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高中英语北师大版版必修2教学案Unit 4 Section Ⅴ Grammar含答案.docx

1、高中英语北师大版版必修2教学案Unit 4 Section Grammar含答案2019-2020年高中英语北师大版版必修2教学案:Unit 4 Section Grammar(含答案) 语法图解 探究发现Fish will die without water.Look at those clouds. There is going to be a storm.What are you going to do next Sunday?Im going to go fishing.Where is the telephone book? Ill go and get it for you. Co

2、me early and you will see her.我的发现(1)句表示一种必然的趋势,句则表示有迹象表明就要来暴风雨了。(2)句中的动作是事先考虑好的,句中的动作是临时做出的决定。(3)句中,will用于固定句式,即“祈使句and陈述句”。一、will的用法1表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态They will fly to Beijing in three days.他们三天后将乘飞机去北京。2表示对将来的看法,假定或猜测I believe our country will become better and better.我相信我们的祖国会越变越好。3用于事先没有想到会出现某种情况,

3、临时做出决定的句子中The phone is ringing. Can you answer it?OK, I will.电话响了,你能接一下吗?好的,我马上接。4用于一些句式结构中If he calls, tell him Ill ring back. 如果他来电话,告诉他我将给他回电话。Take this medicine on time and you will feel better.按时吃药你就会好起来。名师点津如果主句中使用了一般将来时,那么状语从句中常用一般现在时表将来。If you work harder, youll pass the exam.如果你再努力些,你就会通过考试

4、。即时演练1完成句子I think she will_pass_the_exam. 我想她考试会及格的。Study hard and_youll_make_progress. 努力学习你就能取得进步。He will_be_forty on his next birthday.到下次生日,他就四十岁了。We cannot always do as_we_will.我们不能总是按照我们的愿望去做。If we try_hard,_ we will be able to finish the work.如果我们努力,我们就能完成任务。二、be going to的用法“be going to动词原形”在

5、口语中使用较多。1表示主语的意图,即将做某事I am going to buy something tomorrow morning.明天早上我要去买些东西。 2表示计划或安排要发生的事We are going to have a class meeting this afternoon.今天下午我们打算开班会。3表示有迹象要发生的事Look! Its going to rain. 瞧!快下雨了。即时演练2完成句子We_are_going_to_meet outside the school gate.我们打算在校门口见面。We are_going_to_have_a_meeting toda

6、y.我们打算今天开会。 Look at those flowers!Theyre_going_to_die. 瞧瞧那些花吧!他们就快要死了。Peter is_going_to_be_a_policeman when he grows up.彼得长大了打算当警察。三、will与be going to用法区别be going to与will两者都可表示将要发生某事、将要去做某事,但它们有如下几点区别:1be going to表示根据目前某种迹象判断,某事非常有可能发生,或近期、眼下就要发生的事情;will表示的将来时间则较远一些。Watch out! The pile of boxes is go

7、ing to fall.小心,那堆盒子要倒了。(根据客观迹象判断)There will be a strong wind in a few days. 几天后将有一场大风。(时间较远)2be going to表示根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情;will表示不以人的意志为转移的自然发展、将来势必发生的事情。He is seriously ill. He is going to die.他病得很重,可能要死了。(主观判断)People wont live without water.没有水,人就不能生存。(不以人的意志为转移)3be going to含有“计划,准备”的意思,表示事先经过考虑、安排

8、要做的事情;will则为临时作出的决定。Were not going to have any classes next week.下周我们将不上课。(事先安排好的。)Theres someone knocking at the door. Ill go and open it.有人敲门,我去开。(并非事先安排而是临时决定的。)4在有条件状语从句的复合句中,主句一般不用be going to而多用will。If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will go shopping. 如果明天不下雨,我们将出去购物。即时演练3选词填空:will, be going to(201

9、6江苏高考改编)More efforts, as reported, will be made in the years ahead to accelerate the supplyside structural reform.He will be twenty years old tomorrow.I am_going_to quit my present job.Look! The little boy is_going_to fall over.What will we do if it rains tomorrow?There is_going_to be a football gam

