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1、英语口语之人际交往篇英语口语之人际交往篇http:/www.51T2006-2-23来源:无忧考网 51T 提出邀请 我们几个朋友准备在我家聚一聚。 Were going to have a few friends over at my house. A: Were going to have a few friends over at my house. Would you like to come? 我们几个朋友准备在我家聚一聚,你能来吗? B: Absolutely yes. 当然要去。 我们晚上有个派对,你来吗? We have a party tonight. Would you l

2、ike to come? A: We have a party tonight. Would you like to come? 我们晚上有个派对,你来吗? B: Id love to. 我很愿意来。 我想请你喝杯酒。 I want to buy you a drink. A: I want to buy you a drink. 我想请你喝杯酒。 B: Thats great. 那太好了。 到我家来一起喝几杯怎么样? Could you come to my house for beer? A: Could you come to my house for beer? 到我家来一起喝几杯怎么

3、样? B: Id love to very much. 很高兴有这么一个机会。 我想约你今晚和我跳舞去。 Id like to have you dance with me tonight. A: Id like to have you dance with me tonight. Are you free? 我想约你今晚和我跳舞去,你有时间吗? B: Yes. 有时间。 这个周末你打算干什么? What are you doing over the weekend? A: What are you doing over the weekend? 这个周末你打算干什么? B: Im think

4、ing about it. 我正在考虑呢。 你下个星期天有什么打算吗? Do you have anything to do next Sunday? A: Do you have anything to do next Sunday? 你下个星期天有什么打算吗? B: Up till now, I have no plan. 到面前为止我还没想好。 我会等到你有空的时候。 I can wait at your leisure. A: Im very busy. Dont call me any more today. 我很忙。今天别再给我打电话了。 B: I can wait at your

5、 leisure. 我会等到你有空的时候。 等你有时间我再打电话给你。 Ill call you when you have time. A: Now I have something urgent to deal with. 我现在有急事需要处理。 B: Then Ill call you when you have time. 那等你有时间我再打电话给你。 你星期二晚上准备做什么? Whatre you going to do on Tuesday night? A: Whatre you going to do on Tuesday night? 你星期二晚上准备做什么? B: What

6、 for? 有什么事情吗? 这个星期天你有时间吗? Are you free this Sunday? A: Are you free this Sunday? I want to invite you to a fashion show. 这个星期天你有时间吗?我想邀请你去看时装表演。 B: Thats great. 太好了。 12号你忙吗? Are you busy on the twelfth? A: Are you busy on the twelfth? 12号你忙吗? B: I will have a conference on that day. 那天我要开会。 你什么时间能来参

7、加我们的野餐呀? When can we expect you for a picnic? A: When can we expect you for a picnic? 你什么时间能来参加我们的野餐呀? B: Is this Sunday all right? 这个星期六可以吗? 你想不想和我一起去看电影? Would you like to see a movie with me? A: Would you like to see a movie with me? 你想不想和我一起去看电影? B: Yes. Its a pleasure. 很荣幸。 出去散步怎么样? How about g

8、oing out for a walk? A: How about going out for a walk? 出去散步怎么样? B: Great! 太好了! 今天上午你有安排吗? Do you have plans for this morning? A: Do you have plans for this morning? 今天上午你有安排吗? B: Yes, I have an interview for a job. 有安排,我得去参加工作面试。 今天晚些时候有空吗? Are you free later today? A: Are you free later today? 今天晚

9、些时候有空吗? B: Im afraid not. 恐怕没有。 一起吃晚饭好吗? How about having dinner together? A: How about having dinner together? 一起吃晚饭好吗? B: Im sorry. I already have another appointment tonight. 对不起,我晚上有约会。 那你能来吗? Can you come then? A: Jane, I just got your invitation. Thank you for it. 简,我刚收到你们的请柬。谢谢。 B: Can you co

10、me then? 那你能来吗? 英语口语之家庭消费篇http:/www.51T2006-2-22来源:无忧考网 逛街的冲动 我们去逛街好不装。 Why dont we go window-shopping? =Shall we go window-shopping? Lets go window-shopping! 我们去逛街吧! 我想去买件新西装。 I want to get a new suit. A: I want to get a new suit. 我想去买件新西装。 B: Lets go to Onshow Store. 我们去昂秀商场。 货比三家绝对有必要。 Shopping a

