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1、新概念英语第一册双课课文听力文本超级完整版此份听力材料献给喜欢学习英语的同学,这是新概念的第一册,网上那个太贵了,就上传上来,只需要1分需要的可以下载。 新概念英语双课课文听力文本Lesson2number1.S:Is this your pen? 这是你的钢笔吗?T:Yes, it is.是的它是。 Number 2.S:Is this your pencil?这是你的铅笔吗?T:Yes, it is. 是的它是。Number 3.S:Is this your book?这是你的书吗?T:Yes, it is.是的它是。Number 4.S:Is this your watch?这是你的表吗

2、?T:Yes, it is. 是的它是。Number5.S:Is this your coat?这是你的大衣吗?T:Yes, it is. 是的它是。Number6.S:Is this your dress?这是你的连衣裙吗? T:Yes, it is. 是的它是。Number7.S:Is this your skirt?这是你的裙子吗?T:Yes, it is. 是的它是。Number 8.S:Is this your shirt?这是你的衬衣吗? T:Yes, it is. 是的它是。Number 9.S:Is this your car?这是你的汽车吗?T:Yes, It is. 是的它

3、是。Number 10.S:Is this your house?这是你的房子吗?T:Yes, it is.是的它是。Lesson4number1. Is this your pen?这是你的钢笔吗?S:Yes, it is.是的Number 2.Is this your pencil?这是你的铅笔吗?S:Yes, it is.是的它是。Number 3.Is this your book?这是你的书吗?S:Yes, it is.是的它是。Number4.Is this your watch?这是你的手表吗?S:Yes, it is.是的它是。Number5.Is this your coat

4、?这是你的外衣吗?S:No, it isnt.不,不是Number 6.Is this your dress?这是你的连衣裙吗?S:Yes, it is.是的它是。Number7.Is this your skirt?这是你的裙子吗?S:No, it isnt.不,不是Number 8.Is this your shirt?这是你的衬衫吗?S:Yes, it is.是的它是。Number9.Is this your car?这是你的汽车吗?S:Yes, it is.是的它是。Number 10.Is this your house?这是你的房子吗?S:No, it isnt.不,不是Numbe

5、r11.Is this your suit?这是你的制服吗?S:Yes, it is.是的它是。Number 12.Is this your school?这是你的学校吗?S:No, it isnt.不,不是Number 13.Is this your teacher?这位是你的老师吗?S:Yes, it is.是的它是。Number 14.Is this your son?这位是你的儿子吗?S:No, it isnt. 不,不是Number 15.Is this your daughter?这位是你的女儿吗?S:Yes, it is.是的它是。Lesson6number8. T:Thats

6、a Volvo. 那是台沃尔沃Is it a Swedish car or a French car?它是瑞典车还是法国车?S:It isnt a French car. 它不是法国车Its a Swedish car.它是台瑞典车Number 9. T:Thats a Peugeot. 那是台标志车Is it a French car or a Swedish car?它是法国车还是瑞典车?S:It isnt a Swedish car. 它不是瑞典车Its a French car.它是台法国车Number 10.T: Thats a Mercedes. 那是台梅塞德斯Is It a Ge

7、rman car or a Japanese car?它是德国车还是日本车?S:It isnt a Japanese car. 它不是日本车Its a German car.它是德国车Number11. T:Thats a Toyota. 那是台丰田Is it a Japanese car or a German car?它是日本车还是德国车?S:It isnt a German car. 它不是德国车 Its a Japanese car.它是日本车Number 12. T:Thats a Daewoo. 那是台大宇车Is it a British car or a Korean car?它

8、是英国车还是韩国车?S:It isnt a British car. 它不是英国车Its a Korean car.它是台韩国车Number13. T:Thats a Mini. 那是台迷你车Is it an American car or an English car?它是美国车还是英国车?S:It isnt an American car. 它不是美国车Its an English car.它是台英国车Number 14. T:Thats a Ford. 那是台福特Is it a Swedish car or an American car?它是瑞典车还是美国车?S:It isnt a S

9、wedish car. 它不是瑞典车 Its an American car.它是美国车Number 15. T:Thats a Fiat. 那是台非亚特Is It an Italian car or an American car?它是意大利车还是美国车?S: It isnt an American car. 它不是美国车 Its an Italian car.它是意大利车Lesson8number 11. T:Whats his job? 他是做什么的?Is he a policeman or a taxi driver?他是警察还是出租车司机?S:He isnt a taxi drive

10、r. 他不是出租车司机Hes a policeman.他是警察Number 12. T:Whats her job? 她是做什么的?Is she a policewoman or an air hostess?她是警察还是空姐?S:She isnt an air hostess. 她不是空姐Shes a policewoman.她是警察Number l3.T: Whats his job? 他是做什么的?Is he a taxi driver or a policeman?他是出租车司机还是警察?S:He isnt a policeman. .他不是警察Hes a taxi driver他是出

