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1、广州版小学英语三至六年级教材要点及目标要求三年级上册字母和书写规范: 1能认读、分辨和正确书写26个大小写的英文字母;2知道每个字母在英文字母表中的位置顺序;3知道Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu是元音字母;4知道单词是由字母组成的;5掌握句子书写的基本规范(句首字母大写;单词间有一个字母的间隔;英语中的句号是实心圆点;人名首字母大写;单词I无论在句中什么位置都要大写)M1 Hello/ Hi. Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. How are you? Fine. Goodbye/ Bye! Good night.M2 Whats your name?

2、My name is / Im This is M3 Touch / Clean / Wash / your hands. Dont touch Lets play a game. M4 Whats this / that? Hes / Shes / This/That lady/man is Whos he /she /the young man? He/ Shes Is he/she / the young man your brother? Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isnt. He / She / Your father is young. M5 Is

3、it a ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its Jiamins dog. The dog is Jiamins. I have a M6 Do you have a ? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. May I use your ? Put in/ on / under is in / on / under 三年级下册Module 1 What colour is .? Its . Do you like .? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. I like . Lets colour .(物品) .(颜色) .(物品) is/a

4、re .(颜色) Lets go to play. Good idea! Thats good. Great! Lets go. Module 2 Where is .? Its in /on /under. Is . in /on/under .? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. . is in /on/under . Lets play a game. Module 3 How old are you / is ? Im / Hes /Shes . Whats your .number? Guess! This is for you. Happy birthday!

5、May I have your telephone number? Module 4 I want . Do we have .? Yes, we do. / No, we dont. May / Can I have .? Of course. Apples are good for us. What fruit do you like? Lets get . Module 5 I want . Do we have .? Yes, we do. / No, we dont. May / Can I have .? Of course. Apples are good for us. Wha

6、t fruit do you like? Lets get . Module 6 Are there any .? Yes, there are. / No, there arent. These / Those . are . . have / has . Where are .? Is sbs? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Are sbs? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. Whose . is/ are .? . is/ are sbs. Yes, it really is. / They really are. 四年级上册Mod

7、ule 1目标要求:1. 能在听说读写的语言活动中理解和运用本模块单词和词组:2. 能在听说读写的语言活动中理解和运用下列句型结构: Whats in/on/next to.? There is/are . in/on/next to. Is/Are there . in/on/next to.? . is / are in/on/next to. I want you to . 3. 能用英语描述物品的位置和房间的摆设。4. 能用 I want you to.发指令。5. 知道字母a及组合sh, a_e, ar, ay在单词中的发音,能拼读含有这些字母或字母组合的单音节词;能尝试运用于阅读中

8、。知识要点:1) 描述和询问物品的位置。方位介词:in, on, under, beside, behind, near, in front of, between, next to 描述和询问物品的位置,如 The map is between the two windows. The cats are behind the doors. Is the computer on the desk? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Are the flowers near the window? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 2) the

9、re be 句型表示“有、存在”。陈述句,如: There is a computer on the desk. There are some flowers in front of the window. 一般疑问句:如:Is there a computer on the desk? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. Are there any flowers in front of the window?Yes, there are. / No, there arent. 特殊疑问句,如: How many pictures are there on th

10、e wall? There is one./There are two. Module 2 目标要求:1. 能在听说读写的活动中理解和运用本模块单词和词组:2. 能在听说读写的活动中理解和运用下列句型:I . in the ., 如:I play with my friends in the garden. I like to ., 如:I like to play computer games there. Where is/are .? Its / They are in / on / under. (可移M1进行练习) . The . is .,如:The garden is beaut

11、iful. The toilet is clean. 3. 能在听说读写的活动中理解和运用下列日常交际用语:Welcome to . Please come in. Its nice. Here it is. I love sth. 4. 能描述房子的居室和不同居室的常见活动,如:There is a big living-room in my house/ My house has a big living-room.(p15课本词条)The kitchen is big. I watch TV and do my housework in the living-room. 5. 能在交际中

