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1、中考真题完形填空2017年中考真题(完形填空)(2017湖北咸宁) 六、完形填空 阅该下面短文,从短文后每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(每小题1分,共12分) It was a fine spring day with beautiful flowers in the park. A young man arrived early and waited for his 39 under a big tree. But he was so short-tempered (性急的) that he wasnt in the mood to 40 the s

2、cenery.Suddenly, an angel appeared. “Put this button (按钮) onto your clothes. If you dont want to 41 , just turn the button to the right. You can skip over any time period if you want to.”The man happily held the button and turned it softly. Oh! How amazing! His girlfriend appeared before him and was

3、 gently 42 him! How I wish our wedding ceremony could be held now! He turned the button once again. A great wedding 43 in front of him, the beautiful bride (新娘) was standing next to him and the band was playing cheerful music. He lost 44 in it deeply. The 45 in his heart kept coming out: I also want

4、 a big house with a garden in the front. He turned the button. Then he wished for children. All of a sudden, a group of lovely children were playing 46 in the huge living room. Again, he jumped at the chance to turn the button to the right. How time 47 ! Before he could see beautiful flowers in the

5、garden, everything had been covered in deep snow. Looking at himself again, he found his hair totally 48 . He had already become so old. He felt so sad. He would rather enjoy life 49 than watch it go by in such a hurry. He quickly turned the button to the 50 . Once again, he was waiting for his love

6、ly girlfriend under that big tree.39. A. angel B. girlfriend C. teacher D. father40. A. judge B. find C. enjoy D. check41. A. wait B. move C. work D. sit42. A. quarreling with B. laughing at C. smiling to D. crying to43. A. discovered B. covered C. disappeared D. appeared44. A. herself B. himself C.

7、 itself D. themselves45. A. wishes B. questions C. secrets D. problems46. A. rudely B. angrily C. happily D. sadly47. A. fly B. flies C. flying D. flew48. A. shinning B. white C. strong D. black49. A. one by one B. face to face C. step by step D. hand in hand50. A. left B. right C. up D. down题材:人物故事

8、 【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述的是一个年轻人在公园里焦急地等待他的女朋友的到来。这时一位天使给了他一枚神奇的按钮,按动按钮他可以跨越到他想要实现的生活阶段。他不断地按动按钮,眼前果然出现了他和女朋友举行了盛大的结婚典礼、他拥有了大房子和一些可爱的孩子,但是最后他却看到了自己变老的情景。他后悔没有珍惜、欣赏过去美好的生活。再次按动按扭,他又回到了最初的生活起点。39. B 【解析】考查名词辨析。根据短文最后“Once again, he was waiting for his lovely girlfriend under that big tree”可知句意为:一个年轻人早早来到公园,等

9、着和他的女朋友约会。故用girlfriend,意为“女朋友”。故选B。40. C 【解析】考查动词辨析。根据上文“so short-tempered”可知,他非常焦急地盼望他的女朋友出现,故判断他没有心情欣赏眼前繁花似锦的美丽景色,故用动词enjoy,意为“欣赏”。故选C。41. A 【解析】考查动词辨析。根据下文“You can skip over any time period if you want to”可知,天使告诉年轻人,如果他不愿意等待的话,他可以向右按动按钮,就可以跨越到他想要实现的任何生活阶段。故用wait,意为“等待”。故选A。42. C 【解析】考查动词短语辨析。根据上下

10、文语境以及句中的gently可知句意为:多么神奇的一幕出现了!他的女朋友出现在他的面前,温柔地对他微笑着。smile at意为“对微笑”。而quarrel with (争吵),laugh at(嘲笑),cry to(哭泣)都不符合语境。故选C。43. D 【解析】考查动词。由上文的“our wedding ceremony could be held now”可知句意为,一场盛大的结婚典礼出现在他眼前。故用appear,意为“出现”。故选D。44. B 【解析】考查反身代词的用法。联系上文“他眼前浮现的是他和他的女朋友举行结婚典礼的幸福情景”,故判断句意为“他深深地沉醉于其中”。lose on