10、e between Italy and Germany tomorrow.Get up early and you will keep healthy.四、表示将来的其他形式1be to动词原形表示按计划安排即将发生的动作,侧重于受别人的指示或安排要做的事,尤指注定要发生的事。He is to visit Japan next year. 明年他将访问日本。If not watered, the plants are to die.如果不浇水,这些植物一定会死。2be about to动词原形多用来表示马上要做某事,不能与tomorrow, next week等表示明确将来时的时间状语连用。常

11、用句型为:be about to do sth. when .“就要做某事这时突然”。The new school year is about to begin. 新学年开学在即。I was about to give up when my father came and encouraged me to keep going.(2014福建高考书面表达)我就要放弃时父亲来鼓励我继续努力。3现在进行时表将来有些动词,如go, come, leave, arrive, stay, start等,可用现在进行时表按计划发生的将来动作。They are leaving for Shanghai to

12、morrow. 明天他们将去上海。4一般现在时表将来根据日历、时刻表的规定一般不变的将来动作常用一般现在时,也可用于时间或条件状语从句中表将来。The train you will take pulls out at 10:00.你要乘坐的那趟火车10点发车。What are you going to be when you grow up? 你长大后要做什么?即时演练4用适当的将来时态填空Her plan is_to_be (be) a failure.Wait a moment, I am_coming (come)I was_about_to_leave (leave) when the

13、 telephone rang.The plane takes (take) off at nine tomorrow morning.用所给词的适当形式填空1Dick will_be (be) on duty tomorrow.2Ann is in hospital.Oh, really?I didnt know.I will_go (go) and visit her.3Whenever you buy (buy) a present, you should think about it from the receivers point of view.4My train leaves (

14、leave) at 8:30 am, so I am_leaving (leave) home at 8:00 tomorrow morning.5I dont know if he will_come (come) here this afternoon.If he comes (come) here this afternoon, please tell me.6The head teacher is supposed to report to the schoolmaster as soon as she arrives (arrive)7Close the door of fear b

15、ehind you, and you will_see_ (see) the door of faith open before you.8If it is fine tomorrow, we will_go (go) to the park.9He is going_to_take (take) a course this summer vacation.10The film ends_(end) at 8 oclock. Then I am_going_to_do (do) some shopping.11My mother_is_coming (come) next week and i

16、s staying here until May.12I was_about_to_do (do) my homework when my father came in.单句写作1(2015全国卷书面表达)Well also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which we hope will_make_them_happy (会让他们高兴)2(2015北京高考书面表达)This camp will_open_on_July_20th(将在7月20号开放). 3(2015陕西高考满分作文)I_wi

17、ll_be_grateful (会很感激) if you could give me a kind consideration.4(2014辽宁高考满分作文)Third, the prizegiving ceremony_will_be_held (将举行) from 15:00 to 17:00 on June 18. 5(2015广东高考基础写作)If you would like to have a try, you will have to spend 125 pounds and the analysis_will_be_completed (将被完成) in 4 to 6 week

18、s.6(2015北京高考书面表达)I am_going_to_take_part_in (打算参加) the Dragon Boat Training Camp this summer. 7(2015天津高考满分作文)What_I_am_going_to_tell_you (我打算告诉你的事) is about the book donation from our school to your Chinese class.8(2014浙江高考满分作文)Knowing that our library is_going_to_buy_books (打算买书), Id like to give s

19、ome suggestions.单元语法项目(二)真实条件句和虚拟条件句 语法图解 探究发现If I am free, I will visit my grandmother.If it is fine tomorrow, we will go to the park.If we had time now, we would read it again.If he had taken my advice, he would have succeeded in the test.If it were to snow tomorrow, they would not go out.If it sh

20、ould rain tomorrow, we would stay home.If you came tomorrow, we would have the meeting. If it had rained last night, the ground would be wet now. Without air and water, there would be no living things on the earth.我的发现(1)例句为if引导的真实条件句,从句用的是一般现在时,主句用的是一般将来时。(2)例句为if引导的虚拟条件句;例句表示与现在事实相反,从句谓语动词用过去式;例句表

21、示与过去事实相反,从句谓语动词用had过去分词;例句表示与将来事实相反,从句谓语动词有三种形式:were_to动词原形、should动词原形、动词过去式。(3)例句为if引导的错综时间条件句,从句与过去事实相反,主句与现在事实相反。(4)例句为含蓄条件句。一、真实条件句真实条件句是指主句中的某一动作或状态是在真实情况下或有可能实现的情形下发生的。在表示真实条件句的复合句中,表条件的状语从句和表结果的主句的谓语都用陈述语气。如果主句是将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来。If it rains tomorrow, we wont go to the park.如果明天下雨,我们就不去公园了。If he