12、表达欣赏和赞美,如:The living-room is nice. I love the big TV. 知识要点:词汇:居室单词:house, flat, living-room, bedroom, kitchen, study, toilet, bathroom, garden, 家庭常见活动单词:take a shower, sleep, have meals, do my homework, play computer games, watch TV, grow flowers, read books 描述居室的形容词:big, small, large, clean, beauti

13、ful, nice, new 描述居家活动的句子: P17页 (已学)I like to play computer games in the study. I take a shower in the bathroom.Module 3 目标要求:1. 在听说读写的活动中理解和运用本模块的单词和 词组;2. 能在听说读写的活动中理解和运用下列句型:1)We . in the ., 如:We have PE lessons in the playground. 2) Let 引导的祈使句,如:Let me show you our new school. Lets play music her

14、e. 3) How many . are there .? 如:How many classrooms are there in your school? 4) 能使用or表示选择,如Is your classroom big or small? 3. 能描述学校场室的位置,如:The classroom building is over there, next to the library. 4. 能描述学校场室的常见活动和功能,如:We have computer lessons in the computer room. We eat in the dining hall. 5. 能询问

15、和表述学校设备数量,如:How many computers are there in our school?知识要点:1. 词汇学校场室单词:classroom, library, swimming pool, playground, teachers room, computer room, classroom building, music room, dining hall, gym 学校不同场室常见活动单词:have PE/music/. lessons, work, play games, eat, read, draw, play music, have lunch, 描述位置的

16、词:over there, opposite, in front of, next to, behind, beside, under, near 数量词十几和几十,如thirteen, thirty。 2. 描述学校活动的句子, 如:We eat in the dining room. The teachers work in the teachers room. 3. 用介词描述学校场室的位置,如: The swimming pool is opposite the playground. 4. 数量词十几和几十的构成:十到二十之间的整数除eleven, twelve外,其它词尾均为tee

17、n,分别为thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen和 nineteen。注意thirteen, fifteen两词的拼写。二十开始的整十数词尾均为ty, 分别为twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty和 ninety。本模块要求记住五十以前的整十数单词。5. or 表示选择,如:Are the classrooms big or small? They are big. Do you want an apple or an orange? An apple,

18、 please. Module 4目标要求:1. 能在听说读写的活动中理解和运用本模块的单词和词组: 2. 能在听说读写的活动中理解和运用下列句型: 1) How many . does . have? . has . How many . do you have? I/We have . 2)How many . are there in your class/school? There are . (P41) 3) Whats your favourite .? My favourite . is . 4) I like . best. 3. 能在听说读写的活动中理解和运用下列日常交际用语

19、:Let me see. What about you? And you? Great! 4. 知道字母和字母组合c, o_e, o, or, oa, ow, ou在单词中的常见发音。5. 能询问和描述某人拥有物品的数量; 能询问有关学校或班级的数量5. 能讲述自己最喜欢的科目及并给出理由,如:My favourite subject is music. I like to sing. 知识要点:1) 词汇:数词:sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety 学校科目及常见活动:Chinese, English, maths, art, music, PE, use numbe

20、rs, draw pictures, write stories, read English books, sing songs, play sports 2) 询问某人拥有物品的数量及回答:How many . does . have? / How many . do you have? . has . / We/I have .3)表示喜好的句子:I like / love to . Module 5 目标要求:1. 能在听说读写的活动中理解和运用本模块单词和词组: 2. 能在听说读写的活动中理解和运用下列购物用语: 1) Can I help you? Yes, please. 2) I

21、 want to buy 3) I want 4) How much is/are? Its/Theyre 5) Ill take it/them. 6) Thats too expensive. I wont take it/them. 7) Do you want anything else? No, thanks. 8) Here you are. 3. 知道字母和字母组合wh, wh, u_e, u, ur在单词中的常见发音。4. 能用英语模拟购物情景。知识要点: 1) 词汇:数词:百位数的表达。如325three hundred and twenty-five, 287two hun

