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1、三级英语考试复习题doc北京地区本科学士学位英语复习题Part I Vocabulary and Structure1 So much about his ships on the sea that he didnt sleep for a single minuteall night.A. did he worry B. he did worry C. he worried D. worried be2His new novel is said into a film last year.A. to make B. to have made C to be made D. to have b

2、een made3He tried several times to pass the exam. the end, he succeeded.A. On B. In C. At D. By4.The report of an earthquake(地震)in the south China Sea has not been yet.A. conflicted B. confused C. confined D. confirmed5.The clouds are gathering. We7e better hurry and the department store in caseit r

3、ains.A. hand in B. face up to C. head for D. back up6.There is only one boat for hire. Fm afraid you have to wait for the next one.A. superior B. capable C. complicated D. available7.1 think fishing is a nice hobby but needs a good deal of .8 Finally we made a that I should cook dinner and she would

4、 wash up after.9.The old man was found on the floor.13.0n side of the street were standing young boys and girls to welcome thePresident.A. both B. two C. either D. every14.Hospital doctors dont go out very often as their work all their time.A. takes away B. takes in C takes over D. takes up15.The of

5、 blood always makes him sick.A. sight B. view C. look D. form16.She sent her application to the university last week, but any response up tonow.A. didrTt receive B. weren receiving C. hadrTt received D. hasif t received17. by the teacher in class, John felt quite depressed and kept silent the wholee

6、vening.A. Criticizing B. To criticize C. Criticized D.Having criticized18.Fd play football with you now if I ten years younger.A. am B. be C. had been D. were19.All the books, had some pictures in them, were sent to the little girl.25.The city I was born is on the new railway line.A. which B. that C

7、. on which D. where26.It yesterday, for the ground is still wet now.A. must have rained B was raining C. rained D had rained27.If professor Jones arrives tomorrow, either you of I to meet him at theairport.A. are B. is C. am D. were28.with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesift se

8、em highat allA. When compared B Compare C. While comparing D Comparing29.On this special occasion Fd like to express my wishes for your futurehappiness.A. obvious B. sincere C. hopeful D. honest30. He doesrf t spend much time his homework.A. in B. with C. on D. forPart II Translation1.But America ns

9、 dont seem to be getting the message that we need seven to nine hours per night.2.Although these bears are strong swimmers, they are no match for lightning swift seals in the water.3.Polar bears have thick fur, big paws and other features that make them well prepared for life in their tough environm

10、ent.4.Although these bears are strong swimmers, they are no match for lightning swift seals in the water.5.Ifs also a safe way for children to experienee for themselves how a lie usually goes out of control.1他是第一个在月球上行走的人2能把你昨天讨论的那本书借给我吗?3她使我想起了她的姐姐4昨天我在办公室写报告时,小明从英国打电话过来5想去图书馆的人必须在这签名。6正是那个树在洪水屮救了他


12、岁吋开始学英语24全球化也正在改变人们的生活方式25这部电影我已经看过好几遍了26这就是他五年前住过的房子27今天早晨他起床晚了,所以没有赶上火车28你们昨天的会议得出什么结论了吗?29我在回家的路上,买了一本英汉词典30 一直到十二月下旬,他们才让我加入他们小组Part Till Identification1)Putting the bottles, boxes and books back where they belong, please Dont leave them on the desk.2)ln the days when coal was so widely used no

13、one realized how soon and how complete oil would replaced 亘.3)Unlike him, I go to work bv foot in stead of by car every morning.4)The litlle asleep boy closes his eyes and pretends to be sleeping.5)I opened the letter and it contained an important information that told us to stay where we are.6)John

14、 said mother would buv him a fivespeeds racing bicycle for his sixteenth birthday 7)ln Hawaii” people are friendly and always warmlv welcomed visitor8)lf you try to learn too many things at a time you may get confusing.9)1 ran into Tom yesterday evening, and he looked healthily10)lt was considerable

15、 of you not to play the violin while your brother was ill.13)The consultant is being high paid for his advice.14)She opened the door widely so that the room was lighter.15)A good artist like a good engineer learns as many from his mistakes as from successes16)As quiet as possible he unfastened the d

16、oor and went out into the frosty December night.17)Have you noticed her coat is wet? He must be caught in the rain.18)Between you and I, we have had an eye on him for some time, and hemight be a runaway.19)The waste, according to the people there, has already found their way into the drinking water.

