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1、玻璃门体粘接作业指引1.Introduction 简介1.1Purpose of Document 目的This procedure defines the general procedures to bond and seal the door glass on the door frame by using Sikaflex 265 adhesive. 该程序定义了使用单组分胶粘剂Sikaflex 265将门体玻璃粘接到门框上的通用过程。 1.2Scope of document应用范围this procedure is generally applicable for the windo

2、w glass bonding on door leaf by using Sika Activator, Sika Primer-206 G+P, 1C moisture cured Sikaflex 265( 600 ml package)该程序普遍适用于使用Sika系列产品将窗户玻璃粘接到门板上的操作。Sika系列产品包括: 活性剂Sika Activator, 底涂Sika Primer-206 G+P,单组分潮气固化Sikaflex 265( 600 ml 支装)Bonding material sort 粘接材料类别Substrate 材料 1Substrate 材料2Bondin

3、g agent 粘结剂Aluminium- natural铝材Glass玻璃Sikaflex 265 Aluminium- anodised氧化铝材Glass玻璃Sikaflex 265Stainless steel 316(L)不锈钢316Glass玻璃Sikaflex 265Stainless steel 304(L)不锈钢 304Glass玻璃Sikaflex 2651.3 Reference document and standards 参考文件和标准EN14179- Glass inspection 玻璃检验指导-图纸要求Sika Activator Technical Data S

4、heet 技术数据表Sika primer 206 G+P Technical Data Sheet技术数据表Sikaflex 265 Technical Data Sheet技术数据表2. Preparation粘接准备2.1 Temperature and relative humidity 温度和相对湿度General requirement : 15-30 C, 30-75% relative humidity. Target at 23 C/50%基本要求:15-30 C, 相对湿度30-75%, 目标值 23C/50%Read off the room temperature an

5、d air humidity from the measuring instruments and record these values on control sheet. 从温湿度表上读出室内温度和空气湿度,记录在控制单上。2.2 Required Material粘接剂Material 材料NameContent VolumeActivator 活性剂Sika Activator1 liter 升red lid红盖Primer底涂Sika Primer-206 G+P1 liter 升black lid黑盖Adhesive 胶粘剂Sikaflex 265600 ml package支装P

6、ackage Sika 265 (600ml) is 1C moisture cured adhesive, used for bonding.支装SIKA 265 (600 ml) 包装的单组分潮气固化胶粘剂,用于粘接。Activator can increase the adhesion between substrate and adhesive. 活性剂能够增强基材与粘接剂之间的结合力。Primer can increase the adhesion between substrate and adhesive. Besides, it can also increase the ad

7、hesive resistance to UV.底涂能够增强基材与粘接剂之间的结合力, 同时增加胶粘剂抗紫外线能力。2.3 Auxiliary material 辅助材料明细 Material description 材料名称Used for 用处production protocol for the bond 准备粘接的工艺文件及相关的过程控制文件Instruction and processing control 指导和过程控制Perennator Reiniger 清洁剂 纯酒精Clean glass and frame 清洁玻璃和门体3M Scotch Brit Red 3M红色百洁布

8、Grind substrate打磨基材Small container 小容器Contain primers 盛放底涂3M fluff-free, soft disposable tissue cloth 3M不起毛的柔软纸布Wipe glass and paint film 擦拭玻璃和油漆涂层Wipes as activator application 活性剂擦拭纸White foam 白色泡沫Wipes as primer application 底涂施涂 White soft tissue白色柔软纸棉Wet to wipe activator 润湿后擦拭活性剂Paper tape 纸胶带M

9、asking 遮盖Bonding statue sticker 粘接状态指示标签Indicate the bonding statue of door panel 指示门扇粘接状态rubber gloves, silicone and talcum free 橡胶手套,无硅油、无滑石粉Safety 安全用品 58# Dyne pen 58号达因笔Check surface clean degree 检查粘接表面清洁Safety glasses with side shields, 眼镜Safety 安全用品2.4 tools and equipment 工具和设备 tools and equi

10、pment description工具和设备名称Used for 用处pneumatic Caritrage 气动胶枪Apply adhesive 施涂胶粘剂Sliding caliper 游标卡尺Measure dimensions 测量尺寸Jig 夹具Hold glass 固定玻璃 Vacuum cupula 真空吸盘Handle glass 转移玻璃3 Bonding Pre-treatment粘胶前处理3.1 Glass pre-treatment 玻璃表面处理Glass check 玻璃检查check the both sides and the edges of glasses a

11、ccording to EN14179-inspection instruction for glasses. If find problems or possible problems, do not install the glasses, inform quality inspectors.根据文件EN14179玻璃检验指导检查玻璃的内外表面和四周。若发现问题或可能的问题,不要安装该玻璃,通知质量检验员。Masking of outside edges 外表面边缘遮盖Use paper tape to mask glass edges, press tightly along the e

