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1、16座世界最奇特建筑世界上最奇特18座建筑1. 森林螺旋城 WaldspiraleCity: Darmstadt, Germany 地点:德国,达姆施塔特Background: Friedensreich Hundertwasser, an Austrian architect and painter, designed this building, which contains 105 apartments and a restaurant. 背景:奥地利著名建筑师和画家百水先生设计了这个建筑,里面有105间公寓和一个餐厅。How Its Strange: Buildings are not

2、 usually this gaudy. Its fantastical, says Toby Israel, a design psychologist and author of Some Place Like Home. Hundertwasser, known for his colorful, irregular-shaped buildings, chose windows of different shapes and sizes for this apartment. In addition, the buildings colors are meant to represen

3、t layers of sediment rock.奇特之处:建筑很少会如此华丽。“真是难以想象”设计心理学家、就像在家一样的作者托比伊斯雷尔说道。百水先生以其建筑色彩丰富、外形不规则、房间窗户形状大小各异而闻名。此外,这个建筑的颜色代表着不同沉积岩的地层。2. 圣玛丽艾克斯街30号 30 St. Mary AxeCity: London 地点:英国,伦敦Background: This is the second tallest building in the City of London. Opened in 2004, it is commonly referred to as the

4、Gherkin, after the cucumber-like fruit. Its suggestive shape also earned it the nickname Towering Innuendo. 背景:这是伦敦市区第二高的建筑。它于2004年投入使用,由于其酷似黄瓜的水果外形,人们一般把它称作“小黄瓜”。其引人联想的外形也衍生出了昵称“高耸的讽刺”。奇特之处:该建筑的圆周惊人,其最大周长仅比高度少两米。伊斯雷尔介绍说,类似的圆周极其少见,因为这需要电脑辅助设计,施工的成本也更高。此外,“小黄瓜”有很多窗户,其外部安装了2.4万平方米的玻璃幕墙,形成了独特的、高效节能的建筑。

5、3栖息地 67 Habitat 67City: Montreal, Canada 地点:加拿大,蒙特利尔Background: This apartment building was built for Expo 67, the 1967 world exhibition held in Canada. Although Habitat 67 was supposed to provide affordable housing after the Expo endedmuch like the stated plans for Vancouvers Olympic Village its ap

6、artments go for luxury apartment prices because of the unique architecture. 背景:这个公寓建筑是为加拿大1967年世博会而造。虽然当初打算在世博后将其作为廉价住宅类似于温哥华奥运村的规划然而由于独特的建筑设计,这里已经成为高档社区。How Its Strange: The apartments look oddly positioned and disjointed, but Israel says theres actually a purpose behind the design: Habitat 67 is m

7、ade from 354 cubes, stacked so that no window faces toward another window to provide privacy. Its unusual-looking, Israel says, but its user-friendly.奇特之处:每间房子看上去都很奇怪而且彼此分离,但伊斯雷尔解释了这样设计的真正目的:栖息地 67由354个立方体公寓构成,它们逐个堆叠,邻近房间窗户朝着不同方向以保护隐私。“这看上去很不寻常,”伊斯雷尔说,“但很适合居住。”4巨蛋 The EggCity: Albany, NY 地点:美国,纽约,奥尔

8、巴尼Background: This building is the Center for Performing Arts. It holds two theaters for concerts and shows, one seating 450 people and the other with capacity for 892. 背景:这座建筑是表演艺术中心。其中有两个剧场,音乐厅可容纳450人,演出大厅可容纳892人。How Its Strange: You wont see many copies of this design because it requires an inten

9、sive support system. A heavily-reinforced concrete beam helps maintain the egg shape and transmit its weight to the supporting stem, which extends six stories underground. The end result is a building that looks like a sculpture, with an interior without straight lines or corners.奇特之处:这种设计很少见,因为这种造型

10、需要非常密集的支撑系统。一根超配钢筋梁帮助维持巨蛋的形状,并将其重量传导至下部支撑,而下部支撑的埋入地下高达六层楼之深(注:一层楼高约34米)。这样设计的结果使建筑看上去像是雕刻而成的,其内部没有笔直的道路和转角。5. Flintstone House 弗林特石屋City: Burlingame, Calif. 地点:美国,加利福尼亚,伯灵格姆Background: Architect William Nicholson designed this home in the 1970s. To construct the unique shapes, builders formed a wire

