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高中英语 Unit 3 The secret of success SectionTaskProject教师用书.docx

1、高中英语 Unit 3 The secret of success Section Task Project教师用书Section Task & Project阅读P43教材原文,从三个选项中选择最佳答案1Why did Father put at least 50 cents every day into a jar?ATo support the family.BTo buy Christmas presents.CTo help the local community.2Whats the main idea of the fifth paragraph?AMy father helps

2、 his friends son go on studying.BMy fathers good qualities of success.CMy fathers help in our local community.3Father gave his friends son money in order to_.Ashow respect to his friend Bhelp him continue his studiesCset up an organization【答案】1.B2.C3.B阅读P43教材原文,判断正误1The writer thinks his father to b

3、e the most important person in his life because his father is rich and famous.()2The writers father started working to support the big family at the age of 14.()3The writers father set up an organization to help students in need.()【答案】1.F2.T3.T (教材P43)The first thing you must remember is that in ord

4、er to succeed,it is almost compulsory that you be optimistic.首先要记住的是,要想成功,乐观几乎是必须的。(1)compulsory adj.必须做的;强制性的Which subjects are compulsory in your school?在你们学校里,哪些课程是必修的?Attendance at the meeting is compulsory.会议是必须参加的。compulsory education 强制性教育;义务教育compulsory service system 义务兵役制compulsory subject

5、s 必修科目Its compulsory that.(should) do. 是必须的Basic Education consists of nine years of compulsory education.基础教育包括九年义务教育。It is compulsory that we (should) help others.我们帮助其他人是必须的。完成句子所有司机都必须系安全带。_ all drivers (should) wear safety belts.英语是必修课吗?Is English _?【答案】Its compulsory thatcompulsory/a compulsor

6、y subject(2)optimistic adj.乐观的;乐观主义的He is an optimistic young fellow.他是位乐观的年轻人。She is not optimistic about the outcome.她对结果并不乐观。be optimistic about 对乐观appear/be/feel/look optimistic 显得乐观/乐观/感觉乐观/看上去乐观be extremely/highly/strongly/very optimistic 极其乐观optimistic behavior 乐观行为We have every reason to fee

7、l optimistic.我们完全有理由感到乐观。That seems like pretty optimistic behavior to me.这在我看来像是很乐观的行为。完成句子与快乐和乐观的人相伴。Be around happy and _.对你的未来感到乐观是很重要的。Its important to feel _ your future.【答案】optimistic peopleoptimistic about fibre n(动植物的)纤维;纤维质(教材P43)You need to work with every fibre of your being.你得全身心地工作。The

8、 muscle fibre of this animal is diseased.这个动物的肌肉纤维产生了病变。Eating cereals and fruit will give you plenty of fibre in your diet.吃谷类食物和水果能多摄取纤维质。be high/rich in fibre 纤维含量丰富with every fibre of ones being 全身心地muscle fibre 肌肉纤维a high/low fibre diet 高/低纤维饮食It is rich in fibre and low in sugar and fat.它纤维丰富,

9、糖和脂肪少。He is working with every fibre of his being.他在全身心地工作。完成句子尼龙是一种人造纤维。Nylon is a _.我们必须全心全意地为人民服务。We must serve the people _.【答案】manmade fibrewith every fibre of our being thirst n渴望,渴求;口渴(教材P43)When you really have a thirst for success,you put your performance under the microscope to make sure t

10、hat every little thing you do works towards your goal.当你真的渴望成功时,你细致入微地分析行动,确保你做的每件小事对你的目标都有帮助。He had a great thirst for knowledge.他渴求知识。This kind of work gives me a thirst.这种工作使我感到口渴。have a thirst for 渴求thirst vi. 渴望,渴求thirst after/for 渴望;追求thirsty adj. 口渴的;渴望的be thirsty for 渴望,渴求The children thirst