11、租车司机Number 14. T:Whats her job? 她是做什么的?Is she an air hostess or a policewoman?她是空姐还是警察?S:She isnt a policewoman. 她不是警察Shes an air hostess.她是空姐Number 15. T:Whats his job? 他是做什么的?Is he a postman or a milkman?他是邮递员还是送奶工?S:He isnt a milkman. 他不是送奶工 Hes a postman.他是邮递员Number 16.T: Whats her job? 她是做什么的?I

12、s she a nurse or a housewife?她是护士还是家庭主妇?S:She isnt a housewife. .她不是家庭主妇 Shes a nurse她是护士Number 17.T: Whats his job? 他是做什么的?Is he a mechanic or a hairdresser?他是机械师还是理发师?S:He isnt a hairdresser. 他不是理发师 Hes a mechanic.他是机械师。Number 18.T:Whats his job? 他是做什么的?Is he a hairdresser or a mechanic?他是理发师还是机械师

13、?S:He isnt a mechanic. 他不是机械师Hes a hairdresser.他是理发师Number 19.T: Whats her job? 她是做什么的?Is she a housewife or a nurse?她是家庭主妇还是护士?S:She isnt a nurse. 她不是护士Shes a housewife.她是家庭主妇Number 20.T:Whats his job? 他是做什么的?Is he a milkman or a postman?他是送奶工还是邮递员?S:He isnt a postman. 他不是邮递员Hes a milkman.他是送奶工Less

14、on10number 11. T:Is that man fat or thin?那个男人是胖还是瘦?S:Hes not thin. Hes fat.他不瘦他胖Number 17. T:Is Steven hot or cold?斯蒂文热还是冷?S: Hes not cold. Hes hot.他不冷他热Number 20. T:Is that air hostess young or old?那位空姐年轻还是年老?S:Shes not old. Shes young.她不老她年轻Number 12. T:Is that woman thin or fat?那位妇女是瘦还是胖?S:Shes n

15、ot fat. Shes thin.她不胖她瘦Number 18. T:Is Emma cold or hot?埃玛冷还是热?S:Shes not hot. Shes cold.她不热她冷Number 14. T:Is that policewoman short or tall?那位警察是矮还是高?S:Shes not tall. Shes short.她不高她矮Number 19. T:Is that milkman old or young?那位送奶工是年老还是年轻?S:Hes not young. Hes old.他不年轻他老Number 15. T:Is that mechanic

16、dirty or clean?那位技工是胖还是干净?S:Hes not clean. Hes dirty.他不干净他脏Number 13. T:Is that policeman tall or short?那位警察是高还是矮?S:Hes not short. Hes tall.他不矮他高Number 16. T:Is that nurse clean or dirty?那位护士是干净还是脏?S:Shes not dirty. Shes clean.她不脏她干净Lesson12number 22. T:Whose is that handbag? 那个手提包是谁的?Is it Sophies?

17、是索菲的吗?S:It isnt Sophies. Its Stellas.不是索菲的是斯特拉的Number 23. T:Whose is that car? 那台车是谁的?Is it Stevens?是斯蒂文的吗?S:It isnt Stevens. Its Pauls.不是斯蒂文的是保罗的Number 24.T: Whose is that coat? 那件大衣是谁的?Is it Stellas?是斯特拉的吗?S:It isnt Stellas. Its Sophies.不是斯特拉的是索菲的Number 25. T:Whose is that umbrella? 那把伞是谁的?Is it P

18、auls?是保罗的吗?S:It isnt Pauls. Its Stevens.不是保罗的是斯蒂文的Number 26. T:Whose is that pen? 那支钢笔是谁的?Is it your fathers?是你父亲的吗?S:It isnt my fathers.Its my sons.不是我父亲的是我儿子的Number 27. T:Whose is that dress? 那件连衣裙是谁的?Is it your mothers?是你母亲的吗?S:It isnt my mothers.Its my daughters.不是我母亲的是我女儿的Number 28. T:Whose is

19、that suit? 那件制服是谁的?Is it your sons?是你儿子的吗?S:It isnt my sons.Its my fathers.不是我儿子的是我父亲的Number 29. T:Whose is that skirt? 那件裙子是谁的?Is it your daughters?是你女儿的吗?S:It isnt my daughters.Its my mothers.不是我女儿的是我母亲的Number 30. T:Whose is that blouse? 那件女装衬衫是谁的?Is it your mothers?是你母亲的吗?S:It isnt my mothers.Its

