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专题一 名词.docx

1、专题一 名词专题一名词一、单项选择1.(2018山西中考)Reading the first of each paragraph before you read the whole text helps you get the main idea quickly. A.letter B.word C.sentence 2.(2018浙江温州中考)What was the of the football match last night?AC Milan won the game.A.value B.result C.choice D.decision3.(2018江苏连云港中考)Nationa

2、l Treasure quickly rose to the top television rating ranks after it was presented on CCTV. It means a growing in traditional culture among Chinas youth.A.interest B.direction C.habit D.dream4.(2018黑龙江绥化中考)Can you give me some ,please?A.message B.suggestion C.advice5.(2018甘肃兰州中考)If the temperature is

3、 below 0, water will turn intoin the open B.steam C.fog D.rain6.(2018江苏苏州中考)The boy has been missing for five days and his parents are worried about his .A.attention C.action D.growth7.(2018辽宁沈阳中考)Small cars are useful in cities with narrow.A.streets B.cinemas C.squares D.shops8.(

4、2018内蒙古包头中考)My teacher has given me useful suggestions and I want to thank him from theof my heart.A.bottom B.condition C.way D.surface9.(2018山东滨州中考)More and more foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera.Thats true. Its an important part of Chinese.A.culture B.invention C.custom D.influen

5、ce10.(2018广东中考)The three upstairs are too small to have enough for a double;room;roomsC.rooms;room D.rooms;rooms11.(2017青海中考) mother works in St. Marys Hospital.A.Jim and Bob B.Jims and BobsC.Jim and Bobs12.(2017四川南充中考)Are you thirsty?Yes, please give us .A.three bottle water B.thr

6、ee bottle of waterC.three bottles of water D.three bottles of waters13.(2017湖北黄石中考改编) To the teachers joy, the student made great this term.A.result B.preparation C.progress D.program14.(2018河北名校联考三模)My father changed his mind at the last and refused to go to the cinema with us.A.memory C.m

7、oment D.museum15.(2018河北邢台一模) The New Silk Road will offer a good for more nations to communicate. A.chance B.habit C.question D.price16.(2018河北唐山路南区一模)Some old people need a because they feel B.stick D.watch17.(2018河北沧州第八中学九年级期末考试)Mr. Green,I cant remember some of the words. Wha

8、t should I do?Dont worry! Why not try to makewith them?A.decisions B.sentences C.suggestions D.choices18.(2018河北石家庄一模)Jim had nowhy Lisa left the party without a word.A.need B.idea C.mind D.chance19.(2018河北保定初三调研二)Mr. Li is a teacher with 21 years, so he teaches well.A.attention B.information C.serv

9、ice D.experience20.(2017河北唐山路南区一模)Could you teach me how to use theseto cut the food, Uncle? B.knives C.pens D.fruit21.(2017广东汕头沙潮南区模拟)that pair of a little cheaper?A.Is;glasses B.Are;glassC.Is;glass D.Are;glasses22.(2017湖北武汉模拟押题卷)More and more people come to visit Yellow Crane Tower.Thats tr

10、ue. It has become the of Wuhan.A.effort B.pride C.praise D.courage23.(2017河北模拟经典二)The last bus has left. What should we do?Lets take a taxi. We have no B.reason C.habit D.choice 24.(2019版原创)mothers cant go to the parents meeting because they are too busy.A.Jacks and Paul B.Jacks and

11、 PaulsC.Jack and Pauls D.Jack and Paul25.(2019版原创) is coming. What can I get for my mother?What about some flowers?A.Mothers Day B.Mothers DayC.The Mothers Day D.Mother Day 26.(2019版原创)I paid $ 20 for this morning.A.4 bottle milks B.4 bottles of milkC.4 bottles of milks D.4 bottle of milk27.(2019版原创

12、)The bus is so crowded that we cant find anyfor more people. B.rooms C.area D.room28.(2019版原创)Always read thebefore you start taking the medicine. A.examples B.instructionsC.introductions D.notices29.(2019版原创)I live near the park. Its only about fivewalk. A.minutes B.minuteC.minutes D.minute

13、s30.(2019版原创)Its said that your class has 4 newcomers.Yes. Two are , and the other two are .A.Japanese;Germany B.Japanese;GermenC.Japanese;Germans D.Japanese;Frenchman二、词语运用A)根据句意及首字母提示填写单词1.Dont touch these k! Mind you dont cut your fingers.2.Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to s

14、.3.Our teachers often give us some s on how to face the difficulties.4.Nobody knew what to say and they just sat there in s.5.Whats your favorite s, Sophia?History.6.(2019版原创)I have a terrible t. I must go to the dentist.7.(2019版原创)My mother is busy cooking in the k.8.Mary often borrows books from t