11、eself in 意为“某人自己沉醉于其中”,主语是he,故用himself,意为“他自己”。故选B。45. A 【解析】考查名词辨析。由下文中的“Then he wished for children”,结合上文语境可知是指,他内心一直保留着一种愿望,想要一个带有花园的大房子。故用名词wish,意为“愿望”。故选A。46. C 【解析】考查副词辨析。句意:一群可爱的孩子正在大客厅里开心地玩。故用副词happily,意为“高兴地;幸福地”。故选C。47. D 【解析】考查动词的时态。联系下文“He had already become so old”可知,他已经变老了,故推断句意为:时间过得真

12、快啊!上下文都用的是过去的时态,故用动词fly的过去式flew。故选D。48. B 【解析】考查形容词辨析。联系下文“He had already become so old”,可知他已经变成白发苍苍的老人。故用white,意为“白色的”。故选B。49. C 【解析】考查固定短语辨析。one by one意为“轮流地”;face to face意为“面对面地”;step by step意为“逐渐地;一步一个脚印地”;hand in hand“手拉手地”。由下文中的“go by in such a hurry”可知句意为:他宁愿逐步地慢慢享受生活,也不愿看着时光匆匆而逝。故选C。50. A 【解

13、析】考查名词辨析。根据上文“turn the button to the right. You can skip over any time period”可知向右按按钮,是翻转到以后的生活;现在想回归到原来的生活,当然要向左按按钮。故选A。(2017广东省)三、完形填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。 Jacks love for birds started when he made his first birdfeeder about six years ago. He

14、 filled the feeder with seeds(种子), put it in his backyard and then 46 started coming. He got really 47 in birds as more came. Then he joined a local society. As he realized that more and more birds were dying very 48 , he wanted to try his best to help them.Besides what he has done, he has his own g

15、roup called Protecting Our Birds. He does 49 about birds, runs a website to teach people about birds and how to help them, and 50 boxes for birds. Not long ago, he found that the bluebirds were nesting(做窝)in the dead trees which were often cut down, 51 he began to make bluebird boxes for the birds i

16、n order to save them. Now he wants to use these boxes to 52 the dead trees. He hangs these boxes up in trees and takes 53 down every week to see if the birds are nesting in them. He also writes articles, hoping that more people will 54 protecting natural ecosystems(生态系统). “Researching birds is 55 to

17、 protecting birds,” Jack says, “In order to protect birds, we have to learn and really know about the birds.”46. A. bees B. birds C. people D. scientists47. A. nervous B. weak C. bored D. interested48. A. peacefully B. safety C. quickly D. sadly49. A. practice B. business C. instruction D. research5

18、0. A. builds B. breaks C. lifts D. pushes51. A. so B. but C. though D. because52. A. take good care of B. take the place of C. catch up with D. come up with53. A. it B. this C. these D. them54. A. wait for B. send for C. join in D. hand in55. A. simple B. crazy C. important D. fresh题材:人物故事【主旨大意】本文是一

19、篇记叙文。Jack是位爱鸟人士,喜欢鸟的同时也为保护鸟做出了行动。46. B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。第一句中写出Jack喜欢鸟,故推测这里应该是小鸟飞来。故选B。47. D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。根据前文Jack喜欢鸟并主动让小鸟来到他的院子推测他对于小鸟的到来是感兴趣的。故选D。48. C【解析】考查副词词义辨析。根据后面空后Jack想尽力帮助它们可知,越来越多的鸟正在快速死亡。故选C。49. D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。根据前后文,Jack建立自己的保护鸟的组织,并教导其他人如何保护小鸟可推测,Jack应该是做了一些研究。故选D。50. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。根据空后的boxe

20、s可知,应该是建造盒子。故选A。51. A【解析】考查连词词义辨析。根据前后文的意思:不久,他发现蓝鸟在经常被砍伐的死树上做窝,他开始给这些鸟建造蓝鸟盒子来拯救它们。前后为因果关系。故选A。52. B【解析】考查动词短语辨析。take good care of爱护,take the place of代替,catch up with赶上,come up with想出。根据前文“他开始给这些鸟建造蓝鸟盒子来拯救它们”可推知此句表示“Jack想用盒子代替死树”。故选B。53. D【解析】考查代词词义辨析。此空指的是前面的these boxes,应用them。故选D。54. C【解析】考查动词短语辨析

21、。wait for等待,send for发送到,join in加入,hand in交上,根据前文Jack为保护鸟所做的事情可推知,此句是Jack希望人们加入进来一起保护生态系统。故选C。55. C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。Simple简单的,crazy疯狂的,important重要的,fresh新鲜的。根据后句“为了保护鸟,我们必须学会并真正了解它们。”可推知此句表示“研究鸟在保护鸟时起到很重要的作用。”故选C。(2017河北) VI.完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。One thorn (刺) of exper

