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九年级英语首字母填空 中考英语讲课稿.docx

1、九年级英语首字母填空 中考英语讲课稿九年级英语首字母填空 中考英语2014年新版人教版九年级上册(1-8)根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词 第一单元1.Can you speak a_? I cant hear clearly.2.The nurse is very p_ to the people.3.Do you have a partner to practice c_ with?4.It improves my speaking s_. So I can speak much better now.5.Can you understand the e_ on his face ?6.I d

2、ont know the correct _发音of the world.7.Mr.Black is a teacher with rich _知识。8.There are two_化学 labs in my school.9.Research shows that _成功的 learners have some good habits in common.10.I learn Chinese by reading the_教材。11.Do you learn English by_(watch) English-language videos?12.Its too hard _(unders

3、tand) the voice.13.What about _(read) the text aloud ?14.Have you ever_(study) with a group ?15.I never study g_. Its too boring.16.He put on his coat and went away q_ as soon as he heard the ring.17.I dont have a p_ to practice with.18.He doesnt know how to increase his reading s_.19.You need to pr

4、actice_(say) “th” in front of a mirror.20.Why dont you _(listen) to English songs and repeat the difficult words.21.He has no a_in that kind of work.22.The population人口 of the world is i_ very fast.23.Lucy pays more _(关注) to the news.24.Do you know the s_(秘诀)of success ?25.A good language _(learn) s

5、hould have lots of practice. 答案:1.aloud 2. patient 3. conversations 4. skills 5. expressions 6. pronunciation 7. knowledge 8.chemistry 9. successful 10. textbook 11. watching 12. to understand 13. reading 14. studied 15. grammar 16. quickly 17. partner 18. speed 19. saying 20. listen 21. ability 22.

6、 increasing 23. attention 24. secret 25.learner 第二单元1.There are many beautiful flowers in the g_.2. My uncle is a boss. He went to shanghai on b_.3.Anyone who break the laws(法律) will be p_.4.My friends give me some p_ for my birthday.5. The police caught the thief while he was s_ money.6.Santa Claus

7、 s_ love and joy everywhere he goes.7.Dont talk to _(陌生人) on the way to school.8.On Mid-Autumn night, families eat mooncakes and _(欣赏)the moon. 9.Little Tom was so sad because his pet dog was _(死亡)。10.Mr.Brown went to the town to visit his _(亲戚)。11. How heavy is this bag? -Its about 25 p_.12.Do you

8、usually eat _甜食 after meals ?13.Do you prefer _music or pop music ?14.Athena is a well-known _of wisdom.15.Mid-Autumn Festival is one of Chinese t_ festivals.16.It was cold. They went out of room to enjoy the w_ of the sun.答案:1. garden 3. punished 4. presents 5.stealing 6. spreads 7. stra

9、ngers 8. admire 9. dead 10. relatives 11.pounds 12. desserts 13. folk 14. goddess 15. traditional 16. warmth 第三单元1.Can you tell me where the _(洗手间) are ?2.He lived in a town b_ the sea.3.Excuse me, how much is a _(明信片) to France?4. P_ me, did I tread on your foot, Miss?5.She went into the b_ and too

10、k a shower.6.My husband is a s_ collector.7.I s_that he put an advertisement in the local paper.8.The train leaves the _(中央的)station at 14:15.9.The river flows through the city from e_to west.10.Do not r_ or you may have an accident.11.Could you please tell me you e-mail a_?12.Do you know how to ask

11、 for d_ in big cities?13.The shopping center is near my house. Its c_ to get to.14.I found a wallet at a street c_.15.He _(建议) we go to the museum.16.He likes collecting _(邮票) 。17.I have to r_, or maybe I will be late for the class.18.Does he think people would help him if he asks for help p_?19.The

12、 teacher taught the students to get the c_ answer.20.There are many important reasons why the u_ is safer than the overground railways. 答案:1.washrooms2.beside3.postcard4.Pardon 5.bathroom 6.stamp 7.suggested 8.central 9.east 10.rush 11.address 12.directions 13.convenient 14.corner 15.suggests 16.sta

13、mps 17.rush 18.politely 19.correct 20.underground 第四单元1.The film is _(幽默的)and moving.2.Would you be good enough to keep _(安静的)?3.She needs to win this point to level the _(得分).4.Get the fall in the _(背景), will you ?5.They _(采访)people from all works of life.6.The tour took in six _(Europe) capitals.7

14、.Most _(Africa) people are black people.8.He used to _(live) in London.9.John s_ gets together with his friends.10.My sister used to be quiet. She was always s_ in class.11.Our school life is very busy. We dont have much p_ time.12.Dont speak loudly in p_.13.The conversation with the teacher _(影响) h

15、is life.14.We are _(骄傲) of Li Na , the tennis player.15.Could you give me an _(介绍)about the machine.16.As a young man, you really r_ a lot of talent and hard work to succeed.17.All the strangers should be stopped by the g_ at the school gate. 18.Our head master will give us a s_ at the meeting this