15、he school l.9.I like to listen to soft m, because it makes me relaxed.10.(2019版原创)Im sorry I took your umbrella by m.11.Mr. Green and his w lead a happy life.12.(2019版原创)I like dumplings. What k of food do you like?13.If you dont know the m of these words, you can look them up in the dictionary.14.(

16、2019版原创)Paris is the c of France.15.Mom often tells me not to talk to s in the street.B)用所给词的适当形式填空1. (2018山东烟台中考)They havent made a (decide) where to spend their summer vacation.2.(2018内蒙古包头中考)Before reaching an (agree), they had a heated discussion.3.(2018内蒙古包头中考)Can you tell me the way to the Cen

17、tral Hospital?Sorry. I myself am a(strange) to this city.4.(2018山东滨州中考)Liu Chuanjian, the captain of Sichuan Airlines 3U8633 flight, is considered to be one of our national(hero).5.(2018贵州贵阳中考)The true(mean) of Christmas is sharing and giving love to people around us.6.(2018江苏连云港中考改编)Do you like wat

18、ching these TED(speech) online?Yes, Ive learned a lot from them.7. I like to share my (happy) with my friends.8.(2019版原创) This is a friend of Li Mings (sister).9. Dont give the children too much (press). Thats bad for them.10. The boy is the(proud) of his parents, because he won the first prize in t

19、he English contest last week.11.September 10th is(teacher) Day.12.There are many (child) playing in the playground.13. He didnt go to school because of his (ill).14. We Chinese are so proud of our countrys (develop).15. The students will have an (examine) next week.16.I want to be a (law) when I gro

20、w up.答案精解精析一、1.C 句意:在你读整篇文章之前,先读一下每一段的第一句话,这可以帮助你快速了解(文章的)主要意思。本题考查名词词义辨析。A选项意为“字母,信”;B选项意为“单词”;C选项意为“句子”。由句意可知本题选择C。2.B句意:昨天晚上的足球赛的结果是什么?AC米兰赢得了这次比赛。本题考查名词辨析。value价值;result结果;choice选择;decision决定。3. A句意:国宝在中国中央电视台播出后,很快上升到电视排行榜榜首。这意味着中国的年轻人对传统文化越来越感兴趣。本题考查名词辨析。interest兴趣;direction 方向;habit 习惯;dream梦

21、想。根据句意可知本题选A。4. C句意:你能给我一些建议吗?本题考查名词。message 消息,信息,是可数名词;suggestion 建议,是可数名词;advice建议,是不可数名词。因为该空前有some(一些),故可排除A和B,所以答案是C。5.A 句意:如果温度低于零摄氏度,在户外水会变成冰。本题考查名词辨析和生活常识。根据生活常识可知,设空处意思为“冰”,用ice,故选A项。steam水蒸气;fog雾;rain雨,均与题意不符。6.B句意:这个男孩已经失踪5天了,他的父母很担心他的安全。本题考查名词词义辨析。attention注意力;safety安全;action行动;growth成长

22、。根据句意选B项。7.A句意:小汽车在街道狭窄的城市里有用。本题考查名词。street街道;cinema电影院;square广场;shop商店。根据句意可知选A。8.A句意:我的老师给了我有用的建议,我想衷心地感谢他。from the bottom of ones heart 衷心地,符合语境,故选A项。condition 条件;way途径;surface表面。9. A句意:越来越多的外国人开始对京剧感兴趣。那是真的。它是中国文化的重要组成部分。culture文化;invention 发明;custom习惯;influence 影响。根据句意可知答案为A。10.C句意:楼上的三个房间都太小了,

23、没有足够的空间放一张双人床。本题考查名词。room意为“房间”时作可数名词,意为“空间”时作不可数名词,根据句意可知答案为C。11.C 句意:吉姆和鲍勃的妈妈在圣玛丽医院工作。本题考查名词所有格。由题干中出现的mother可知这位妈妈是两个男孩共有的,所以选C。12.C句意:你们口渴吗?是的,请给我们三瓶水。water是不可数名词,不可数名词的数量可以用适当的量词作单位来表示, 结构为“数词+量词+of+不可数名词”。bottle是可数名词,所以三瓶水为three bottles of water,故选C。13.C句意:让老师高兴的是,这名学生这学期取得了很大的进步。本题考查名词辨析。resu

