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深圳牛津版初一英语上册复习资料 更新到Unit 4.docx

1、深圳牛津版初一英语上册复习资料 更新到Unit 4叶祖怡、刘文洁冲刺期末专用。请严格按照老师的冲刺计划进行,要背的一定背熟。争取期末一鸣惊人。方式:老师帮你们总结了每单元的重点,请珍惜老师每天熬夜的成果,要熟读的一定要熟读,要背诵的一定能背诵。每掌握一单元,老师会让你们做一套能整合此单元知识的试卷。检测大家掌握程度。查漏补缺!每单元大家做完我会给大家讲解,并会归纳分析试卷,保证让你们每个知识点都掌握,你们需要做的是记忆,熟练。你们要记得,我们不只是为了这次期末考试,更是为了以后初二,初三的学习,因为英语就像做房子,只有打好了基础,将每个知识点掌握了才能有利于后面的学习,否则都将功亏一篑,越是后

2、来成绩越难追上。相信老师,只要你们愿意,只要你们能下定决心,切记慵懒,老师保证在我们的共同努力下一定能成为最优秀的学生,和你们相处的一段时间很开心,老师经常自己下定决心,不把你们成绩提起来誓不罢休,但是总是感觉你们不能明白我的良苦用心,老师很着急,希望你们也能配合。因为只有你们努力才能真正看的到回报的。虽然我知道你们作业很多,但是时间都是挤出来的,你每天花半个小时,让我们一起以最高的效率,最积极的态度投入这次的期末冲刺复习中。 2011-12-14 文老师Chapter 1 Making friends一,语言重点(要能默写)1. favourite sport 最喜欢的运动 10。enjoy

3、 doing sth.喜欢做某事2. write to sb. 写信给某人 11。best subject最好的科目3. would like to 愿意:想 12。a photo of myself 一张我自己的照片4. play chess 下国际象棋 13。in the middle 在中间 5. live with 和一起住 14。best wishes 诚挚问候(用于信尾)6. speak Chinese 说中文 15。reply to = answer 回复 7. work as 从事工作 16。hear from 收到(某人)来信8. walk to school 步行去学校 =

4、get/receive a letter from9. be keen on 对着迷:热衷于 二,重点语法句子掌握(考点)1. 中文地址是从大到小,而英语地址是从小到大。2. I would like to be your penfriend. 我想成为你的笔友。Would like to=want to 表示想要,愿意3. I am twelve years old. 我12岁。 “数词+单位+形容词” 可以表示身高、体重、长度、宽度、年龄等。The room is 7 metres long, 5 metres wide and 2.5 metres high.(注意metres,year

5、s 都是复数,加了S)4. My favourite hobby is playing chess. 我最大的兴趣爱好是下国际象棋。= I like playing chess best. 5. My parents own a Chinese restaurant in Newcastle. 我父母在纽卡斯尔开有一间中国餐馆。own=have/has 表示“拥有” He owns a dog=He has a dog. He is the owner of a dog. 6. He works as an architect in London. = He is an architect i

6、n London. 他在伦敦当建筑师work as 表示“从事工作”7. I am in Form One at Walker School. Form one=Grade One8. I am keen on sports. 我热爱运动。Be keen on =likevery much= be very interested in 表示热衷于Many boys are keen on playing the guitar. 很多男孩喜欢弹吉它。=Many boys like playing the guitar very much. =Many boys are interested in

7、 playing the guitar. 9. I enjoy playing rugby and badminton in winter, and tennis in summer. 我喜欢在冬天打英式橄榄球和羽毛球,在夏天打网球。enjoy doing sth=like doing sth. 表示“喜欢做某事”enjoy oneself= have a good time= have fun 表示过得愉快10.I live with my parents in the UK.我和我父母都住在英国。 live with 和住一起11. The teachers are very friend

8、ly. 老师们很友好。 friendly adj. 友好的;友善的,名词是friend, 意义相近的词是kind. 注意: be friendly to sb. = be kind to sb. 对某人友好的/友善的friendly 的另外一种用法为: be friendly with sb. 与某人友好 Li Ming is friendly with me . 李明与我很友好。语法部分1. Questions with question words (带疑问词的特殊疑问句)(1) what 什么 whats your name?(2) where 哪里 Where do you live?

