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1、试论国际商务谈判中的语言交际技巧英文论文学 士 学 位 论 文A TENTATIVE STUDY ON SKILLS OF ORALCOMMUNICATION IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS NEGOTIATIONS试论国际商务谈判中的语言交际技巧 ContentsAbstract.1Key words.1Introduction.21 Evaluating standards of language in international business negotiations .32 Correct usage of vague language .32.1 Author

2、ization limited.42.2 Avoidance of direct utterance52.3 The requirement of persuasion.62.4 The requirement of self-production.73 Correct usage of polite language.73.1Polite expression of favorable news.83.2 Polite expression of unfavorable news93.2.1Adoption of softened expression.93.2.2 Application

3、of empathic technique.103.2.3 Giving partners a face.103.2.4Adoption of passive voice.113.3Polite expression of neutral news.113.3.1Changing commanding tone into requesting tone.123.3.2Using the past subjunctive form.124 Correct usage of decent language.124.1Adoption of professional expressions134.1

4、.1Using expressions of legal language.134.1.2The correct comprehension and use of commercial terms.134.2Using accurate expressions.144.2.1Choosing only accurate facts, words and figures.144.2.2Avoidance of overstatement and understatement.154.3Appropriate expression of advantages.154.3.1Avoidance of

5、 using flowery language.164.3.2Minimizing exclamation.164.3.3Avoidance of using direct comparison174.3.4Weakening subjective coloring.17Conclusion.18References.19Acknowledgements .19A Tentative Study on Skills of Oral Communication in International Business NegotiationsAbstract: The process of inter

6、national business negotiations is complicated. To reach an ideal objective through international business negotiations requires us to consider the factors from multi-aspects and apply various skills and strategies. As a basic tool of communication, language obviously plays an important role in the p

7、rocess of international business negotiations. How to use the instrument of language appropriately and skillfully so as to gain the effect to enhance friendship and ease up conflict between the two parties with the result of promoting the negotiation efficiency is one of the decisive factors of nego

8、tiations success as well as the study objective of this paper. Focusing on this objective the paper will give an analysis to the appropriate usage of language in the register of international business negotiations from three angles, that is, vague language, polite language and decent language. The s

9、pecialty of this paper will be represented through the following aspects: 1) to analyse the application of vague language in the register of international business negotiations through multi-angles according to the conclusion of the vague languages functions given by Joanna Channell; 2) to study the

10、 features of polite language in international business negotiations in respect of languages expressive function; 3) to describe the use of decent language in register of international business negotiations in a deep degree. Key words: Vague language; Polite language; Decent language试论国际商务谈判中的语言交际技巧摘

11、要:国际商务谈判的过程错综复杂,成功的国际商务谈判需要我们考虑到多方面的因素,运用多种谈判技巧和策略。而语言作为交流的基本工具很显然在国际商务谈判的过程中起着十分重要的作用。怎样合理和巧妙地运用语言工具,增进感情,缓和谈判双方的矛盾,提高谈判的效率是谈判成功的决定性因素之一,这也是本文研究的目的。为此,本文分别从模糊语言、礼貌语言、得体语言这三方面阐明了语言在国际商务谈判这一语域中的灵活运用。本文的不同之处在于从Joanna Channell对模糊语言功能的总结出发多角度地分析了模糊语言在商务谈判语域中的运用,从语言“表情功能”的角度分析了商务谈判语言的礼貌特征,最后又深入剖析了商务谈判中的得

12、体语言。关键词:模糊语言;礼貌语言;得体语言IntroductionThe 21st century is a period noted for the globalization of the world economy. With the rapid development of international trade and the diversification of forms of international commercial cooperation, international business negotiation is playing a more and more i

13、mportant role in the world economy development, which determines in a certain degree the result of the trade and the fate of the enterprises. Accordingly, the science of international business negotiation has aroused an increasing interest of different people and the study of this field turns to be

14、more in-depth with the research extended to every detail of negotiation. One of the study aspects is language, the basic instrument of communication, which is considered as a great source of negotiating power. On account of the importance of language in international business negotiations, some scho

15、lars, for example, Liao have given some discussion on this problem, that is, how to use language appropriately and skillfully in international business negotiations. And this paper is also trying to make a comprehensive research on this problem. In order to give a brief and systematic description of

16、 the central thesis, the paper has been organized into five sections. The first section has presented the evaluating standards of language in international business negotiations. What we will discuss in the following three sections is how to reach those evaluating standards, which is the main part o

17、f the paper and focuses on the correct usage of vague language, polite language and decent language. Actually this part is the direct analysis of the techniques of language intercourse in international business negotiations. The last section, that is, the conclusion, is the summary of what we have d

18、iscussed in the paper and what we need to pay attention to in the further study.1 Evaluating standards of language in international business negotiationsThe so-called “techniques of language intercourse in international business negotiations” is to make a research of how to apply language in the reg

19、ister of international business negotiations1. Before we know “how to apply the language in international business negotiations”, we need to make clear the question, that is, what does the appropriate language in international business negotiations require, which can be considered as evaluating stan

20、dards of language in this register. We finally find six requirements for the appropriate language in international business negotiations2.a) The negotiators language should get opponents attention ;b) The negotiators language should enthusenot confuse ;c) The negotiators language should fit the circ

21、umstances of the negotiation ;d) The negotiator should avoid words that tend to polarize the opponents thinking ;e) The language used should not be too formal or scholarly but should be sincere ;f) The negotiator should tailor his language to suit his opponents language.To observe the six requiremen

22、ts, we need to apply vague language, polite language and decent language skillfully, and sometimes to pay more attention to the organic combination of the three kinds of languages. More detailed description of the three kinds of languages will be given in the following sections. 2 Correct usage of v

23、ague language Vagueness and precision are the basic attributes of the human beings language. In the past, people have emphasized much more on the importance of precision in the application and research of language3. They were inclined to consider the clearness and precision of expression as the idea

24、l realm pursued by the language users. However, the precision is not the only attribute that dominates the mankinds cognition and language while vague language is not dispensable either. On the contrary, vague language is a necessary and effective instrument of communication for mankind. In internat

25、ional business negotiations, the features of language intercourse are reflected much more on the precision, nevertheless the skillful use of vague language can help us achieve an unexpected positive effect .Vague expression can, undoubtedly, not only improve the negotiating climate, thereby helping

26、the negotiation go on smoothly, but also sound the opponent out about the question, in an effort to know the others real intention. Besides, by using vague expression, the negotiator can seek and enlarge the common points, hoping for the ultimate agreement4. Joanna Channell had put forward the commu

27、nicative effects arising from using vague www.biyezuopin.ccexpression5. They are summed up as follows:a) Giving the right amount of information ;b) Deliberately withholding information ;c) Using language persuasively ;d) Lexical gaps ;e) Lacking specific information ;f) Displacement ;g) Self-protect

28、ion ;h) Power and politeness ;i) Informality and atmosphere ;j) Womens language ; When vague language is used in the register of international business negotiations, these effects will be reflected in the following aspects.2. 1 Authorization limitedIn the process of international business negotiatio

29、ns, we are usually asked about the questions that we are unable or unwilling to answer due to the limit of authority. Under the circumstances , it is better for us to use vague language which can help us get more time to consider, make the opponent concede and reserve our rights to modify the previo

30、us oral agreement6. For example: (1) A: Ive agreed to compromise and meet your 5,000 pieces. So weve got a deal, right? B: As far as Im concerned, we do. But first, of course, I have to check with my boss.(2) As for the problem of specification modification, Im afraid its difficult for me to give you my opinion right now. Bec

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