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1、牛津译林版八年级下册8B英语Unit16各单元全套练习试题牛津译林版八年级下册8B英语Unit1-6各单元全套练习试题 Unit 1 Lesson one教材知识掌握。一.翻译下列短语: 1.半小时前 2。 在碗里 3。 和-某人在一起玩 4. 不再 5.想干某事6. 一个来自香港的学生 7. 更多地了解这个地方8. 进行一个历史课题研究 9. 在过去的100多年里10. 写一篇报告 11. 收集更多的信息 12. 不同的交通工具 13. 自从1933年二 根据首字母提示,完成下列单词。1.Im not hungry. Ive e_ enough.2.Mrs Chen is very k_.

2、She often helps us.3.Mr Green is an e_ teacher from the USA.4.Last night. O_ 5000 thousand people were at the concert.5.I didnt know it was you. You have c_ a lot.6.Uncle Wang has lived in this city s_ he was bron.三 根据英文解释,写出单词。a_, in the past2. h_, not full3. o_, more than4. s_, from the past till

3、now5. c_, become different.四 根据中文完成下列句子。谁拿走了我的书,刚才在桌子上的。Who _ _ away my book. It _ on the desk a moment ago.你吃过早饭吗?是的我刚吃过。_ you _ your breakfast? Yes Ive _ _it.我太累了,我不想再打球了。Im very _. I _ _ to play basketball _ _.我饿了,你能给我弄点好吃的吗?Im very _. Could you give me _ _ _ _?Jim 是来自美国的交流学生,他想更多的了解中国。Jim is _ _

4、 student _ the USA. He wants to _ _ about China.五 用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. - Where _ Jim be -He _ water the flowers over there.2. The dog _be here an hour ago.3. _ you _ see my bike No, I havent.4. They dont want _learn Japanese be cause it s too hard.5.They _ do a project on the changes in Nanjing next mont

5、h.6. We _ know the place since 1983课外拓展提高。完成下列对话:(A找不到他的英语书,B提到他的英语书)A: Oh, _ my book? It _ on the desk half an hour ago.B: Is it an English book?A: Yes._ you _ it.B: Yes. Ive just seen it. Is this book yours?A: Yes. You _ _ it?B: Of course. Its very interesting.A: I dont think so. I _ want to _ it

6、any more.B: Why?A: Because its too hard for me. I cant enjoy it.B: dont worry. Let me help you. Lets read together.A: Thats _You are very _.完形填空。 During the weekend, I usually like to 1 at home, but sometimes I like to go out for a walk 2 play football. My friend Jack works hard 3 the week. At the w

7、eekend, he always goes to 4his uncle and aunt work on their farm with his family. The 5 is not very big, but there is always so much to 6on the farm. The children look 7the animals and give them food. Jack and his wife work 8 the fields. At the end of the day, they are all 9 and tired. After Jacks a

8、unt 10 them a big meal, they go back home in a car.1. A. stand B. sitC. stay D. keep2. A. also B. and C. but D. or3. A. for B. duringC. atD. on4. A. helpB. find C. wait forD. make5. A. carB. houseC. shopD. farm6. A. help B. make C. doD. see7. A. up B. after C. for D .at8. A. inB. with C. at D. on9.

9、A. angry B. excited C. interested D. hungry10. A. sends Bpasses C. gives D. carries 阅读理解。 Wang Fei can speak English quite well because she works very hard at it. One day, her teacher, Mr. Wu asked her to come to his office and side, : There will be a story-telling contest竞赛 next week, Wang Fei. Wou

10、ld you like to take part in it?” Wang Fei wanted to go, so she asked what she had to do. Mr. Wu told her that she had to tell an English story in front of the whole school. Mr. Wu said:” If you try your best, Im sure youll win.” Wang Fei decided to have a try. On Sunday night, she stayed up late to

11、get ready for her story for the contest. It was interesting story, she didnt go to bed until midnight. On Monday morning, she overslept睡过头 When she woke up, it was already seven 0 clock. She did some washing quickly. Then she had a light breakfast. After that she ran all the way to her school. It wa

12、s a warm morning, so Wang Fei felt very hot when she reached school. Mr. Wu was waiting outside the school hall, he looked very worried. “ Why are you so late, Wang Fei?” he asked. “ Sorry, Mr. Wu, I woke up late.” Wang Fei said. “ The contest will start in a minute. Remember, speak slowly and clear

13、ly.” Mr. Wu said. Wang Fei remembered his words. She told her story very well. In the end, she came out first. “You have done very well. Congratulations!” said the teacher. “All is well that ends well. But remember, dont oversleep again!”1. Wang Fei works hard at _. A. contest B. Chinese C. EnglishD

14、. his lessons2. Wang Fei will be in _ next week. A. a story-telling contest B. a sports meeting C. an English partDa school meeting3. On Sunday night, Wang Fei went to bed_.late as usual B. early as usual C. later than before D. earlier than before.4. At last, Wang Fei _. A. was nearly first B. came

