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1、关于永别了武器中女性特点的研究AbstractErnest Hemingway (1899-1961) is one of the most famous writers of the twentieth -century; he is the 6th American writer who gets Nobel Prize for Literature(1954). Hemingway not only forged a startling original literary style, he also created “the Hemingway hero.” He centers su

2、ccessfully his novels on personal specific experiences and affection to make many charming“code heroes” who struggle in the tragic faults.Through reading the woman image in A Farewell to Arms, the author of this thesis aims to point out that Hemingway is not a misogynist, nor a male chauvinist, but

3、a supporter of harmonious co-existence between male and female. Chapter one of this thesis discusses the characteristics and background of the traditional woman image and Hemingways woman image, and also the critic comments about his woman image. Chapter two analyzes the characteristics of the Cathe

4、rine Barkley in A Farewell to Arms, through the following 2 respects: Catherines attitude towards love and marriage, and death. Chapter three discusses the factors for Hemingways shaping of woman image from three aspects: the background of that time, family upbringing and influence of women.To sum u

5、p, as a great writer, Hemingway owns strong sense of masculinity, but he is not short of concern of women. The women images in his works show the real characteristics of that society.Key words: Hemingway; A Farewell to Arms; female characters摘 要海明威被誉为二十世纪最伟大的作家之一, 并在1954年获得诺贝尔文学奖。他不仅开创了典型的海明威式的文风,也创

6、造了海明威式的英雄。他成功地把个人的传奇生涯与创作的辉煌结合起来,塑造了许多脍炙人口的、在迷惘中顽强拼搏的“准则英雄”。本文的主旨是通过仔细研读海明威的小说永别了,武器,分析原作品中的女性形象,从而发掘海明威始终不渝的追求男性与女性的和谐共处的主题。本文第一章讲述传统的女性形象和海明威笔下女性形象的特征和形成的历史背景,以及文学评论对于海明威笔下女性形象的一些误读。第二章从凯瑟琳对爱情与婚姻,死亡二个方面的态度, 分析永别了,武器里凯瑟琳的人物形象。第三章则从海明威当时所处的社会环境、家庭成长以及他所受的女性影响讲述他塑造典型女性形象的原因。海明威作为一名伟大的作家,他不仅有强烈的男性主体意识

7、,而且也不缺少女性意识,他作品中的女性形象真实地反映了当时社会女性的特征与面貌。关键词:海明威;永别了,武器;女性特点IntroductionEarnest Hemingway (1899-1961), a Nobel Prize winner for literature, was a novelist and short story writer who became one of the best-known American authors of the century. His lean, economical style has been widely copied by othe

8、r writers, and his stories of courage in the face of tragedy are re-read by each new generation. His style, the particular type of hero in his novels, and his life attitudes have been widely recognized and imitated, not only in English-speaking countries but all over the world.A Farewell to Arms is

9、a record of Hemingways war experiences and a reflection of his mental condition in the 1920s. After World War I,Hemingway was at loss at first,then he began to think soberly. He decided to take up writing as a profession,using his pen to write the mentality of their generation. His second best work

10、A Farewell to Arms expatiates upon the war directly and upon the formation of the lost ones. Hemingway had a lot of war experiences that were set in his mind deeply and firmly thus provided him with substantial writing materials for his works. Hemingway served in the Italian Army and was badly wound

11、ed in the legs. So did his hero Henry. The vivid description of Hemingways being wounded and the great retreating scene both came from what had happened to the author and what he had seen in the war. He centers successfully his novels on personal specific experiences and affection to make many charm

12、ing“code heroes” who struggle in the tragic faults. The attraction of“code hero” reveals Hemingways aesthetic point of view; human beings keep their dignity when facing failure and show their undefeated grace in the adversity. As we know, Hemingway is famous for making male character and giving his

13、attention to males world. So many critics believe that Hemingway is just adept in describing code heroes and male world without women. Most of his protagonists matadors, hunters, soldiers, and fishermen belong to this category. Critics have never ceased to pour down their comments on women in his wo

14、rks since his first novel published. But they have long been troubled by Hemingways attitude toward women. I. General Introduction of Woman ImageAs the representative of Lost Generation, Ernest Hemingway has done a lot to shape the 20th century American literature. His works remain popular with the

15、public and exert a profound influence on writers. Literature criticism that focuses sharply on Hemingways works has proliferated and changed strikingly, especially during the last fifteen years of the 20th century. The valuable insights of early Hemingway critics and biographers remain unquestionabl

