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1、父亲英语演讲稿父亲英语演讲稿篇一:英语演讲父亲一位父亲的英语演讲稿范文这是名为当我日渐老去的时候的一篇一位父亲的英语演讲稿,那么就请您一起分享吧 dear son:the day that you see me old and i am already not, have patience and try to understand me .if i get dirty when eating. if i cannot dress. have patience.remember the hours i spent teaching it to you.if, when i speak to y

2、ou, i repeat the same things thousand and one times. do not interrupt me. listen to mewhen you were small, i had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep. when i do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me.remember when i had to chase you with thous

3、and excuses i invented, in order that you wanted to bath.when you see my on new technologies. give me the necessary time and not look at me with your mocking smile.i taught you how to do so many things. to eat well, to dress well. to confront life.nervous. as the most important thing is not my conve

4、rsation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me.if ever i do not want to eat, do not force me. i know well when i need to and when not.when my tired legs do not allow me walk. give me your hand. the same way i did when you gave your first steps.and when someday i say to you that i

5、do not want to live any more.that i want to die. do not get angry. some day you will understand. try to understand that my age is not lived but survived.some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, i always wanted the best thing for you and that i tried to prepare the way for must n

6、ot feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you. you must be next to me, try to understand me and to help me as i did it when you started living. help me to walk. help me to end my way with love and patience. i willpay you by a smile and by the immense love i have had always for you. i love yo

7、u son.your father这篇一位父亲的英语演讲稿就为您介绍到这里,请继续关注我们!篇二:英语演讲:父亲在女儿婚礼上演讲英语演讲:父亲在女儿婚礼上演讲父亲在女儿婚礼上的英语演讲,幽默风趣,字字句句都是一位父亲对女儿的爱,以及给自己女婿的忠告。父爱母爱在很多人眼中都爱得深沉,给自己孩子许多心理负担,但这位父亲的爱却让女儿没有任何负担,看女儿在婚礼上笑得前俯后仰,会不会让你忘记一个词叫“庄重”。父亲的感人又幽默的演讲词中英对照:philip, i wanna tell you a story. and like all good stories, it starts like this:p

8、hilip,我要跟你说个故事。而就像所有的好故事一样,它是像这样子开始的:once upon a time, there was a father, and in case you cantfigure that out, thats me. this father had a wonderful little boy. he was very happy.从前从前,有一位父亲,万一你搞不清楚,那个人就是我。这位父亲有个很棒的小男孩。他非常开心。then one day, he found out that his wife was going to have another baby. so

9、 i prayed, “lord, if its your will, make her a little girl.” and he did. i was the first person to hold her in my arms.接着有一天,他发现他的妻子即将有了另一个宝宝。所以我祈祷:老天爷啊,如果这是您的旨意,让她是个小女孩吧。而祂答应了。我是第一个将她抱在怀里的人。and i looked at her, and i said, “lord, make her like hermother.” and he did. she was loving, giving, so good

10、 and so kind.然后我看着她,我说:老天爷啊,让她像她妈妈吧。然后祂办到了。她深情、奉献、很好心又很仁慈。but then i realized i was getting left out. so i said, “lord,make her like me.” and he did. she could drive a truck and a tractor. she could load hay and chew tobacco. do you realize what youre getting但接下来我了解到我给遗漏了。所以我说:老天爷啊,让她像我吧。然后祂照办了。她能够驾

11、驶卡车和牵引机。她可以堆牧草还能嚼烟草。你知道你即将得到的是什么吗?but at the same time, she was opinionated, emotional and hard-headed. so i said, “lord, thats enough of that! make her like you.” and he did. he gave her the desire to serve people. she loves people. she gave her life to being a nurse. shes brought people back from

12、the dead. and shes held the hand of people who have breathed their last breath. he gave her a heart for missions, and shes trekked all over the world. pushed canoes up swollen rivers, laid on the floor while bullets whizzed outside so she could tell people about jesus.但同时,她顽固、情绪化而且强悍。所以我说:老天爷啊,那样足够了