24、lt结果;preparation准备;progress进步;program节目,程序。根据“To the teachers joy”可知本题选C。14. C 句意:我的父亲在最后一刻改变了主意,拒绝和我们一起去看电影。本题考查名词辨析。memory记忆;market市场;moment时刻;museum博物馆。根据句意可知答案为C。15. A 句意:新丝绸之路将会为更多国家之间的交流提供一个好机会。本题考查名词辨析。chance机会;habit习惯;question问题;price价格。根据句意选A。16. C句意:一些老人需要一个宠物,因为他们感到孤独。本题考查名词辨析。gift礼物;stic

25、k棍,棒;pet宠物;watch手表。根据设空处后的“他们感到孤独”可知此处选pet。17. B句意:格林先生,我记不住其中的一些单词。我应该做些什么呢?别担心。为什么不试着用这些单词造句子呢?本题考查名词词义辨析。decision决定;sentence 句子;suggestion建议;choice选择。根据句意可知本题选A。18. B句意:吉姆不知道为什么莉萨没说一句话就离开了聚会。本题考查名词辨析。need需求;idea主意;mind精神,意识;chance机会。have no idea是固定搭配,意为“不知道”。19. D句意:李先生是一位有21年(教学)经验的老师,因此他教得非常好。本

26、题考查名词辨析。attention注意;information信息;service服务;experience经验。根据后半句中的“他教得非常好”可知此处选experience。20. B 句意:叔叔,你能教我怎样用刀子切食物吗?本题考查名词辨析。glass玻璃,玻璃杯;knife刀子;pen钢笔;fruit水果。根据句意确定用“刀子”,故选B。21. A句意:那一副眼镜是不是便宜一些?本题考查主谓一致和名词复数。根据句意判定glass 在句中意为“眼镜”,是可数名词,故用复数形式。再由于主语是 pair,所以动词用单数形式,故选A。22. B 句意:越来越多的人来黄鹤楼游览。那是真的。它已经成

27、为了武汉的骄傲。本题考查名词辨析。effort 努力;pride 骄傲,引以为荣的人或事;praise 赞扬;courage勇气。根据句意选B。23. D 句意:最后一班公共汽车已经开走了。我们该做什么呢?让我们乘出租车吧。我们现在没有别的选择了。本题考查名词辨析。money钱; reason 理由;habit习惯;choice选择。根据句意选D。24. B句意:杰克和保罗的妈妈不能去参加家长会,因为她们太忙了。本题考查名词所有格。根据题干中的mothers可知这是两个人,属于两人各自拥有,因此在Jack和Paul的后面都要加上-s。25. A句意:母亲节要到了。我要送给妈妈什么呢?一些花如何

28、?本题考查名词所有格。Mothers Day 意为“母亲节”。26. B句意:今天早上我付了20美元买了4瓶牛奶。本题考查不可数名词量的表达。milk是不可数名词,没有复数形式,排除A、C ,再由4瓶可知bottle应该用复数形式,故本题选B。27. D句意:公共汽车是如此拥挤以至于我们找不到任何空间给更多的人。place意为“地方”,为可数名词,此处应用复数形式,故排除。room可作不可数名词,意为“空间”,根据句意可知选D。28. B句意:在你开始吃药之前总要看一下说明。example例子,榜样;instruction说明,说明书;introduction介绍,引言;notice通知。根据

29、句意可知选B。29. C句意:我住在公园附近。步行大概只有五分钟的路程。本题考查名词所有格的用法。以-s结尾的名词复数的所有格一般在末尾直接加“”,故选C项。30. C句意:据说你们班有4位新来的学生。是的。两个是日本人,另外两个是德国人。本题考查名词的复数。Japanese “日本人”,单复数形式一样,German“德国人”,复数形式在词尾加-s, Frenchman“法国人”,复数形式是Frenchmen,所以综合考虑本题选C。二、 A)1.knives2.success3.suggestions4.silence5.subject6.toothache7.kitchen8.library

30、9.music10.mistake11.wife12.kind13.meaning14.capital15.strangersB)1. decision句意:他们还未决定去哪里度过暑假。make a decision作出决定。2. agreement句意:达成协议前,他们进行了激烈的讨论。冠词an后加单数可数名词,根据句意可知填agreement。3. stranger句意:你能告诉我去中心医院的路吗?对不起。我是外地人。设空处表示“外地人”,前有a修饰,用单数形式,故填stranger。4. heroes句意:刘传建,四川航空公司3U8633航班的机长,被认为是我们的民族英雄之一。one of意为“之一”,后跟名词的复数形式,故答案为heroes。5. meaning句意:圣诞节的真正意义是分享并把爱给予我们身边的人。true是形容词,其后要跟名词,

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