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1、六级考试第一套真题答案解析卷一2013年6月大学英语六级考试答案与详解(卷一)Part Writing1、审题: 本篇是评论性的话题作文。 “微笑”是常谈不衰的话题,它本应是人们最自然、最常见的表情,而现代都市人大都为生活、工作、学业、子女等种种事务日复一日地劳碌奔波,背负着越来越大的压力,那种最真诚、最自然、最质朴的微笑正渐渐从人们的脸上消失。在科技发达的现代社会,人与人之间在空间上的距离更近了,但在心灵上却越走越远。本篇要求评论“微笑可以拉近两个人的距离”这句话并为文,而在更深层次上,出题人似乎是想借这个题目引发人们的思考,让人们通过“微笑”消除彼此之间的冷漠、仇恨、冲突,搭建良好的交流沟


3、境中与人亲近,获得帮助;困境中,获得力量。第三段:总结前面所述,给出个人看法:微笑让我们受益匪浅,笑口常开促进人与人的交流,促进社会的和谐。A Smile Can Shorten the Distance Between People Mother Teresa once said, “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” Human beings are said to be one of the few species in t

4、his planet who can express sincere sentiments through a smile. And it is a smile that melts the indifference or hostility between people, that gives power to those who are at the edge of despair, and that brings friends close to each other. In a word, it is a smile that continuously shortens the dis

5、tance between people.A smile, with its strong power, brings out its miraculous glamour in different ways. When you are in the situation of despair, a smile from others will console your hurting heart. When you get into an unfamiliar circumstance, a smile will make the people around you feel comforta

6、ble and help you willingly. When you get into trouble, a smile from friends will give you power to stand up. Where there is no smile, there is no happiness of life.Seen from the discussion above, a smile benefits us very much. Lets keep smiling so that better communication between people can be achi

7、eved and a more harmonious society can be built.Part Listening Comprehension1.听力原文:W: I was shocked to hear of your wifes illness. Is she going to be all right?M: At first, the doctors wont assure, but shes really improved. Shell be home next week.Q: What do we learn about the mans wife from the con

8、versation?【预测】选项中的主语she以及recovered, operation, critical condition (危急状况)和 getting much better表明,对话与she的病情有关。听录音时注意判断目前疾病是好了还是没好。【精析】D)。女士询问男士他妻子的病情,男士说她现在好多了( improved ),下周就可以出院回家,故答案为D项。本题的关键是抓住男士话中but转折后的shes really improved。but转折后一般为表达重点,听录音时需留意。2. 听力原文:M: Excuse me. can I get a ticket for a slee

9、ping compartment on this train?W: Yes, there are four left. The price is 60 pounds per person, including a continental breakfast.Q: What is the man doing?【预测】选项均为动词v.-ing短语,故问题很可能考查对话人物正在做什么。由ordering, booking和buying可知,该行为可能涉及預订或购买。【精析】C)。由男士话中的can I get a ticket. on this train?不难得知,他正在买火车票,故答案为C项。其

10、他几项都是根据对话中的词语设置的干扰。compartment意为“火车 车厢”。3.听力原文:M: Janet, heres the book I borrowed from you, but Im so sorry that I cant find its jacketW: It doesnt matter. Anyway, you are one of the few people who actually return books to me.Q: What does the woman imply?【预测】选项中的 returned the books to her, brought

11、her book back和books she lent out表明,对话与女士借出的书的归还情况有关。听录音时重点留意女士的话。【精析】A)。男士还书给女士,女士说男士是为数不多还书给她的人之一(one of the few people. return books),由此可推知,大数多借书者都没有把书还给女士,故答案为A项。4.听力原文:M :Lisa, have you been to the new supermarket yet?W :Yes. and no. I went there last Saturday for their grand opening sale, but I

12、 drove around the parking lot for nearly an hour, looking for a space before I finally save up and came home.Q: What does the woman mean?【预测】选项中的主语she以及get some bargains,supermarket和last Saturday表明,对话中可能涉及女士上周六去超市买东西的事。【精析】D)。女士说她上周六去了新开的超市、但是没找到停车位,最后放弃回家了 (gave up and came home),也就是说她压根没有进到超市里面,故答

13、案为D项。5.听力原文: W:Youve been sitting at the computer for hours. Lets take a coffee break, shall we?M:I wish. I could. You know. Im up to my neck in work. Ive got to finish this report. I dont want to miss the deadline.Q:What does the man mean?【预测】选项中的do his report, missed the report以及pain, without a co

14、mputer和coffee break表明,对话可能与男士的报告有关,可能涉及影响他写报告的事情。【精析】C)。女士建议男士喝杯咖啡休息一下 (Lets take a coffee break),由男士话中的I wish I could。“我希望我能。”即可推知,他现在不能休息;而接下来男士的话也进一步说明,他现在忙着赶报告,没时间喝咖啡,故答案为C项。be up to ones neck为惯用短语,意为“忙得不可开交。6.听力原文:M: What do you think of this gallery space? They offer to let me exhibit some of

15、my paintings here.W: Are you kidding? Any art student I know would die to have an exhibition here.Q: What can we infer from the conversation?【预测】选项中的show their works in the gallery,the mans paintings,exhibition和his art works表明,对话与男士在画廊展览作品有关。【精析】A)。男士说画廊让他在那里展示他的一些作品,女士感到十分惊讶(Are you kidding?),并说她认识

16、的美术专业学生都迫切希望能在那里展示作品(die to have an exhibition here),由此可推出,只有优秀的学生才能在那里展示作品, 故答案为A项。7.听力原文:W: Gary, mv assistant is in hospital now. Is there anyone in your department who could give a hand for a few davs?M: I think so. Ill ask around and get back to you.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?【预测

