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1、8AUnit18短语整理 8AUnit1-8 短语复习整理 Unit1 Friends有一些喝的 have something to drink有更多的食物 have some more food使你的朋友如此特别 make your friends so special关心你 care about you告诉她关于你的一切 tell her everything about yourself有问题 have problems with保守一个秘密 keep a secret说谎 tell lies给你讲有趣的笑话 tell you funny jokes我最好的朋友之一 one of my

2、best friends愿意做某事 be willing to do sth.和朋友分享东西 share things with friends准备(愿意)做某事 be ready to do sth.在任何时候帮助人们 help people any time帮助我做家庭作业 help me with my homework在公交车上给需要的人让座 give ones seat on the bus to someone in need有一副好嗓子 have a good voice长大 grow up使某人看起来聪明 make him look smart有很好的幽默感 have a go

3、od sense of humour使我大笑 make me laugh路过我们的桌子 walk past our desks说任何人的坏话 say a bad word about anyone一个真正的朋友 a true friend将来想当一名歌手 want to be a singer in the future擅长讲笑话 be good at telling jokes选择某人做你最好的朋友 choose sb. as your best friend在六个学生当中 among the six students社会工作者 social worker谈论我们的未来 talk about

4、 our future plants与某人交朋友 make friends with sb.认真倾听某人 listen to people carefully周游世界 travel around the world 在中国所有艺术家中 among all the Chinese artists一个扎着马尾辫的小女孩 a small girl with a ponytail面带笑容 with a smile on her face感到无聊或不开心 feel bored or unhappy成为一名出色的教师 make an excellent teacher是我的邻居同时也是我最好的朋友both

5、 my neighbour and my best friend Unit 2 School life像看电视 be like watching TV较少的广告 fewer advertisements必须工作更加努力 have to work harder买一个玩具卡车给我的表弟 buy a toy lorry for my cousin有一些周末计划 have some plans for the weekend有一场重要的比赛 have an important match在八年级 in Year 8/in the 8th grade一所男女混合学校 a mixed school在我所有

6、的学科中 among all my subjects 学习外语 learn foreign languages似乎过得快些 seem to go faster更多的了解这所学校 learn more about the school仔细聆听我的问题 listen carefully to my problems为我提供帮助 offer me help结束得比平常早 end earlier than usual做运动 do sports认真练习 practice hard一周两次 twice a week有最少的空余时间 have the least free time学生的数量 the num

7、ber of the students做早操 do morning exercises在我们三人中 among three of us有周的假期 have weeks off半个小时下棋 half an hour for playing chess读书 do some reading至多 at most进行一个英语考试 have an English test有一个月考 a monthly test浏览这些问题 look through the questions起初,首先 at first继续用英语写作 keep writing in English我的日常生活 my daily life玩

8、得痛快 have a good time 举行学校旅行 go on a school trip 我的理想学校 my ideal school需要早点起床 need to get up early有一个小时的作业量 have an hour of homework穿校服 wear school uniforms选择学校的科目 choose subjects to study玩得开心 have fun doing 从学校图书馆借更多的书 borrow more books from the school library 从家里带来书和杂志 bing in books and magazines f

9、rom home与我们同学讨论那些书 discuss sth. with our classmates有八周的假 have eight weeks off 画得比其他任何一个学生好draw better than any other student 写的比其他的学生快 write more quickly than the other students花更多的时间做家庭作业 spend more time doing homework英语报纸和杂志 English newspaper and magazinesUnit 3 A day out爬山 climb the hills来吧;赶快 co

10、me on保持健康 keep healthy/fit像一个真的一样高 as tall as a real one玩得开心 have a good time/enjoy oneself乘船旅行 take a boat trip经过 go past悉尼歌剧院 the Sydney Opera House保重 take care的顶部 on the top of 埃菲尔铁塔 the Eiffel Tower白宫 the White House一座带有一个大花园和许多树的漂亮的建筑物 a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees90英尺宽

11、90 feet wide用做成 be made of 邀请到 invite sb. to.参加他们学校的旅行 join their school trip在去。路上 on ones way to到达公园 get to the park下车 get off the bus整个世界 the whole world名胜 places of interest来自世界各地 from all over the world看起来和一样好 look as good as.不能相信我的眼睛 cant believe my eyes学习到很多不同的文化 learn different cultures在互联网上

