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1、上海交通大学论文开题报告表格上海交通大学Shanghai Jiao Tong University学位论文开题报告登记表Dissertation Proposal Form学号/ Student ID: 姓名/ Name: 学生类别/Degree Program:博士/Doctor 学术硕士/Academic Master 专业硕士/Professional Master 学习形式/Student Status:全日制/Full-time 非全日制/Part-time 导师/ Supervisor(s): 论文题目/ Dissertation title: 专业/ Major: 学院/ Sch

2、ool: 开题日期/ Date: 开题地点/ Venue: 填 报 说 明Instruction1、 开题报告为A4大小,于左侧装订成册。各栏空格不够时,请自行加页。2、 This form should be printed with A4 papers and bound together on the left. If the space left is not enough, please feel free to add extra pages.3、 博士生导师可以根据博士生学位论文选题情况自行确定是否进行开题查新,博士学位论文开题查新报告应由查新工作站提供。4、 The super

3、visor should decide, based on the proposed topics, whether a novelty assessment report is needed or not, which should be conducted by an authorized novelty assessment department.5、 开题报告通过后,分别由研究生、导师、学科各存档一份。6、 Upon passing the dissertation proposal, three copies of this form should be prepared, one

4、for each of the doctoral candidate, the supervisor, and the academic discipline.7、 医学院研究生如果以函评形式开题,开题地点请填写“函评”,专家组组长签名由导师签名。8、 For students in the School of Medicine, if the dissertation proposal is conducted via peer review, the “Proposal venue” shall be filled with “peer review” and the “Signature

5、 of Committee Chair” shall be signed by the supervisor.学位论文题目Dissertation title课题来源Source of Project1、课题意义及国内外研究现状综述/Significance of the research topic and overview of its current status worldwide.2、课题研究目标、研究内容和拟解决的关键性问题 / Research objectives, main contents and key issues to be solved3、拟采取的研究方法、技术路线

6、、试验方案及其可行性分析 / Research methods, technical route, experimental scheme to be adopted and feasibility analysis.4、课题的创新性/Novelties of the proposed topic.5、计划进度、预期成果/Research schedule, and expected outcomes6、与本课题有关的工作积累、已有的研究工作成绩/Prior experience and accomplished achievements related to the proposed top

7、ic.本人承诺:开题报告中的内容真实无误,若有不实,愿承担相应的责任和后果。I hereby declare and affirm that the details provided in this Form are valid and accurate. If anything untruthful found, I will bear the corresponding liabilities and consequences.学生签字/Signature of Student: 日期/Date: 课程学习情况Coursework已修课程学分/总学分要求Credits earned/ Cr

8、edits requiredGPA(硕士生、直博生填写)导师意见Comments of Supervisor签名/Signature: 日期/Date: 专家组成员Review Committee Members姓名Name职 称Title工 作 单 位Affiliation本人签名Signature专家组意见Committee Recommendation专家论证意见/ Comments:审 查 结 果/Conclusion: 同 意/Pass; 不 同 意/Fail。(同意票数/Votes for pass: ; 不同意票数/Votes for fail: )组长签名/Signature of Committee Chair: 日期/Date:院系意见Opinion of School/Department负责人签名/ Signature: 日期/ Date:备注Remarks 附件/Attachment:查新中心站管理编号/ No. of the Novelty Assessment Department:科技查新报告Sci-tech Novelty Assessment Report课题名称/Project Title: 委托单位/Entrusted by:报告日期/Report date:认证单位/Certified by:

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