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1、作文范文之英语二作文2013英语二作文【篇一:2013年英语二作文模板1】 1.鉴于有许多后面报班的学员没有上过写作课,作文不知道如何下手,所以我还是给大家提供一些模板,但请大家务必一定灵活使用。自己已经整理出模板的同学尽量不要换模板了,免得考场遗忘。 为了大家方面背诵,建议顺序词一二三大家每次都用自己熟悉那个。 大家在背诵模板时一定要将作文的结构了然于心,哪一部分该写什么要清楚。今年大作文还是主要关注图表类作文。英语一近十多年一直考图画作文,英语二应该考图表作文。 2. 小作文今年主要关注以下四种书信:抱歉信,询问信,求职信,申请信继续深造后面提供了范文。 3. 一点备考意见: 剩最后20天

2、左右,请同学们不要急躁,急躁对考试毫无益处,只会浪费时间。强迫自己学习,做题,审查反省题目。下面就英语这块我给出几点备考意见以供参考: 1请大家把这10套模拟题认真做完,每一篇作文都要亲自动手写,作文是写出来的。平时多练手,考试时才能有东西可写。模拟题对完答案后要仔细看一下自己是怎么错的。 2回头把近三年的真题找出来重新做一遍,熟悉里面的每一个单词和短语,因为单词和短语重现频率很高。同时大家重点关注阅读理解错误选项是如何设置陷阱的,自己又是如何掉入陷阱的,防止重蹈覆辙。 3即使在临考前最后一天大家也要看英语,甚至是找点题目来做,让自己保持预感,并处于做题状态。 4大家在考试时翻译和写作一定要保

3、持卷面干净整洁,并且每题要答在对应的位置,不可超出答题区,这样会扫描不上的。 5下面给大家提供几个话题练练手:作文以不变应万变,好好练习即可。 a. credit cards. you should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline (given in chinese) below: 1. 越来越多的人使用信用卡。 2. 信用卡的优点及信用卡的弊端。 3.我的看法。 bshould the university campus be used as public lots? you should w

4、rite at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline (given in chinese) below: 1. 目前一些大学开放校园作为公共停车场。 2. 有人认为这样可以资源共享,有人认为这样会搅乱教学秩序。 3. 我认为. c. should the university abandon military training? you should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline (given in chinese)

5、below: 1. 目前,一些大学废除了大学生的入学军训。 2. 有人对此持肯定态度,有人持否认态度。 3. 我的看法。2) give your comments. you should write at least 150 words, 一:柱状图使用模板: 1. 增长变化型模板1 the diagram above clearly illustrates that dramatic acceleration has occurred in the_题目内容_ in the past_ years. according to the statistics given above, we ma

6、y conclude that _ was on a steady rise from _ to_。in 1998, the number was a a low level, only about_. surprisingly, it reached more than_ in 2004 within no more than seven years. some driving factors that contribute to the above-mentioned changes may be summarized as follows. first and foremost, chi

7、na has become particularly active in_, which leads to the increased demand of _. in addition, the development of job market makes_ possible. last but not least, _. taking all these factors into account, we may predict that with speedy advance of our society, the _ will keep growing in the forthcomin

8、g decade. 2. 增长变化型模板2 as can be clearly observed from the chart above, the trend of_ is going up these years. from 1999 to 2001, the number of _ was on a steady rise. i assume there are at least three fundamental factors to account for the above-mentioned changes. most obviously, the changes are pri

9、marily concerned with the income of chinese. they are better off and can afford to_. less obvious but of the same importance, such trend has a lot to do with_. last but not least, the changes are closely related to our policy of opening up to the outside world. from what has been discussed so far, i

10、ts evident that the increase in the number of _ is of great concern of our life. it reflects the improvement of our living standards and the development of our economy. 二:表格类使用模板: 遇到表格类作文时,如果数字比较少,大家可以逐一描述;如果数字比较多,大家这样处理:先综述一句,然后选择典型数字描述最高点,最低点,变化最大的等。what is revealed in the table above indicates th

11、at dramatic changes have taken place in as is clearly manifested in the table above, peoples attitudes towards_ vary from person to person.(这两句综述句根据情况互换的,不可同时使用。)_后面根据表格内容展开描述_ such difference/growth may be rooted in the following reasons. in the first place, the risen income resulting from economic

12、 growth plays a vital role in _. in the second place, _. as a result of such a shift, the varieties above mentioned come naturally. from the analyses achieved above, with further growth in economy and more changes in life style, the _ in the table will continue in the future. 三:饼状图 as is shown in th

13、e pie chart, _takes the lead with 54%, followed by_ with 47%, _ taking the third place with 36%. (该段描述主要部分的次序以及所占比例。) it is no to every reason/cause for sth, on the whole, three factors shout louder than/ weigh heavier than others/stand out from others.(划横线部分是可以互换的单词短语。) the first consideration is t

14、hat (12 sentences) another point to note is that (12 sentences) the third element is that (12 sentences) the relevant authorities should play a positive role in guiding this trend, 如果图表反映的内容是不良现象,改一下结尾如下: reversing this trend, 四:问题解决型文章 over the past couple of years, the case of_ has been exposed ma