16、y significant, but the developments of recent literary theory have changed the course of Hemingway criticism and altered the way we read him. Future generation will never view him again in quite the same way.In this chapter, the traditional woman image and the woman image in Hemingways For Whom the

17、Bell Tolls will be introduced.1.1Introduction of Traditional Woman Image“Traditional women” is a term that is relative to “new women” who are depicted to be bold enough to win over their own independence, freedom and rights. By contrast, traditional women are supposedly to rely too much upon men. Th

18、ey are dependent on men economically and submit to their men in spirit. Thanks to the efforts made by feminists and sympathetic social institutions, womens social status was raised in an absolute sense. In 1920s, the feminism of the United States totally attained the fight of vote for women in polit

19、ics. In the field of law, economics, education and etc., women achieved the majority of rights. However, either in society or in the families, women did not enjoy the equal rights as men; the relative position of women remained virtually unchanged. The American society was still dominated by men, wh

20、ile women were put on the margins. In society, the traditional thoughts still firmly bound up women to the circle of family. In the relationship between men and women, women were still passive and did not get the complete and true freedom.1.2Hemingway and Woman Image in His WorksErnest Hemingway (18

21、99-1961), one of the most distinguished but most controversial American writers of the 20th century, is regarded as a sensitive and dedicated artist, a great literary giant and adventurer and a stylistic genius American history has ever produced. His position and reputation in American literary hist

22、ory as a talented and influential writer has been well established through the decades during which his major works (mainly The Sun Also Rises, 1926; A Farewell to Arms, 1929; For Whom the Bell Tolls, 1940; The Old Man and the Sea, 1952) came out together with all the other minor novels and short st

23、ories. He won Pulitzer Prize in Fiction in 1953 and the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.Hemingway enjoys great worldwide popularity that the number of critical essays about him, his works and his “heroes” far exceeds that of his own works. Discussion about Hemingway often centers on his telegraph

24、ic style and his typical heroes-dauntless, unyielding men with “grace under pressure”. It seems that women are ignored by Hemingway. Some critics, especially those of feminism, fault Hemingway severely, in no area more strongly than in his portrayal of women. Their major objection has been that the

25、female characterizations are weak, that the women are too thin, or too dimensional, because they emphasize only single facts of human personality, they are actually caricatures. More recently, feminist criticism has ridiculed some of the more “passive” women as sexual pawns for Hemingways heroes, or

26、 social foils in contrast with which the Hemingway males can appear more masculine.Critics tend to categorize Hemingway women. Overwhelmingly the most popular critical manner of categorizing Hemingway women has been to dichotomize them. Philip Young generalizes that the women “are either vicious, de

27、structive wives like Mrs. Macomber, or daydreamers like Catherine, Maria, and Renata”1; Jackson Benson concluded that in Hemingway we find “the girl who frankly enjoys sex and who is genuinely able to give of herself” and “the all-around bitch, the aggressive, unwomanly female”2; John Killinger beli

28、eved that “Hemingway divides his women into the good and the bad, according to the extent to which they complicate a mans life. Those who are simple, who participate in relationships with the heroes and yet leave the heroes as free as possible (like the Indian girls, Maria Morgan, Catherine, Maria,

29、and Renata), receive sympathetic treatment; those who are demanding, who constrict the liberty of the heroes, who attempt to possess them (like Marjorie, Margot Macomber, and Dorothy Bridges), are the women whom men can live without”3. In the eyes of some critics, Hemingways fictional women are eith

30、er demons or angels; either castrators or slaves of love; either bitches or good companion.And there were also some critics tend to believe that Hemingway used fictional women to characterize his men. By employing the patterns of imaginary and diction, which imply little about the women themselves b

31、ut imply very much about Hemingways men, Hemingway could and did portray his protagonists with remarkable skill and complexity. It points out that Hemingway does write women; however, the portrayal of women only serves as a means that brightens the male protagonists.In fact, Hemingway was as interes

32、ted in women characters as he was in men-perhaps more interested. Just as he said that he had always considered that it was easy to be a man compared to being a woman who lives by as rigid standards as men live by. No one of us lives by as rigid standards nor has as good ethics as we planned but an

33、attempt is made. And he also continued said that it is hardest to do about women and we should not worry when they say there are no such women as those he wrote about. That only means your women arent like their women. The defensive tone in Hemingways comments is probably explained by the negative criticism m

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