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2、、奏国歌、全体师生行注目礼!第二项:向烈士敬献花蓝,默哀。朵朵白花寄托着我们的哀思,英烈们,请安心长眠,我们会接过革命的火炬,奋勇直前。第三项:新团员入团宣誓仪式。1、初一新团员出列,面向烈士雕像站成一排;2、团员为新团员发放团员证,配戴团徽;3、入团宣誓:请同学们面向团旗,举起右拳,跟我宣誓。誓词:我志愿加入中国共产主义青年团,坚决拥护中国共产党的领导,遵守团的章,Lesson 3Chinese Paper Art,Words and expressions,phoenixroosterbattombdate back(to)dynastyreligiouspurpose,n.凤凰n.雄鸡,

3、公鸡n.蝙蝠n.坟墓 追溯到n.朝代,王朝adj.宗教的,虔诚的n.目的,意图,Words and expressions,patterncharacterhappinesstempleofferingrelate tojewellerytry out,n.式样,模式n.(书写或印刷的)字,字体n.幸福,快乐n.庙宇,寺庙n.供品,祭品vt.把联系起来n.(总称)珠宝 试用,试验,Background Knowledge:Paper cutting is a traditional art that has evolved through-out the course of Chinese c

4、ultural development.Its origin should be closely connected with the invention of paper during the Han dynasty(206 B.C.-221 A.D.).,As paper was highly precious in the early days,art of paper cutting first became popular in the royal palaces and houses of nobility as a favorite pastime among court lad

5、ies.Later,during the 7th through 13th centuries,paper cutting was immensely popular during folk festivals and celebrations.,Paper-cutting is pictures cut out on a paper with scissors.The picture patterns are often pasted on the lintels,windows or lanterns to express the feelings of joys and the perc

6、eptions in life.Hence the scissors cut is also known as“scissors-picture”or“paper-cut for window decoration.”The paper art is Chinese national treasures.,color,shapes,people,Chinese characters,animals,When,where,walls,windows,gates,Paper cuts,Look at the pictures on this page.,Which paper cut do you

7、 like most?,Chinese Paper Art,Have you ever tried paper-cutting?On what occasions would you use paper cuts?,People,Animals,Chinese characters 汉字,Chinese characters for double happiness,Today,paper cuts are chiefly used as decoration.They ornament walls,windows,doors,columns,mirrors,lamps and lantern

8、s in homes and are given as presents themselves.,Describe the following paper-cutting in your own words.,This paper cut is of a boy holding a big fish.,The two women who are dressed in red are dancing.,The monkey who is eating a big peach is really lovely.,The girl who is smelling a flower is so lif

9、elike.,The fisherman goes home,followed by his dog.,How many types of paper cuts do people like to make?What are they?,Three.Paper-cuts are used for decorations,for religious purposes and in the design of other crafts.,Reading,2.How do we know that there is a long tradition of paper-cutting in China

10、?The evidence is that paper-cuts of animals have been found in tombs dating back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty.3.Which Chinese character often appears in wedding paper cuts?The Chinese character of double happiness often appears in wedding paper-cuts.,4.How is paper-cutting relate

11、d to fashion?By using paper-cutting like a pattern on clothing or on a jewellery box.5.Why is the writer going to see Mr.Chen again?He wants to show he is interested in paper cuts.,Three types of paper cuts,decoration for windows,walls,gates and lanterns;for presents.reason:_,temple decoration or of

12、ferings to the dead reason:_,the design of other crafts,To bring good luck,For religious purposes,What meaning can you get from these paper cuts?,Voice your opinion,Paper cuts with a long history is a special art form of China,and it plays an important part in peoples everyday life.,Post-reading,The

13、 text introduces four uses of the paper-cutting.2.Paper-cutting has something to do with clothing design.3.Relations often use paper cuts to do something for the dead on special days.4.The earliest paper cut dates back to the Southern Song Dynasty.,F,T,True or False,T,F,T,T,T,5.The text refers to us

14、 that paper-cutting was once a necessary skill of a young woman.6.Paper-cutting were found in tombs in the Northern and southern Dynasty.7.The text introduces the history and uses of Chinese paper cuts.8.Nowadays,a young farmer who wanted a wife would look at a young womans paper-cutting skills to c

15、hoose his bride.,F,9.Double happiness paper cuts are commonly used to celebrate a newly-born child.10.Paper cuts are used for decoration,religion and in the design of other crafts.11.Mr.Chen suggests newcomers practice easy designs such as snowflakes.12.Paper cuts may be used as a pattern on a jewel

16、lery.,F,F,F,T,Fill in the blanks,Paper-cutting is a Chinese _ _ with a long _.By the Southern _ Dynasty,paper-cutting had become an important part of everyday life.There are three types of paper cuts which people like to make.One type is used for _ windows,walls,and gates.,folk,art,history,Song,decorating,People think these paper cuts can bring _ _ to them.Paper cuts which feature the Chinese _ for double happiness are commonly used to _ _.Another type of paper cuts is used for _ purposes.A thir

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