15、ny times. therefore, _ has become a hot topic across the country, which can never be ignored any longer. 第二部分大家可以写原因或者严重后果。 原因段跟上面格式相同,再次不赘述。 严重后果段如下: given the serious/grim/severe nature of the problem, i feel sure if things go like this and nothing to better it, there is every chance that we have

16、to pay “high price” for it. 翻译:考虑到该问题的严重性,我确信如果不采取任何改善措施,任其发展,我们将很有可能性为此付出高昂代价。the most serious should be highlighted here is it has posed a potential threat to the development of society. whats more, its harmful to another point that can never be overlooked is that it will be an obstacle to in view

17、 of the severe consequences, effective and efficient measures should be taken before things get worse. to put it this way, government should launch a massivecampaign and lay down tougher laws to crack down the irresponsible behaviors. meanwhile, the public should raise their awareness to boycott it.

18、 i am firmly convinced that through our combined efforts we are bound to enjoy much safer and greener world in the days ahead. 五:现象评论型文章。阐述原因的 phenomenon that , which has immediately aroused a heated discussion among public. facing this , we cant help exploring some 后面写几条原因自己决定 the relevant authorit

19、ies should play a positive role in guiding this trend, 如果图表反映的内容是不良现象,改一下结尾如下: reversing this trend, 六: 利弊分析型文章跟a4作文一样 大作文 structure1: para1: description of the phenomenon para2: diverse views para3: your own opinion+causes para4: restate your opinion structure2: para1: phenomenon+ diverse views par

20、a2: your own opinion+causes para3: restate your opiniona4作文采用结构1 bank. therefore, whether retirement time should be delayed has of numerous prevalent websites. time should be delayed accordingly. threat. compared with young workers, the middle-aged one are declining in many aspects, for example, the

21、 vigor, passion, energy, creativity and son 模板2采用结构2 it seems that nothing could please everyone and _ is no exception. people is a blessing because, however, the other contends it as a curse in that as far as i am aware, i am inclined to support the former/latter one. its no difficulty for me to pu

22、t forward some arguments to illustrate my standpoint. 后面阐述自己的理由。 there is no denying the fact that people will have diverse views on the same issue, but my standpoint is clear and well-founded in the foregoing discussion. therefore, i believe, the current trend should be encouraged rather than disco

23、uraged. 小作文: 1. dear mr. smith, i wish to personally apologize for your unfortunate treatment by our employee, anlin, last friday. her actions toward you were totally inappropriate. because of this occurrence, we have relieved ms. anlin of her position. we would also like to offer you a gift certifi

24、cate for 50 yuan worth of merchandise at our store. we value our customers and hope that this token will help compensate for the embarrassment/ inconvenience we brought to you. we are improving the training program on service awareness for all our employees to avoid such problems in the future. than

25、ks you for your business and you understanding. we hope that this is a【篇二:2011-2014考研英语二作文真题及范文】 真题: directions: suppose your cousin li ming has just been admited to a university. write him/her a letter to: (1)congratulate him/her,and (2)give him/her suggestions on how to get prepared for university

26、 life. you should write about 100 words on answer sheet 2. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.use “zhang wei”instead. do not write the address. (10 points) 参考范文 dear li ming, congratulations! im absolutely delighted to hear that you have just been admitted to stanford university. i k

27、now there was a lot of competition this year but your hard work and perseverance certainly paid off. id like to give you several practical proposals on how to prepare for your university life. firstly, its my hope that you will take advantage of the library in your university by reading books outsid

28、e the college curriculum. secondly, i believe that free-time should be divided into three main activities: physical exercise, relaxation, and communication with friends and family. wish you further success in your continuing studies and hope you will invite me to your graduation ceremony in four yea

29、rs time. (115 words) yours faithfully, zhang wei 参考译文 李明: 祝贺你!得知你已被斯坦福大学录取,我由衷地高兴。我知道今年的竞争很激烈,但是你的努力和毅力得到了回报。 关于如何准备你的大学生活,我想提出几个实用的建议。首先,希望你能充分利用大学的图书馆资源,课外多读一些书。其次,我认为空闲时间应该用来完成三项重要的活动:体育锻炼、放松和与朋友家人沟通交流。 衷心地祝福你在大学期间获得进一步的成功,希望你能邀请我去参加四年后你的毕业庆典! 你真诚的, 张伟 directions: suppose you have found something

30、 wrong with the electronic dictionary that you bought from an online store the other day. write an email to the customer service center to 1) make a complaint, and 2) demand a prompt solution. you should write about 100 words on answer sheet 2. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use

31、 “zhang wei” instead. 参考范文 dear sir or madam, i bought an electronic dictionary from your online store on january 1st, but i found it has some problems after using it for a short period of time. to begin with, the battery needs recharging after a mere 2 hours of use. this means that i need to carry my charger with me when i go out for a day. in addition, the buttons on theelectronic dictionary are so small that it is nearly impossible to type anything with them. personally, i find this to be completely unacceptable. therefore, i would like to either change the electronic diction

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