的沉积物中找到。petrol n. U (AmE gas/gasoline) a liquid used esp. as fuel for cars and other vehicles 汽油EG: Id better fill up with petrol at the next station. 我最好在下一站加汽油。He was conscious of

30、 feeling cold in the van and of the unpleasant smell of petrol. 他意识到在车里感到冷,也意识到汽油的怪味。accelerate accelerate (v.)- acceleration (n.); v. happen or make sth. happen faster or sooner 加速;促进EG: The car suddenly accelerated. 汽车突然加速了。Fertilizer will accelerate the growth of these tomato plants. 化肥会加快这些番茄的生长。permanent a. lasting for a long time or for ever 长久的;永久的EG: This car wax gives permanent protection against heavy rain. 这种汽车蜡能长久防止大雨侵蚀。Is this your permanent address, or are you only staying there for a short time? 这是你的永久地址还是你只是临时住在那儿?particle n. C an extremely small piece of matter 粒子;

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