16、afternoon and he will be the first speaker.19.This pair of shoes is e_(确切地)what I wanted.20.He was no longer interested in studying, he was often a_ from school.答案:1.humorous 2.silent 3.score 4. background 5.interview 6.European 7.African 9. seldom 10.silent 11.private 12.public13. influenc

17、ed 14.proud 15.introduction 16.require 17.guard 18.speech 19.exactly 20.absent 第五单元1.She was wearing a blue _(衬衣).2.Is it made of_(棉花),silk or wool ?3.Jim is going to collect_(材料) for a new book.4.Both New York and London have _(交通) problems.5.The calm water s_ is very much like a mirror.6.They buil

18、t a wall to a_ soil being washed away.7.Im pleased with your_(产品)8.The Internet has become part of e_ life.9.Our Chinese always use c_ to eat, but the English dont use them.10._(法国)is an beautiful country.11.She met with her student at a _(当地的) church every week.12.Each different part of China has i

19、ts own special f_ of traditional art.13.The clay pieces are fired after drying.Then they are P_and painted. 14.May I use your m_ phone? I want to call up my friend.15.Your hands are cold. Please put on your g_.16.People in western countries eat food with knives and f_.17.We must c_this work today.18

20、.Some l_ from a nearby bush fell into the water.19.When t_lights are red, we mustnt cross the street.20.These cars are made in G_.答案:1.blouse2.cotton3.material4.traffic5.surface6.avoild7.products8.everyday 9.chopsticks10.Fplete 18. leaves19.traffic 20.Germany第六单元1.Please l_the door when you leave.2.

21、The students in every class are d_into eight groups.3.Tom, s_is waiting for you at the school gate.4.The temperature is l_. Please put on your coat.5.He set up a _(网站) to help the disabled people.6.Many people lost their lives in the _(地震).7.The wine has a pleasant s_.8.You are a h_in my heart.9.The

22、 names are l_on this piece of paper.10.The book has been t _ into more than ten languages.11.Wu Mochou is famous. Her name is always m_by young people.12.Reading filled my life with p_.13.You can see clearly far away with this special i_.14.One c_ means a hundred years.15.After giving rose to others

23、, fragrance r_ with the hands.16.He put salt in her cup of tea by m_.17.He is without d_ the best student in our class.18.The T-shirt on sale has many popular s_ in the shop.19.At that time, she didnt look like an scientific p_(先锋)20.These grapes are too s_, I cant stand them.21.There are many c_ in

24、 the restaurant at noon.22.The man is a C_ doctor and he lives in Ottawa.答案:1.lock 2. Divided 3. Someone 4. low 6. earthquake 7.smell 8. hero9. listed10. translated 11.mentioned12.pleasure13.instrument14.century15.remains16.mistake17.doubt 18.styles19.pioneer20.sour 21.customers 22.Canadia

25、n第七单元1.John got his drivers l_ last month.2.We all a_ with what you said just now.3.The boy fell off the bike and hurt his legs. He couldnt help c_.4.We are supposed to give him a h_(拥抱)。5.Its a good c_. I wont miss it.6.The box is too heavy for me to l_. Who can help me ?7.Which team will you _(支持)

26、?8.If you dont study hard, you may f_.9.Davids dream is to be a p_runner.10.The policeman told us the i_( 重要性)of obeying traffic rules.11.I r_talking back, not listening to mom.12.Li Bai wrote many p_.13.Although he is young, he can m_his own life.14.I had an a_ dream last night because I watched sc

27、ary movies.15.S_ is our family. We are all members of it.16.Everyone should love his own _(社区).17.Teenagers shouldnt be allowed to s_. Its bad for their health.18.Tom made a good c_(选择).19.The baby is hungry, so he is c_ all the time.20.We mustnt cross the street when the traffic lights are red. S_

28、is important.答案:1.license2.agreed 3.crying4.hug 5.chance6.lift 7.support8.fail9.professional 10. importance 11.regret 12.poems13.manage 14.awful 15.Society munity17.smoke18.choice19.crying 20.Safety第八单元1.Last week , I r_ a letter from my old friend.2.I feel s_ . I want to go to bed now.3.W_ book is

29、this ? Its toms.4.Its so cold outside. Please put on your c_.5.I dont have anything v_ in my schoolbag, just some books.6.I dont know how to e_ my feelings.7.Stonehenge has a m_ purpose.8.Yesterday I a_ a concert and I enjoyed it very much.9.They are celebrating a v_ over the enemy.10.The Great Wall

30、 was built over a long p_ of time.11.The strange noises made the people in this area feel u_.12.When people have a p_, they eat a meal out of doors, usually in a field or a forest, or at the beach.13.Though grandmother is 80, she is full of e_ and never feels tired.14.Stonehenge is a rock c_.15.They are doing chemistry experiments in the l_.16.In my mind, chairman

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