17、】选项中的 woman needs, woman will have to, her assistant以及man works in the same department, capable表明,对话可能与女士和男士的工作有关,可能涉及女士遇到的问题。【精析】A)。女士说她的助理在住院(in hospital), 问男士的部门有没有人能帮她几天(give a hand for a few days ),由此可知女士需要有人临时替代一下她的助手,故答案为A项。8.听力原文:W: Did you read the article in the paper about the mayors spee

18、ch of the economic forum?M: Sure I did, but I think they twisted the meaning of what he said. Its not the first time for them to do so.Q: What does the man say about the papers article?【预测】选项中的It was better/distorted/exaggerated/reftected表明,问题与对it的评价有关,听录晋时应留意评价是正面的还是负面的。而exaggerated. problems和refle

19、cted. opinions提示,it很可能是文章或书籍之类的。【精析】B)。女士问男士有没有看报纸上关于市长演讲的文章(the article in the paper about the mayors speech ),男士说看了,并通过but转折指出报纸上文章扭曲了市长的话 (twisted. what he said ),故答案为 B项。9-12.听力原文:W: Oh, hello John. Are you using your dictating machine this morning? Ive got a long report I must dictate. Can I bo

20、rrow your machine?M: Of course. But can you spare me a second? 9 Its the message you sent me about the delivery delay on the control desks. Whats gone wrong?W: Evetything, John. We have to get the steel sheets we need for these desks from new suppliers. 10 Well, the suppliers have got some trouble o

21、r other. They say they will be a bit late for delivery. M: But they cant be. Those control desks are a special order. They are wanted for one of the big computer companies. Its a very important contract.W: When did we promise delivery?M: On Thursday next week. And theres a penalty clause. We stand t

22、o lose 10 percent of our price for each week of overdue delivery.W: Oh, 11】these penalty clauses. Why do you sales people accept them?M: 11】We have to accept them: otherwise, we dont get the contract.W: Well, lets get on to the Buying Department. I only heard about the delay yesterday because we kep

23、t the production line clear to handle the special sheets. Ifs a dreadful nuisance.M: It will be more than a nuisance if we dont meet on the delivery date. It will cost us a lot of money.W: Keep calm, John. 12 We can perhaps claim compensation from the steel suppliers for failure to deliver on time.

24、That will offset the penalty clauses.M: Well, if you can.Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9. Why did the woman send the message to the man?10.What does the woman say about the new suppliers?11.How did the man get the contract?12. What does the woman suggest they do

25、?9. 【预测】选项均为不定式短语,故问题很可能是考查做某事的目的或原因。其中的inform/request/ask him,problem和project表明,该事是针对男士的,并可能与工作中的问题有关。10.【预测】选项中的They quote/manufacture表明,they 应该是一家工厂;cannot deliver/produce提示,本题可能与该工厂在生产或货运方面的问题有关。11. 【预测】选项均为by doing形式,故问题应该是考查 达成某事的方式。 accepting, allowing, promising以及 down the unit price, better

26、 service等提示,本题可能与做成某项生意的方式有关。12. 【预测】选项均以动词原形开头,故问题很可能涉 及建议。give. discount, claim compensation, ask. change和cancel the contract提示,该建议可能是关于如何解决问题。答案详解:9. A)。男士询问女士发给他的有关控制台交货延迟的消息是怎么回事(the message you sent me about delivery delay ),并问女士出了什么问题 (Whats gone wrong?),由此可推知,女士给男士发消息是告知他们遇到了问题,故答案为A项。10. C)

27、。女士说,钢板供应商(suppliers)出了些问题,他们说货物要晚些运到(a bit late for delivery),故答案为C项。11. B)。女士问男士为什么当初要接受这些罚款条款(Why do you. accept them?),男士说他不得不接受,否则就得不到合同(otherwise. dont get the contract ),由此可知男士是接受了罚款条款才得到那些合同的,故答案为B项。12.B) 对话最后女士建议说,他们可以因钢板供应商未能按时到货而向他们索赔(We can perhaps claim compensation from the steel suppl

28、iers.),故答案为B项。Conversation Two13-15听力原文M: Cathy, 15 Chaos Theory seems to be a branch of physics or mathematics. 13】 Youre an economist, so how does it influence your work?W: Well, in several ways. Im responsible for financial development programmes in many parts of the world, so forecasting long-ra

29、nge trends and making predictions on the basis of present evidence is what I do. 14 / 15 Chaos Theory was developed by scientists, trying to explain the movement of planets and changes in environmental conditions. Lots of these things are also about making long-term predictions on the basis of prese

30、nt evidence.M: Are many economists involved in this field?W: An increasing number. In the 1990s, many economists began to look at 15 Chaos Theory as a way of providing models for forecasting.M: What kind of models are we talking about here?W: Well, thats a good question. Because a basic idea of 15 C

31、haos Theory is that there arent any models as such; there arent guaranteed forms but rather patterns of change in development.M: Doesnt that mean that forecasting is impossible?W: No. But it certainly makes it more of a challenge. Mandelbrot, who did the experiment with stock exchange prices, for ex

32、ample, noted that although the outcomes were variable, there were in fact certain constants. What we have to do is to make sure we know what these are and take into account all the possible variables.M: But do economics and finance work in the same way as weather conditions or the movement of planets?W: Well, no, of course not. There are certain underlying similarities. But we have to leave them for another time.Questions 13 to 1

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