12、on the Internet把它们放在他的主页上 put them on his home page亲自去看看 go and see for yourself到达 arrive in/at参加 take part in独立地,独自 by oneself/on ones own看起来就像真的 look like real ones拍些照片 take some photos和一样高 as tall as向上攀爬岩石 pull oneself up the rocks看看彼此 look at each other保守自己的秘密 keep the secret to oneself进入决赛 go t

13、o the final在篮球比赛的决赛中 in the basketball final发生 take place为喝彩 cheer for上车 get on the bus这次旅行的费用 the cost of the trip到达体育中心 get to the sports center回到我们学校 go back to our school听起来不错 sound good 我们为什么 why dont we do ./why not do.免费 be free歌舞演出 song and dance show感到兴奋 feel excited最大的城市广场 the biggest city

14、 square划船 row a boat计划外出一天 plan a day out乘地铁或公交去 take the underground/bus to加入我们 join us Unit 4 Do it yourself自己做 do it yourself读这些指令 read these instructions最好做某事 had better do sth.代表着,象征着 stand for修理东西 repair things代替做另一件事情 instead of doing sth.付钱请人做某事 pay someone to do sth.做一些纸玫瑰 make some paper r

15、oses一把剪刀 a pair of scissors喜欢做一些新的东西 enjoy making something new痴迷于 be crazy about 装饰房子 decorate houses看起来糟糕 look terrible安装电灯 put in a light犯了许多错误 make many mistakes停电 have a power cut张贴图片到墙上 put up pictures on the wall击中水管 hit the pipe满是,全部是 be filled with/be full of把它涂成蓝色 paint it blue反复地涂刷 keep o

16、n painting 不仅,而且 not only but also没问题 no problem在墙上安装一个架子 put up the shelf on the wall一个。 另一个。 one . The other上。的课程 take a course in使。生气 make sb. angry建议某人做某事 advise sb. to do. Sth.上课 attend lessons了解更多关于 learn more about制作水果沙拉 make fruit salad把他们混合在一起 mix them together加一些沙拉酱 add some salad cream把。切

17、成碎块 cut into small pieces尽力做某事 try to do sth.例如 for example当季的水果 fruits in season留在空气中 leave it in the air看起来色彩艳丽 look colourful花费时间做某事 spend time doing sth.修理自行车 fix/repair the bike决定做某事 decide to do sth. 某人自己 by oneself/ on ones own计划做某事 plan to do sth.做某事很快乐 have fun doing sth.出故障,出问题 go wrong把单词

18、拼错 spell words wrong剪切出 cut out把它粘贴在封面上 stick sth. on the cover第一张我为妈妈做的卡片 the first card I made for mum帮助某人做某事 help sb. with (doing) sth准备做某事 prepare to do sth. Unit 5 Wild animals1.在野外生活 live in the wild2.野生动物 wild animals3.成为餐桌上的美食 become dishes on the table4.任何时候 any time5.不可能,没门 no way 6.同情 hav

19、e pity on7.事实上 in fact 8.动物世界之王 the king of the animal world9.一个关于大熊猫的报道a report on giant pandas10.关于“希望”的故事the story of Xi Wang11.出生 be born12.在四个月大的时候 at four months old13第一次出去 go outside for the first time14.不再是 notany more15.在刚开始的时候 at the beginning of16.学习照顾自己 learn to look after myself17.遇到严重的

20、问题 face serious problems18.做某事困难 be difficult for19.主要以.为生 live mainly on 20.变得越来越小 become smaller and smaller21.结果 as a result22.有一个住的地方 have a place to live23.处于危险之中 be in danger24.立刻采取行动 take action right away25.多建造一些保护区 build more reserves26.制定法律 make laws27.灭绝 be none left28.有志者事竟成 When there i

21、s a will ,there is a way29.做一些事情 do something30.生病 get sick31.一种特殊的竹子 a special kind of bamboo32.保护它们 protect them33.朝水走去 go towards the water34.需要洗澡 need a bath35.走近 go near36.伤害某人 hurt sb.37.跳来跳去 jump around38.一起玩耍 play with each other39.闭着眼睛站着 stand with eyes closed40.计算出 work out41.迷路 get lost42

