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译林版高中英语必修2讲义Unit 1 Section Ⅵ Language pointsⅢProject.docx

1、译林版高中英语必修2讲义Unit 1 Section Language pointsProjectSection Language points()(Project).单词拼写根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词。1Negative attitudes(态度)are bad for your study and sometimes even make you feel depressed.2Our hotel has a worldwide(全世界的) reputation for good service.3She was eager(急切的)to tell me about the even

2、ts that led to the argument.4As for those Internet users,they should be cautious(小心的)when making friends online.5The tutor needs to observe carefully how the student responds(反应)to different methods of studying.6She had little mercy on those who had hurt her.7I have an apology to make to you Im afra

3、id I opened your letter by mistake.8Ancient people relied mainly upon their physical strength.9He hesitated before he took the last cake.10He continued speaking,regardless of my feelings on the matter.拓展词汇根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词。1adolescent adj.青春期的 n青少年adolescence n青春期;青春2caution n谨慎,小心cautious adj.小心的,谨慎

4、的3respond vi.做出反应,回应response n回答;反应4secure adj.安全的,可靠的security n平安,安全;安全措施5commit vt.使承担义务;使作出保证;犯罪/错committed adj.尽心尽力的;坚信的;坚定的n.wideadj.人生不同的时期nationwide全国范围的countrywide全国范围的citywide全市的babyhood婴儿时期childhood儿童时期adulthood成年时期.补全短语根据提示补全下列短语。 1be eager for sth. 渴望得到某事2regardless of 不管,不顾3end up 最后成为;

5、最终处于4rely on 依靠,依赖5thanks to 幸亏;由于6be cautious about 对谨慎的7be based on 以为基础,以为 根据8in conclusion 总之.选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空。1At home one relies on ones parents and outside on ones friends.2The boss is cautious about making promises.3Health is very important to us teenagers.Either study or work is based on s

6、trong body.4Thanks to the governments efforts,my hometown is becoming more and more beautiful.5Regardless of the childrens interest,some parents want them to attend all kinds of other classes,laying a heavy burden on their shoulders.beadj.for动词短语v.up动词短语be good for 对有好处be ready for 准备好be harmful for

7、 对有损害build up 增强hang up 挂断电话pack up 打包;整理1When asked,they usually hesitate before responding,My best friend?.当被问起时,他们在回答前往往会犹豫一下:“最好的朋友?”记句式结构when asked是“连词过去分词”结构,是状语从句的省略形式。仿写促落实Secondly,when praised,we reply with“Oh,no!”or“Im overpraised”to show good manners.其次,当被表扬时,我们用“哦,不是!”或者“过奖了”以示礼貌。2We hav

8、e to realize:boys share activities,while girls share feelings.我们必须认识到:男孩共享活动,而女孩分享情感。记句式结构while连接两个从句,意为“而”,表示一种对比关系。仿写促落实Some people support it while others do not一些人支持它而另外一些人则不支持。3At first,I didnt mind being alone,but then I saw all of the tourists having their pictures taken together,and I began

9、feeling sad.开始,我不介意自己一个人,但当我看到所有的游客都一起拍照时,我开始感到伤心。记句式结构having their pictures taken是“have sth.done”结构,表示“使某事被做”。仿写促落实I must go to town to have my computer repaired.我得进城找人帮我修电脑。 attitude n态度,看法(教材P18)Boys and girls have different attitudes towards friendship.男生和女生对友谊的态度是不一样的。attitude to/towards sb./st

10、h. 对的态度/看法have a positive/negative attitude to/towards sb./sth. 对某人/某事物持肯定/否定的态度/看法take/adopt a/an.attitude 采取的态度(2018天津高考完形填空)From the experience I learned a lot about how the attitude of the leader can affect the members of a team.从这次经历中,我学到了很多关于领导者的态度如何影响团队成员的知识。They adopt a strong attitude towar

11、ds this matter.他们对这件事采取强硬的态度。Scientists have a fairly negative attitude to the theory.科学家们对这个理论的态度是相当消极的。What is your attitude to/towards the problem?你对这问题的看法如何? be based on/upon 以为基础,以为根据(教材P18)Friendships between girls are usually anchored in shared feelings and support,but friendships between boy

