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1、秋浙江大学英语2在线作业二及答案最新2015年秋浙江大学英语(2)在线作业二及答案-最新1. - Thats a real letdown! - My parents are not able to attend the graduation. - _A Theres no problem.B Thats too bad. But theyll feel happy for you.C They have a good time.D Take it easy. Its not a big deal.正确答案:B词汇结构2.In the early days everyone _ have a

2、good time indeed.A was used2015浙江英语答案B used toC uses toD got used to正确答案:B词汇结构3.Judged _ her appearance, she cant be over 30.A inB withC to最新在线作业试卷及满分答案D by正确答案:D交际英语4. - Is my illness serious? - _.A Well done.B Dont worry. You will be well soon.C Sorry, I have no idea.D Its really bad for you.正确答案:

3、B词汇结构5.Within a few hours I noticed a large number of fish _ at the water surface.A appearingB touchingC producingD interpreting正确答案:A词汇结构6.Did you have a word as well to describe _ in that jungle?A it was what likeB it was like what最新在线作业试卷及满分答案C what it was likeD what was it like正确答案:C词汇结构7.You wi

4、ll learn that I can be a better friend to you than _ sent you here.A those peopleB peopleC whoD those who正确答案:D词汇结构8.If youd seen me five or six years ago, you wouldnt _ me now.A recognizeB receiveC reactD respond正确答案:A词汇结构9.Dad is a little _ and needs a hearing aid.A wrong最新在线作业试卷及满分答案B deafC slowD

5、 blind正确答案:B词汇结构10.For all of us, to be able to talk in an _ of trust and support is the most important.A apartmentB accidentC additionD atmosphere正确答案:D交际英语11.- How could you screw things up (把事情搞砸) again? - _.A Its quite a happy surprise!B You do look well.C You would have done the same in my posi

6、tion.D Im sorry. It wont happen next time.正确答案:D词汇结构最新在线作业试卷及满分答案12.There were _ in some of the distant fields which i thought to be sheep.A linesB dotsC piecesD palms正确答案:B词汇结构13.We have followed the trail of these people _ find that they have moved.A onlyB alsoC only toD also to正确答案:C词汇结构14.The ra

7、in was _ we could hardly move forward.A so heavy thatB such a heavy thatC such heavy andD so heavy and正确答案:A最新在线作业试卷及满分答案交际英语15. - Im afraid I cannot pass the exam. - _.A Why not? You can do it!B You are right.C The same to you.D I hope so!正确答案:A词汇结构16.Energy is _ makes things work.A whatB whichC al

8、l whatD that正确答案:A交际英语17.- _ - Could you please consider again?A My computer went wrong.B Im fond of reading novels.C Let me help you carry the suitcase.D Im afraid we cant give you that position.正确答案:D词汇结构最新在线作业试卷及满分答案18.Today there is more awareness of the _ between food and health.A valueB connec

9、tionC agreementD difference正确答案:B词汇结构19.He came to Peking University _ a visiting scholar several years ago.A asB such asC as toD as well正确答案:A词汇结构20.A actuallyB magicallyC lightlyD spiritually最新在线作业试卷及满分答案正确答案:C完型填空21.Money exists as a convenient tool to _21_ the main problem associated with barter

10、 (物物交换). This problem can be generalized _22_ the problem of find someone who both happens to have what you want and also happens to want_23_ you have. Imagine that money does not_24_, but baseball and baseball cards do. Imagine you want one of Bobs baseball cards and all you have is apples. If Bob

11、does not want any _25_, no trade can take place. To overcome this problem, you have to find out what Bob DOES WANT. You must then findsomeone who _26_ happens to have what Bob wants and also happens to want apples. You can then _27_ some of your apples for the item Bob wants and then trade with Bob

12、for his baseball cards. This process of trading for things you dont want _28_ you can ultimately trade for what you do want is called“Indirect Exchange.” As you might _29_, this can take a lot of time and effort, and it will not take long before people begin searching for items thatare universally (

13、普遍的) _20_ in trade byeverybody. When this item is discovered, money is born. 最新在线作业试卷及满分答案 1.A) show B) solve C) understand D) flow 2.A) by B) to C) as D) for 3.A) that B) how C) which D) what 4.A) exist B) happen C) discover D) create 5.A) apples B) money C) barter D) baseball cards 6.A) either B)

14、neither C) both D) as well 7.A) sell B) trade C) buy D) spend 8.A) because B) as long as C) so that D) but 9.A) complete B) hear C) remember D)imagine 10.A) accepted B) missed C) agreed D) ordered正确答案:1-B, 2-C, 3-D, 4-A, 5-A, 6-C, 7-B, 8-C, 9-D, 10-A 阅读理解22.1. Slow Food International, a non-profitor

15、ganization, was founded in 1989. The organization aims to promote the consumption of fresh, high-quality local foods that areproduced using safe practices. 2.最新在线作业试卷及满分答案environment,6. Katy McNulty, 23, a student at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, is currently in the process of starting a Slow Foo

16、d chapter on her campus. 7. 1. The best title for the passage is _. A.Slow Food Responsibility B.Slow Food MovementC.Slow Food Members D.Slow Food Miami 2. Why did the author cite Donna Renos words? A. Because Donna Reno is the leader of Slow Foods Miami chapter. B. Because Donna Reno supports Petri

17、nismovement. C. Because it helps people to eat high-quality local最新在线作业试卷及满分答案最新在线作业试卷及满分答案foods safely. D. Because it illustrates the aim of Slow Food International. 3. What does the phrase take off (paragraph 3) probably mean? A. Succeeded. B. Flied away. C. Left hurriedly.D. Changed. 4. How many

18、Slow Food on-campus chapters are there in the US now? A. One B. 16,000 C. None D. 23 5. Which of the following is an advantage of establishing Slow Food on-campus chapters? A. Peaceful campus. B. Experience of students.C. High consumption of students. D. Large number of student population.正确答案:1-B, 2-D, 3-A, 4-C, 5-DDD77C737325F96C8

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