13、!让她像你吧。而祂做到了。她给了她服务人群的渴望。她爱人们。她奉献一生当个护士。她曾把人从鬼门关给救回来。她曾握着那些咽下最后一口气的人们的手。她给了她传道的勇气,而她曾艰苦跋涉了千山万水遍及世界。推独木舟逆着涨水的河流而上、子弹呼啸在外时卧伏在地,如此而能够向人们传播耶稣的福音。happy.” and she met you. did you see that look on her face i never篇三:父亲节英语演讲父亲节英语演讲_无言的父爱无言的父爱很多年前,一个男婴来到了这个世界。但遗憾的是他没有“呱呱落地”,从医学角度来说,这是一个很大的问题!好在医生现场反应很快,也很强悍

14、,一下子把男婴倒提起来,对着屁股一阵狂打。男婴终于哭了,脱离了生命危险。当时在场的孩子父亲不干了,对着医生吼道,“你为什么打我的孩子啊?”他并没有意识到医生救了这孩子的命。男婴不停地哭,这位父亲面带微笑,高兴地默默流泪。他紧紧地把婴儿抱在怀里,再也没有让医生碰一下这个孩子contest chair, ladies and gentlemen, that baby was me, and that man was my dad. whenever my mom told people this story, i would always laugh aloud, and my dad would

15、 just shake his head and smile quietly。大会主持人,女士们先生们,那个婴儿就是我,那个男的就是我老爸。每当妈告诉别人这个故事时,我总会放声大笑,而老爸则会一边摇头一边默默地微笑。dad never tried to hug or kiss me when i was a child. and of course, he never said i love you to me, either. maybe its a chinese cultural thing, or maybe thats the way my dad was. but whenever

16、 i felt defeated, sad or lonely, dad was always there. dad was a man of few words, but i always liked to talk to him, and i could always feel a very special connection to him。我小的时候爸从来不抱我,从来不亲我,当然他也从来不说“我爱你”这三个字。也许这是中国文化的问题,也许爸就是这种人。但每当我受挫、伤心或孤独无助时,爸总会在默默地关心我。老爸话不多,但我总喜欢有什么话都给他说,同是我也总是能感到和老爸之间那种无法言喻的

17、特殊关系。as i got older, i had a huge crush on a girl. she was tall andbeautiful, with long hair. one day, i walked up to her and blurted out, you are so beautiful baby. i love you so much. please be my wife! she was afraid and ran away with tears in her eyes. she told my teacher, andmy teacher was so a

18、ngry that she made me stay after school, and called mydad to take me home. my first love was over, and that year i was 7 years old。等我大一些的时候我疯狂爱上了一个女孩子。她又高又漂亮,还有一头长发。终于有一天,我忍不住了,走到她面前,很快地说道,“亲爱的,你太漂亮了!我太爱你了!做我老婆吧!”没想到她吓坏了,抹着眼泪跑掉了,然后就告诉了老师。老师当时非常生气,放学后没让我回家,并给老爸打电话,让他过来领人。我的初恋就这样夭折了,那年我七岁on the way ho

19、me, dad was very quiet. it seemed that nothing had happened. finally i broke the silence and asked him, daddy, did i do something wrong dad paused for a while as he always did and said quietly, son, you did nothing wrong, except that its too early for you to pursue girls. daddy, do you think i could

20、 marry a tall and beautifulgirl with long hair when i grow up i asked. dad gave me one of his rare laughs and said, of course you could. you are so handsome! just like yourhandsome father. for the first time, i realized that dad had a sense ofhumor, although he was always quiet。回家路上老爸非常沉默,好像什么事都没发生。

21、最后我打破了沉默,问道,“爸爸,我做错什么了吗?”和往常一样,老爸沉默了一下,轻轻地说到,“儿子,你没做错什么,只是你这个年龄追女孩子有点早。“爸爸,”你觉得我长大能娶一个又高又漂亮,头发很长的老婆吗?”我又问道。老爸听了很难得地大笑了一下,说道,“当然能了!你那么帅,跟你老爸一样帅!”我第一次感到,老爸虽然话不多,但还是有些幽默感的。when i was in high school, dad retired and set up a food stand on the street near my school. dad was very good at making fried nood

