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1、高等学校英语应用能力考试A级真题及答案2012年12月高等学校英语应用能力考试A级真题及答案2012年12月高等学校英语应用能力考试(a级)试卷及答案Part IIStructure(15 minutes) Directions:This part istotest your abilitytoconstruct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of2 sectionsSectionA Directions:Inthis section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are requir

2、edtocompleteeachoneby deciding on the most appropriate word or words form the 4 choices markedA), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet withasingle line through the center.16. When I am away_business , I contact my office every day by email .A) with C) onB)

3、 of D)to17.Inadditiontoeconomic considerations, there are other reasons_people work long hours.A) what C) whenB) why D) where18. There may beaneed for retraining if you expectemployees_new technologyA) using C)tousingB) use D) used19.Asurveysuggeststhatnearlyoneinsixchildrenhasdifficulty_totalk.A)to

4、learn C)learnB) learning D) learnt20. It wasintheir Londonbranch_we met and discussed the issueA) that C) howB) which D) what21. The decision about suchabig project can not be made_each member of the board agrees.A) if C) thoughB) unless D) as22. There was no prooftoshowthatCharles had committed the

5、 crime,_he was set free. A) but C) or B) for D) so23. Medical accidents_by drugs have attracted much attentioninthatcountry.A) causing C)be caused B)tobe caused D)caused24. No sooner_than I realized Id left the document at home.A) have we sat down C)we had sat down B) had we sat down D)we sat down 2

6、5. The sales department of company is engagedin_the products and making profits.A) selling C)being soldB) sell D)having soldSection BDirections:There are 10 incomplete statements here .You should fillineach blank with the Proper form of the word giveninbrackets. Write the word or wordsinthe Correspo

7、nding space on the answersheet26. All the staff of the company (work)_very hard year and 15%more profit was Gained.27. Among the major products (import)_by Malaysiawere iron and steel and medical Instruments.28. Business and professional services (list)_inthe Yellow Pages29. Nokias mobile phone mark

8、et shareinchina ?fall?_toits lowest levelsince 2005.30.Toher?disappoint?_, the girl was denied the job she had applied for.31. While?study?_at college, he gottoknow the professor and learnedalot from him.32.Communication via eye contact seemstobe ?particular?_importantinsome cases.33.As more custome

9、rs will attend the meeting, we needtoprepare some ?addition?_chairs.D) more convenient37.Oneadvantage of traveling by bus isthatyou can_.A) bookacomfortable seatB) buy your ticketinadvanceC) transfertothe subway freelyD) see different areas of Manhattan38. Passengers can pay their bus fare_.A) with

10、penniesB) with dollar billsC) withaMetroCardD) withacredit card39.Toindicatetothe driverthatyou wanttoboard the stop, you may_.A) put your arm outB) shows your ticketC) gotothe back doorD) wave your MetroCard40.Toask forastop while ridingabus, you may_.A) raise your handB) move toward the front door

11、C) press the black band near the windowsD) turn off the Stop Requested light immediateTask 2Directions:This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41to45.Marketing furnituretothe public can be challenging forasmall business owner. Consumers buy furniture pi

12、eces only occasionally. However, there are several furniture promotion ideasthatcan be usedtohelp you reach your target market.Onething you can do istotalk with real estate (?) agentstoallow youtodisplay your furnitureinanew home or open house setting. This isagood waytoreachakey target market - new

13、 home buyers - who may need new furniture for their future homes. Increasing foot traffic () is also important forafurniture store.Toget more peopletothe store, you can advertisearaffleevent (). This event can be promotedinyour local media and through direct mail campaignsor front door advertisement

14、stogenerate more interest.Intough economic times, small business owners often suffer most asaresult of slow consumer spending.Tofight back against this, you havetomake it easier of your customerstobuy furniture. If you can, offerin-store financing, or drop the interest rate on your companys credit t

15、erms, Consider lowering your prices and holding two-for-oneeventstoarouse more consumer interest.41. Why is itachallenge for small businessestosell furnituretothe public?A) The style of furniture changes fast.B) Their furniture is often old-fashioned.C) People buy furniture only occasionally.D) The

16、publics taste for furniture is different. 42. Accordingtothe writer, it isagood way for small business ownerstosell their furniture by .A) improving after-sales serviceB) reducing the advertising expensesC) providing free delivery of furnitureD) displaying the furnitureinanew home43.Toget more custo

