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1、八下语文基础训练答案八下语文基础训练答案 五年级下册语文基础训练答案 名言警句 1读书破万卷书, 。 2学如逆水行舟, 。(学习) 3光阴似箭, 。 4少年易学老难成, 。(珍惜时间) 5在你发怒的时候,要 ,免得增加你的怒气。 6、谦受益, 。 (道德品质) 7美化环境,就是美化 。(环境保护) 8 ,请你拭去我的泪。请节约用水 9人间知音难觅, 。请爱护草坪 10.除了知识什么都别带走, 。阅览室 11.举手投足间, 。果皮箱 (校园公益广告) 12. 控制行车速度,等于延长 。 (交通安全) 十八、按课文内容填空: 1、 房兵曹胡马 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 这首诗抒发了诗人_

2、。 2、 马诗 _ _ _ _ _ 诗中运用了比喻的修辞手法的诗句是_,最后两句诗表达了作者想实现伟大理想的_心情。 3、好家伙,被_着,被_着,被_的闪电_,马,这_从无数谷口、山坡_,_似的在这原野上_ 了。小群汇成大群,大群_ ,成为一片_、_ 、_ 的集团冲锋!_,_,_,_!有的_ ,像一队_,要去_;有的来回奔跑,俨然_、_ 的大将;小马跟着母马认真而紧张地跑,不再_、_ ,一下子变得_ 了许多。牧人在_的潮水中被_,大喊大叫,却_,喊声像一块小石片跌进_的大河。 这段话充分展现了马的_。 我久久地站在那里,_ ,_ ,_。我见到了,见过了,这_,这_,这_,这_! 4、浙江之潮,

3、_。自_以至_为_。方其_,仅如银线;_,则_,际天而来。大声如_,_,_,_,势极雄豪。杨诚斋诗云“_,_”者是也。“浙江潮”指的是_,它的 _令人震撼。 5、_阿爸在田间_,烟雾里阿妈_,小孩子在_,姑娘从溪边挑回了一担担_? _代替了_,_变成了_。儿童乐园充满着_,_装点着_。 再不是_,_的目光已_。从_到_都_,就像那_一样。 以上诗句选自_,“这儿”指_,在实行了改革开放的政策后,它发生了_的变化。 6、蓝脸的_,_的关公_,黄脸的_,_的曹操,_!_的天王_,绿色的_,金色的_,银色的_,_笑哈哈!一幅幅_,一群群_,一点点夸大,一张张_! 这首歌生动地描绘了_的韵味,它被世人

4、称为中国的“_”。 八年级下册阶段性考试基础训练: 1.给加点的字注音(2分) 如法炮( )制 挑剔( ) 蹲踞( ) 2.改正下列词语中的错字(2分) 故名思义 引经据典 逢场做戏 八面玲珑 合辙压韵 看风使舵 3下列各句中没有语病的一句是(2 A全球变暖的气候导致许多地区森林火灾频频发生,其涉及的地区范围和造成 损失的程度越来越严重。 B在包头市东河区王若飞纪念馆,游客们看到了许多王若飞生前使用过的物品。 C通过参观512抗震救灾图片展览,使每位同学都明白了真诚的大爱是战胜 一切自然灾害的最大力量。 D一个人如果没有接受系统的教育,就很难在现代社会中找到施展聪明才智的 机会 4.下列句子中

5、,加点的成语使用正确的一句是(2分)( ) A这些年轻的科学家决心以无所不为的勇气,克服重重困难,去探索大自然 的奥秘。 B陕西剪纸粗犷朴实,简练夸张,同江南一带细致工整的风格相比,真是半 斤八两,各有千秋。 C第二次世界大战时,德国展开了潜艇战,于是使用水声设备来寻找潜艇, 成了同盟国要解决的首当其冲的问题。 D关于金字塔和狮身人面像的种种天真的、想入非非的神话和传说,说明古 埃及有着极为丰富的想象力。 5.下列文学常识搭配有误的一项是(2分)( ) A云南的歌会 沈从文现代作家 B马说一一韩愈唐代 C送东阳马生序宋濂一宋代D岳阳楼记欧阳修宋 代 6按要求完成下面的对联题。(任选一题3分)

6、(1)上联:肯洒汗水,智慧花朵艳 下联: (2)在古代,有位书生某天登上成都的望江楼,面对滚滚东去的长江水,不禁触 景生情,吟出了这样一句上联:望江楼,望江流,望江楼上望江流,江楼千古, 江流千古;由于上联字词重复太多,书生冥思苦想,怎么也想不出下联该如何对。 又过了一段时间,书生漫步到另一处古迹印月井。这个井井口很大,水面距 井口距离很近,皓月当空的夜晚,井中也有一轮明月,人们便把这口井命名为印 月井。看到这弗,书生一时灵感飞动,马上对出了下联: 7.默写 不应有恨 尝趋百里外, 人生自古谁无死 到乡翻似烂柯人 何似在人间 政通人和 ,望峰息心 骈死于槽枥之间 望江楼,望江流,望江楼下望江流