12、dges, cut off the surplus tape to prevent the overspread primer or adhesive contaminating glass. 用纸胶带覆盖玻璃边缘,沿边缘压紧,将多余的胶带割去,防止溢出的底涂或胶粘剂污染玻璃。Bonding surfaces cleaning粘接表面清洁Use alcohol to clean bonding surfaces where Sika Activator will be applied, evaporate 5 minutes. Do not contaminate the cleaned su

13、rface with naked hands.用酒精(纯度99.5%)擦布清洗玻璃内表面待涂活性剂Sika Activator的边缘,挥发5分钟。不允许用裸手污染被清洁过的表面。3.2 Door frame surface preparation门框表面处理Grinding 打磨 Grind the whole bonding area with Scotch Brit Red manually, Do not miss any area, especially at the corners. 用红色百洁布手工打磨粘整个粘接区域,不能有遗漏区域,尤其边角区。 Picture 2 经过打磨和未经

14、过打磨粘接面测试效果degreasing除油Degreasing the bonding area and wipe off the dust completely with Perenator alcohol. Evaporate 5 minutes. Do not contaminate the cleaned surface with naked hands. 用酒精对粘接区域进行除油,同时彻底擦去因打磨而产生的灰尘。干燥5分钟。不允许用裸手污染被清洁过的表面。Note:surface clean measure method-Dyne pen 58#备注:玻璃和门框表面清洁的检测方法,

15、用达因笔在清洁的粘接表面上画直线,如果笔迹直而清晰,粘接表面是清洁的。Picture 3 Dyne pen 达因笔Door masking around door frame 门框周边的遮盖 Mask the glass around the windows pane with 15mm wide paper tape, press the tape tightly to prevent primers spread out under the tape. 用15mm宽的纸胶带沿窗框边缘遮盖,将胶带沿窗框边缘压紧以防底涂渗透到胶带下面。3.3 Environmental condition 环

16、境条件Product 产品(Temperature / Humidity)环境条件(温度和湿度)10C15C 23C / 50 %30C Perennator R40 清洁剂10 min5 min5 min5 minSika Activator 活性剂30 min10 min10 min10 minSika Primer-206 G+P底涂30 min10 min10 min10 minSikaflex 265 package 600 ml600 ml 支装胶粘剂(skin formation 结膜时间)45min45min45min40 min Warning:If room tempera

17、ture is lower than 10C, more then 35C ,stop production and maintain air conditioning unit. 注意:若室温低于10C,高于35C, 停止生产,维护空调装置。4. Bonding procedure 粘胶工艺流程4.1Sika Activator to glass 施涂活化剂到玻璃 Put the glass onto operation table 将玻璃抬起平放在工作台上; Check the expiry date, batch number. Record, Shake the bottle for

18、a while, folder 2-3 sheets of fluff-free, soft white tissue, open the lid of Sika Activator, hold the paper on the outlet of the bottle, tilt the bottle to wet the paper. Close the lid of the activator immediately, When applying, use sparingly in one direction and wipe off in the same direction with

19、 clean cloth or paper. (Care must be taken not to touch bonding surface once this process is completed. 检查保质期、批号、记录。摇动瓶子一会儿,将2-3张柔软的、不起毛的白色棉纸折叠起来,打开Sika Activator的瓶盖,用棉纸盖住瓶口,倾斜瓶子,将棉纸湿润饱和。使用后立即盖紧活性剂的盖子。把Sika活化剂涂在玻璃的粘贴面上,在涂的时候应轻轻的从一个方向抹过去,不要过量使用活性剂(越少越好,够用就行)。过量使用会减弱胶粘剂与基材的附着力。注意刷完Sika活化剂后不能再污染/弄脏刷涂表面

20、。 Note: The Cloth/paper used for this process must only be used once and then discarded. 注意:此过程用的无绒布与吸水纸用完一次后,请丢弃,不能重复使用,其瓶盖打开使用后要立即盖紧,以避免或减少空气中的潮气进入瓶内而导致底涂的效力降低或失效。从打开新包装开始,该瓶活性剂的最长可使用时间为10 天,若仍未用完,不可再继续使用,扔掉。为控制该时间,开启新瓶者,要在外包装的醒目位置上记录开始时间,其他人在使用时首先要检查是否在可使用时间之内。一旦发现粘度上升,扔掉不用。 Leave the activator t

21、o dry. 静置干燥dry time: Dry for minimum 10 minutes, maximum 24 hou.干燥时间:最少10分钟,最长24小时。4.2 Primer to glass刷底涂到玻璃 Check the expiry date, batch number. Pour proper quantity of primer Sika Primer 206 G+P into a small clean cup and marked with the time. Use them immediately. Do not pour primer that has been

