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新人教版高中英语选修10unit5 enjoying novels 综合练习.docx

1、新人教版高中英语选修10unit5 enjoying novels 综合练习Unit 5 Enjoying novels 综合练习I.单项填空15分1. There were only five minutes left, but the _ of the match was still in doubt. A. judge B. judgement C. outcome D. score2. They laid us _ for 3 months. A. away B. off C. out D. over3. Have you _ your doctor about your illnes

2、s? A. questioned B. consulted C. interviewed D. required 4. Use your money carefully so as to make ends _. A. fix B. cross C. mix D. meet 5. He is accused of _ his power. A. using B. abusing C. giving D. selling 6. Youd better _ that thin black girl. I think shes going to faint. A. care B. attended

3、C. attend to D. carefor 7. He told us what had happened _ length. A. on B. in C. of D. at 8. You should _ your explanation for the children. A. simplify B. diliver C. transfer D. translate9. The hotel is finished, but it is not yet_. A. experimented B. furnished C. fixed D. lived10. He checked in wi

4、th _ baggage. A. many B. much C. few D. a bit11.-Glad to meet you. -_. A. So do I. B. How are you? C. How do you do? D. The same to you.12. The thief tried to break away from the policeman who_ him but failed. A. held B. had held C. would hold D. was holding13. -Did you enjoy yourself yesterday? -Ye

5、s. As you saw, party went on in _ most pleasant atmosphere. A. the; a B. the; the C. a; the D. a; a14. _ she was invited to the hall made her very happy. A. If B. That C. When D. Because15. -How much is the T-shirt_?-65 dollars.A. worth B. cost C. worthy D. paidII. 完形填空20分 Suppose every person on Ea

6、rth ate only one kind of food. And in one year that food disappered. 16 that happened, all Humans would soon disapper too. Luckily, humans don t face the problem, However, another creature(生物)may . The animal is the giant panda, one of the world most 17 animals. It has been discovered that the bambo

7、o plants the giant pandas eat are dying , As a result, many of the pandas are dying of 118 . In the wild , the giant panda eats only two kinds of bamoo plants. One is the umbrella bamboo , 19 is the fountain bamboo (喷泉竹). Both kinds can live 100 years , In its 20 year the bamboo plant blooms, has se

8、eds and dies. Last year the umbrella and the fountain 21 22 grow in China became 100 years 23 . The plant grows from seedsformed in the late 1870s. Now almost all of these bamboo plantsare dead ,Young shoots now grow from the seeds. However, itwill be many months before the shoots are large 24 to be

9、 eat-en as food by the pandas, So the large black and white animalscontinue 25 . Can the wild pandas be 26 ? A group of American scientists went to China to study the pandas in their native habitat. The studies took place in the areas of Sichuan Province in southwest China ,The studies took place in

10、 the areas of Sichuan Province in south-west China. The scientists especially wanted to find out 27 about the animalsfood , They wanted to see 28 the pandas are able to change to other foods 29 the two kinds of bamboo are growing. The Chinese government recognizes the worldwide concern about the gia

11、nt pandas and 30 steps to save the animals.Large areas of the giant pandas habitat have been set 31 aswildlife 32 the pandas can live freely. At 33 time, Chinesescientists are trying to increase 34 number of giant pandas _35 some of the animals in zoos. The first baby panda was bornin Beijing Zoo in

12、 the autumn of 1978.16. A. Unless B. Sinces C. If D. Because17. A. liking B. lovely C. to be love D. love18. A. hunger B. heat C. hungry D. cold19. A. another B. the second C. other D. the other20. A. one hundred B. hundredth C. hundreds D. hundred21, A. kinds B. ones C. bamboo D. plants22. A. that

13、B. those C. when D. whese23. A. ago B. age C. old D. long24. A. enough B. tender C. and hard D. but25. A. to enough B. to die C. becoming weak D. to be dead26. A. saved B. saving C. dead D. dying27. A. something B. more C. anything D. many more28. A. why B. if C. how D. when29. A. if B. and C. while

14、 D. for30. A. took B. make C. has taken D. go31. A. aside B. against C. about D. in32. A. Where B. there C. and D. which33. A. same B. the same C. one D. which34. A. the B. a C. a large D. a small35. A. to raise B. by raising C. to keep D. keeping 阅读理解40分 A The leaders of 17 countries gathered in Fr