7、,江楼千古,江流千古 印月井,印月影,印月井中印月影,月井万年,月影万年 赛诗台,赛诗才,赛诗台上赛诗才,诗台绝世,诗才绝世 八年级下6-10单元训练 一语法训练 1、over 20 years. A. since B. for C. in D. with 2、 For two weeks. A. How often B. How soon C. How long 3.-how long has he five years ago. A.gone ,since B,been,since C .e ,since ll e back there for 2 years.,in ,in B

8、.to, in,/ C .to, for,/ 5. We have English since we came here. A.learning B. Learn C .been learning college? A.finish B.have finished C . finish 7There is little milk in the glass, it B ,isnt there there 8.They have been to Shanghai twice, A.have they B.havent they C dont they your bike?-so

9、rry, Ill at once. move, do it B.moving ,do it C.moving,do them Why donme flowers? flowers? Shall we flowers? A.bring ,any B.bring,some C.bringing,some 二,词形变化 名词:collect ( ) write( ) foreign( ) behave( ) suggest ( ) win( ) 复数 mouse( ) child( ) advantage(反义词) 形容词sleep( ) wonder( ) wake nature ( )

10、 sand ( ) enter the college=go to college 副词:clear( ) simple ( ) quick( ) slow ( ) 三,基础知识 1.- children there are in a family, their life will be. A.The less; the better B.The fewer ;the better C.fewer;richer long often soon A.very near B.across from C.far away 4.That was such an st

11、ory that everyone was in it.(interest) and a good pair of (lose) 6. The police found girl and sent her home(miss) to me. A.give back it B.return it C. borrow it 8.-Do you mind if I sit here?- s for Mr Li. A.Not at all B.Better not C.Never mind 9.Did you visit many places while you were in A.quite fe

12、w B.quite a few C.only a few A.polite ,impolite B.politely ,impolitely C,impolite,polite 12.This shirt is too big. Would you mind giving me B.smaller C. Cheaper 13.Ityou me a gift. A.for ,to give B.of ,to give C.of, giving 14.I get (annoy) when someone talks to me. 15.Etiquette means normal and poli

13、te and social we see someone )the rules of etiquette,we may give (suggest). is bad for your 17.-Oh,no! I have lost the ticket.- . A. It is nice of you B.What a pity C. I hope not 18.This coat is A.a bit of B. much C.enough . A. enough difficult ;to do B.too difficult ;to do it C. Difficult enough; t

14、o do 20.What else do you study A. besides B. for C.except 21.-Thanks for your nice gift.- . A.Why not? B.Im glad you like it C.youre nice. 23.A goldfish is a good pet 对一个八岁大的小孩 照看起来危险 25. isnt always perfect. 50. My grandpa in 1997. He several Last year, (go )to Mount Emei (lose )her money . s (help

15、 )her. 27. 自从我七岁以来 28. 在我七岁生日时 29. 当我七岁时 30. (name) Connie. 31. I dont have enough time 32. all not at all 33. Our parents dont allow (watch) Tv on weekdays. 34. 35. 36. (Make) a meal is enough. 37. In xx,Jiang Mei started the contest of 38. (sing) English songs made her 39. 愉快学英语 40. 学英语有困难

16、41. I saw a (fall) off the tree when I walked down the street. 42. His father heard Jim )on the phone when he got back. 43. -Have you ever Japan?- A.traveled , Not yet B.traveled to; No ,never Ctravel; yes 44.在一个讲英语的国家 45.My hobby is 46.The most important requirement English well. 47.- is the popula

17、tion of India? -Its than China.One third of the population farmers. many; smaller ; is B.What ; less; are C . What ;smaller; are 48. is the same 49. Would you like something to drink,tea or coffee ? - A.Both B. None C. Each D. Either years.A.died; been died B.died; been dead C.dead;die 51.-Ive

18、 never been to the space museum. A. Neither have I B.So did I C.Neither do I 52.-Mike the League for five years.-Oh,thats long.A.has joined B. has been in C. joined 53.-Have you read the latest news in the newspaper? -No,I havent . A.too B. yet C . Already 54.-Do you know where Dick is? -He A. has b

19、een B.went C . has gone 55.-How much is your bag? It A.costs B.spends C .pays A.go across B.across C. Crossing 57.The price of this shirt is very t afford it. A. expensive B. low C ,high 反义疑问句 1.This dress cost you more than 200 yuan, 2.You dont like thrillers, ? 3.She won t e because of the rain, ?

20、 4.Your friend hardly writes to you, ? 5.There will be a wonderful talk show ? 选词完成短文 wear the fashionable clothes ,will you feel good about ? I once boy wearing special clothes.He looked like on the cover of a magazine.He thought he was he got more attention at school.But in that way, but I didnt think so. We students shouldntoo much about what clothes we wear every day.Peoples look is important,but it isn.The best idea is to buy clothes that look t have to spend so on you clothes.Remember :fashionable 内容仅供参考

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