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1、鼎尖教案人教版样张(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)鼎尖教案人教版样张Unit 1 Whats the matter-第二教案-教辅教案-课时详解第一课时 Section A (1a-2d) 词汇matterwhats the matter* back*, sore, throat, stomachache*, rest*, cough, X-ray, toothache, take ones temperature, go to a doctor, headache句型1. She talked too much yesterday and didnt drink enoug

2、h water.2. You need to take breaks away from the computer.3. I think I sat iin the same way for too long without moving.重点难点To express to take care of yourself and care for others.预习导学一把你所知道的身体部位的单词写下来,并写出其相应的中文意思。- - - - - 二翻译下列短语 1. Whats the matter? _ 2. 感冒 _ 3. and rest _ 8. 量体温 _答案:一见 1a二1.你怎么了

3、? 2. 事情;事态;问题;关于.的事情;物质;重要性【举例】Does it matter what you do next ?你下一步所做的事关系重大吗? What matter if they meet with some difficulties?即使他们遇到一些困难,那又有什么关系呢? 【链接】Whats the matter?怎么回事出了什么事?怎么了?Whats the matter with John? 约翰怎么了?Whats the matter with you? 你有什么不舒服?【应用】完成句子她出什么事啦?Whats with . 后面;背脊;靠背;后背【举例】Three

4、 people can sit in the back of this car. 这车的后座可坐3个人。【拓展】vt.支持;后退 adv.向后地 adj.向后的;后面的;偏远的;过时的Ill back you up no matter whats your legs and slowly lie back. 放松双腿, 慢慢向后躺下。 The kangaroo uses its back legs to jump. 袋鼠是用牠的后脚在跳。 【应用】完成句子以前在他们房子的后方是一个大花园。There used to be a big and beautiful garden at the of

5、 their was a sore disappointment. 竞选失败令人痛心失望。 【应用】完成句子玛丽患了重感冒而且咽喉痛。 Mary .嗓子;喉咙【举例】I my speech. 在开始演讲之前,我得先清清嗓子。 【应用】完成句子他清了清嗓子,好像想说什么话似的。 He cleared .胃痛;肚子痛 【举例】The medicine did you .脚;英尺【举例】I apologized to .颈;脖子【举例】The giraffe is characterized by its very long neck. 长颈鹿以其长颈为特徵. The neck of my guit

6、ar is broken. 我吉他的琴颈坏了。 【应用】完成句子我向后仰得过度了,扭伤了脖子。 I bent back too far and .胃;胃口;腹部【举例】He feel a pain in my . 答案:stomach10. fever.狂热;发烧;发热【举例】She was obliged to keep to 【用法】v.躺下;位于;【举例】If you feel unwell, go and lie down. 如果你感到不舒服,就去躺下。 My lies low in a valley. 我的家乡位于一个隐蔽的山谷里。【拓展】v.说谎 【举例】The plain fac

7、t of the matter is that the man lied. 事实表明,那个人撒谎。 He never lied in bed sleeping soundly. 答案:lies12. rest 【用法】v. n. 休息【举例】Is . 答案:rest13. cough 【用法】v. n. v.咳嗽;咳【举例】Cover your mouth when you cough. 咳嗽时要捂上嘴。 I cough a great deal last night. 我昨夜咳嗽得很厉害。 【应用】完成句子他感冒了,咳得很厉害。Hes badly because yesterday. 答案:

8、X-ray15. toothache 【用法】n.牙痛 【举例】Ice water aggravated my toothache. 冰水使我的牙痛加重了。 The old man your temperature?你量过体温吗?【应用】完成句子护士每天都给老人量体温。The nurse _ . 答案:takes the old mans temperature17. go to a doctor 【用法】看医生【举例】Im sorry to , and youll get some pills. 答案:go to a doctor18. . 头痛,令人头痛的事(或人),麻烦【举例】Can y

9、ou give me something to relieve my of . 答案:t drink enough water.昨天她讲话太多,没有喝足够的水。【详解】1too much,太多,修是不可数名词。【举例】Why are we eating too much?为什么我们会吃得过多?【链接】too much和much too*(too) much 1相当于形容词,意为“more than enough”,用在不可数名词前面作定语或在系动词后面作表语。如:Americans eat too much meat in my opinion依我看,美国人吃的肉太多。I drank too