22、 trusts you, he will tell you the secret.如果他信任你,他会告诉你这个秘密的。即时演练1用所给词的适当形式填空If you ask_(ask) him, he will help you.If he fails (fail) in the exam, he will let his parents down.If she telephones (telephone), let me know.I will not go to the party unless_invited (invite)(2013湖南高考改编)If nothing_is_done_(

23、do), the oceans will turn into fish deserts.二、虚拟条件句1三种基本的虚拟条件句如果表示的条件根本不可能实现或实现的可能性很小,要用虚拟条件句。其主从句都用虚拟语气。具体结构见下表:时间条件从句谓语动词的形式主句谓语动词的形式与现在事实相反的假设过去式(be一般用were)动词原形与过去事实相反的假设had过去分词have过去分词与将来事实相反的假设过去式(be一般用were)/should动词原形/were to动词原形动词原形If I were you, I would not be so proud.如果我是你的话,我不会如此骄傲。(与现在事实

24、相反)If you had worked hard, you would have easily passed the final examination.如果你当时努力学习的话,就会轻松通过期末考试的。(与过去事实相反)If it rained/were to rain tomorrow, the opening ceremony would be put off.如果明天下雨,开幕式就会被推迟。(与将来事实相反)即时演练2(1)用所给动词的适当形式填空(2016北京高考改编)Why didnt you tell me about your trouble last week?If you

25、had_told (tell) me, I could have helped.(2016天津高考改编)I was wearing a seatbelt (安全带). If I hadnt been wearing one, I would_have_been_injured (injure)(2015北京高考改编)If I hadnt_seen_(see) it with my own eyes, I wouldnt have believed it.(2014北京高考改编)We would_be_(be) back in the hotel now if you didnt lose th

26、e map.If it should_rain/rained/were_to_rain (rain), the crops would be saved.(2)单句改错He wouldnt feel so cold if he was indoors.waswereIf we had started earlier, we couldnt had missed the first bus.第二个hadhaveIf he had time, he will come.hadhas2虚拟条件句的几种特殊情况(1)省略if的虚拟条件句虚拟条件句中,如果有were, had, should时,if可省

27、略,但要把were, had或should提到句首,变为倒装句式。If I were at school again, I would study harder.Were I at school again, I would study harder.如果我重新回到学校,我会更努力学习的。If she had been here five minutes earlier she would have seen her old friend.Had she been here five minutes earlier she would have seen her old friend.如果她早

28、到五分钟,她就会看见她的老朋友了。If he should come, tell him to ring me up.Should he come, tell him to ring me up.他要是来了,让他给我打个电话。即时演练3句型转换If it were necessary, I might resign.Wereitnecessary,_I might resign. If you had informed me earlier, I wouldnt have signed the contract.Hadyouinformed me earlier, I wouldnt have

29、 signed the contract.You could meet the general manager should you come tomorrow.You could meet the general manager if youshouldcome tomorrow.(2)错综时间条件句当条件状语从句表示的行为和主句表示的行为发生的时间不一致时,称为错综时间条件句,此时,主句和从句的谓语动词要根据各自所发生的不同时间选择适当的动词形式。If you had listened to the doctor, you would be all right now. 如果你当初听了医生

30、的话,身体现在就好了。(从句动作指过去,主句动作指现在)If he were to leave, you would have heard about it.如果他要离开, 你早就会听说这个消息了。(从句动作指将来,主句动作指过去)(3)含蓄条件句有时为了表达的需要,在虚拟语气中,不出现if条件句,而是以介词短语、并列句、副词、非谓语动词的形式出现,这种句子我们称其为“含蓄条件句”。常见的介词(短语)有without .“没有”,but for .“要不是”;连词有but“但是”,or“不然”;副词有otherwise“否则的话”。But for the rain, we should have had a pleasant journey.如果不是因为下雨,我们旅途会很愉快。He would have given you more help, but he was so busy at that time.他本可以给你更多的帮助,但那时他太忙了。即时演练4(1)用所给词的适当形式填空If it had_snowed (snow) last night, it might be very cold today. If Bill had_told (tell) me yesterday,

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