9、(3) when 什么时候 When will you go to Shenzhen?(4) Who 谁 Who is your father?(5) Whose 谁的 Whose car is this?(6) Which 哪一个 Which magazine is yours? The new one is mine. (7) Why 为什么 Why were you late this morning? Because I missed the bus.(一定用because回答)(8) how 怎样 How does Simon go to school? On foot. (9) h

10、ow old 多大岁数 How old are you? Im twelve years old. (10) how many + 可数名词 表示多少 How many students are there in your class? 4(11)how much + 不可数名词 “多少 ” 或 “多少钱 ”How much milk is there in the bottle? There is a little. How much is the book? It is five yuan. (12) how long 多久时间 How long does it take you to d

11、o your homework every day? About/For two hours. (13) how often 多久一次How often do you write to your penfriend? Twice a month. (14) how soon 多快,指时间How soon will your father come back? In two hours. (15) how far 多远,指距离How far is it from your house to your school? About two miles. 2. an and a (不定冠词) (作为专

12、题讲过,这里就不多说了)(1) a 用于以辅音音素开头的单数名词前,an 用于以元音(a e i o u)音素开头的单数单词前a dentist a magazine an architect an engineer a horse a hospital an hour an honest man a usual day a European an English dictionary (2) 对于第一次提到某个人或事物,要用不定冠词a或an,再次提到时,则用定冠词the,There is a young man waiting for you. I have an orange. The o

13、range is on the table. The girl wants to be an actress. 2. 连词 and, but and so (1) and ,和 表示并列 She has a son and a daughter. (2) but 但是,表示转折 He has much money, but he is not happy at all. (3) so 所以 表示结果 I cant sleep, so I often feel very tired in the day. 3,介词(in on at with without under of above,bef

14、ore ,after)后面一定是加动词的ing形式。例如:I was tired after work, so I went to bed without _having_(have) the meal.4若前后有两个动词,中间一定要用to 隔开。Eg, come to see a bird.6. 考点5:speak + 语言 与“说”相关的动词用法归纳: say + 说话内容 talk +to/with/about sb. speak to sb 跟某人说话 tell sb sth 告诉某人某事 I can speak Chinese. ( L21, P3) 我会说中文.试题:Sorry,

15、I cant _ it in English. I can only _ Chinese. A. speak, talk B. say, tell C. say, speak D. talk, speak (C)作文:写信的格式.(这个主要是为了你们的作文,期末考试很可能就考这样的英语作文)(1)信内一般会写上寄信人的地址。在写地址的时候,要注意:从小写到大。这和中文信地址的写法刚好相反。(2)写信日期也与中文不同,英文信的日期一般写在寄信人地址之下,中文信一般写在信的末尾。 (3)英文信中,常常用Dear作为问候。如正式信函,一般用Dear Mr. Smith/Dear Miss Wang等

16、;如无法分辨男女, 则用Dear Sir/Madam;如是朋友,往往直接在Dear后加名字,如Dear Kitty/Dear Simon等。(4)信的正文往往占据了很大篇幅。一般信的开头要稍加问候,信的末尾也要问候收信人,并期待收到对方的来信。如: Best wishes! Looking forward to your letter.(5)结尾还要写上敬语,如Yours sincerely或Vurs tnlly(比较正式、庄重)、Yours love(比较随意,用于亲 人、朋友之间)、Yours等。(6)信的末端还要签名。 UNIT 1 Making Friends(一)词组运用。1.诚挚问

17、候 2.下国际象棋 3.最喜欢的运动 4.一封笔友来信 5.愿意;想 6.和一起住 7.一个名叫Mary的女孩_ 8.从事工作_9.最大的兴趣爱好_ 10.写信给某人_二、用单词的适当形式填空:1. I have a brother _(name) Edwin.2. Our teacher are very kind and _ _ (friend)3. I enjoy _ (play) rugby and badminton in winter.4. He is a friend of your _ _ (father).5. Could you tell me the _ _ (long)

18、 of the river?6. You should read and think first before _ (use) your dictionary.7. Practicing _ (say) it in English is good for our English study.8. Whats your w ? Im 50kg.9. 12. If you dont know a word, you may look it up in a (词典;字典)。三、 选择填空:( ) 1. - You should add _ “s” in the word. - Oh, thanks.

