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1、高级听力分册听力部分考试总时间:40分钟(包括10分钟填写答题卡时间)第一项:单词填空实用技巧:1 力争在第一遍就完成80以上的缺口,在第二遍时完成并校对所有缺口。2 缺口顺序完全按照行文顺序。3 在听力开始之前仔细阅读第一项文字部分,尤其是缺口部分前的字句,理解其意思,因为不要指望说话人会在提及缺口内容之前说出与缺口部分前的字句完全一致的字句。说话人往往说出与缺口部分前字句意思相同的其他表达,包括使用近义词,近义句等。4 缺口部分包括:单个名词或形容词(通常词形比较复杂);两个名词构成的结构;一个形容词和一个名词构成的结构;动词加名词的结构;数词5 缺口是名词(或名词结构)的标志是:缺口前有

2、介词的出现。6 缺口是形容词的标志是:缺口后有名词的出现。7 缺口是动词(或动词结构)的标志是:缺口后有介词的出现。8 缺口是数词(或数词结构)的标志是:缺口前后有number、percentage等提示词的出现。9 当缺口处单词(或结构)过长时,可以在第一遍时进行速记,第二遍时完成。10 当确实掌握了缺口处单词的中文意思但又想不出英文时可以用同义词代替。第二项:多项匹配(令万千考生泪洒考场,痛不欲生!)实用技巧:1 掌握每一选项的中文意思,想象在每一选项表达或描述的情况下说话人可能使用的字句。2 若听到文中内容与某选项完全一致,一般大胆排除该选项。3 正确选项中的表述与文中某部分内容存在同义

3、关系。(某部分内容或者只是一个单词或词组;或者是一个句子)4 注意说话人语气。(该方法尤其适用于判断说话人的态度)5 考生在平时要多了解各种商业场合的语言运用。第三项:多项选择实用技巧:1所有问题均按照行文的先后顺序进行提问。2对于每一个问题,说话人都有明确的提示性的阐述,所以解题的关键是发现和听懂这些提示。3提示性词语的使用。一般说话人所使用的提示词有:but;but I think;real;fact is that;not the case;it is which/that;4 某些词语与答案中的词语为同义词。5通过举例,让读者推断出答案。6将答案放在所举的例子前面。7说话人对于听者的迷

4、惑包括:(1)开头提出一些所谓的原因,而将真正的原因放在最后。(2)说话人会以较为快的速度,让听话人听到一些“提示”,通常是一些支言片语,用来迷惑听者。这些“提示”中的文字往往直接出现在选项中。8 结合以上几点,不难发现在本项的正确答案都是间接的给出,通常要经过说话人2到3步的阐述。Exercise OnePart One Questions 1-12You will hear a speaker addressing a group of business people at the beginning of a training course. He is telling them abo

5、ut the timetable for the first day.As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes, using up to 3 words or a number.You will hear the recording twice.General:The morning session begins at _1_.The course is called _2_.The days work:The main task for the day is to _3_.Two things to take into acc

6、ount are your products _4_ and your _5_.Dont spend time thinking about the _6_.The most important thing today is to use your _7_.Each group should produce a _8_.Before meeting together again, each group should choose a _9_.Evening options:The subject of this evenings talk is the _10_.An _11_ will ta

7、ke place in the Davidson Room.If you want meet an advertising editor, go to _12_.Part TwoQuestions 13-22You will hear extracts from five different people all work in the offices of a large company talking about letters they have just received. For each extract there are tow tasks. For task one, choo

8、se what was in the letter received from list A-H. . For task two choose the response the speaker intends to make from the list I-P.You will hear the recording twice.Task One What the Letter ContainsFor questions 13-17, match the extracts with the descriptions of what was in the letter, listed A-H.Fo

9、r each extract, choose what was in the letter received from list A-H.Write one letter A-H next to the number of the extract.13. _ A an enquiry about future plans14. _ B a complaint about a product15. _ C agreement with a recent decision16. _ D a request for an appointment17. _ E an order for a new p

10、roductF thanks for assistanceG an invitation to attend a presentationH an apology for delayTask Two ResponseFor question 18-22, match the extracts with the responses, listed I-P.For each extract, choose the response the speaker intends to make.Write one letter I-P next to the number of the extract.1

11、8. _ I waiting before taking any action19. _ I writing to apologize20. _ K passing it on to another department21. _ L arranging a meeting22. _ M asking for further detailsN writing to express thanksO writing to complainP phoning to discuss a problemPart ThreeQuestions 23 - 30You will hear a radio in