11、ed for icecold milk.孩子们很想喝冰镇牛奶。He became thirsty with running.他跑渴了。 【导学号:22380024】一句多译那里的学生渴求知识。_【答案】The students there have a great thirst for knowledge.The students there thirst for knowledge.The students there are thirsty for knowledge. for the taking 供自由取用(教材P43)Success is yours for the taking!成

12、功由你把握!This world is yours for the taking.这个世界是由你们说了算。She was surprised to find the money on the kitchen table,just there for the taking.她惊讶地发现钱就放在厨房的餐桌上,伸手可拿。【提示】be sb.s for the takingbe there for the taking唾手可得;随手可拿;手到擒来完成句子你将成为你自己最好的竞争对手,胜利触手可及。You will be your own best competitor and victory will

13、 _.该队的劲敌在锦标赛中均已出局,对他们来说冠军已是探囊可得。With the teams closest rivals out of the championship,the title was theirs _.【答案】be yours/there for the takingfor the taking (教材P46)Rather,what I value about my father is the care and love he shows for me and my family.更确切地说,我觉得父亲最重要的是他给我和家庭的关心和爱。(1)rather adv.更确切地讲,更

14、准确地说(常和or连用);相当;颇She worked as a secretary,or rather,a personal assistant.她当了秘书,确切地讲,是私人助理。The instructions were rather complicated.这些说明相当复杂。would/had rather. 宁愿;倒愿意rather than 而不是rather too 过于;太Would you rather walk or take the bus?你想走路还是坐公共汽车? I think Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee.我想要杯冷

15、饮而不是咖啡。完成句子这本书对于这个孩子来说太简单。This book is _ easy for this boy.他是昨天深夜回家的,或者更确切地说,是今天凌晨。He went home very late last night,_,in the early hours this morning.他们这样增加了而不是减少了粮食年产量。They thus increased their annual grain production _ decreased it.【答案】rather tooor ratherrather than(2)value vt.重视,珍视 n价值,价格;有价值,重要

16、性;价值观I value our friendship very much.我非常珍惜我们的友谊。You dont know the value of health.你不知道健康的重要性。Our values and behaviour patterns are different from yours.我们的价值观念和行为模式与你们的不同。value sb./sth. as. 把某人/某物视为be valued for sth. 因某事而受到重视be of little/some/no/great value 几乎没有价值/有些价值/ 没有价值/有很大价值valuable adj. 有价值的

17、,值钱的I really value him as a friend.我真的把他视为朋友。The place is valued for its vineyards.这个地区由于它的葡萄园而受到重视。Your help has been of great value.你的帮助很有价值。完成句子你的建议很有价值。Your advice is very _. Your advice is of _.他不愿别人只看重他的外貌。He hated to _ for his looks alone.【答案】valuable;great valuebe valued (教材P46)What_blesses_

18、my_father_most is being able to put food on the table and a roof over our heads.最让我父亲感到幸福的是,他能够养家糊口,能让我们有栖身之所。(1)【句式分析】What blesses my father most是主语从句,由what引导,且在从句中作主语。What seems easy to some people seems difficult to others.一些人看起来容易的事情,其他人看起来很难。主语从句在复合句中作主语。常用的引导词有:连接词that和whether;连接代词who,whom,who

19、se,what,which,whoever,whatever,whichever;连接副词where,when,how,why。其中,除了连接词that和whether在句中不作成分但是不能省略之外,所有的连接代词和连接副词在从句中都充当句子成分。That he suddenly fell ill last month surprised us.上个月他突然生病使我们很吃惊。Whoever comes is welcome.不论谁来都欢迎。【提示】在主语从句中that不充当任何成分。完成句子他是否会来这里还不清楚。_ isnt clear.先讨论哪个问题关系不大。_ doesnt matter

20、 very much.他们应该相互喜欢是很正常的事情。_ is natural.他所要的东西都在这里。_ is all here.【答案】Whether hell come hereWhich of the questions is to be discussed firstThat they should like each otherWhat he wants(2)bless vt.赐福于;保佑;祝福May God bless you and keep you safe from harm.愿上帝保佑你安然无恙。Fortune blessed him with success and vi