22、 removed back into the primer container. If the primer in the container is exposed to the air for longer than 2 hours, do not use them any more, throw away.In case of too much primer, immediately wipe off any excess with a clean, dry paper towel ,Use small wool ball or foam to dip the primer, apply

23、evenly on the bonding surfaces. Cover all surfaces as thin as possible, no missing area, avoid or reduce overlapping area. Try to complete the application by one movement without pause.检查保质期、批号、记录。摇动Sika206底色涂剂,直至搅拌球顺畅地碰到瓶壁发出卡嗒卡嗒声音后,必须再继续摇动1分钟。将适量的底涂Sika Primer 206 G+P倒入一个小的、清洁的塑料杯内,标上时间。立即使用。不要将倒出来

24、的底涂再倒回原底涂容器内。如果容器中的底涂暴露在空气中超过2个小时,不要继续使用,扔掉。使用小羊毛球或泡沫,蘸取底漆,均匀的涂在粘接表面上,越薄越好,覆盖住所有粘接表面,无漏涂,避免或减少重叠区域。尽量一次连续完成,不要停顿。若出现过多底涂,可马上使用干净、干燥的纸布擦去。Leave the activator to dry. 静置干燥。dry time: Dry for minimum 30 minutes, maximum 24 hours干燥时间:最少30分钟,最长24小时。4.3 Sika Activator to frame刷活化剂到门框 Check the expiry date,

25、 batch number. Record, Shake the bottle for a while, folder 2-3 sheets of fluff-free, soft white tissue, open the lid of Sika Activator, hold the paper on the outlet of the bottle, tilt the bottle to wet the paper. Close the lid of the activator immediately, When applying, use sparingly in one direc

26、tion and wipe off in the same direction with clean cloth or paper. (Care must be taken not to touch bonding surface once this process is completed. 检查保质期、批号、记录。摇动瓶子一会儿,将2-3张柔软的、不起毛的白色棉纸折叠起来,打开Sika Activator的瓶盖,用棉纸盖住瓶口,倾斜瓶子,将棉纸湿润饱和。使用后立即盖紧活性剂的盖子。把Sika活化剂涂在门框的粘贴面上,在涂的时候应轻轻的从一个方向抹过去,不要过量使用活性剂(越少越好,够用就行

27、)。过量使用会减弱胶粘剂与基材的附着力。注意刷完Sika活化剂后不能再污染/弄脏刷涂表面。 Leave the activator to dry. 然后放置干燥。 Dry time: minimum 10minutes, maximum 24 hours 干燥时间最少10分钟,最大24小时。4.4 Primer to frame刷底涂到门框 Check the expiry date, batch number. Pour proper quantity of primer Sika Primer 206 G+P into a small clean cup and marked with t

28、he time. Use them immediately. Do not pour primer that has been removed back into the primer container. If the primer in the container is exposed to the air for longer than 2 hours, do not use them any more, throw away.In case of too much primer, immediately wipe off any excess with a clean, dry pap

29、er towel ,Use small wool ball or foam to dip the primer, apply evenly on the bonding surfaces. Cover all surfaces as thin as possible, no missing area, avoid or reduce overlapping area. Try to complete the application by one movement without pause. 检查保质期、批号、记录。摇动Sika206底色涂剂,直至搅拌球顺畅地碰到瓶壁发出卡嗒卡嗒声音后,再继续

30、摇动1分钟。将适量的底涂Sika Primer 206 G+P倒入一个小的、清洁的塑料杯内,标上时间。立即使用。不要将倒出来的底涂再倒回原底涂容器内。如果容器中的底涂暴露在空气中超过2个小时,不要继续使用,扔掉。使用小羊毛球或泡沫,蘸取底漆,均匀的涂在粘接表面上,越薄越好,覆盖住所有粘接表面,无漏涂,避免或减少重叠区域。尽量一次连续完成,不要停顿。若出现过多底涂,可马上使用干净、干燥的纸布擦去。 Leave the activator to dry. 然后放置干燥。 Dry time: minimum 30minutes, maximum 24 hours 干燥时间最少10分钟,最大24小时。

31、4.5 Glass bonding粘接 Cut the nozzle of the Sika Adhesive (Sika 265) to form a triangular bead 6mm 10mm high (or see drawings detail requirement). Using the air gun apply the adhesive in 2 parallel beads around all 4 sides of the glass.将Sika265玻璃密封胶装入气动胶枪中,枪头开口切成三角形,胶道尺寸6mm 10mm (或者参考图纸具体要求)。用胶枪把密封胶通过三角形开口涂到玻璃的粘接边上。Apply Sikaflex 265 adhesive around the bottom of window pane. The out-pushed adhesive should be in triangle. The quantity should be sufficient for ensuring complete filling, no void or air inside adhesive f

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