11、 mesh over inflated aeronautical balloons and sprayed them with concrete. 背景:建筑师威廉尼克尔森于上世纪70年代设计了这个房子。为了建造奇特的外形,建设者编制了一个铁丝网,将其覆盖在膨胀的飞行气球表面,再往上涂混凝土。How Its Strange: When people design a residential home, they want it to reflect their personalities and preferences. The dome-shape rooms are different a

12、nd expressive, but the Flintstone requires a particular buyer, Israel says. Its not everyones American dream home.奇特之处:当人们设计住宅时,都希望能从建筑上表现出个性和喜好。这些圆顶外形的屋子与众不同而且引人注目,但是弗林特石屋只适合特定的买家,伊斯雷尔说道:“这不是每个美国人梦想中的房子。”6. Container City II 集装箱城2号City: London 地点:英国,伦敦Background: Container City II is a studio space

13、 for 22 artists. The Urban Space Management company designs various Container Cities like this one for use as homes, offices and stores. 背景:集装箱城2号是22位艺术家的工作室。都市空间管理公司设计了各种各样的集装箱城,用于住宅、办公和店铺。How Its Strange: Container Cities use old shipping containers to create modular buildings that are cheap and q

14、uick to build. The colors and design of Container City II were devised to reflect the creative flair of those who work here, according to the company.奇特之处:集装箱城采用旧的航运集装箱制作组合式建筑,其价格便宜而且施工快。据公司介绍,集装箱城2号的颜色和外观被设计成“能反映出在此工作的艺术家极富创造力的才华”。7. The Crooked House弯曲屋City: Sopot, Poland 地点:波兰,索波特Background: The

15、Crooked House is located in a shopping center. Built in 2003, the house is used for commercial purposes. 背景:弯曲屋位于一个购物中心。这座建筑造于2003年,现用于商业。How Its Strange: Drawings from a childrens books illustrator, Jan Marcin Szancer, partially inspired the buildings wavy look, which fits snugly between neighborin

16、g buildings and looks as though its sagging in place. The buildings roof is meant to create the illusion of dragon scales.奇特之处:儿童读物插画家Jan Marcin Szancer设计了这栋建筑,它起伏的外观就像是被两边的建筑挤压所致,而且看上去还在不断凹陷。而建筑的屋顶刻意做成了龙鳞的样子。8.Basket Building篮子大楼City: Newark, Ohio 地点:美国,俄亥俄州,纽瓦克Background: This building is the home

17、 office of the Longaberger Company, which sells baskets. 背景:这是Longaberger公司的总部大楼,这家公司是卖菜篮子的How Its Strange: The building looks like a basket. There is a whole tradition of using supersize realistic objects to draw attention, Israel says. Its a fun way to catch a consumers eye. This buildings windows

18、 in particular are visually interesting because they mimic a baskets weave pattern.奇特之处:这大楼看起来像个篮子。“这是非常典型的通过放大实物尺寸引起注意,”伊斯雷尔说道,“它通过有趣的方式吸引消费者目光。”从外面看,这座大楼的窗户别有特色,因为它模拟了菜篮子的编织样式。9. Community Bookshelf 社区书架City: Kansas City, Mo. 地点:美国,密苏里州,堪萨斯城Background: This funky building is the parking garage for

19、 Kansas Citys Central Library. It features 22 book titles, which the Kansas City Public Library Board of Trustees selected from library members suggestions. 这个独特的建筑是堪萨斯城中央图书馆的停车场。做为组成其外墙的22本书,是由堪萨斯城中央图书馆管理委员会从会员推荐中挑选出的。How Its Strange: This is another case of using huge realistic objects to catch th

20、e eye; the book spines measure approximately 25 by 9 feet. The book titles include The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes and Romeo and Juliet.奇特之处:这又是一个放大实物尺寸以吸引眼球的案例,这些“书脊”将近9英尺宽25英尺高(注:1英尺 = 0.3048 米)。这些书包括兰斯顿休斯诗集和罗密欧与朱丽叶。10. Guggenheim Museum古根海姆博物馆City: Bilbao, Spain 地点:西班牙,毕尔巴鄂Background: Reno

21、wned architect Frank Gehry designed the Guggenheim Museum in an industrial city in Northern Spain. Glass walls link the buildings striking curves, which are made of stone, glass and titanium. 背景:著名的建筑师弗兰克盖里设计了位于西班牙北部工业城市的古根海姆博物馆。石头、玻璃和钛合金组成了这座建筑突出的曲线,再通过玻璃幕墙将它们连成一体。How Its Strange: The building fits