22、les, and a lot of people liked his noodles. every day when i finished school, myclassmates and i would pass his food stand. but i really hated talking to dad in front of his food stand, because i did not want my classmates to know that my dad was selling noodles on the street! 等到我上高中的时候老爸退休了,在离我学校不远

23、的街边摆起了面摊儿。老爸很擅长做炒面,当时很多人都很喜欢他做的面。每天放学回家,我和我的同学们都要路过爸的面摊。但那时候我真得很讨厌站在他摊前和他说话,因为我实在不想让我的同学知道我有一个在大街上摆摊的老爸。one night, i couldnt stand it any more and shouted, dad, could youstop selling your stupid noodles i dont need a father who sells noodles on the street! at thatmoment, dad was shocked. he tried to

24、 say something but didnt. when he turned his head away, something happened that i hadnever seen and would never forget for the rest of my life. his eyes were filled with tears and sadness. it was the first time that i saw dadcrying. my mom later told me that dad was selling noodles to save money for

25、 my college education. i was such an idiot, and even today i still feel guilty for that night。一天晚上我再也忍不住了,朝老爸吼道,“你能不能不再去卖面条?我不需要一个只会在大街上卖面条的父亲!”在那一刻爸惊呆了,他想要说些什么,但最终没有说。当他扭过头的时候,我发现他的眼里含着泪水和哀伤。我从未见过老爸这个样子。妈后来告诉我,老爸摆摊卖面条是在为我上大学攒学费。我太蠢了!即使今天,我仍然为那天晚上的所作所为而感到内疚。time really flies. i finished college and

26、then left my home city. for the past ten years, whenever ive visited home, dad was always there meeting me and seeing me off quietly at the railway station. whenever he saw me off, he never tried to hug me or touch me, although i alwaysexpected a fathers hug. when i was away from home, dad never wro

27、te or called me, but he always pushed my mom to call me. whenever mom was calling me, dad would sit beside her with a list of questions. he wouldinstruct mom to talk to me for him. thats the way dad is, and thats how dad shows his love to me。时间飞逝,我念完了大学,后来又离开了我所在的城市。在过去的十年中,每当我回老家,老爸总会默默地在火车站迎我然后再送我

28、。每当他在车站送我时,他从来不会和拥别,也从来不会碰我一下,虽然我总是期待他能抱我一下。当我远在他乡时,老爸从来不会给我写信,也从来不给我打电话。但他总是会催妈给我打电话。每当妈给我打电话时,老爸就会坐在她身边,准备好一些问题,然后让妈帮他传话。i was married three years ago. dad was very happy for me. and now helikes to tell people that his daughter-in-law is tall and beautiful, with long hair.。老爸话仍然不多,但我仍然能感到和他之间的那种特殊

29、的密切关系。女士们先生们,当这种关系变得如此深厚和强烈时,它会根植于某处,再也无法用语言表达;它会变成一种特殊的情感:一种无言的父爱。篇二:感恩父母的英文演讲稿When you are very young,they spent a lot of time to teach you to eat with a spoon and you to wear clothes,trying shoelaces,the Department of buttons,xxb you hair,wash you face .The most important is that they give you th

30、e truth in life about how to live, and what to do,and how to you remember that you often asked them where are you that time my mom told me that I was picked up in the heap of ,when they get older, they forget trying shoelaces, Department of buttons and stain clothes before do not blame as you grow u

31、p,age catches up with your partents and they need your help and they hardly stand and walk firm on one hold on tightly to their hands,leaning on them to go is like they do when you are very young. In such a hasty world, we just always busy with our always calculate housing price,interest,cost of liv

32、ing and so ,how many people stop their hurry steps to calculated how long can acxxpany their many people pay attention to parents life after we leave.篇三:感恩父母英语演讲稿In recent years, because of different reasons, Chinese traditional goodness has been forgotten. For example, in many students minds, the idea of filial duty to their parents has been discounted and even lost. As far as I am conce

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