11、round is really a must. Do shop around before making up your mind. 先货比三家再拿主意。 We shop around before buying. 购买之前,我们先比比各家的货。 Prices are different, so shop around by all means. 价格都不一样,所以不管怎样先货比三家。 我在列购物清单。 Im making a shopping list. List all the items you need from the store. 把你要买的物品列在购物单上。 She went t

12、o the shop with the shopping list. 她拿着购物单去买东西。 家里茶叶和咖啡不多了吧? Are we short of tea and coffee? We havent got many potatoes. 我们的土豆快吃完了。 The next item on the list should be some toilet tissue. 我们需要买一些卫生纸。 We need a lot of things this week. 这个星期我们需要购买许多东西。 A: Are we short of tea and coffee? 家里茶叶和咖啡不多了吧? B

13、: Oh, yes. We have got much tea and coffee. 噢,对了。我们还要买些茶叶和咖啡。 试穿与试用 你可以试用一下。 You can try some. A: Could I have a look at this facial cream? 我能看一下这个面霜吗? B: Sure. You can try some. 好的,你可以试用一下。 我想试试这一件。 I want to try this on. May I try it on? 我可以试穿吗? A: I want to try this on. 我想试试这件。 B: Sure. Let me he

14、lp you.当然可以,我来帮您。 试衣间在哪儿? Where is the fitting room? =Where is the dressing room? A: Where is the fitting room? 试衣间在哪儿? B: Just behind you. 就在你的身后。 这刚好符合我的尺寸。 This is just my size. It fits me well. 很合身。 A: How does it fit? 穿起来很合身吗? B: This is just my size. 这刚好符合我的尺寸。 我穿着太小。 Its too small for me. Its

15、 too big for me. 我穿着太大。 Its too short. 太短了。 Its too long. 太长了。 Its a little tight. 有点儿紧。 Its a little loose. 有点儿松。 这一件有尺寸小一点的吗? Do you have this in a smaller size? Do you have this in a larger size? 这一件有尺寸大一点的吗? A: Do you have this in a smaller size? 这一件有尺寸小一点的吗? B: Im sorry. We dont have that in yo

16、ur size. 对不起,我们没有您要的尺寸。 如果穿起来不合身,可以来换吗? Can I exchange it if it doesnt fit? A: Can I exchange it if it doesnt fit? 如果穿起来不合身,可以来换吗? B: Sure. But just keep the receipt, please. 可以。但您得保存好收据。 您能把这条牛仔裤修改一下吗? Could I have my jeans hemmed, please? =Would you please alter my jeans for me? 什么时候能改完? When will

17、 it be ready? A: When will it be ready? 什么时候能改好? B: In two days. 两天后。英语口语之常事琐事篇http:/www.51T2006-2-21来源:无忧考网 咨询 我能为您做些什么? What can I do for you? =Can I help you? A: What can I do for you? 我能为您做些什么? B: Id like to know how to open an account? 我想知道怎样开个账户? 你们什么时候营业? When do you open? =What time are you

18、open? A: When do you open? 你们什么时候营业? B: We open at 8:30 am. 我们上午8:30开始营业。 你们的营业时间是什么? What are your business hours? A: What are your business hours? 你们的营业时间是什么? B: From 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. 从上午8:30到下午4:30。 你们几点下班? What is your closing time? =How late are you open? A: What is your closing time? 你们几点下班

19、? B: We close at 4:30 pm. 我们下午4:30下班。 周末你们营业吗?Are you open on weekends? A: Are you open on weekends? 周末你们营业吗? B: We wont be closed to business. 照常营业。 我在这个窗口为您服务。 I can help you down here. A: Where can I open an account? 我在哪儿可以开户? B: I can help you down here. 我在这个窗口为您服务。 你能告诉我自动取款机在哪儿吗? Could you tel

20、l me where the ATM is? =Where can I find the ATM? A: Could you tell me where the ATM is? 你能告诉我自动取款机在哪儿吗? B: Please turn left. 向左拐。 自动取款机把我的卡吞掉了。 The ATM took my card. The ATM wont give my card back. 自动取款机没有把我的卡退出来。 A: Can I help you, sir? 先生,您需要办理什么业务? B: The ATM took my card. 自动取款机把我的卡吞掉了。 开户 我想开一个

