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1、最新英文辩论moneycanbuyhappiness攻辩问题开篇陈词总结陈词Money can buy happiness 英语辩论赛模板+内容简介:如果在辩论赛中你支持这个观点,你只要仔细看了这篇文章,必能稳赢对方。这篇文章包含了一辩开篇陈词,攻辩问题,更罗列了对方最可能提出的一些尖锐的问题,以及如何用非常巧妙的方式回答这些刁钻的问题,化劣势为优势。知己知彼,你绝对百战百胜。布局:1,开篇陈词(非常能带动气氛,有助于评委加分哦) 2,攻辩问题(非常犀利哦)3,对方问题以及回答(非常有实用性)4,总结陈词(不是普通的总结陈词哦,看了就知道)1,开篇陈词(该陈词引用了马克思的话“经济基础决定上层

2、建筑”来有力诠释我方观点,且在末尾运用了3个排比的句式提出疑问,能跟观众很好的互动,让一辩在开篇陈词中显得很有气势,给评委留下很好的印象,且让对方辩友感到“杀气”)Good morning。Horable chairman,distinguished dear fellow debaters,ladies and gentleman.our topic is “can money buy happiness” We firmly believe that money can buy happiness. .i am going to address our arguments . Karl M

3、arx defined that happiness is a state which make your psychological desire satisfied. What can make you satisfied? We all know that economic basis is the sufficient guarantee of satisfication. Marx said that superstructure sju:p,strkt condition is up to the economy level. As the foregoing everlast t

4、heory reveals, It is transparent that money can buy happiness.There is a possibility that some people claim that money isnt everything, but without money all of us can achieve nothing. When you are sick, but have no money to see a doctor, will you be happy ?when you are hungry ,but have no money to

5、buy delicious food ,will you be happy ?(可以等待观众回答后再继续问)when you are admitted to the university which you dream of , but have no money to go to school, will you be happy ? no ,you will feel depressed and desperate for life ,you will feel hopeless and the unfair of society. You will feel in the dark an

6、d cant see the light at the tunnel.So we do affirm that money can buy happiness.攻辩问题:1,when children go shopping with their parents ,they see a toy and they want it very much .at this condition,if their parents dont buy it for them ,children will be very sad and cry ;but if their parents use their m

7、oney to buy it for them ,children will be very happy and smile brightly,that is to say ,money can buy happiness ,so ,how can you explain this phenomenon ?翻译:当小孩子和父母出去诳街时,他们看到一个非常喜欢的玩具。如果他们的父母不给他们买,他们会变大哭并且不高兴;但是如果他们的父母给他们买了这个玩具,孩子们会非常快乐。也就是说钱买来了快乐,你们怎么解释呢这个“钱买来快乐”的实例呢?2,Marx said that superstructure

8、 condition is up to the economy level,do you agree?如果对方辩友回答“yes”,就马上说“dear fellow debater,thank you for admitting and supporting our point.:”(谢谢我亲爱的的对方辩友支持我方观点)如果对方辩友回答“n”,就说“this marx point is accepted widely in the world and chairman mao has been supporting this point ,you say dont agree ,are you

9、criticizing our great leader mao is wrong ?(马克思的这个观点世界上被普遍认同,伟大领袖毛主席也支持这个观点,你说你不同意,那么你是在批评我们位的的主席错了吗?)对方辩友可能提出问题的反驳1,如果对方辩友说:钱是万恶之源,所以钱不能带来快乐。怎样解释?就这样回答,让对方哑口无言:you say money is the source of evil .as we all know that our country is developing economy largely and publish many policies to lead people

10、 to a way of more money ,according to your logic ,do you mean that our leaders of the country are leading us to a way of evil ?(你说钱是万恶之源。大家都知道,我国现在大力发展经济,出台了许多政策引领人们走上致富之路。根据你们的逻辑,钱是万恶之源,你们意思是我们伟大的国家领导人在带领我们走上一条邪恶的道路吗?)2,对方辩友问“现在有许多富人,他们仍然不快乐,你们如何解释呢?”回答“we say that money can buy happiness ,but it d

