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1、新目标八年级下学期英语阅读练习初中英语阅读理解精选1. Ali,who was working a long way from home wanted to send a letter to his wife,but he could neither read nor write, and he had to work all day,so he could only look for somebody to write his letter late at night .At last he found the house of a letter writer whose name was

2、Misreading. Nasreddin was already in bed. “It is late, “he said.”What do you want? I want you to write a letter to my wife, said Ali,Nasreddinwasnt pleased. He thought for a fewsecondsandthensaid, Hasthe letter got to go far? What does that matter? answered Ali. Well, my writing is so strange that o

3、nly I can readit, andifI have to travel a long way to read your letter toyourwife, itwill cost you a lot of money. Ali went away quickly. Multiple choice ( )1. Ali wanted to_to his wife. A.get something B.have a letter written C.bring a flower D. say good-bye( ) 2. Atlasthefoundthe house of_. A. a w

4、riter Boa seller Can old man Day letter-writer ( )3.When Ali told what he wanted to do Nasreddin was_. A. not pleased B.pleased C.excited D.angry( ) 4.Nasreddin said that his writing was_. A. easy for anyone to read Bushranger for anyone to read C. too strange for anyone to write D.difficult for any

5、one to read( ) 5. This story tells us_. A.not to ask anybody for help B.not to trouble others at night C.not to ask for help without money D.not to trust others2 An old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young man,and he quickly spent all the money, so that soon heha

6、d nothing left. Of course ,when that happened, all his friends left him. When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see Nasreddin, who was a kind, clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles. My money has finished and my friends have gone,said the young man. What will happen to m

7、e now? Dont worry , young man,” answered Nasreddin.Everything will soon be all right again.Wait ,and you will soon feel much happier. The young man was very glad.” Am I going to get rich again then? he asked Nasreddin. No, I didnt mean that, said the old man.” I meant that you would soon get used to

8、 being poor and to having no friends. Multiple choice( )1.An old man died and left his son_. A. nothing B.somed gold C. much money D.only a house( ) 2. When the son was_, he went to see Nasreddin. A.short of money B.quite poor and sick Cain trouble D. quite poor and alone( ) 3.The young man was very

9、 glad because Nasreddin said that_. A.he would become rich again B. he would soon feel much happier C he would become clever D. he would have more friends( ) 4.Nasreddin meant the young man_. A. would get rich again B. would get used to having nothing C.would get used to being in trouble D.would get

10、 out of poorness( ) 5.What this story tells us is_. A. that money is everything B.that money makes the mare go save each penny D. that misfortune tests the sincerity of friends3. A man was traveling abroad in a small red car. One day he left the car and went shopping. When he came back, its roo

11、f was badly damaged.Some boys told him that an elephant had damaged it. The man did not believe them, but they took him to a circus which was near there. The owner of the elephant said,” I am very sorry! My elephant has a big, round, red chair. He thought that your car was his chair, and he sat on i

12、t!Then he gave the man a letter, in which he said that he was sorry and that he would pay for all the damage. When the man got back to his own country, the customs officers wouldnt believe his story. They said, “You sold your new car while you were abroad and bought this old one! It was only when th

13、e man showed them the letter from the circus man that believed him.Multiple choice ( )1.A man was traveling abroad_. A. in a big bus a green jeep a red car a red taxi( ) 2.The car was damaged because_. A. there was a traffic accident B.the circus man broke it C. it rushed into a shop

14、D.the elephant sat on it( ) 3.The circus man said that_. A.he would pay for part of the damage B.have would pay for all of the damage C.he wouldnt pay for the damage D.he would buy a new car( ) 4. When the man got back to his country,the customs officers_. A. would check his new car B.only checked h

15、is car C. searched him D. wouldnt believe what he had said,( ) 5.It was only_that made the officers believe him. A. the letter from the circus man B. a newspaper from the country C.the certificate of his D.the letter from the government4. Nasreddin was cutting a branch off a tree in his garden. Whil