21、存款账户。 Id like to open a deposit account. Id like to open up an account. 我想开个账户。 Id like to open a current savings account. 我想开个活期储蓄账户。 Id like to have a time savings account. 我想开个定期储蓄账户。 我该如何办理呢?Could you tell me how to do it? A: Could you tell me how to do it? 我该如何办理呢? B: Please fill out this form

22、first. 请您先填好这张表格。 开账户,必须存多少钱? How much do I have to deposit to open an account? A: How much do I have to deposit to open an account? 开帐户,必须存多少钱? B: You can deposit an initial amount of ten yuan. 开户金额可以是十元。 请问开支票账户有手续费吗? Is there a service charge if I open a checking account? A: Is there a service ch

23、arge if I open a checking account? 请问开支票账户有手续费吗? B: There is no service charge. 没有手续费。 英语口语之日常生活篇http:/www.51T2006-2-20来源:无忧考网 住房 听说您有空房间。 Ive been told you might have a vacant room. A: Ive been told you might have a vacant room. 听说您有空房间。 B: Yes, I have a spare room. 是的,我有一间空房。 现在就能看看房子吗? Would it b

24、e Ok to look at the room now? A: Would it be Ok to look at the room now? 现在就能看看房子吗? B: Would you come here in 20 minutes? Were right in the middle of dinner. 你20分钟后过来好吗?我们正好在吃晚饭呢。 我什么时候可以搬进来? When can I move in? A: When can I move in? 我什么时候可以搬进来? B: Next Wednesday, if you like. 下周三就可以。 这个房子不错。 This

25、apartment looks nice. A: This apartment looks nice. 这个房子不错。 B: Yes, it has two bedrooms. Thats convenient. And the living room is larger than I expected. 是的。有两间卧室,这比较方便。还有,客厅比我原想的要大。 房租中包括水、电和煤气费吗? Are the utilities included in the rent? A: Are the utilities included in the rent? 房租中包括水、电和煤气费吗? B: O

26、nly gas is included. You should pay for the electricity and water. 只包括煤气。你需要支付水电费。 这个客厅真大呀! How large the living room is! A: How large the living room is! 这个客厅真大呀! B: Yes, about forty square meters. 是的,大约有40平方米。 这个浴缸很大,足够两个人同时使用了。 The bathtub is large enough for two people. A: The bathtub is large e

27、nough for two people. 这个浴缸很大,足够两个人同时使用了。 B: Great. We can give our two children the bath together. 太好了,我们可以给两个孩子同时洗澡了。 打开窗户,给房间通通风。 Open the window and air out the room. A: Mum, what must I do now? 妈妈,我现在应该做些什么事情? B: Open the window and air out the room. 打开窗户,给房间通通风。 这套房子挺让人喜欢的。 Its a pleasant apart

28、ment. A: Its a pleasant apartment. 这套房子挺让人喜欢的。 B: As you see, the apartment is newly fitted up, and all other furniture has been prepared. 正如你所看到的,这房子已经装修过了,而且其他家具都齐备。 房租多少钱? How much is the rent? A: This apartment is better. How much is the rent? 这个房子更好,房租多少钱? B: 2500 yuan a month. 一个月2500元。 你想如何装修

29、你的房间? How do you want to redecorate your room? A: How do you want to redecorate your room? 你想如何装修你的房间? B: I want to make it more colorful and attractive. 我想让它变得更富有色彩,更加迷人。 我们想为新房添些家具。 Wed like to buy some furniture for our new house. A: Wed like to buy some furniture for our new house. 我们想为新房添些家具。 B

30、: Here are several sets of furniture, including sofa, dressing table, wardrobe, and sideboard. 这里有几套,包括沙发、梳妆台、大衣柜和餐具柜等。 我听说房价又涨了。 I heard the price of the house has risen again. A: I heard the price of the house has risen again. 我听说房价又涨了。 B: Yes, a house with two bedrooms, one living room and a bath in this area has cost seven hundred thousand yuan. 是的,这一地区二室一厅一卫的房子已涨到70万了。 起床 该起床了。 Its time to get up. I want to stay in bed for another half an hour. 我真想在床上多睡半个小时。 A: Its time to get up. 该起床了。

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