19、 _ “s” should be the first letter of the word. A. a; The B. a; An C. an; The D. the; The( )2. He is Chinese. He comes _ China. A. in B. C. on D. from( )3. - What does your brother do ? - He works _ an architect. A. as B. is C. at D. being( )4. - _ will it take us to get there by bus? - About a week.

20、 A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. How far( )5.- - _ do you go back home? - Once a week. A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. How far( )6. - _ is your father, Linda? - He is watering the flowers in the garden. A. When B. How C. What D. Where( )7. - _ did the teacher talk to you this morning

21、? - Something about the class meeting. A. When B. What C. Where D. How( )8. - _ did you come to Guangzhou? - By plane. A. How B. Why C. When D. Which( )9. - How far is your house from here? - _. A. Its two kilometers away B. Its two kilogrammes. C. Its two metres long. D. Its two centermetres.( )10.

22、 My favourite hobby is playing badminton. The word “hobby” means _ A. something you hate B. someone you like C. something you like doing D. someone you hate( )11. I enjoy _ rugby and badminton. A. play B. played C. to play D. playing( )12. He was born _ a winter morning. A. in B. at C. on D. of( )13

23、. Mary and Tom _ their aunt in Australia this winter vacation. A. visit B. are going to visit C. visited D. visits( )14. - _. - Thank you. A. You look beautiful today. B. No smoking here. C. Shall I close the door? D. Could you help me?( )15. Tom is ill at home, _ he cant go to school. A. so B. if C

24、. because D. but( ).16. Im good at English, so English is my _ subject. A. best B. better C. bad D. worst( )17. We learn English by _ the radio. A. listen to B. hear C. listening to D. hearing( )18. The boy is about five _ tall. A. meter B. feet C. foot D. meters( )19. He _ born in 1992 in Guangzhou

25、. A. is B. be C. will be D. was( )20. Im good at English, so English is my _ subject. A. best B. better C. bad D. worst( )21. She plays tennis well, but she doesnt play piano well. A. /; the B. the; / C. a; a D. the; the ( )22.My favourite hobby is badminton. B. playing C.played D.plays ( ) 2

26、3. My pen-friend is six seven tall. A. foot; inch B. foots; inches C. feet; inches D. feet; inch四、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1. My a_ is to be a pilot. 2. He was b_ in America, but he lives in China. 3. Mary is sixteen years old, but Im fourteen years old, so Im her y_ sister. 4. She enjoys playing computer gam

27、es. So playing computer games is her h_. 5. If you read the first sentence only, you cannot t_ what the words meaning is. 6. One f_ is twelve inches. 7. Im toothache. I have to see the d_. 8. If you dont know a word, you may look it up in a d_. 9. We have three m_ a day, breakfast, luch and supper.

28、10. My f_ subject is English, I often help my classmates with their English.五、 补全对话A. time B. with C. early D. Great E. meet F. betterA: Mary, were going to climb Wutong Mountain tomorrow. Are you coming _ us?B: _. Id love to. Shall we bring food for a picnic?A: Good idea! We “ll start _ in the morn

29、ing. Well _ at the school gate at seven. Is that OK?B: Thats fine.A: Dont be late, please.B: Dont worry. Ill be there on _. Bye-bye.B: Good bye.A: Please fill it out. B. Whats your name?C: I want to join the computer club. D. Where do you live?E: Youre right. F: I want to learn more about it.A: Hi, can I help you?B: Yes, please _A: Good. _B: Sandy.A: _B: I live on Beijing Road.A: How old you?B: Im twelve years old now.A: Why do you want to join us?B: I like playing computer games. _A: Here is a card. _B: OK. Thank you.六。根据汉语提示,补全句子,每空一词。1.我想成为你的笔友。 2.我哥哥在伦敦从事建筑师工

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