22、dred and eighty-seven 服装名词:clothes, T-shirt, blouse, cap, jacket, coat, shirt, dress, skirt, sweater, shoe, jeans, sock, trousers, shorts 2) 前述购物用语:3) 购物中所涉及名词的单复数及相应的代词形式。如: 单数: 复数: How much is the T-shirt? How much are the shoes? Its 35 yuan. They are 70 yuan. Ill take it. Ill take them. 注意观察对比例子中

23、的划线部分。Module 6 目标要求:1. 能在听、说、读、写的活动中理解和运用本模块的单词和词组;2. 能在听、说、读、写的活动中理解和运用下列购物用语: (1) What do you want to be when you grow up? (2) I want to be a (3) I like/want to (4) Whats s job? Hes / Shes a/an (5) Is . a .? 如Is your sister a teacher? (6) Do you want to ? 3. 知道字母和字母组合j, th, ng等在单词中的常见发音。4. 能询问他人的职

24、业或理想、能表述自己想从事的职业及理由。知识要点:(1) 词汇:职业名词:cook, painter, nurse, writer, builder, doctor, policeman, farmer, reporter, driver, factory worker 动词词组:build houses, help sick people, tell people stories, cook nice food, get news for people, drive school bus, grow foods, make machines, help children learn (2)

25、表示喜好的句子:I like/love to I love very much. (3) 表示愿望的句子:I want to (4) 表示特长的句子: be good at , 如:My cousin is good at sports. Im good at English. (5) 英文中的代词:I 我 you你;你们 he他 she她 we我们my 我们的 your你的;你们的 his他的 her她的 our我们的四年级下册Module 1知识要点: 介词词组作定语:the man with glasses, the lady in a white dress, the girl wit

26、h long hair 宾格代词:him, her 描述人物性格的形容词: kind, friendly, happy look like + 名词 * look + 形容词 What is sb. like? 及回答。 日常用语:Can you see .? I dont know him/her. 目标要求1. 四会掌握本模块单词、词组和日常用语;2. 能用介词词组作定语描述人,如: Whos the lady with long hair? The man with glasses is our new maths teacher. Do you know the girl near t

27、he door? 3. 能从外貌、衣着、性格、职业、特长等多方面描述人 . is . *. looks . . has . . looks like . . is good at . 4. 知道字母及组合c, ck, ai, ay, as(s), au, aw, air等在单词中的发音,能拼读含有这些字母或字母组合的单词;Module 2知识要点:词汇:时间表达(整点、半点、刻、*非整点) 动词词组(日常作息)句型:What time is it? Its Its time to/for When/What time do you usually? I at / from 日常用语:Im ti

28、red. I see. 语法:一般现在时 目标要求:1. 四会掌握本模块单词和词组:2. 能在听说读写的语言活动中理解和运用下列句型结构: - What time is it? - Its . oclock/ half past ./a quarter past/to . - Its time for/ to . - What time/When do you usually.? - I usually . at / from . to . 3. 能用连贯的语言简述自己的日常作息;4. 知道字母及组合g, g(e), ea, ey, er, ew, ear, ere在单词中的发音,能拼读含有这

29、些字母或字母组合的单音节词。Module 3知识要点:词汇:一周七天 频度副词:always, usually, often, sometimes, never 动词词组:visit a friend, see a film, go shopping.句型:What day is it today? Its . My favourite day is Why do you like ? I like/love doing. What do you usually do on ? We / I on 语法:一般现在时;学习目标1. 在听说读写的活动中理解和运用本模块的单词、词组和句型;2. 能正确使用时间介词:at, in, on 3. 能表述自己喜欢或不喜欢的上学日和理由;4. 能正确使用频度副词简述自己周末的活动;5.

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