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1、儿童英语chantone finger ,one finger turn turn turn turn to a lamb mie mie mie1、 水果单词 oranges,oranges,酸又酸;mangoes。mangoes,甜又甜;pineapples,pineapples,香又香;peaches,peaches,水灵灵;bananas, bananas弯又弯;watermelons,watermelons,圆又圆;applesapples,红又红;pears,pears,黄又脆。2、 动物单词 dog?dog汪汪汪, cat?cat喵喵喵 bird?bird天上飞 monkey?m

2、onkey最顽皮 tiger?tiger真凶猛 zebra?zebra黑又白 panda?panda吃竹子 elephant?elephant鼻子长3、 房间单词 Go,go,go t0 the kitchen,做吃的 Go,g0,go to the dining room,吃午饭; Go,g0,g0 to the study,看看书; Go,go,g0 to the bathroom,洗个澡; Go,g0,go to the bedroom,睡大觉。 4、 食物单词 cake cake 圆蛋糕, bread bread 干面包。 Hot dog 叫热狗, hamburger 汉堡包。 Chi

3、cken chicken 是鸡肉, French fries 炸薯条。要喝可乐和果汁, Coke Coke 加 juice, 牛奶牛奶 milk ,喝点 water 来解渴,想喝 tea 加茶叶,想喝咖啡加点糖,就是 coffee 和 sugar 。5、 天气单词天气好fine fine ,sunny 少不了天气热 天气热 hot hot, 真难受天气冷 天气冷 cold 缩头把肩耸有风的windy 有雨的 rainy 下雪的 snowy 多云的 cloudy 暖和的 warm 凉爽的 cool 天气词汇真不少,小朋友们要记好。6、 数字单词你拍一,我拍一,one one one 你拍二,我拍

4、二,two two two 你拍三,我拍三,three three three你拍四,我拍四,four four four7、 颜色单词 yellow yellow 是黄色,黄色的小鸭水中游; black black 是黑色,黑色的蚂蚁在搬家; green green 是绿色,绿色的小草在发芽; white white是白色,白色的雪花满天飞; red red 是红色,红色的国旗在我心; blue blue是蓝色,蓝色的天空白云飘; brown brown是棕色,棕色的巧克力我爱吃; orange orange是橙色,橙色的桔子挂满枝。8、 动作单词open open 打开 close clo

5、se关上 turn on ;turn on 打开turn off; turn off关上两组反义词要分清用电用水用turn on 注意节约turn off 9、 交通工具单词car car 小轿车, by car, by car 坐轿车 bus bus 公共车, by bus, by bus 乘公交车 plane plane 大飞机, by plane,by plane乘飞机 bike bike 自行车, by bike, by bike骑自行车 10、 反义单词big and small 大与小,long and short,长与短,fat and thin 胖与瘦活动目标:1、学习反义形容

6、词big、small,理解其意义,并能掌握正确发音。2、能听懂课堂用语how about it?初步学会用a big(small)sth的短语形式进行回答。3、能大胆积极地参加英语活动。活动准备:大象和老鼠的图片 动物图片若干活动过程:一、 师生互问日常用语组织教学。Hello boys and girls ! Nice to meet you! How are you?二、 以游戏儿歌的形式导入,激起幼儿活动的兴趣。1、教师有表情地表演儿歌,请全体幼儿欣赏。2、以提问的方式引出反义形容词,并集体个别地练习单词。A big (出示大象图片)提问:whats this? how about it

7、?教师用手势提示,结合图片,示范12下一页 本文英语活动“big or small”关键词:教案 big的正确发音。集体练习,鼓励幼儿大胆的说。 B small(出示老鼠图片)Please look at the rat , how about it? Yes, small3、通过手势和声音的大小区分,帮助幼儿进一步理解。4、用英语以a big sth或a small sth模式练习短句。三、游戏“变变变”1、听老师的指令“big or small”,模仿教师做手势游戏。2、集体游戏。英语活动“big or small活动目标:1、使幼儿初步能够看图讲成简单的小故事。2、体验音乐带给人们的快乐