10、much cola last night昨天晚上我可乐喝得太多了。The work is too much for me too much你给我的太多了。 3相当于副词,在句子中作状语。如:You work too much你工作干得太多了。She talks too much她话说得太多了。*(much) too much too的用法比较简单,只用作副词作状语,但它不单独使用,在句子中要修饰形容词或副词,但不修饰动词。如:You are much too kind to me你对我实在太好了。Its much too cold天气实在太冷了。You are driving much too

11、 fast你开车太快了。【应用】 Heeats_food,sot get up early enough to catch the early bus. 他起床不够早,没有赶上早班车 Have you played enough? 你玩够了吗?【应用】He did not write ,thought the same way for too long without moving.我认为我用同一个姿势一动不动地坐的时间太长了。【详解】without moving,没有移动,做伴随状语。without的用法:1. (表否定)没有,无,不需。如:The letter was posted wit

12、hout a stamp. 那封信没贴邮票就寄出去了。We got there without any trouble. 我们到了那儿,一路上没遇到任何麻烦。Youll get wet if you go out in the rain without an umbrella. 雨天外出不带伞会淋湿的。I suddenly realized Id come out without any money. 我突然意识到,一点儿钱也没带就出来了。2. (用在no, not, never等否定副词之后,强调肯定)没有不,没有则不能,每必定。如:You cant get rich without tak

13、ing risks. 人不冒险不富。The old man cannot walk without a stick. 那位老先生离开手杖就走不了路。Dont go out without a coat: youll catch your death. 别不穿外套出去,会得重感冒的。I never see this picture without thinking of . 他们得一动不动地站几个小时。It wasnt very polite of you to serve yourself without asking. 你也不问一声就自己吃起来是不太礼貌的。4. (表条件)若无,若非。如:I

14、 dont like to go to a country without knowing something of the language. 我要是不懂得一点那个国家的语言,就不想到那个国家去。Can you see without your glasses? 你不戴眼镜能看得清东西吗?【应用】完成句子 没有水,我们就活不了。_ water, we cannot live.答案:Without第二课时 Section A (3a-Grammar Focus)课时目标词汇passenger get off to ones surprise agree to do sth troubleget

15、 into trouble 句型1. when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.2. Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time.重点难点1.To educate Ss to trouble.2.To improve the reading skills and develop the sense of English gradually.预习导学一句型转换1. I and rest? (肯定回答) _, _ _.

16、二根据汉语提示完成句子 1. 你怎么了? Whats the _ _ you? 2. 她应该量一下体温。 She should _ _ _. 3. 你发烧吗? Do you _ _ _? 4. 他下车询问发生了什么. He _ and asked _.5. 让他吃惊的是,他们都同意他的意见。 _, they all agreed with t, any 3. Does, . 乘客,旅客【举例】The second passenger asked to be set down at the church. 第二位乘客请求在教堂前下车。Each passenger slept on the ber

17、th allotted to saw me and got off the only one week. 这任务竟然在一周内就完成了。【应用】是我们惊讶的是,汤姆考试居然没能通过考试_,Tom didnt pass the exam 答案:To our surprise4. agree to do sth【用法】同意做某事【举例】He agreed to .困难;烦恼;麻烦【举例】I find getting up early a great trouble. 我觉得早起床可不容易。 Im sorry to .他担心会因那个男人而惹上麻烦。I was sure to get into trou

18、ble with the teacher.我知道一定会挨老师批评。【应用】除非你想惹麻烦,否则你就安静点.Be quiet unless you want to .答案:get into trouble语句详解1. when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.当司机看到一个老人正躺在路边。【解读】 see sb doing sth和see sb do sth“see sb do sth ”表示看到某人做某事了,强调看见谁做过什么事。 如:I saw the bedroom. 我看到她打扫教室了。(强调做过这件事) “

19、see sb doing sth ”表示看到某人正在做某事强调“看见某人正在做某事” 如:I saw I passed in time.幸亏王先生和乘客,医生及时挽救了这个老人。 【解读】1thanks to, 幸亏。【举例】Thanks to the rain ,my growths are not dead 多亏这场雨,我的庄稼没有死.【应用】完成句子多亏你的帮助,我才能完成工作。 _ your time,及时;on time,准时【举例】You should return the book in time.你应该及时还书。Its good to go to school on time.