11、ont mean money always buy happiness .it is just like you say you can write ,so you mean that you always write every second and minute ?(我们说钱能带来快来。但是不是总带来快乐。就像你说你能写字,那么你每分每秒都在写字吗?)3,对方辩友问“钱能买来医药,但是不能买来健康;钱能买来书籍,不能买来知识,钱能买来物质,不能买来友情;钱能买来婚姻,不能买来爱情。如何解释?回答:“Somebody may say that money can not bring heal

12、th, knowlege, friend, and love. Now there is a question whether you have not money you can keep them all. In fact money can not directly bring these ,but money can pay for them all. Money can let you meet a better doctor in a better hospital ; money can let you study in a better school; money can le

13、t you feel more convenient with your friend ; money can let you free from care to receive and send love.(3)个性体现4,总结陈词To sum up ,we still firmly believe the truth : money can absolutely bring us happiness. 我们熟练的掌握计算机应用,我们可以在网上搜索一些流行因素,还可以把自己小店里的商品拿到网上去卖,为我们小店提供了多种经营方式。We champion that money can buy h

14、appiness,but it doesnt mean all happiness can be bought with money. there are a lot of things let you feel happiness, such as have dedicate food, gorgeous clothes ,exquisite gifts and so on. Through money ,we can buy all those foregong things which can bring happiness to life . Bringing happiness is

15、 a function of money. Money is a way to acquire happiness not a goal. If money doesnt make people feel happy ,it is because you dont use money properly .The main problem is not money itself ,it is you that are lack of the knowledge to how to send money on right things . 夏日的街头,吊带装、露背装、一步裙、迷你裙五彩缤纷、争妍斗

16、艳。爱美的女孩们不仅在服饰搭配上费尽心机,饰品的选择也十分讲究。可惜在商店里买的项链、手链、手机挂坠等往往样式平淡无奇,还容易出现雷同现象。It is universally acknowledged that your happiness is very dependent on the economic prosperity of the country in which you live. The wealthier a nation is, the happier its citizens are.And let us move on a contemporary phenomenon

17、 .we all know that parents will strongly object to their daughters marriages unless their future sons-in-laws have sufficient money to buy house,car and lead a quality lify . 4、“体验化” 消费Some opponents claim that money cant give people health ,love ,time and etc. In effect , money can buy them abosolu

18、tely .Money can let you meet a better doctor in a better hospital ; money can let you receive a better education ; money can let you take bus ,train ,or plane these convenient transportations to save much valuble time . 调研课题:When you are blue and fed up ,you can use money to buy a ticket to zoo,scen

19、ic spots ,you will abosolutely feel happy ;when others who are poor need your help ,you can use your money to help him ,you wil enjoy a psychological happiness derived from your inner heart . Now we will assert our view once again. Money absolutely can buy happy . 8-2购物环境与消费行为 2004年3月20日我们长期呆在校园里,对社

20、会缺乏了解,在与生意合作伙伴应酬方面往往会遇上困难,更不用说商业上所需经历的一系列繁琐手续。他们我们可能会在工商局、税务局等部门的手续中迷失方向。对具体的市场开拓缺乏经验与相关的知识,缺乏从职业角度整合资源、实行管理的能力;400-500元 13 26%尽管售价不菲,但仍没挡住喜欢它的人来来往往。这里有营业员们向顾客们示范着制作各种风格迥异的饰品,许多顾客也是学得不亦乐乎。在现场,有上班族在里面精挑细选成品,有细心的小女孩在仔细盘算着用料和价钱,准备自己制作的原料。可以想见,用本来稀奇的原料,加上别具匠心的制作,每一款成品都必是独一无二的。而这也许正是自己制造所能带来最大的快乐吧。(4) 信息技术优势

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