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1、全新版大学英语第二版听说教程1答案NO.*Book-I (大学英语全新版)Unit 1Part ACommuni cative Function1.How are you?/ Id like you to meet my classmate.21 m./Mayli ntroduce.toyou?/Pleasedtomeetyou.3Comea ndmeetmyfamily./.thisisTom./ltsgoodtok no wyou./.hisismysister.PartTexExercise1: 1.B 2.DExercise2:1Ya ngWeip ing:Chin a/Chemist

2、r/Likesliste nin gtoE nglishprograms on radioa ndTVe njo ysE nglishpops on g/Startedlearni ngEn glishseveralyearsagFavorite activity: liste ning; Difficulty: speak ing2.Virginia:Sin gapore/Library scie nee/ To get a good job one has be to flue nt inEn glish./ Started lear ning En glish in high schoo

3、l./ Favorite activity: read ing; Difficulty: writingPart CExercise:How to Improve Liste ning Comprehe nsionAmong the four skills of liste ning , speak in g, readi ng and writ in g, I find listening most difficult, because I worry about the wo rds I dont know. Now Iam trying to focus on the gen eral

4、idea, not worry ing about he new words.This makes mefeel good, b ecause I know I have un derstoodsometh ing. Then, I liste n aga in carefully and if I have any problems I play the difficult partag 1N0.*NO.*ain. In this way I come to un dersta ndbetter both thema in idea and thedetails of the liste n

5、ing text. Part D (Refer to TextBook)Unit 2Part ACommuni cative Function1.closing2ope ning3clos ing4ope ning5ope ning6ope ningListe nin gStrateg1.a 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.b 6.a 7.b 8.a 9.b 1O.bPartTextExercise 1:1.1) b 2) c 3) a2.dExercise 2:1.a. age b. money c. peoples appearanee2.a. .say that again? I did n

6、ot catch it./ b. .speak more slowly, please?3.a.I really n eed to be goin g./ . nice talk ing to you.Part CI hear this idea: 1/2 I dont hear this idea but I can infer it: 4/5/6 2N0.*no.*I dont hear this idea and I cant infer it: 3 Part D (Refer to TextBook) Unit 3Part ACommuni cative FunctionMaggie

7、likes swim ming but she does not care forskii ng. She loves flying o n pla nes and traveli ng by train but shdnatesgett ing on buses because they aetoocrowdeda nddirty.shis noti nterestedplayi ngthepia noan dsheferreadi ngtoplayi n gcomputergames.Shlevego in gtoCh in eserestaura nsan dheavoritfoodis

8、spicySichua nb ean curd.Afterworksheiskee ndiste nin gtomusic.Sheprefer1ightmusictorock,becauseligh tmusicmakefeelrelaxed.Shenjoywatchi ngTVi ntheeve nin g.Shethi nksaloto nwsprogram sbutsitcomsarethtestki ndothi ngforhertowatch.Liste nin gStrateg1./br/ 2./pr/ 3./kl/ 4./tr/ 5./sp/ 6./pr/ 7./pl/ 8./s

9、tr/ 9./gr/ 1O./gl/PartTexExercise1: 1.c 2.dExercise 2:1.Private2.Halls of Reside nee3.Self-catering (rent per week)4.37.86 (single)5.52.78 (double)Part CExercise:1.A busy life2.Between 6 and 15 hours3.They must rema in curre nt in their fields.3N0.*NO.*4.They will revise and update them.Part D (Refe

10、r to TextBook )Unit 4Part ACommunicative Function1.Yeah/ By the way/ Who?/ Dont you think so?/ Yes./ Quite well.2Likewhat?/Yeah/Hmmm,letmethink./Well./Cometothinkofit.ListeningStrateg1 923812260831540475515669007842008.17359.9:4010.5:45Part BTextExercise 1: 1. c 2.a 3. dExercise 2:1.At Carols house

11、on Saturday2.Hes uncertain whether he can have a good time at the party or not.3.He is not good at small should talk about something other people are interested in. 4N0.*NO.* getting them to talk about themselves.Part CExercise: 1. F 2.T 3. F 4.T 5.FPart D (Refer to TextBook )Unit 5Pa

12、rt ACommunicativeFunctio1CallBackDavidJohnsonthisafternoon2CallBillGreenat415-289-1074thisevening.Itsimportant.3MeetJudyoutsidetheArtMuseumattentomorrowmorning.4DontforgettogotoTomspartythisevening.ListeningStrateg16247-225525404-99823612-930-9608Part BTextExercise 1: 1. b 2. aExercise 2:Teleph one

13、Message:For: Mr. Joh nson of ABC ImportsCaller: Richard Alexa nder from Star Electro nicsMobile Pho ne Number: 909555-2308Office number: 714-555-2000Message: Call Richard Alexa nder at office nu mber before 6pm.Part C5N0.*NO.*Exercise:1.Brian Tong2.Good luck Company3.Computer sales representative4.a

14、 degree in Computer scienee5.a computer programmer in a trading company for thee years.Part(RefertoTextBook)Unit6PartCommu ni cativeF un ctio1Hewa ntstok no wwhereheca nbuyapa inting2Hefo un douthowmuchthedresscostaswellaswherehicouldbuyit.3Shesuggeststhatthemma nbuyatieforhiscous in.Listening Strat

15、eg1.20.502.50.953.175.404.50.805.594Part BText Exercise 1:1.In a department store2.there are four people speaking in the conversation. they are the receptionist, the salespers on, Ann and Mark6N0.*NO.* buy a dress for AnnExercise 2: 1. a 2. d 3. b 4. d 5. cPart CExercise:1.some defective goods2.