15、ance last weekend to mark the 60th anniversary(周年纪念) of D-day. This was the allied(盟军)invasion of the Normandy coast in Germany-con- trolled France on June 6,1944,which led to the surrender (投降) of Nazi Germany in World War II. D-day is a term used to stand for the starting day of a campaign or plan

16、ned series of actions. When the secret starting date is unknown, secret or subject to change, D-day is the referrnce point which helps panners arrange every step of a campaign. For example the day before D-day is D-1;the day after, D-t-I and so on. The letter D here stands for Day, so D-day actually

17、 means Day day. More commonly the term has a military usage. In fact , it came into being during the First World War, but it was during the Second World War that D-day got its ommon usage. The letter D here stands for Day, so D-day actually means Day day. More commonly the term has a military usage.

18、 In fact, it came into being during the First World War , but it was duing the Second World War that D-day got its common usage. The begining of the end of the Second World War the allied landing of Europe , and D-day was its starling date. After months of careful planning, the exact day was fixed f

19、or June 5, 1994. But because of impossible weather conditions , at the minute the landing was put off until the following day.36. If a man-made satellite is planned to launch on June 1st, but for some reason, it is launched on May 29th, then according to the above passage, the day is _. A. D-2 B. D+

20、2 C. D-3 D. D+337. The allied landing of Europe_. A. took place on the Day-1 B. started the Second World War C. brought the Second World War to an end D. was the end Second World War38. Why was the landing of Europe put off during the Second World War? A. Because it was sunny that day.B. Because it

21、was snowing that day. C. Because it had been carelessly planned. D. Because it wasnt fit for attacking that day. B All the wisdom of the ages. all the storied that have delighted mankind for centuries , are easily and cheaply available to all of us within the covers of books, but we must know how to

22、 avail (有益)ourselves of this treasure and how to get the most from it . The most unfortunate people in the world are those who have never discovered how satisfying it is to read good books. I am most interestes in people , in finding out about them,. Some of the most remrkable people I ve met existe

23、d only in a writers imagination ,then on the pages of this books ,and then, again, in my imagination. Ive found in books new frieneds, new society , and new words. Reading is the pleasure of the mind, which means that it is a little like a sport: your eagerness and knowledge and quickness make you a

24、 good reader Reading is fun , not because the writer is telling you something , but because it makes your mind work . Your own imagination works along with the author s or ever goes beyond his. Your experience, compared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions , and your ideas devlo

25、p as you understand his. Every book stands by itself, like a one-family house, but books in a library are like houses in a city , Although they are separate, togetherthey all add up to something. They are connected with each other and with other cities, The same ideas ,or related ones, turn up in di

26、fferent places; the human problems that repeat themselves in life repeat themselves in literature, but with different solutions according to different writings at different times. Books influence each other; they link the past ,the present and future and have their own genertions, like families. Whe

27、rever you start reading, you connectyouself with of the families of ideas ,and in the long run ,you noy only find about the world and the people in it ;you find out about youself, too. Reading can only be fun if you expect it to be. If you concentrate(集中) on books someboby tells you you ought to rea

28、d ,you probably wont have fun. But if you put down a book you dont like and try another till you find one that means something to you ,and then relax, with it ,you will almost certainly have a good time-and if you become , as a result of reading , better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you wont suff

29、ered during the process.39. What kind of people are the most unfortunate in the writers eyes? A. Those who only how to get from his book. B. Those who exist only in a writers imagination C. Those who dont know the pleasure of reading D. Those who don t some to the same or different conclusions as th

30、e wrtiter.40. What has the author benfited from the book? A. He has found new friends , new society and new words. B. He has found his own imagination, experience and conclusions. C. He has found the past , the present and future. D. He has found a result of reading41. Why does the writer think read

31、ing is fun? A. Because reading can make us a good reader. B. Because reading makes our minds work. C. Becaust reading can save our time D. Because reading values ourselves better and wiser.42. The underlined phrase turn up in Paragraph 4 here me_. A. have great pleasure B. find C. face another way D. appear43. What would be the best title for the text? A. The Pkeasure of Reading 13. The Ways of Reading C. The Imagination of Reading D. The Better Result of Reading C In real life , the daily struggles between parents and children ar

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