15、 last C. was not second D. got first.5. Choose the best title for the passage, _. A. Who was first B. Alls well that ends well C. Wang Fei Learns English best D. An English contest Lesson2词组互译:1 used to live in Hong Kong. 8。 想念老朋友2,结婚 9。下棋3.Move to another flat10。Noice pollution4.搬书城 11。 在某些方面5.Chan

16、ge a lot 12 feel a bit lonely6.在过去13。时常、偶尔7.Turn into a park 14 land safely按要求进行句型转换:Ive known Mr Green for many years?_ _ _ you _ Mr Green?After I got married. I didnt live there any more. 合并句子 I _ there _ I get married.They moved to France became Mr.King found work there._ _ they _ to France?China

17、 has changed a lot? _ China _ a lot?We had our own library We had a library _ _ _ 6. They did some exercise before breakfast. They did some exercise _ _ _ breakfastSometimes I feel lonelyI feel lonely _ _ _ _.He married her in 1993.They _ _ in 1993.三、用所给动词的适当形式填空。Last week, Lilys father, Mr Green,_

18、come to BeijingI used to _live in the country.I _ learn English for many years.They _ live in Nangjing since they _ move to China.In the past, there _ was no people in this place. Now, the place _turn into a supermarket.Its nice _ have open space and pretty garden.四、选择填空。1.Our headmaster _ his offic

19、e until half past seven yesterday evening A. wont leaveB. didnt leave C. doesnt leave D. left 2. She has never been to the country before, _A. has she B. hasnt she C. is she D. isnt she3- Have you finished your maths work _? - Yes. I _ it a few minutes ago A. already, have finished Byet, have finish

20、ed C. yet, finished D. just now, finished.4.He _ his key. He hasnt found it yet.Ahas lostB. lostC. have lostD. loses5.Have you finished reading the newspaper _? A. now B. alreadyC. yet D before6.She _ an English teacher.A. uses to B. used to C. use to be D. used to be7 I _ the Great Wall for many ye

21、arsA. knowing B. knewC. have known D. to know8.The old woman was _, but she never felt _. A. lonely; lonely B. alone ;alone C. lonely; aloneD. alone; lonely9.I think the plane is going to _ in a moment.A. tank upB. take offC. get off D. put on10.Its very _ to play cards in the new park.A. pleased B.

22、 pleasant C. pleasure D. to please11.Anny _ Jeff when they were both 25 years old.A. get marriedB. marriedC. married with D. married to12_, Do you know where the nearest post office is?A. By the wayB. On the way C. In the way D. To the way课外拓展提高:填空、补全对话Alice来到中国,在与 uncle Wang 的交谈中,看到中国发生了巨大的变化。A: Al

23、ice U: Uncle WangA: _ _ have you worked in this city?U: Ive _ here for many years. _ _, I was born here and have worked here _ I was 22 years old.A: So have you actually_ in this city?U: Yes. I first _ in the middle of the city with my parents. We lived _ _ 1960 when I _ _. Then my wife and I _ _ th

24、e east of the city.A: _ the city _ a lot?U: Yes, the city has changed a lot. When I first worked here, There have been _ 500 million people living in this city.A: Do you think life is better now?U: Well. _ _ it is. Its nice to _ so many pretty gardens. However. It has become too _. To meet old frien

25、ds.完形填空Mr Brown lived in a small town. One day he 1 a long journey. It was very late when he was going home2 he found that a man 3 behind him. Mr Brown went faster, and the man walked faster, too4 Mr Brown walked slowly and the man slowly, 5 Now, they were coming near a garden. Quickly Mr Brown ran

26、6 it. He tried to get away from the man in this way, but he failed. He was very afraid. He rushed and the man rushed after him. Now Mr Brown stopped. “Excuse me”he said. “What do you want 7” “ 8 , sir,” answered the man.” You see, I have to 9 Mrs King a bag and I asked the man at the station. He tol

27、d me, Go right after that man. He lives in the house just next to10”1. A. haveB. goC. is D. had 2. A. Suddenly B.quietly C.BadlyD. Fortunately3. A.was coming BeC. was walking D. walk4.A.WhatB. WhenC. Where D. How5.A. neither B. either C. stillD. too6. A. into B. onC. of D. at7.A. something B. anythi

28、ng C. do D. to do8. A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. OK D. No9. A. borrow B. lendC. giveD. bring10. A. Mrs King B. Mr BrownC. you D. me阅读理解 Most people who work in the offices have a boss, So do I. But my boss is a little unusualWhats usually about him? Its a big dog. Many men have dogs, but few men bring t

29、heir dogs to the office every day. My bosss dog, Robinson, is big and brown. My boss brings him to work every day. He takes the dog to meetings and he takes the dog to lunch. When there is a telephone call for my boss, I always known if he is in the office. I only look under his desk. If I see something brown and hairy under it, I know my boss is somewhere in the office. If there is no dog, I know my boss is out.1. People _ bring dogs to the office. A. usually B. often C. seldomD. sometimes 2. My b

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