21、ctory.命运之神保佑他成功与胜利。be blessed with 在方面有福气;幸运地享有Bless me! 哎呀!天呀!完了!谢天谢地! 好家伙!bless oneself 自祝;非常高兴God bless you! 愿上帝保佑你!He is blessed with good health.他享有健康的身体。God bless you,my dear.Its most kind of you to help.上帝保佑你,我亲爱的。你能来帮忙真是太感谢了。完成句子他有着突出的天赋。He is _ outstanding talent.我的天哪!艾伦,你在干什么?_!Alan,what a

22、re you doing?【答案】blessed withBless me pick up 捡起;学会;获得;开车接送,搭载;重新开始;好转(教材P46)Whenever I trip or hurt myself playing sports,hes there to pick me up.无论什么时候我摔倒,或在运动时受伤,父亲总是把我扶起来。She picked up Spanish when she was living in Mexico.她住在墨西哥时顺便学会了西班牙语。Pick me up at the hotel.到旅馆来接我。Her health soon picked up

23、 after a few days rest.她休息了几天,很快恢复了。pick oneself up (摔倒后)站起身来,振作起来pick up speed (车)提速,加速pick out 选出;辨认出;领会pick on 招惹;找茬儿;责备Lets pick out the bad potatoes from the basket.让我们把坏掉的土豆从篮子里挑出来。The older boys always pick on the younger ones.大孩子总是招惹小的孩子。用适当的介词或副词填空Its hard to pick yourself _ after such a te

24、rrible shock.There were so many people at the conference that I couldnt pick him _.She felt that her teacher was always picking _ her.【答案】upouton (教材P46)When we were very young,my father had an extra job as a hotel porter,and he also mopped the floor of a hotel every night so that he could give us a

25、 special treat or a vacation.我们很小的时候,父亲兼职做宾馆服务员,每天晚上他还在宾馆拖地,以便可以给我们一份特殊的款待或者一次假期。(1)as prep.作为;当作I respect him as a doctor.我尊敬他这个医生。The news came as a shock.消息传来,令人震惊。as prep. (表示时间)当还是的时候;(表示举例)例如,诸如之类的as adv. 同样地,一样地as conj. 随着;在期间;因为;尽管(引导让步状语从句)The dining room was twice as big as Toms.这个餐厅比汤姆的餐厅

26、大一倍。We talked about such subjects as the weather.我们谈论了诸如天气之类的话题。Intelligent as you are,I suspect you will fail.尽管你聪明,我猜想你会失败。完成句子当他还是个学生的时候,就显示出了天资聪慧。_,he showed every sign of genius.因为你不在那里,我留了个信儿。_ I left a message.日子一天天过去,他却一无所获。_,he got nothing.虽然他还是个孩子,但他知道的很多。_,he knows a lot.【答案】As a schoolbo

27、yAs you werent thereAs days went onChild as he is(2)treat n待遇,款待;乐事,乐趣Steven took his son to the zoo as a birthday treat.斯蒂芬带儿子去动物园作为对他的生日的庆祝。Lets go out for dinner my treat this time.咱们出去吃饭吧这次我请客。treat vt. 请客,对待,招待;看待;治疗treat sb./oneself to sth. 用某物款待某人/自己 把看作/看待treat with sb. 与某人谈判;与某人交涉;

28、与某人交易She treats everything I say as some kind of joke.她把我说的每一件事都当成是某种玩笑。Ill treat myself to a sunbath.我要好好地享受一次日光浴。完成句子看这些表演节目对我来说是一大乐事。These performances are _ to me.他认为钱没有多大的价值。He _ having little value.在新年那天,他请他们吃了一顿好饭。He _ a good dinner on New Years Day.【答案】a great treattreated money astreated them to shrink v退缩,缩水;(使)缩小;畏

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