20、按时上学是好的。 【应用】完成句子消防队员及时赶到那幢失火的房子。Firemen reached the fire .答案:in time第三课时 SectionA 4a-Section B 2a课时目标词汇 bandage knee nosebleed hurt hit句型1. run it under water2. Jenny cut herself.重点难点1. To memorize the expressions about health problems and advice.2. To deal with the accidents correctly.预习导学一翻译下列短语1

21、. 伤了我自己_ 2. 去看医生 _ 3. 发烧 _ 4. 牙疼 _ 5. 背疼 _ 6. 躺下休息 _ 7. 给她量体温 _ 8. 跌倒 _ 9. 用水冲洗它 _二写出下列代词的反身代词 1. I _ 2. and rest 7. take 9. run it under water 二. 1.myself 2. .她自己;她亲自【举例】She killed 【用法】跌倒【举例】He fall down the stairs, landing in a the stairs and was all black and blue. 他从楼梯跌下而青一块紫一块了。【应用】完成句子一个男孩子摔下来

22、跌伤了。A boy and 3. bandage 【用法】n.绷带 vt.用绷带包扎 【举例】The waitress put a bandage round injured arm? 你知道如何包扎受伤的胳膊吗? 【应用】完成句子 他的头用绷带扎起。 He . 答案:bandages4. knee【用法】n.膝盖;膝关节【举例】His knee was your knee? 你膝盖上的擦伤是怎么弄的? 【应用】 完成句子她跌倒了,摔破了膝盖。 She fell down and cut .流鼻血【举例】Should nosebleed flow after I try to move my

23、leg. 当我移动我的腿,感到疼痛。【应用】 完成句子我走路时脚痛。 My feet when I walk. 答案:.讽刺;打(击);冲撞;成功 【举例】The ball it under water用水冲洗它。【解读】run在此意为“冲洗、流动”。【举例】The child nose is running. 这个孩子在流鼻涕。 The river rnns clear. 水流清澈。【应用】完成句子我把水龙头打开,水就凉了。The water cold when I turned the tap on. 答案:ran2. Jenny cut the country.他独自住在乡下。2. 作主

24、语或宾语的同位语:主要起加强语气的作用,译作“亲自,本身,本人”。如:Did you make the cake yourself?这蛋糕是你亲自做的吗?The work itself is easy.这工作本身很容易。(itself作主语the work的同位语)Did you see Mr. Wang .我觉得健康如昔。4. 用于一些简短的会话用语或固定说法中。如:Help yourself! 请随便吃吧!请自己去取吧!Make yourself at B 2b-2e 精析精练典题精析 典题1(2012四川达州)从对话后的方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。A: 61 B: Im not fee

25、ling well.A: Youve been like this since you got t you?B: 62 A: Do you know why?B: 63 Its awful. One day its t learned to predict the weather call it to find out what the weather will be like during the day.B: I know that not feeling well.”可知,这个谈话的主题是与健康有关的,因此我们就考虑表述健康问题的词语。典题2【2013湖南娄底】26. Would you

26、 mind_ the window? Its very B. to open C. opening【答案】C【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。固定用法:mind + doing表示介意做某事。故答案为C。典题3【2013 湖南衡阳】25. Laura enjoys story books. Me, too. A. reading B. read C. to read【答案】A【解析】本题考查非谓语性动词。enjoy后接动名词的形式。故选A。典题4【2013湖北孝感】39. Dad, why must I stop _ computer games? For your the floor when

27、I came into the classroom. A. lying B. lay C. lie D. lies 【答案】A 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:我走进教室的时候,我发现地上躺着一封信。find sb. doing sth. 发现某人做某事。故选A。典题精练1. 【2012福建宁德】(B)补全对话,根据对话内容,在下列横线上填入适当的话语,使对话完整、正确。(每小题1分,满分5分)( M = Maria K = Kangkang)M: Hi, Kangkang. You look pale. 86 K: Not so well. I like this?K: Two days.M:

28、 Maybe you .M: OK! I . 90 K: See you!【答案】86. Whats wrongthe matter(with you)?87. Im sorry to t you(Why not) see a doctor?89. No, thanks. 90. See you later. See you then.2.【2013四川雅安】8. 一Can you finish these books before 10 oclock? 一Yes, I can. A. to read B. read C. reads D. reading【答案】D3.【2013湖南邵阳】25. What about a rest? Lets go for a walk.A. to take B. take C. taking【答案】C4.【2013湖北黄石】Seeing their teacher _ into the classroom, they stopped _ at once.A. walk; telling B. entering; to spea

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