22、 into a style of architecture called deconstructivism, which is known for stimulating unpredictability and controlled chaos, Israel says. A building of this complexity is rare because it requires advanced technology to design. For example, Gehry created these mathematically complex curves with a 3D

23、computer design program initially developed for the aerospace industry.奇特之处:这个建筑充满了结构主义的建筑风格,伊斯雷尔介绍说,这种风格以“刺激性的不可预测性和可控的混乱”而闻名。像这样复杂的建筑并不多见,因为这需要更先进的设计技术。例如,为了设计出这些复杂的数学曲线,盖里运用了起初为航天工业开发的计算机3D设计软件。11. Ferdinand Chevals Ideal Palace 费迪南德白马宫(又名,理想宫)City: Hauterives, France 地点:法国,欧特里沃Background: Ferdin

24、and Cheval, a rural postman, built this palace between 1879 and 1912. He had no background in architecture or masonry, and a uniquely shaped stone was the inspiration for the project. Today, the castle is a popular tourist destination. 背景:费迪南德是一名乡村邮递员,他在1879至1912年间建造了这个宫殿。他没有任何建筑学或者石工术背景,是一块形状独特的石头给

25、他建设的灵感。今天,这座城堡成为了著名的旅游景点。How Its Strange: The palace mixes architectural styles from different epochs and places, such as Northern Europe, China and Algiers. Cheval used a variety of materials, including limestone, shells and stones, to create this elaborately carved building. He spent almost three

26、decades just gathering stones for the project.奇特之处:这个宫殿混合了许多不同时代和不同地区的建筑风格,例如北欧风格、中国风格和阿尔及利亚风格。费迪南德使用了多种材料,包括石灰石、贝壳和岩石,用来制作这精雕细琢的建筑。仅是为这个建筑收集石头,他就花了差不多三十年的时间。12. Dancing House舞蹈大厦City: Prague, Czech Republic 地点:捷克共和国,布拉格Background: Frank Gehry and fellow architect Vlado Milunic designed this buildin

27、g. 背景:弗兰克盖里和建筑师Vlado Milunic共同设计了这栋建筑。How Its Strange: The building is meant to look like a dancing couple, complete with a skirt swaying to the music. Its nickname is Ginger and Fred after famous dancing pair Ginger Rogers and Fred Astair. A building like this sticks out among more traditional high

28、-rise buildings. It helps make Prague a dynamic, cultured city, Israel says.奇特之处:这座建筑看上去就像一对正在跳舞的情侣,(外形的弧线)犹如伴随音乐飘扬的裙摆,使造型更加完美。它的昵称“琴吉和弗雷德”取自一对著名的舞伴琴吉罗杰斯和弗雷德阿斯泰尔。这栋建筑在传统高层建筑中如此突出,“它使布拉格成为具有动感和文化底蕴的城市。”伊斯雷尔说道。13. Lotus Temple莲花寺(又名灵曦堂)City: New Delhi, India 地点:印度,新德里Background: Officially known as th

29、e Bah House of Worship, this temple is one of the most visited structures in India. Over 8000 people attended its opening ceremony in 1986. 背景:正式名称为巴哈伊宗教教院,它是印度参观人数最多的寺院之一。超过8000人参加了1986年举行的开幕式。How Its Strange: The building is designed to represent the lotus flower, a religious symbol for various re

30、ligions prevalent in India, including Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam. When it comes to spiritual architecture, Israel says, youre looking for some kind of personal meaning or connection. The temple consists of three sets of petals, covered in marble, and it is open at the top.奇特之处:这座寺院看上去如同莲花,以宗教符号的形式

31、代表了在印度盛行的各种宗教,包括印度教、佛教和伊斯兰教。伊斯雷尔介绍道:“当涉及宗教建筑时,你必须考虑到一些人物含义或者联系。”这个寺院有三组花瓣构成,表面以大理石覆盖,并且顶部是开放的。14. Cadet Chapel小圣堂City: Colorado Springs, Colo. 地点:美国,科罗拉多州,科罗拉多斯普林斯市Background: The chapel is part of the United States Air Force Academy. Its an all-faith place of worship, with four separate chapelsone for Protestants, Catholics, Jews and Buddhists. 背景:小圣堂是美国空军学院的一部分。它是各种信仰的礼拜堂,包括四个小教堂分别供基督教徒、天主教徒、犹太教徒和佛教徒使用。How Its Strange: This chapel is a spiritual building designed to h

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