22、.独自生活 live alone/by oneself43.一会儿 for a short while 44.为了皮毛而抓老虎 catch tigers for their fur 45.闻到远处的东西 smell thing far away46.连续几小时不停地跑 run for hours without stopping47.小组工作 work as a team48.为寻乐而杀猎 kill for fun49.失去居住地 lose living places50.对人类有危险 be dangerous to humans 51.身体的其他部位 other parts of the b

23、ody52.越来越少的居住地 fewer and fewer living place 53.太可惜了 its a great pity54.失去生命 lose their lives55.卖动物的皮毛 sell the animals fur56.太羞愧了 What a shame!57.买毛皮衣服 buy fur coat58.采取行动保护野生动物 act to protect wild animals59.俱乐部成员 members of club60.需要我们的保护 need our protection61.高兴和伤心 happiness and sadness62.植物和昆虫 pl

24、ants and insects63.在白天移动得很慢 move slowly during the daytime64.在冬天睡觉 sleep through winter65.采取行动去阻止 take action to stop Unit 7 Seasons看起来很酷 look cool什么都没穿感觉凉爽 feel cool with nothing on 踢足球的最佳时间 the best time to play football做某事的最佳时间 It is the best time to do sth.你最喜欢的季节 your favourite season 喜欢冰淇淋 enj

25、oy ice cream充满. be full of=be filled with.忘记生长 forget to grow 飞远 fly far away 一个温暖晴朗的日子 a warm and sunny day完美的时间 a perfect time和.押韵 rhyme with.在花丛中嬉戏 play among flowers躲避春雨 hide from the April showers变成棕色 turn brown在地面落成堆 fall into piles upon the ground多好的时间. What a prefect time 收获庄稼 harvest crops

26、收获的季节 harvest time/season在地上 on /upon the ground一个温暖有风的地方 a warm and windy place描述天气 describe the weather一个炎热的夏日午后 on a hot summer afternoon感觉忙碌 feel busy 变绿 turn green覆盖整个大地 cover the whole earth 降到零度以下 drop below zero 忙于做某事 be busy doing 关于.的甜蜜记忆 sweet memories of 安静的小溪 a quiet stream下雪的季节 a snowy

27、 season 再一次 once again 飞往. fly away to. 下降的很快 drop quickly 在树荫下 under the shade of trees 被.覆盖 be covered with 尝起来美味 taste nice 为.搭建一个帐篷 build a tent for. 为.做早餐 make breakfast for. 醒来 wake up 把某人叫醒 wake sb. up 变得黑暗 become dark 从早到晚 from morning till night 讨厌下雨天 hate rainy days 踢球 kick the ball 得重感冒 c

28、atch a bad cold 发高烧 have a high fever 咳嗽得厉害 cough a lot 带我去医院 take me to the hospital 糟糕的一天 an awful day 在傍晚 in the late afternoon 转多云 turn more cloudy 气温在30多度 in the thirties 这个星期剩余的日子 the rest of week 一些阵雨 a few showers 保持零度以上 stay above zero 降到.以下 fall below.在一年中的这个时间 during this times of the yea

29、r 有点冷和干燥 a bit cold and dry 猛烈地吹 blow hard 打电话给某人 ring/call sb. 讲大声点 speak louder 保重 take care 用.盖住 cover.with 使他们看起来有趣 make them look funny 使人犯困 make people sleepy 突如其来的大雨 the sudden heavy rain 引起很多问题 cause a lot of problems一年中最好的季节 the best season of the year绕着城市进行短途旅行 have a short trip around the

30、 city 在下雪天 on snowy days打雪仗 have snowball fights对人(不)健康 be (not) healthy to people 穿又厚又暖和的衣服 wear thick warm clothes深深的白雪 deep white snow堆雪人 make a snowman 又笑又尖叫 scream and laugh用胡萝卜做它们的鼻子 use carrots for their noses喜欢冰雪节 enjoy the Ice Festival Unit 8 Natural disasters1.用拖把擦干水 mop up the water2.输掉决赛 lose final3.成千上万的 thousands of4.撞到树上 crash into trees5.冲走 wash away6.引起一场大火 start a big fire7.从树上掉下来 fall from a tree8.伤到腿 hurt legs9.听说那场火灾 hear about the fire10.

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