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1、微电子科学与工程专业本科培养计划微电子科学与工程专业本科培养计划Un dergraduate Program for Specialty inMicroelectro nic Scie nee and Engin eeri ng一、 培养目标I Program Objectives本专业培养掌握微电子科学与工程专业必需的基础知识、基本理论和基本实验技能,能够从事该领域的各 种微电子材料、器件、封装、测试、集成电路设计与系统的科研、教学、科技开发、工程技术、生产管理等工作 的高级专门人才。This program trains advaneed talents with basic knowle

2、dge, theory and experimental skills n ecessary for Microelectro nic Science and Engin eeri ng These tale nts can be en gaged in various works in microelectronic materials, devices, packaging, testing, integrated circuit design and system as well as the scie ntific research, educati on, tech nique de

3、velopme nt, engin eeri ng tech no logy, product ion man ageme nt.二、 基本规格要求n Learning Outcomes毕业生应获得以下几个方面的知识和能力:1、 具有扎实的自然科学基础,良好的人文社会科学基础和外语能力;2、 掌握本专业领域较宽的基础理论知识,主要包括固体物理、半导体物理、微电子材料、微电子器件、集成电路设计等方面的基础理论知识;在本专业领域内具备从事科学研究的能力;3、 受到良好的工程实践训练,掌握各种微电子器件与集成电路的分析、设计与制造方法,具 有独立进行微电子材料及器件性能分析、集成电路设计、微电子工艺

4、流程的基本能力;具备一定 的工程开发和组织管理能力;4、 了解本专业的最新发展动态和发展前景,了解微电子产业的发展状况。The program requires that the learners have the knowledge and abilities listed as follows:1.Have solid foundation in natural scienee, basic fine knowledge in humanities and social sciencesand good foreig n Ian guage skills;2.Master wide bra

5、nch of fun dame ntal theoretical kno wledge of this specialty, which mai nly in elude the solid state physics, semic on ductor physics, microelectr onic materials, microelectr onic devices, in tegrated circuit desig n and so on. Master the ability to con duct scie ntific research in thefield of this

6、 specialty ;3.Have good trainings in engineering practice, master the analysis, design and fabrication methods of differe nt kinds of microelectro nic devices and in tegrated circuits, have the fun dame ntal ability to in depe nden tly deal with the performs nee an alysis of microelectr onic materia

7、ls and devices,integrated circuit design and microelectronics processing Master the ability of engineering developme nt and orga ni zati on man ageme nt ;4.Have the knowledge of the latest developments and prospects in this specialty, have the kno wledge of the curre nt situati on of microelectro ni

8、c in dustry.三、 培养特色川.Program Highlights本专业以微纳电子材料和工艺为基础,以微纳电子器件和集成电路制造为核心,以集成电路设计及其系统应用为方向;坚持理工结合,重视基础理论,强调实践技能,培养“基础 -1。-应用”与“器件-t。-系统”相结合的综合思考及横向思维的能力,培养具有良好科学素养、微纳电子材 料-器件-电路-版 图-工艺-系统的综合设计与研究能力和组织管理能力的工程技术与科研人才。Based on micro-/nano- electr onics materials and process ing, tak ing micro -/nano- e

9、lectr onicdevices and integrated circuits fabrication as the core, oriented in integrated circuit design and its system applicati on, this program in sists on the comb in ati on of scie nee and engin eeri ng, values thetheoretical foundation and emphasizes the practical skills By training the abilit

10、y of comprehensive and lateral thi nki ngwith the comb in ati on of basistoapplicati on ” and devices-to-system ” , this program aims at cultivating scientific and engineering talents with good scientific quality, capability in in tegrated desig n of micro -/nano- electro nicsmaterial-devices-circui

11、ts-layout-processi ng-systems, as well as the ability of research and orga ni zati on man ageme nt.四、 主干学科IV . Main Discipline电子科学与技术Electr onic Scie nee and Tech no logy五、 学制与学位V Program Length and Degree学制:四年Duratio n: 4 years授予学位:工学学士Degrees Con ferred: Bachelor of Engin eeri ng六、学时与学分W Credits H

12、ours and Units完成学业最低课内学分(含课程体系与集中性实践教学环节)要求: 162学分。Minimum Credits of Curricular(Compris ing course system and inten sified intern ship practicaltraining) : 162 credits其中,专业基础课程、专业核心课程学分不允许用其他课程学分进行学分冲抵和替代。Major-related basic courses and core courses cannot be covered using credits from other course

13、s in the program完成学业最低课外学分要求: 3学分。Minimum Extracurricu1ar Credits : 3 credits.1.课程体系学时与学分Course Credits Hours and Un its课程类别课程性质学时/学分占课程体系学分比例()通识教育基础课程必修1032/5939.9选修160/106.7学科(专业)基础课程学科大类基础课程必修528/3020.3学科专业基础课程必修368/21.514.5专业课程专业核心课程必修248/15. 510.5专业方向课程选修192/12& 1介计2680/148100Course TypeRequir

14、ed /ElectiveHrs/CrsPercentage (%)General Education Core CurriculumRequired1032/5939.9Elective160/106.7Discipline-related CoursesGeneralRequired528/3020.3Basic SubdisciplinaryRequired368/21. 514.5Major-specific CoursesCoreRequired248/15.510.5ElectiveElective192/12& 1Total2680/1481002.集屮性实践教学环节周数与学分Pr