17、merstoyour store, you are advisedto.A) advertisearaffle eventB) visit your local customersC) have longer business hoursD) improve local traffic conditions44. The purpose of holding two-for-oneevents isto.A) offerin-store financingB) lower the furnitures costC) attract consumers interestD) reduce the

18、 advertising budget45. The passage is mainly about .A) furniture designingB) furniture promotionC) furniture store decorationD) furniture production processTask 4Directions: The following is a list of items related to business activities. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivale

19、nt to (与等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55. A - Bank loanB - Business planC - Investment returnD - Consumer price indexE - Cost controlF - Contract workerG - Customer loyaltyH - Daughter

20、 company I - Parent company J - Import Duty K - Price Control L - Sales Tax M - Cash flow N - Mail Order O - Factory Price P - Contract of employment Q - Employment LawExamples: ( I ) 母公司 ( Q ) 劳工法 51.( )成本控制 ( ) 消费者物价指数52.( )子公司 ( ) 进口关税 53.( )邮购 ( ) 销售税 54.( )客户忠诚度 ( ) 成本控制 55.( )就业合同 ( ) 出厂价 Task

21、 5 Direction: The following is an advertisement. After reading it, you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 to No. 60) that follow. The answers (in no more than 3 words) should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.Welcome to London! With over 80 stops, 3 main

22、 sightseeing routes and countless photo opportunities, The Original Tour really is the finest way to see London and her landmarks. Sit back, relax and take in the sights, sounds and wonderful views of the city, both ancient and modern. 24-hour bus tour tickets are available online.Yellow RouteThis r

23、oute takes you to the best of Londons sights, beginning from Buckingham Palace and finished at Westminster Abbey (教堂). Get the most out of your visit with a fun English-guided commentary (解说词) provided by our professional tour hosts.Red RouteThis is highly recommended for overseas visitors and child

24、ren. It takes in all of Londons popular attractions and offers entertaining commentaries in a choice of languages. Children can also enjoy our super Kids Channel.Blue RouteOn this route guests can enjoy the delights of Londons top museums and shopping districts introduced through the digital comment

25、ary, including the special childrens channel.56. What is the finest way to see London and her landmarks? 57. Where can travelers buy bus tour tickets in London? They can buy the tickets .58. What kind of commentary is provided for the tourists on the Yellow Route? A fun commentary.59. Which route is

26、 strongly recommended for overseas travelers? The Route. 60. What are the main attractions on the Blue Route? Top museums and . Part IV TranslationEnglish into Chinese (25 minutes) Directions: This part, numbered 61 through 65, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. After each of

27、 the sentences numbered 61 to 64, you will read four choices of suggested translation. You should choose the best translation and mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. And for the paragraph numbered 65, write your translation in the corresponding space on the Translation/Composition Sh

28、eet.61. The shipment has been overdue for quite a long time and we have not heard any news about it from you.A) 货物装运已逾期很久,我们却至今没有收到你方有关装运的任何消息。B) 航运的货物忆到达很长时间,但没有人通知我们关于透支的任何消息。C) 长期以来这些佩特都是航运的,而且你们事先都能够给我们发来通知。D) 即使发货需要很长时间,我们迄今还是没有收到你方任何相关的信息。62. It is our hope that this contract will represent th

29、e beginning of a long and fruitful cooperation between our two companies.A) 我们希望能长期保持我们两家公司之间互利互惠的合作关系。B) 我们希望基于本合同建立 我们两家公司之间长期合作的关系。C) 我们希望这项合同将代表我们两家公司长期有效合作的开始。D) 我们希望能尽快地签订合同并长期保持我们已经取得的成果。63. This course will introduce you to many of the functions which the software uses to produce letters, re

30、ports, and other documents.A) 本课程将有助于你掌握各种软件,学习写信、写报告和生成其它文件。B) 本课程将向你们介绍该软件用于写信、写报告和其它文件的许多功能。C) 本课程使用该软件来讲授商务信函、工作报告和其它文件的写作特点。D) 通过本课程,你可掌握该软件的用途,用于写信、写报告和其它文件。64. We wish to inform you that all the items ordered are available from stock and will be shipped upon receipt of your letter of credit. A) 我方谨通知贵方,所订货物均有现货,收到你方信用证后即可发运。B) 我们提醒你方注意,所订货物都有库存,但须提供信用证方可发货。C) 你方所订货物本公司储备充足,希即

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