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1、有关乐山大佛的导游词有关乐山大佛的导游词【篇一:乐山大佛导游词】 乐山大佛导游词 西宁市南山路小学 李昀桂 大家好!我是导游李 昀桂,大家叫我小李。欢 迎各位来乐山大佛景区观 光旅游! 各位游客,现在我们 看到的就是举世闻名的千 年古佛乐山大佛,它位于四川省乐山市凌云山栖霞峰的 岩石上,又称凌云大佛。乐山大佛依山凿成,大佛头与山齐, 足踏江水,双手抚膝,临江危坐,是世界上最大的一尊石刻 弥勒佛坐像。 乐山大佛通高71米,肩宽24米,头的直径10米,头 上的发髻有1021个,耳长7米,嘴巴和眼睛分别长3.3米, 眉毛和鼻子的长度分别为5.6米,颈高3米,手指长8.3米, 从膝盖到脚面长28米,脚

2、背宽8.5米,脚面可坐一百多人。 乐山大佛雄伟壮观,被誉为“山是一尊佛,佛是一座山。” 据史料记载,大佛开凿于唐玄宗开元初年(公元713年), 当时,岷江、青衣江、大渡河汇合于凌云山脚下,江水像一 匹脱缰的烈马,横冲直撞,势不可挡,过往船只时常被咆哮 的江水吞没。凌云寺的名僧海通和尚目睹惨状,甚为不安, 于是化布施、招收工匠在凌云山临江岩石上开凿佛像,以借佛力镇水,减少灾害。海通和尚“壮志未酬身先死,”他的徒子领着工匠继续开凿,直到唐贞元18年(公元803年),历时90余年,大佛终告修成。自大佛凿成后,至今没有发生过翻船死人的事故。 各位游客,下面我来介绍有关乐山大佛三次显灵的传说。 1962

3、年,三年自然灾害期间,四川饿死人不计其数,尸体用草席一裹扔进江中,每天都有成群的尸体飘过大佛眼前,乐山大佛不忍目睹人间惨剧,痛苦得闭上了眼睛。1976年,毛泽东、朱德、周恩来等党和国家领导人相继离世,唐山发生大地震,死伤数十万人,大佛流下了眼泪。2002年,中国加入世贸组织,申奥成功,喜事连连,大佛发出佛光,甚是喜悦! 各位游客,我的解说词到此为止,现在给大家一个半小时的自由活动时间,下午2时在大门口集合,我们去下一个景点峨眉山,谢谢大家!【篇二:乐山大佛导游词】 乐山大佛导游词 游客朋友们: 大家好!俗话说“有朋自远方来,不亦悦乎”今天呢,我是因为各位朋 友的到来而是非常的高兴,首先呢,我代

4、表大佛景区向各位表示欢迎,其次,做一下自我介绍,我是诸位的导游员万将军,大家可以称呼我为小万或者是万导,先预祝各位今天旅途愉快。 好,各位游客,现在我们所处的位置便是乐山大佛头部右边的一个平台上,现在我相信很多游客朋友都有一种心跳加快的感觉吧!但是,不要太过激动,以免心跳太快,控制不了。现在,咱们大家伙儿,就觉得这大佛大,但到底有多大呢?下面我给大家重点说明一下。乐山大佛是我国唐代摩崖造像中的艺术精品之一,是目前世界上最大的石刻弥勒佛坐像。大佛通高71米,这就相当于是24层楼的那个高度,比自称是世界第一的阿富汗巴米扬大佛还要高出18米。大佛的眼睛和嘴有3.3米长,我呢就一米七左右,这个长度就相

5、当于两个我那么长。眉毛有5米多长,鼻子有六米左右,耳朵高7米,在他的耳朵眼里呢能容纳两名壮汉并排站在里面。大佛肩宽24米,这就当于是两辆大巴士并排在一起的长度。大佛脚面宽8.5米,这是一个什么样的概念呢?这就相当于能够容纳100多个人围坐在它上面,对于咱们酷爱打麻将的朋友来说,在上面圈个五六桌是不成问题的。正因为如此高的一个高度,使咱们乐山大佛成为了当之无愧的世界第一。 游客朋友们,请往这边走,小心台阶。在这里,大家可以俯视一下乐山大佛。乐山大佛修建于公元713年,距今已有1200多年历史了,整个大佛的修建历经了90年,于公元803年,也就是唐德宗十九年完工。我相信呢大家也注意到了大佛两侧的岩