15、acticum Credits实践教学环节名称课程性质周数/学分占实践教学环节学分比例()军事训练必修2/17. 1电工实习必修2/17. 1认知实验必修1/0. 53.6生产实习(社会实践)必修3/1.510.7课程设计必修8/428.6毕业设计(论文)必修16/642.9合计32/14100Course TitleRequired /ElectiveWeeks/CreditsPercentage (%)Military TrainingRequired2/17. 1Electrical Engineering PracticeRequired2/17. 1Cognition Practic

16、eRequired1/0.53.6Engineering Internship (Social Practice)Required3/1. 510.7Course ProjectRequired8/428.6Undergraduate ThesisRequired16/642.9Total32/141003.课外学分Extracurricular Credits序号名称要求课外学分1社会头践活动提交社会调查报告,通过答辩者1个人被校团委或团省委评为社会实践活动积极分子者,集体被校团委或团省委评为优秀社会实践队者22英语及计算机考试全国大学英语六级考试获六级证书者2全国计算机等级考试获二级以上证


18、 a report and passing the oral defense1Individuals awarded uActive Participant ” Teams awarded ExcellentPerformance ” by HUST or Hubei Youth League Committee22QualificationsCET-6Win certificate ofBand-6 or higher2National Computer Rank ExaminationCertificate (Grade 1/2)2Qualifications for Computer a

19、nd SoftwareTechnology ProficiencyProgrammer2Senior Programmer3System Analyst43CompetitionsUniversity LevelFirst Prize3Second Prize2Third Prize1Provincial LevelFirst Prize4Second Prize3Third Prize2National LevelFirst Prize6Second Prize4Third Prize34Academic PapersPublished in national-level journalsE

20、ach paper2-35Research ProgramsContribution and research capabilityEach program1-36ExperimentsInnovation capacityEach experiment1-3Note: In HUST Sports Meeting, the first and the second prize, the third to the fifth prize, and the sixth prize to theeighth prize aredeemed respectively the first prize,

21、 the second prize and the third prize of university level.七、主要课程Vf1 Main Courses量 力学 Quantum Mechanics 固体物理 Solid State Physics 半导体物理 SemiconductorPhysics 微电 了材料 Microelectro nic Materials 、半导体器件物理 Physics of Semico nductor Devies纳电 了器件 Nanoelectronic Devices、微电 了丄艺学 Microelectronic Process、CMOS 模拟集

22、成电路CMOS An alog In tegrated Circuit 、数字集成电路基础 Fun dame ntals of Digital IC、微电 了圭寸装与测试Microelectro nic Packag ing and Testi ng、微电子器件可靠性技术基础 Fu ndame ntal of Microelectr onic Devices Reliability Tech no logy.八、主要实践教学环节(含专业实验)忸. Practicum Module (experiments included)新生老业认 知实践 Professi onal Cogn iti on

23、 Practice for Freshme n、电 丄实习 Electrical设计 Undergraduate Thesis.九、教学进程计划表IX Course Schedule专业:微电子科学与工程院(系):光学与电子信息学院School (Department): School of Optical and Electronic Information Specialty: Microelectronic Science and Engineering课程类 别 course type课程性质 required/ elective课程 代码 course code课程名称course

24、name学时hrs学分crs其中Including设置学 期 semeste课外extra-cur实验exp.上机operati onGene必修Required0301902思想道德修养与法律基础Morals & Ethics & Fundamentals of Law402.581必修Required0100721中国近现代史纲要Survey of Modern Chinese History32282必修Required0100733思政课社会实践Social Practice of Ideological and PoliticalTheories Course241.5202必修Re

25、quired0100932马克思主义原理Iheory of Marxism402.583必修Required0100322毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系 概论General Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought andSocialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics563. 504必修Required0100741形式与政策Situation and Policy322141-6必修Required0510071中国语文Chinese322101ra必修Lcat Required105084530综合英语(一) o

26、rriculumComprehensive English (I)563. 51必修Required0508463综合英语(二)Comprehensive English (II)563.52必修Required0400111大学体育(一)Physical Education ( I )3211必修Required0400121大学体育(二)Physical Education ( n )3212必修Required0400131大学体育(三)Physical Education (山)3213必修Required0400141大学体育(四)Physical Education ( IV)32

27、14必修Required0700011微积分(一)(上)Calculus ( I )885.51必修Required0700012微积分(一)(下)Calculus ( n )885. 52必修Required0700051线性代数Linear Algebra402.51必修Required0700063概率论与数理统计(三)Probability and Mathematics Statistics ( ill)402.52必修Required0700071复变函数与积分变换Complex Function and Integral Transform402.53续表课程类 别课程性质 re

28、quired/ elective课程 代码 course code课程名称学时学分其中Including设置学coursetypecourse namehrscrs课外extra-cur实验exp.上机operati on期 semeste必修Required0700081数理方程与特殊函数(一)Equations of Mathematical Physics &Special Functions ( I )402.53必修Required0700048大学物理(一)Physics ( I )6442必修Required0700049大学物理(二)Physics ( n )6443必修Required0706891物理实验(一)Physical Experiments ( I )321282必修Required0706901物理实验(二)Physical Experiments ( n )241203必修Required1100011军事理论Military Theory161

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