17、20)No matter whatever happens, we are determined to do our best and make the experiment a success21)Those of us who work in chemical laboratories should have their lungs checked quite regularly.22)Mary showed the customs officer her passport, and then John showed him his one.23)Having retur ned from

18、 Berlin, he received no teleph one call, n either.24)Whe n we fin ally finished the tiring jour ney, we could not hardly move a step further.25)Our history professor is such a knowledgeable person that it seems that here isnt nothing which does not know.26)He invited me to go a party and I did not w

19、ant to join him that evening.27)You will feel inconvenient in Japan if you can either speak Japanese nor English.28)1 ndividual freedom does not in any sense mean that you can do what you like at vour free will.29)Mary found it chfficult to talk calmly about which she had experienced at the station.

20、30)Every one who takes the exam will receive their score report in six weeks.31)She heard someone in the room, but when we looked we didnt findsomeone.32)Paula doesnt want to attend the meeting and Sheila doesrft 辺o.33)Neither John and his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning

21、 train.34).He is a true friend of my, whom I can always depend on whenever I get into trouble 35)There are two kinds of computers, both of them are widely used today36)That is troubli ng me is that I dont have much experie nee in in ter national commerce.37)The reason why Jack failed to attend the l

22、ecture is because he had a bad cold.38)lt was during the 1990s that the friendship between Edward and Jeremy reached their highest point.39)Dont you think its the most worst film we have seen since we came here ten years ago?40)He found it hard to keep up to the latest development of medicine.41)The

23、 sun gives off light and warmth, that makes it possible for plants to grow.42)At the end of the mon th, the boys looked forward to their mothers return most earnestly, as they were really tired with their fathers boiled egg43)He got to his friends house full of hope, only to be told that he had left

24、 fromEngland last week.44)Although English are known throughout the world as a serious people, theyare very fond of sports45)Little children will listen what people say and try to imitate what they hear.46)Did anybody inform you with the change of the schedule that had been decided yesterday?47)You

25、can see the whole city for miles from here in a clear day.48)We saw a big dog that was fierce and felt frightened in our wav home49)l am looking forward to receive your letter! she said happily.50)As time went on, he suffered such heavy losses that he was forced giving up his business51)Dear Helen,

26、please forgive him for his rudeness, can you?52)Lefs go and watch that new movie at eight tonight, wont we?53)lt is in his spare time when Robert teaches himself English and Japanese54)lt_was in the primary school where my teacher introduced me to computer.55)0 nly when it started to rain he no tice

27、d that he had left his rain coat somewhere.56)Under no circumstances we shall stop the research we have begun.57)1 dont think a warm winter always has a n egative in flue nee on our life, hasnt it?58)A warm thought suddenly came to me which I might use the pocket money to buy flowers for my mothers

28、birthday59)To wait in the queue for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized that hehad left the wallet in the car.60)The Great Wall is so a well-known tourist attraction that millions of peoplepour in every yearPart IV ClozeLife as a woman in. the colonial (殖民的)America seems quite different from

29、 it is today. Women were considered inferior to 比,。彳氐/差 men, a fact 56 in tradition, law, and religion. Their place was in the home, 57 they were to serve as devoted wives and mothers They were therefore considered unfit to operate 58 political beings and un able to 59 the ben efits of citize nship

30、give n to men. Very few women 60 a college education, secured a wellpaid job, or pursued a fruitful career. Other than marrying well, they could do 61 to improve their economic status.62 their secondary status, women 63 play a central role in developing, civilizing, and advancing the nation long bef

31、ore the United States gained its independence 64 Great Britain During the colonial period, they made great contributions to family and comm unity. They worked alon gside their husba nds 65 familv survival dema nded that chores (杂事)be shared by all. Women helped to sow, plant, and harvest crops They

32、66 pigs and chicke ns, plan ted garde ns and milked cows This n eed for shared male and female labor 67 a constant theme (主题)as families moved to the frontier, where all family members having to work 68 essential.69 scholars still debate the nature of white womens standing during the colonial period, many of them admit that colon

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