12、terview with Martha Flowers, the Managing Director of the MAX chain of sandwich bars.Choose the correct phrase to complete each sentence or answer the question.23 Martha started her business because A someone asked her to. B she saw a good opportunity. C she had a lot of experience in fast food.24 M

13、artha says the first three years of the business were A not very successful. B surprisingly good. C very interesting.25 How does MAX try to follow the example of fast food chains A by working faster B by using cheap products C by working efficiently26 What does Martha say about office diaries? A She

14、 thinks that, unfortunately, they are necessary. B She never uses one at all. C Her secretary keeps one for her.27 What does Martha say about her employees? A They must listen more carefully to what customers say. B She finds what they can tell her very useful. C It is difficult to recruit enough go

15、od quality staff.28 According to Martha, what is the most important factor in MAXs success? A The same customers keep buying their products. B They only sell the best quality products. C They have high profit margin.29 Marthas advice to anyone who is starting a new business is to A look for an area

16、with few competitors. B keep yourself well informed about competitors. C try to offer lower prices than your competitors.30 What surprises Martha about other companies? A They dont monitor their competitors activities. B They are unaware of their own weaknesses. C They dont act on the information th

17、ey have.Exercise TwoPart OneQuestion 1-12You will hear a successful executive addressing a group of trainees on a business course. She is describing her job to them.As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number. You will hear the recording twice. Her day:1

18、. The first problem is to find a _.2. How many opportunities she has depends on how many _ she is discussing.3. Just before leaving the office she always _.Meetings:4. She meets dairy with her _.5. The maximum length of these meeting is _.6. Once a week she meets the _.7. They discuss _.8. Once a mo

19、nth she gives a _ to her colleagues.9. As preparation for this she has to _ from various departments.Background:10. A qualification from the _ is essential.11. You also need a Maters in _.12. For this job, _ is the most important quality.Part TwoQuestion 13-22You will hear five different people talk

20、ing about the meeting theyve attended or are about to attend. For each extract there are two tasks. For task one, choose the person who is speaking from the list A-H. for task two, choose the person the speaker is talking to from the list I-P.Choose the person who is speaking from the list A-H.Task

21、One Person Who Is SpeakingFor questions 13-17, match the extracts with the people listed A-H.For each extract, choose the person who is speaking.Write one letter A-H next to the number of the extract.13. _ A the personnel manager14. _ B the training manager15. _ C the managing director16. _ D the ma

22、nager of office supplies17. _ E the marketing managerF a temporary clerkG the junior finance managerH the finance directorTask Two Who the Speaker Is Talking ToFor question 18-22, match the extract with the person the speaker is talking to, listed I-P.For each extract, choose the person the speaker

23、is talking to.Write one letter I-P next to the number of the extract.18. _ I a manager in the same company19. _ J a fellow passenger on the train to work20. _ K a clerk in another department21. _ L the staff in his / her department22. _ M the participants at the meetingN his wife / her husbandO a ra

24、ther forgetful member of the departmentP a representative from another company Part ThreeQuestions 23 - 30You will hear part of a conversation between two managers from different companies, a woman called Elizabeth and a man called Steven.Choose the correct phrase to complete each sentence or answer

25、 the question.23 Elizabeth says at the beginning that her company is A planning to expand. B small and not very rich. C doing rather badly at the moment.24 Steven thinks that his computer system A is just as fast as the latest systems. B is much faster than Elizabeths present system. C is completely

26、 different to the newest systems.25 Steven believes that the real reason the computers in his company are being replaced is A so that the business can move into the international market. B because of a difference of opinion in his company. C because their clients will like it.26 Elizabeth thinks tha

27、t the price Steven is asking A includes the price of installation and servicing. B is within the amount her company has budgeted for. C is a perfectly reasonable price for the equipment.27 Steven agrees that his company will A install the system and pay part of the servicing costs. B pay the costs o

28、f servicing for the first year. C install and service the system.28 Steven offers to train Elizabeths staff to use the system, provided that A the trainers go to Elizabeths company. B only a limited number of people receive training. C Elizabeths company doesnt try to compete with his.29 How does El

29、izabeths company differ from Stevens? A It is likely to become larger than Stevens in the future. B It is concerned only with a specialized area of the market. C It has started to operate in more than one country.30 What does Steven say about the chairs? A He will have difficulty getting permission to include them. B He w

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