6、石是一种红色的岩石,这是一种地质疏松,且容易风化的红砂岩。那么为什么咱们乐山大佛还能在这儿屹立1200多年呢?这就得得益于它的地理位置以及它自身的排水系统了。首先,乐山大佛位于山凹地段,且处于凌云山的阴坡。第二,在大佛头部螺髻的第4,9,18层都各设有一条排水沟,且在大佛的衣领以及衣服褶皱等处也设有多条隐蔽的排水沟,由这些排水沟组成了周密的排水系统,不仅如此,在建成后,还修建了 一做大佛阁来保护它,不过在明末战争中被毁了,不过各位还可以从大佛两侧清晰的看到痕迹。 乐山大佛呢,目前是我国的4a级风景名胜区,古呢便有“上朝峨眉,下朝凌云”之说,这峨眉当然是指峨眉山,而这凌云自然就是指咱们乐山大佛了

7、。好各位游客,到咱们乐山大佛呢有一个说法,那就是“不到长城非好汉,不下佛脚真遗憾”,下面请各位随我由九曲栈道下到大佛佛脚进行游览。 leshan giant buddha tour guide word visitors and friends: good! as the saying goes, there are friends from afar, do not even have yuet today, i was a friend because you friends of the arrival of a very happy but, first of all, i assur

8、e you on behalf of the big buddha scenic welcome, and secondly, do you self-introduction, i am a million guides you generals, all i can be referred to million or million small lead, first i wish you a pleasant journey today. well, you visitors, we are now where the right is the head of the leshan gi

9、ant buddha on a platform, and now i believe that many tourists have a friend of feeling heart beat a little faster! however, not too exciting, so as to avoid heart beat too fast, impossible to control. now, we all伙儿, we feel that this buddha, but in the end that be? let us focus on the following to

10、illustrate this point. chinas tang dynasty leshan giant buddhacliff figures in art, is now the worlds largest stone seated maitreya. buddha 71 meters high pass, which is equivalent to the 24-story height, claiming to be first in the world than afghanistan buddhas higher than 18 meters. buddhas eyes

11、and mouth are 3.3 meters long,一米七around on me, this is equivalent to the length of the two as long as i am. eyebrows are more than five meters long and six meters nose, ears 7 meters high, in the eyes of his ear it can accommodate two stood side-by-side inside壮汉. buddha shoulder width 24 meters, whi

12、ch as a result of two large side-by-side with the length of the bus. buddha feet 8.5 meters wide, which is what kind of concept? this can accommodate the equivalent of more than 100 individuals sitting on it for the love of our friends playing mahjong, the circle of five or six in the above table is

13、 not a problem. that is why a high altitude, so that we become worthy of leshan giant buddha in the world. visitors and friends, please go to the side, careful steps. here, you can look down about leshan giant buddha. leshan giant buddha was built in 713 ad, the history of more than 1,200 years have

14、 elapsed since the entire construction of the buddha after 90 years, in 803 ad, the year in which the completion of唐德宗nineteen years. i believe that we have taken note of this buddha is a kind of rock on both sides of the red rock, which is a geological loose, and easily weathered red sandstone. les

15、han giant buddha why we can stand here 1200 years? this was due to its geographical location, as well as its own drainage system. first of all, lots山凹leshan giant buddha is located, and the slope at the gun hill. second, in the first螺髻buddha head 4,9,18 layer are all equipped with a drain, and the b

16、uddha as well as the collar fold clothes, etc. there are also many hidden drains, these drains formed a well-conceived drainage system, not only that, but after completion, but also a big temples built to protect it, but the destruction of war in the late ming, but you can also clear from the buddha

17、 to see traces of both sides.leshan giant buddha, it is currently chinas 4a class scenic spot, it will be the ancient towards emei, north korea under the gun, which of course refers to this emei emei shan, which means we lingyun natural the leshan giant buddha. good that visitors to the leshan giant

18、 buddha we do, there is a saying that less than the great wall of non-hero, no less than the foot buddha really regret, the following members with me from the path along the cliff down to 9 feet for large佛佛tour. 互换 leshan giant buddha tour guide word br visitors and friends: brgood! as the saying go

19、es, there are friends from afar, do not even have yuet today, i was a friend because you br friends of the arrival of a very happy but, first of all, i assure you on behalf of the big buddha scenic welcome, and secondly, do you self-introduction, i am a million guides you generals, all i can be refe

20、rred to million or million small lead, first i wish you a pleasant journey today. br well, you visitors, we are now where the right is the head of the leshan giant buddha on a platform, and now i believe that many tourists have a friend of feeling heart beat a little faster! however, not too excitin

21、g, so as to avoid heart beat too fast, impossible to control. now, we all伙儿, we feel that this buddha, but in the end that be? let us focus on the following to illustrate this point. chinas tang dynasty leshan giant buddha cliff figures in art, is now the worlds largest stone seated maitreya. buddha

22、 71 meters high pass, which is equivalent to the 24-story height, claiming to be first in the world than afghanistan buddhas higher than 18 meters. buddhas eyes and mouth are 3.3 meters long,一米七around on me, this is equivalent to the length of the two as long as i am. eyebrows are more than five met