12、s are based on shared activities or interests.女孩之间的友谊通常建立在共同的情感和互相支持之上,而男孩之间的友谊则以共同的活动或兴趣为基础。(1)base vt. 以为根据 n 基部;基地;基础base.on/upon 以为基础at the base of. 在的底部(2)basis n 基础on the basis of 以为基础(3)basic adj. 基础的,基本的(2018全国卷 阅读理解B)When combined with berries or slices of other fruits, frozen bananas make

13、an excellent base for thick, cooling fruit shakes and low fat “ice cream”当与浆果或其他水果片混合在一起时,冷冻香蕉是制作厚的、冷却的水果奶昔和低脂“冰淇淋”的绝佳基础。You should judge someone on the basis of the truth.你应该根据事实来评判某个人。You should base your remarks on/upon careful investigation.你的言论应该建立在仔细调查的基础上。Before he leaves home,he needs to lea

14、rn some basic (base) cookery.离家之前,他需要学点基本的烹饪技巧。 cautious adj.小心的,谨慎的(教材P18)A boy is likely to be cautious about sharing his feelings with his close friends.对于与密友们分享感情这件事,男孩会更加谨慎。(1)be cautious about/of 对小心谨慎的(2)caution n 小心,谨慎with cautioncautiously 谨慎地Parents must be cautious of/about whatever they

15、say or do in or out of their home because their children are learning from them both consciously and unconsciously.父母必须对他们在家中或是外面所说或所做的任何事情小心谨慎,因为他们的孩子可能有意或是无意地跟他们学。Those numbers need to be treated with caution.这些数字需要谨慎地看待。Move the vase cautiously(cautious) because it is fragile.请小心挪动这个花瓶,因为它易碎。 eag

16、er adj.热切的,急不可待的(教材P18)A girls closest friend,however,might be eager to tell her about something that has happened in her life.而一个女孩的密友则可能会迫不及待地向她吐露自己生活中发生过的一些事。(1)be eager for sth. 渴望得到某物be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事(2)eagerly adv. 热切地,渴望地eagerness n 渴望,热心,热切Everyone is eager to succeed, but the road t

17、o success is full of hardships.每个人都渴望成功,但是通往成功的道路上充满艰辛。These stay-at-home children in the countryside are eager for the love and care from their parents.这些农村留守儿童渴望得到父母的关爱。Five hundred pairs of eyes were fastened upon him eagerly(eager)五百双眼睛热切地盯着他。联想助记表达“渴望做某事”的短语还有:be anxious to do sth. be dying to

18、do keen to do sth. long to do sth. (教材P18)When asked,they usually hesitate before responding,My best friend?.当被问起时,他们在回答前往往会犹豫一下:“最好的朋友?”(1)hesitate vi.犹豫;迟疑不决;踌躇;勉强(1)hesitate about/over. 对犹豫hesitate to do sth. 不愿做某事,迟疑做某事(2)hesitation n 犹豫;迟疑不决without hesitation 毫不犹豫have no hesitation in do

19、ing sth. 毫不犹豫地做某事She hesitated over the choice between the two dresses.这两件衣服究竟选哪一件,她犹豫不决。In case you need something,please dont hesitate to ask(ask) me.如果你需要什么东西,请不要客气,一定要对我说。I will have no hesitation(hesitate) in declining the post.我会毫不犹豫地拒绝这个职位。(2)respond vi.做出反应,回应(1)respond to 回答;对做出反应respond th

20、at. 回答说(2)response n 回答;反应in response to. 作为对的回答/反应make no response to 对不作回答,对无回应(2018江苏高考阅读理解D)The report found that youngsters felt their friendships could be at risk if they did not respond to social media posts quickly, and around the clock.该报告发现,如果年轻人对社交媒体上的帖子不及时、不间断地回复,他们的友谊可能会受到威胁。She made no

21、 response to my question.她对我的问题没有做什么答复。He always takes the lead in response to the governments call.他总是带头响应政府的号召。 regardless of不管,不顾(教材P18)The qualities that boys and girls consider important in a friend seem to be the same,regardless of the basis of these friendships.无论男孩和女孩友谊的基础是什么,他们所看重的朋友身上的品质似乎