22、ience is worth many times of warning.Ralph Wick was seven years old. In most things he was a fine boy, but he would cry from time to time. When he could not have what he wanted, he would 36 for it. If he was told that it would hurt him, and he could not 37 it, he would also cry.One day, he went with

23、 his mother into the 38 . The sun shone. The grass was cut. The flowers were starting to come out.Ralph thought he was, for once, a good boy. A 39 was on his face. He wished to do as he was told. Ralph helped his mother with the farm work and he was very happy.“Now you must be tired and 40 said his

24、mother. “Have a good rest here and eat some cookies. I will get a beautiful red rose for you.” So his mother brought the red flower to him. When he saw his mother still had a white rose in her hand, Ralph 41 it.“No, my dear,” said his mother. “See how many thorns it has. You must not touch it, or yo

25、u would be sure to hurt your 42 .” When Ralph found that he could not have the white rose, he began to cry, and 43 took it away. But he was soon very sorry. The thorns hurt his hand. It was so 44 that he could not use it for some time.Ralph would never 45 this. From then on, when he wanted what he s

26、hould not have, his mother would point to his hand which had been hurt before. He at last learned to do as he was told.36. A. run B. cry C. plan D. call37. A. save B. hide C. have D. lose38. A. park B. garden C. forest D. field39. A. smile B. sign C. fear D. mark40. A. lazy B. noisy C. hungry D. sle

27、epy41. A. waited for B. asked for C. cared for D. thanked for42. A. arm B. leg C. hand D. foot43. A. quietly B. proudly C. politely D. suddenly44. A. helpful B. harmful C. peaceful D. painful45. A. accept B. refuse C. forget D. remember题材:人物故事【主旨大意】本文为一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个任性的男孩,如果想要的东西得不到就会大声哭,他的妈妈用玫瑰花上的刺扎他

28、的手,让他记住有些东西是不能非得拥有的,他变成了听话的孩子。36. B【解析】考查上下文的语境与动词词义辨析。根据上文他一次又一次的哭。故选B。3.【解析】考查动词词义辨析。根据上文中的have,可知本句为如果他不能拥有。故选。38. D【解析】考查上下文的语境与名词词义辨析。park公园;garden花园;forest 森林;field田野。根据下一段,他帮助妈妈做农活,可知他们去了田里。故选D。39. A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。smile微笑;sign标志;fear 害怕;mark标志。根据上句,他认为自己是好孩子,可知他脸上带着微笑。故选A。40. C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。laz

29、y懒惰的;noisy嘈杂的;hungry饥饿的;sleepy困的。根据下句,妈妈让他吃点甜饼,可知妈妈认为他饿了。故选C。41. B【解析】考查动词短语词义辨析。waited for等待;asked for询问;cared for关心;thanked for感谢。根据下句,妈妈给出了她那样做的原因,可知Ralph询问原因。故选B。42. C【解析】考查动词短语词义辨析。arm胳膊;leg腿;hand手;foot脚。根据语境,拿着玫瑰,可知怕他扎手。故选C。43. D【解析】考查副词词义辨析。quietly安静地;proudly骄傲地;politely礼貌地;suddenly突然。根据语境Ral

30、ph怕扎手,因此是突然扔掉了花。故选D。44. D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。helpful有帮助地;harmful有害地;peaceful和平的;painful疼痛的。根据上文他的手被刺了,可知很疼。故选D。45. C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。accept接受;refuse拒绝;forget忘记;remember记住。根据下文妈妈不断提醒他,可知这一点他再也不会忘记了。故选C。 (2017浙江温州) 二、 完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Johnnie Martin was born in a wo

31、rkers family. His parents lived a simple life, saving money for the day when they could send him to a good university. They had dreamed that their son could get a good 11 and live a better life. However, to Johnnie, school lessons seemed like a wall that was impossible to go through. One day when he

32、 was in Grade 11, Johnnie went 12 the school psychologists (心理学家的) office to ask for help. “ Johnnie, Ive been studying your marks of all the tests at school. Ive made a 13 study of them,” said the psychologist. Ive been trying hard,” Johnnie was about to 14 . The psychologist put his hand on the boys

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