16、was absent/.had mistaken his shop for a second had goods store./ .was careless3.themistake/.exchangetheladiespurchases/.halftheprice. Part(RefertoTextBook)Unit7PartCommunicativeFunctio1.O,2.O3.F4.F5.O6.F7.O8.O9.F10.O11.O12.FListeningStrateg (omitted)PartTextExercise 1: 1.a 2.dExercise 2:Steve Wellsa

17、 university juniorB averagea lifeguard for two summersin an apartmenthard working and reliableseldom absent from work and always on timepay the rent of the apartment7N0.*NO.* a clerk in the mailroom 2 to 6 am Monday through Friday minimumPart CExercise:mentioned: 1,3 notmentionedbutcanbeinferred:2,5

18、 notmentionedandcantbeinferred:4,6 Part(RefertoTextBook)Unit8PartCommunicativeFunctio 1becausehedialedthewrongnumber 2becauseshewaslateforwork.sheoverslept. 3becausehedidnotnotifyherearlieraboutquitting.4.because he could not hire the woman.Listening Strategy (omitted)Part BTextExercise 1: 1.c 2.b 3

19、.cExercise 2:1.he was clumsy and spoiled everything he a warehouse.3.he unpacked the goods newly arrived from the factory and put them in assigned places.4.Fred broke a large base.8N0.*NO.*5.$ deduct part of Freds weekly wages until the base was paid it would take a long tim

20、e to deduct $350 from his wages, he couldkeep the job while he was pay ing for the vase.Part CExercise: 1.d 2.c 3.d 4.b 5.bPart D (Refer to TextBook )Unit 9Part ACommuni cative Function1.Mrs. FaberOct. 20thThree ni ghts one double 130 dollars 2.Mr.Gree n8:00 tomorrow Pudo ng Roomr o o 仃in c l ubreak

21、fastd i n g804,A i r P o r tP a r kHotelmorni ngListe ning Strategy1.March 122.May 23.25 days4.June 99N0.*NO.*Part BText Exercise 1: 1.d 2.b,d,e,f,gExercise 2: 1.c 2.d 3.b 4.bPart CExercise: 1theywillhavetwoleisurelyweks on thebeach2expe nsive/atra ino rabus3sharetheexpe nses/costtoomuch4havee no ug

22、htime/the newsemester5goodfood/casualclothes/theirhomePart(RefertoTextBook)Un it10PartCommu ni cativeF un ctio1.big/excit in g/crowdedexpe nsivelovely/historic2.1)very pretty2)lovely views3)/4)fasci nat ing5)large shopp ing malls6)stores not too expe nsive10N0.*NO.*Liste ning Strategy (ommitted)Part

23、 BTextExercise 1: 1.a,f 2.d,gExercise 2:Located in: Catcot in Mou ntain in Maryla nd because it is cool an dsafe Composedofanoffic forthepresidena ndivi ngareaforhisfamilya nd guestaswellasaswimmi npoola ndareastqolaygolfa ndothersports. SetupbPreside ntRoosevelti494Prese ntnamegive nby:Preside ntEi

24、se nhowerforhgra ndsd n 195Usedas)fficia preside ntialholidayresors in ce194Usedby:severapreside ntforimporta ntmeet in gsa ndtalkduri ngWorldWrTwa ndin 195,197 8,a ndiJul2000.PartExercise: 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.FPart(RefertoTextBook)Uni t11PartCommu ni cativeF un ctioB:Whydo ntyoubuyhimadogDogsaresofri

25、e ndly.B:HowaboutarabbitB: Have you thought about bu7y ing him a bird?B: The n you can buy him sometropical fish. They are pretty. B: The market. Shall we go right now?Liste ning Strategy1.once a week2.twice a week11N0.*NO.*3.once a month4.every other day5.four nights a week6.neverPart BText Exercis

26、e1: 1.b 2.cExercise2: 1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.TPartExercise: 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.dPart(RefertoTextBook)Un it12PartCommuni cativeF unction: 1.c 2.dListening Strateg1.therearemorea ndmoreways.2.1.nterestedi n.3An averageday.costsadogow ner.4.buto nly forafewweeksatatime5Smalltalkiseasy,is n tit?6.fill in

27、a form.7.When I put my card in, the machine ate it.Part BText Exercise 1: 1.b 2.c 3.dExercise 2:12N0.*NO.*1.A customers credit card got stuck in a ATM machine.2.a wrong code numger three times3.go to the counter/ fill in a form with his account number and the datePurpose: to get the customer a new c

28、 about a weekPart CExercise: 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.FPart (RefertoTextBook)Unit13PartCommunicativeFunctio 1hewentforavisittohishometown 2hewentforanautumnwalkinthehills 3hewentonarivertrip 4shedidnothingbutlieinbed 5shecamedownwiththefluListeningStrateg (ommitted)PartTexExercise1: 1.c 2.dExercise2

29、:1.Hid belief that one day he would become a movie star2.parking cars for one of Hollywoods big restaurants3.No, his pay was only basic. but he got generous tips form guests driving into the restaurant.4.Larry parked the car of a famous film director and was able to introduce himself to the man.13N0

30、.*NO.*5.He was amused by Larrys usual way of recommending himself.Part CExercise: 1.b 2.a 3.c 4.d 5.bPart D (Refer to TextBook)Unit 14Part ACommunicativeFunctiocolo:orang compositio :woo usag:tokeepwar thepresen:awoolenscarListeningStrateg (ommitted)PartTexExercise1: 1.a 2.dExercise2:1.formpicturesinyourownmind2.stayintheroomwhere

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