22、是一样的。(1)regardless adv. 不顾;不管怎样(2)despite prep. 尽管,虽然in spite of 虽然,尽管Despite her recent surgery she has been carrying on regardless.尽管最近做了手术,她还是不顾一切地进行下去。In spite of his disappointment,he managed a weak smile.尽管他很失望,他还是勉强露出一丝淡淡的微笑。明辨异同regardless of/in spite ofregardless of意为“不管”,强调主观态度in spite of意为

23、“尽管”,表示让步关系,强调客观情况,相当于despiteregardless of,in spite ofIn spite of the cold day,he didnt shrink,and went to the rescue of a drowning child regardless of his personal safety.名师点津regardless of,despite和in spite of的意义及用法区别不大,都是介词(短语),后面通常都不接从句。 end up最后成为;最终处于(教材P19)I ended up returning to the train stat

24、ion and spending the rest of the day in the waiting room.最终我回到火车站,在候车室里过完了这一天。end up as 最终成为end up with 以结束(with后的名词是事 情的最后一部分)end up in 在中结束(in后的名词是指事情发展的结果)end up doing 最终做end upadj./介词短语 最后The boss ended up dead in a car accident.那位老板最后在一次车祸中丧命。At first he refused to accept any responsibility but

25、 he ended up apologizing.开始他拒绝承担任何责任,但最终还是道歉了。The festival ended up with fireworks.节日最后以燃放烟花结束。Stop spending so fast,or youll end up as a beggar.不要挥金如土,否则你最终会成为乞丐的。 rely on依靠,依赖;指望(教材P19)Friendship means having someone I can rely on.友谊意味着拥有我可以依靠的人。(1)rely on/upon sb.for help/ones own efforts 依靠某人的帮助

26、/自己 的努力rely on/upon do sth. 指望某人做某事rely on/upon it that. 相信(事情)(2)reliable adj. 可靠的,可依赖的These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work.现在,我们在很大程度上依靠电脑来安排我们的工作。You can rely on it that he will come to help you.你放心好了,他会来帮你的。All of us think that he is a reliable(rely)man.我们所有人都认为他是一个

27、可靠的人。名师点津rely on后面接that引导的宾语从句时,需要用it作形式宾语。 committed adj.尽心尽力的;坚信的;坚定的(教材P19)Friendship means being committed to others.友谊意味着对他人的忠诚。(1)be committed to 致力于;献身于(2)commit vt. 致力于,使承担义务;犯(罪,错), 干 (坏事);承诺,委托commit a crime 犯罪commit oneself to sth. 专心致志于;献身于The doctor was committed to practical medicine.那

28、位医生致力于实用医学。I have committed myself,and there is no way to draw back.我既然已做了保证,就无法收回。He has committed himself(he)to the cause of education.他已决心献身教育事业。 mercy n宽恕;仁慈;怜悯;恩惠;幸运(教材P19)Because I am a friend,I have had to learn patience and mercy.因为我是一个朋友,我必须学会耐心和宽容。(1)have mercy on. 对表示怜悯at the mercy of. 任由

29、的摆布show mercy to. 可怜,对表示同情without mercy 无情地,毫不留情地Its a mercy that. 真是幸运(2)merciful adj. 仁慈的,幸运的be merciful to. 对仁慈He turned his back to his wife without mercy.他无情地背弃了他的妻子。Some people are born with the belief that they are masters of their own lives.Others feel they are at the mercy of fate.一些人生来就相信他

30、们能掌控自己的生活,另一些人则觉得他们受命运的摆布。She is a kindhearted woman and often has mercy on people who are in trouble.她是个善良的女士,经常对陷入困境的人表示同情。You need to be merciful(mercy)to your brother.He is just seven years old.你要对你弟弟仁慈一点,他才七岁。 (教材P18)When asked,they usually hesitate before responding.当被问起时,他们在回答前往往会犹豫一下要点提炼本句是个复合句。句中when asked是when引导的时间状语从句的省略句,补充完整为:When they are asked,.。在从属连词(when,while,once等)引导的状语从句中,当从句主语与主句主语一致或从句主语为it,并且从句谓语中含有be动词时,从句主语

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