8、。3、培养幼儿的语言表达能力。活动目标:1.教幼儿能听懂并说出眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴的英文名称(eye. Mouse. Mouth)2.通过各种游戏活动,培养幼儿学习英语的兴趣。3.通过各种游戏练习,使幼儿了解各器官的作用和功能。活动准备1.字卡:eyeai眼睛 nose(nauz)鼻子 mouthmau嘴巴2.粘贴小红花若干3.磁带活动过程:1.听录音,和老师一起做“五官操”,以及激发幼儿的学习热情,并让幼儿接触“eye, mose, mouth”的发音。儿歌:eye、eye、eye. 眨呀眨nose、nose、nose 闻一闻mouth、mouth、mouth 波波波ears、ears、ears

9、 听声音2.学习单词:eye、mouse、mouth.(师):我们每个人都有一张“Face”,在我们的”face”上长有器官,谁能告诉我这些器官的名称,小朋友边说老师边在黑板上画五官,并用英语说:eye two eyes nose mouth。最后添上头发,耳朵画成一个调度小男孩。幼儿练习“eye mouse mouth”时按五官的上下顺序,同时注意幼儿发音是否规范。摸鼻眼(摸对者奖励小红花)方法:师:touch your eyes, one 、two、three,幼:(手指眼睛)here 、here 、here,师:touch your nose, one 、two 、three,

10、幼(手指鼻子)here 、here、 here,师:touth your mouth, one、 two、three.幼:(手指嘴边)here、 here 、here 12下一页 本文Eye Nose Mouth关键词:教案 。4.活动延伸:方法:小朋友每三人一组,给缺少五官的脸谱添画eye nose mouth在添画时告诉大家你画的是什么。5.结束:和老师一起做“五官操”,然后逐步下课您现在的位置:天下英文网少儿英语少儿英语教学教案少儿英语正文Its tall-教学教案-少儿英语网文章来源:少儿英语教案 点击数:79 更新时间:2008-6-6 编辑:english-publisher最新喜

11、讯:本站新增英语单词在线翻译功能,双击单词可以显示汉语意思,马上试试?!1. Teaching aims and requirements:1) Knowledge:To enable the students to learn “ “ It (she he ) is tall (short fat thin )”2) Ability:To enable the students to describe somebody. 2. Main and Difficult Points:To enable the students to describe something or somebody.

12、3. Teaching aids:A computer, a tape-recorder, some pictures4. Teaching procedure:Step One: Warming exercisea) Retell the story “ Grandma Fox ”b) Sing the song “ Boy and Girl ” Step Two: Presentationa) Show the picture of pig and learn the word “fat”.b) Use the multi-media to let the pig change into

13、Monkey King and learn the word “thin”.c) Show the picture of Yao Ming and learn the word “tall”.d) Learn the word “short”. Step Three: Practicea) Game: help Xiao Xin to pass the river .b) Fast Reactionc) Make sentences with the four words. Step Four: Consolidationa) Sing the creating song.b) Elicita

14、te students to introduce themselves or their friends to others.1. What s he doing? He s drawing Black, Blue, Green.What s she doing? She s singing Do, Re, Mi.What are you doing? I m reading A, B, C.What are you doing? We re writing One,two, Three.2. Doing, doing. What are you doing? Standing, standi

15、ng. I m standing.Doing, doing. What are you doing? Jumping, jumping. I m jumping.Doing, doing. What are you doing? Dancing, dancing. I m dancing.Doing, doing. What are you doing? Sitting, sitting. I m sitting.3. Teacher: Washing clothes, washing clothes. I m washing clothes.Student 1:Washing clothes

16、, washing clothes.You re washing clothes.Teacher: Cleaning the desk, cleaning the desk. I m cleaningthedesk.Student 2: Cleaning the desk ,cleaning thedesk. You re cleaning thedesk.4. Small boat, small boat, swim in the river.Big ship, big ship, swim in the sea.5. What do you like? I like monkey,monk

17、ey likes singing, so do I.Monkey likes dancing, so do I.Monkey likes eating, so do IMonkey is my animal sign. I like monkey.6. Clap, clap, clap your hands. As slowly as you can.Clap, clap, clap your hands. As quickly as you can.Shake, shake ,shake your hands. As slowly as you can.Shake, shake ,shake