23、ers long and six meters nose, ears 7 meters high, in the eyes of his ear it can accommodate 我们会利用您的建议在将来更新我们的系统时提高翻译质量。two stood side-by-side inside壮汉. buddha shoulder width 24 meters, which as a result of two large side-by-side with the length of the bus. buddha feet 8.5 meters wide, which is what

24、kind of concept? this can accommodate the equivalent of more than 100 individuals sitting on it for the love of our friends playing mahjong, the circle of five or six in the above table is not a problem. that is why a high altitude, so that we become worthy of leshan giant buddha in the world. br vi

25、sitors and friends, please go to the side, careful steps. here, you can look down about leshan giant buddha. leshan giant buddha was built in 713 ad, the history of more than 1,200 years have elapsed since the entire construction of the buddha after 90 years, in 803 ad, the year in which the complet

26、ion of唐德宗nineteen years. i believe that we have taken note of this buddha is a kind of rock on both sides of the red rock, which is a geological loose, and easily weathered red sandstone. leshan giant buddha why we can stand here 1200 years? this was due to its geographical location, as well as its

27、own drainage system. first of all, lots山凹leshan giant buddha is located, and the slope at the gun hill. second, in the first螺髻buddha head 4,9,18 layer are all equipped with a drain, and the buddha as well as the collar fold clothes, etc. there are also many hidden drains, these drains formed a well-

28、conceived drainage system, not only that, but after completion, but also a big temples built to protect it, but the destruction of war in the late ming, but you can also clear from the buddha to see traces of both sides. br leshan giant buddha, it is currently chinas 4a class scenic spot, it will be

29、 the ancient towards emei, north korea under the gun, which of course refers to this emei emei shan, which means we lingyun natural the leshan giant buddha. good that visitors to the leshan giant buddha we do, there is a saying that less than the great wall of non-hero, no less than the foot buddha

30、really regret, the following members with me from the path along the cliff down to 9 feet for large佛佛tour.【篇三:四川乐山大佛导游词】 各位游客:大家好!欢迎各位到乐山大佛景区来观光旅游。现在我们看到的就是举世闻名的千年古佛乐山大佛。它是世界上最大的一尊石刻弥勒佛,通高71米,肩膀的宽度是24米,头的直径是10米,耳朵有7米长,嘴巴和眼睛的长度是33米,眉毛和鼻子的长度是56米,颈高3米,指长83米,从膝盖到脚背28米,脚的宽度是85米,头上的发髻有l021个。乐山大佛雄伟壮观,人们形容它

31、:“山是一尊佛,佛是一座山”。 乐山大佛始建于唐玄宗开元初年(也就是公元713年),竣工于唐贞元十九年(公元803年),大家可以计算一下,乐山大佛矗立于此已经1200年了。 设计 现在请大家看一看大佛两侧的岩石。这种岩石叫红砂岩,是一种质地疏松,容易风化的岩石,乐山大佛就是在这种岩石上雕刻而成的。那么大佛为什么能历经1200年“风雨不动安如山呢”?首先我们看一下大佛所处的位置。大佛位于凌云山西面的阴坡上,加之佛体周围林木稠密,地质结构稳定,佛身处于江弯地段,隐藏于山体之中,减少了风雨侵蚀和水流冲刷,因此岩石风化较缓慢。不仅如此,乐山大佛还有非常巧妙的排水系统。在大佛身后,有左右相通的排水洞穴,

32、可以避免山泉对佛像的浸蚀;大佛头上发髻的第4层、9层、18层各有一条排水道与佛体衣服折皱连成排水渠道网,也避免了雨水对佛体的浸蚀。可见,乐山大佛的设计是非常科学的。除此之外,大佛在竣工之后,还曾经修造了一个高13层的楼阁复盖,可惜毁于明末的战乱。 虽然乐山大佛有着十分完善的保护系统,然而在一千多年的漫长岁月中,它仍免不了遭到各种各样的破坏,有自然的,也有人为的。因此,各个朝代都对它进行过维修。特别是新中国成立以后,政府曾对乐山大佛进行过多次维修,其中工程较大的是1963年的维修。1982年,乐山大佛经国务院公布成为国家重点文物保护单位。1996年峨眉山乐山大佛被联合国教科文组织列人世界自然与文化遗产名录。目前,乐山大佛的保护已经引起了全世界人民的关注,乐山大佛己成了全世界人民的一笔宝贵遗产。 海师堂 那么,是谁为我们创造了这笔财富?当初修大佛的目的是什么?带着这些问题,我们一起去参观海师堂。 海师堂里的三尊塑像就是修建乐山大佛的功臣。首先我们看中间这一位,大佛的始建者海通禅师,他是贵州人氏,当年在凌云山上结茅为僧。 古代的乐山三江汇流之处,水势相当的凶猛,经常发生船毁人亡的事件。海通和尚大发慈悲之心,准备修建大佛来镇水患。于

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