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1、青春英语演讲稿9篇青春英语演讲稿(9篇) 青春英语演讲稿1青春不是人生的一段时光;这是一种精神状态;这不是一个玫瑰色的脸颊,红色的嘴唇和柔软的膝盖;这是一个意志的问题,一个品质的问题想象力,情感的活力;这是深海的新鲜生命之泉。青春意味着勇气战胜胆怯,勇气战胜恐惧对冒险的渴望胜过对安逸的热爱。这通常存在于60岁的人身上超过一个20岁的男孩。没有人仅仅因为年龄而变老。我们变老了抛弃我们的理想。岁月会使皮肤起皱,但放弃热情会使皮肤起皱灵魂。担忧、恐惧、缺乏自信会扭曲人的心灵,让春天回到过去的灰尘。青春英语演讲稿2saying goodbye to childhood,we step into ano

2、ther important time in the paceof young,facing new situations,dealing with different problemseveryone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beautyand wonders,only after you haveexperienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become aperson of significance.thre time

3、 of young is limitted,it may pass by withoutyour attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always toolate.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the nearfuture,or the situation may be opposite .having a view on these great men in the history of hunmanbeing,t

4、hey allmade full use of their youth time ,to do things that are useful to society,tothe whole mankind,and as a cosquence ,they are remembered by latergenerations,admired by do something in the time ofyoung,although you may not get achievements as these greatmen did ,though notfor the who

5、le word,just for youeself,for those around!the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful whenblooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers,moet people think they are ugly.and so it is the same with young,we areenthusiastic when we are young,then we

6、may lose our passion when getting olderand we must treasure it ,dont let the limitted time pass by ,leavingnothing of significance.青春英语演讲稿3Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming ofbecoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenlybei

7、ng famous.My dream is to be a scientist like Hua Luogen in future. I think thescientist is the best job for me. A good scientist can make the world change alot. If I become a scientist, I will make the desert be coverd with green treesand grasses, make the war never take place and so on. Now, althou

8、gh I am only amiddle school student, I am interested in math and physics. Maybe I also have alittle creativity. I will study science harder and harder.I believe thatwhere there is a will, where there is a way! If only I tryhard,my dream will come true.青春英语演讲稿4Leading members and judges, young friend

9、s: Hello, everybody!My name is _, and we are pleased to be able to discuss the pursuit ofexcellence, dedication youth, this topic, I am going to talk about today iswilling to sacrifice, the fire ignited youth.Let the fire burn eternal youth, so that life lightning across the horizon,with all the ent

10、husiasm in exchange for time, there is no end to the dream ofyouth! I really appreciate the Agni youth, these words inside, and has beenencouraging with its own study, work and life. I think that youth should beburned, give off light only value! Burning of ones life may also be corrupt, inthat case,

11、 I do not want to corrupt, not corrupt, I would like to burn up!Friends present here! You like it?Youth is our most beautiful season of life, she is breeding in early springof life, demonstrating a warm summer, with autumns master real hidden, whichmakes clear the hope of winter, full of poetic pass

12、ion and not a lack of hardwork, fashion, romantic and full of the hard struggle. When a persons youthintegrate into an era, a career, so youth will not go away, and this willcertainly cause in the years of experience in the reflection of brightlight.青春英语演讲稿5青春短暂,转瞬即逝,但青春是人生最美好的时期,我们年轻,所以我们激进,我们敢于尝试,



15、最好的时候。在这段时间里,我们能够学到比什么时候更多的东西我们变老了。在我们年轻的时候,我们热情高涨我们自己的目标。我们也努力克服我们生活中的障碍方式。如果我们意识到青春是多么珍贵,我们就会在年轻时得到满足以及当我们变老的时候。如果我们浪费青春,我们将度过余生我们的生活希望我们能再次年轻。青春英语演讲稿7Students, guests , teachers and Honorable JudgesGood morning !my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to become ateacher.As

16、 the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freedom coexist in ourlife. I dont expect complete freedom, which is impossible. I simply have adream that supports my life.I dream that one day, I could escape from the deep sea of thick schoolbooksand lead my own life. With my favorite fictions, I li

17、e freely on the greengrass, smelling the spring, listening to the wind singing, breathing the freshand cool air and dissolve my soul in nature at last. Simple and short enjoymentcan bring me great satisfaction.I dream that one day the adults could throw their prejudice of comic andcartoon away. They

18、 could keep a lovely heart that can share sorrow and happinesswith us while watching cartoon or doing personal things. Thats the realcommunication of heart to heart.I have the belief that my dreams should come true. I am looking forward tosome day coming when I am like a proud eagle, which flies to

19、the blue and vastsky.青春英语演讲稿8正如歌曲我的未来不是梦所说我喜欢这首歌。每次唱这首歌都让我充满信心。我相信我们所有的梦想都可以。如果我们有勇气去追求,梦想就会实现。我年轻的时候,我父亲总是问我未来会怎样。有时我发现很难给予某个回答。我想当医生。我想当老师。和我我想成为一名科学家!这些答案中有许多可能非常幼稚荒谬。但我从来不认为他们离得很远。时间过得真快!谁能给自己的未来下一个定义?我知道显然,那些高楼是建立在坚实的基础上的。作为学生,我应该有一个合理的目标,努力学习。我的目标是进入最好的中学毕业后大学深造。我知道这很难,我会遇到许多困难和挫折。但是不管它们是什么,我会

20、继续努力,永不放弃。我的老师说只有一个那种真正成功的人:那些勇于承担的人带着艰辛。即使我达不到目标,我也不后悔我所做的。我做到了,因为我已经为我的生活奋斗了。青春英语演讲稿9Very happy and we feel we are one together - young teachers heroicfeelings, My name is Ling, graduation Yidu teacher.I was crying my choice too, have work for me sad too, because I embarked ona career like I did n

21、ot do a very poor teacher, I cry many times my choice, theycan In countless grief I have been comforted, when I saw both of that is full ofnaive, but eager to swim in the ocean of knowledge a child, my sinking, floatingcalm the mind, and slowly I also learn from practice feel the teachers pride,he w

22、as like a Spring Silkworms, like the dedication of their own candles noregrets, I have seen it countless teachers no regrets。and with their youth and lives to defend the sanctity of the teachingprofession, but also what they use their own actions, with traces of life,inspired by those of us who come

23、 after, I have reluctantly enamel reluctantly,by the reluctance to wholeheartedly love this job, because I have seen that lifewill go beyond the utilitarian, although meals for life, But the living is notfor eating, living in the possession of many small minded, short-term birth ineternity, while th

24、e teachers are such a career.I know that a teacher tired, bitter, but to their own ideal, I still wouldlike to pursue, to the surging waves of fighting, to sinister mountain climbing,there may be storms, a storm, the road may be bumpy, but I still would uselaughter, with songs to fill ups and downs, I will meet with the merry laughterof the rising sun, I will be flying the heart to face my work and life. Yesah!

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