16、e he was sawing, another man passed in the street. He stopped and said, “Excuse me,but if you continue to saw that brand like that, you will fall down with it. “He said this because Nasreddin was sitting on the branch and cutting it ate place between himself and the trunk of the tree. Nasreddin said

17、 nothing. He thought, “This is some foolish person who has no work to do and goes about telling other people what to do and what not to do. The man continued on his way. Of course, after a few minutes. The branch fell and Nasreddin fell with it. My God! “he cried.” That man knows the future !and he

18、ran after him to ask how long he was going to live. But the man had gone.Multiple choice ( )1.One day Nasreddin was cutting a branch_a tree in his garden. A. on ( )2.While Nasreddin was sawing, another man_. A. told him to stop working B.told him he would fall down C. would borrow so

19、mething from him D.would help him saw that branch( ) 3. After the man went away,Nasreddin thought that_. A. that was a silly fellow B.that was a wise person C.that was a proud person D.that fellow cheated him( ) 4.What happened to Nasreddin after a few minutes? A.The brand fell .B.Nasreddin fell dow

20、n to the ground. C.Nasreddin was hurt himself. D.Both A and B.( ) 5.This story is about _. A. a foolish man B. a wise man C.cutting a tree D.the necessity of taking good advice5. It was half-past eight in the morning. The telephone bell rang and Mary went to answer it. Its me-Peter. Hullo, whos that

21、?” she asked. Peter was a friend of Marys eight-year-old brother, Johnny. Oh hullo,Peter.What do you want?” said Mary. Can I speak to Johnny? No,” said Mary,” you cant speak to him now. He is busy. He is getting ready for school. He is eating his breakfast. Grandmother is combing hishair.Sister is u

22、nder the table, putting his shoes on. Mother is getting his books and putting them in his school bag.Goodbye,Ive got to go now. I have to hold the door open. The school bus is coming .Mtiple choice ( )1.Who went to answer it when the telephone bell rang? A. Johnnys sister B.Peter C,Johnny D.Johnnys

23、mother ( )2.Whom did Peter want to speak to? A. Marys brother B.Marys sister C.Marys grandmother D.Johnnys mother( )3.Johnny couldnt speak to Peter because Johnny _. A. was combing his hair B.was putting his shoes on C.was getting his books D. was busy eating his breakfast ( )4.How do you say to a s

24、tranger who is answering your telephone? A. Who are you?B.Anything to say? C.Who is it? D.Please( )5.From this story we know that Johnny was_. A. a lazy B.a clever boy C.a busy boy D.a hungry boyNasreddin put two big baskets of grapes on his donkey and went to market. At midday it was very hot, so h

25、e stopped in the shade of a bigtree.There were several other men there, and all of them had donkeys of grapes too. After their lunch they went to sleep. After some time,Nasreddin began to take grapes out of the other mens baskets and to put them in his. Suddenly one of the men woke up and saw him.”

26、What are you doing? he said angrily. Oh,said Nasreddin,dont worry about me. I am half mad, and I do a lot of strange things. Oh,really?said the other man.Then why dont you sometimes take grapes out of your baskets and put them in somebody elses baskets? You did not understand me,said Nasreddin.I sai

27、d that I was half mad, not quite mad.Multiple choice( )1.Nasreddin went to market_. A. to sell his donkey B. to buy something C. to sell his grapes D. to find a job ( ) 2. Nasreddin stopped_. A.under a big tree B.near a big tree C.around a big tree a big tree ( )3.As Nasreddin was taking away t

28、he other mens grapes one of the men_. A.pretended not to see him B. saw him and got angry C.woke his fellows up D.came at him ( )4.Nasreddin said that he did a lot of strange things because_. A.he was clever B. he was quite mad C.he was foolish D.he was half mad ( )5.In this story Nasreddin was _. A.a selfish man B.a strange man C.a friendly man D.a foolish man7. Nasreddin woke up in the middle of the night and saw something white in his garden. It seemed to be moving towards the house. That is a thief(小偷)! He thought, and he took his gun and shot(开枪) at him. Then he went back to b

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