20、 my sisters.不是我母亲的是我姐姐的Number 31T: Whose is that tie? 那条领带是谁的?Is it your fathers?是你父亲的吗?S:It isnt my fathers.Its my brothers.不是我父亲的是我哥哥的Lesson14number 20. T:What colours Stevens umbrella? 斯蒂文的雨伞是什么颜色的?Is it brown?是棕色的吗?S:It isnt brown. 不是棕色的 Its black.是黑色的Number 50.T: What colours Sophies coat? 萦菲的大

21、衣是什么颜色的?Is it white?是白色的吗?S:It isnt white. 不是白色的Its grey.是灰色的Number 90 T:What colours the boys tie? 男孩的领带是什么颜色的?Is it yellow?是黄色的吗?S:It isnt yellow. 不是黄色的 Its orange.是桔色的Number 30. T:What colours Pauls car? 保罗的汽车是什么颜色的?Is it red?是红色的吗?S:It isnt red. 不是红色的 Its blue.是兰色的Number 80.T: What colours Annas

22、 blouse? 安娜的衬衫是什么颜色的?Is it orange ?是桔色的吗?S:It isnt orange. 不是桔色的Its yellow.是黄色的Number 40. T:What colours Tims shirt? 蒂姆的衬衫是什么颜色的?Is it blue?是兰色的吗?S:It isnt blue. 不是兰色的Its white.是白色的Number 100. T:What colours Stevens hat? 斯蒂文的帽子是什么颜色的?Is it green and red?是红绿相间的吗?S:It isnt green and red. 不是红绿相间的Its gr

23、ey and black.是灰黑相间的Number 60. T:What colours the womans case? 那位妇女的箱子是什么颜色的?Is it grey?是灰色的吗?S:It isnt grey. 不是灰色的Its brown.是棕色的Number 101. T:What colours Helens dog? 海伦的狗是什么颜色的?Is it grey and black?是灰黑相间的吗?S:It isnt grey and black. 不是灰黑相间的Its brown and white.是棕色和白色相间的Number 70. T:What colours Annas

24、 carpet? 安娜的地毯是什么颜色的?Is it green?是绿色的吗?S : It isnt green. 不是绿色的 Its red.是红色的Lesson16number 90. T:What colour are your tickets? 你们的票是什么颜色的?Are they white?是白色的吗?S:Our tickets are not white. They are yellow. 我们的票不是白色的是黄色的Number 107. T:What colour are your pens? 你们的钢笔是什么颜色的?Are they red?是红色的吗?S:Our pens

25、 are not red. They are blue.我们的钢笔不是红色的是兰色的Number 102. T:What colour are your passports? 你们的护照是什么颜色的?Are they blue?是兰色的吗?S:Our passports are not blue. They are green.我们的护照不是兰色的是绿色的Number 104. T:What colour are your handbags? 你们的手提包是什么颜色的?Are they grey?是灰色的吗?S:Our handbags are not grey. They are white

26、.我们的手提包不是灰色的是白色的Number 110T:What colour are your blouses? 你们的女装衬衫是什么颜色的?Are they orange?是桔色的吗?S:Our blouses are not orange. They are yellow.我们的女装衬衫不是桔色的是黄色的Number 80.T:What colour are your coats? 你们的大衣是什么颜色的?Are they black?是黑色的吗?S:Our coats are not black. They are grey.我们的大衣不是黑色的是灰色的Number 109.T:Wha

27、t colour are your dresses? 你们的连衣裙是什么颜色的?Are they brown?是棕色的吗?S:Our dresses are not brown. They are green.我们的连衣裙不是棕色的是绿色的Number 70. T:What colour are your shirts? 你们的衬衫是什么颜色的?Are they blue?是兰色的吗?S:Our shirts are not blue. They are white.我们的衬衫不是兰色的是白色的Number 101.T: What colour are your hats? 你们的帽子是什么颜

28、色的?Are they green and red?是红绿相间的吗?S:Our hats are not green and red. 我们的帽子不是红绿相间的They are black and grey.是黑灰相间的Number 105. T:What colour are your ties? 你们的领带是什么颜色的?Are they red?是红色的吗?S:Our ties are not red. They are orange.我们的领带不是红色的是桔色的Lesson18number 100. T:What are their jobs? 他们是做什么的?Are they mech

29、anics?他们是技工吗?S:They arent mechanics. 他们不是技工Theyre sales reps.他们是销售员Number 900. T:What are their jobs? 他们是做什么的?Are they keyboard operators?他们是电脑录入员吗?S:They arent keyboard operators. 他们不是电脑录入员Theyre nurses.他们是护士Number 1,002. T:What are their jobs? 他们是做什么的?Are they postmen?他们是邮递员吗?S:They arent postmen. 他们不是邮递员Theyre milkmen.他们是送奶工Number 1,000. T:What are their jobs? 他们是做什么的?Are they policewomen?他们是警察吗?S:They arent policewomen. 他们不是警察Theyre air hostess

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