18、 your hands. As quickly as you can.Roll , roll, roll your hands. As slowly as you can.Roll , roll, roll your hands. As quickly as you can.Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers, As slowly as you can.Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers, As quickly as you can.Rub ,rub, rub your hands. As slowly as you ca

19、n.Rub ,rub, rub your hands. As quickly as you can.Pound ,pound, pound your fists. As slowly as you can.Pound ,pound, pound your fists. As quickly as you can.7. HandsHands ,hands, what do they do?My moms hands are chopping the food. Chop! Chop! Chopping the food.Hands, hands, what do they do?My dads

20、hands are washing dishes! Wash, wash, wash the dishes.Hands, hands, what do they do?My grandmas hands are petting the cat. Pet! pet! petting the cat.Hands, hands, what do they do?My grandpas hands are picking vegetables.Pick!Pick1Picking vegetables.Hands, hands, what do they do?My neighbors hands ar

21、e cutting the tree. Cut! Cut! Cutting the tree.Hands, hands, what do they do?My friends hands are catching the ball. Catch! Catch! Catching the ball.Hands, hands, what do they do?My sisters hands are typing the letter. Type! Type! Typing the letter.Hands, hands, what do they do?My teachers hands are

22、 writing on the board. Write! Write! Writing on the board.Hands, hands, what do they do?My hands are clapping to the music. Clap! Clap! Clapping my hands.8. All by myself There are many things I can do. All by myself. I can comb my hair and lace my shoe. All by myself. I can wash my hands and wash m

23、y face. All by myself. I can put my toys and blocks in place. All by myself.9. Five little mice Five little mice on the pantry floor. This little mouse peeked around the door. This little mouse nibbled on some cake. This little mouse not a sound did make. This little mouse heard the kitten sneeze. “

24、Ah-choo” sneeze the kitten and “squeak” they cried , As the mice found a hole and ran inside.10. cows Here is the barn. So big, dont you see? In walk the cows. one, two , three. Soon therell be milk . For you and for me.11.Four seasons Spring is showery, flowery, bowery. Summer is hoppy ,croppy, pop

25、py. Autumn is wheezy, sneezy, freezy. Winter is slippy, drippy, nippy.12.Here is my turtle Here is my turtle. He lives in a shell. He likes his home very well. He pokes his head out when he wants to eat. And pulls it back in when he wants to sleep.13. Im a lion I love to sleep out in the sun. And ch

26、ase other animals just for fun. In all the jungle. Im number one. Im a lion.14. I have a lion I have a lion , furry and kind. Sits on a shelf near the autos that wind. Eyes wild and golden. Tail likes a tuft. He will never slip out and leave me . Hes stuffed.15. I will be your friend I will be your

27、brand-new friend. May our friendship never end. I will help at work or play. I will be there night or day. You can always count on me . for I am your friend, you see.16. If I were a bird If I were a bird. Id sing a song and fly around the whole day long. And when it was dark Id go to rest up in my c

28、ozy little nest.17.In the farmyard In the farmyard at the end of day . Listen to what the animals says. The cow says, ”moo”, The pigeon “coo”, The sheep says , “baa”, The lamb says “maa”, The hen “cluck, cluck”. “Quack” ,says the duck. The dog “bow-wow”, The cat “meow”, The horse, “neigh”, The pig g

29、runts “oink”,Then the barn is closed up tight. And the farmer says “Good night”.18.Little deer Out in the forest early in the morning , see the little deer. Prancing to and fro. First she eats some leaves, Then she eats some berries. Munch, munch, crunch, crunch, off she goes.19.Mommy, mommy Mommy,

30、mommy , Here are my gifts-A special hug and a great big kiss. You always love me even when Im bad. You always love me and never leave me sad.20. Monkey ,monkey ,what are you doing ? Mr. Bear. Mr. Bear. What are you doing ? Im dancing, dancing, dancing. Cha, cha , cha , Miss. Rabbit, Miss. Rabbit. What are you doing? Im hopping, hopping, hopping. Hop ,

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