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八年级英语上册 第19期练习 牛津深圳版.docx

1、八年级英语上册 第19期练习 牛津深圳版第19期For Reading and Listening“庆祝” celebrateThe Spring Festival is a great event for Chinese to celebrate every year.春节是中国人每年庆祝的一个大事件。【总结】celebrate是不及物动词, 意为 “庆祝; 庆贺”, 如例句。【拓展】celebrate也可以作及物动词, 如: We celebrated our success in the classroom after school.放学后我们在教室里庆贺我们的成功。【运用】根据汉语提示

2、完成句子, 每空一词。1. 你是怎样庆祝大学毕业的?How did you _ your graduation from college?2. 汤姆通过了考试, 我们将出去庆祝一番。Tom passed the exam. We are going out to _.“除之外” exceptI can answer all the questions except for the last one.除了最后一个问题外, 其他的我都可以解答。【总结】except是介词。短语except for表示 “除之外”, 如例句。【拓展】besides也表示 “除之外”, 但besides之后的内容是包括

3、在内的。如:I think she has many good qualities besides being very beautiful.我觉得她不但长得非常漂亮, 而且还有很多优秀品质。【运用】根据汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。3. 除了几处语法错误外, 你的作文写得很好。Your writing is good _ _ a few grammar mistakes.4. 除了音乐之外, 我们还有很多共同点, 比如喜欢做运动和绘画。We have lots of things in common _ music, such as like doing sports and paintin

4、g.“秘密的” secretIn ancient times, most of the kings have secret rooms in their palace.古代皇帝大多数都会在宫殿里设密室。【总结】secret作形容词, 意为 “秘密的”, 如例句。【拓展】secret还可以作名词, 意为 “秘密; 秘诀”。如:The secret of keeping healthy is to take exercise.做运动是保持健康的秘诀。【运用】根据汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。5. 我在山上发现了一个秘密通道。I found a _ path in the mountain.6. 成

5、功的秘诀在于周密的计划。Making good plans is _ _ _ success.succeed “实现目标”1. John wanted to be an actor, and he finally succeeded.约翰想成为一名演员, 最后他实现了自己的目标。2. The policemen succeeded in catching the thief.那些警察成功抓住了那个盗贼。【总结】succeed是动词, 常作不及物动词, 意为 “实现目标; 达到目的”, 如例1。另外, succeed常和in搭配构成succeed in doing sth. / succeed

6、in sth., 如例2。【拓展】succeed的形容词为successful, 名词为success, 如: Ma Yun is a successful man.【运用】根据句意, 用succeed的不同形式填空。7. China gained great _ in this competition.8. The soldiers _ _ going through the dangerous place.9. If you want to be a _ person, you have to work hard every day.“窃取” stealThe thieves stole

7、a lot of money yesterday.那些盗贼昨天窃取了很多钱。【总结】steal用作动词, 意为 “偷; 窃取”, 如例句。【拓展】1. steal常用短语为steal sth from sb, 意为 “偷某人的某物”,如:The boy wants to steal the famous picture from the rich man.男孩想从那个富人那里偷到那张著名的画。2. steal的过去式为stole, 过去分词为stolen。【运用】根据汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。10. 昨天在公交车上, 我的钱包被人偷了。Yesterday on the bus, a thi

8、ef _ my wallet.句型导航Sentence guideStructure analysis 长难句解析1. Get some help and pull it into the city.帮忙把它拖进城里去。【解析】本句是个祈使句, and是并列连词, 连接两个并列的成分。例如: Sit up straight and look at the blackboard. 坐端正, 看黑板。2. In one night, however, they succeeded in capturing it through a clever trick.然而, 在一个晚上, 他们成功通过一个聪

9、明的计谋攻占了它。【解析】本句中, however用作副词, 表示转折, 意为 “然而”。例如:However, I dont want to go with him.然而, 我不想和他一起走。3. That night, in the main square of the city, all the Trojans celebrated.那天晚上, 在城市的主广场, 所有的特洛伊人一起庆祝。【解析】本句中, 表示时间和地点的短语位于主句之前。本句也可以为: All the Trojans celebrated in the main square of the city that night

10、. 例如:That day, in our school, we had a party.我们那天在学校开派对。Structure imitation 句式仿写1. The Greeks didnt want to take it with them.希腊人不想带走它。【解析】此句中, take sth with sb意为 “随身携带”。 例如:Youd better take an umbrella with you when you go out.你出门的时候最好随身携带雨伞。2. The horse was full of Greek soldiers!那匹马里有许多的希腊士兵!【解析】

11、此句中, (be) full of意为 “(有)大量的; (有)许多的”。例如:The bottle is full of water. 瓶子里装满了水。【跟踪练习】 根据汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。1. 外面冷, 你应该带件外套。Its cold outside. You should _ a coat _ you.2. 这个篮子里有许多鸡蛋。The basket _ _ _ eggs.短语收藏夹 Phrase collectionUnit 6 短语聚会1. act out 将表演出来2. try to do 尽力做3. give up 放弃4. sail away 开船走了5. a hu

12、ge wooden horse 一匹巨大的木马6. take sth. with sb. (某人) 随身携带7. pull into 把拖进8. make jokes about 拿开玩笑; 以为笑柄9. except for 除之外10. (be) full of (有)大量的; (有)许多的11. on the side of 在侧边12. climb out of . 从爬出去13. one by one 逐个地; 逐一地14. play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人15. in the end 最后【操练场】 根据句意从上面选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空, 补全句子。1.

13、During the party, we all had a good time _.2. Our teacher wrote a play and he asked us to _ it _.3. They speak in a humorous way and _ each other whenever they meet.4. It is raining outside. Lets _ these desks _ the room.5. Smith is a good man, _ his bad temper(脾气).For Unit 6Section A (For Reading)I

14、. 根据句意及图片提示写单词, 补全句子或对话。1. The building in the picture is an _ one and it has a long history.2. If there is a _, a lot of people will die.3. The _ is saving the little boy.4. - What can you see in the box?- It is _.5. The _ is exercising in the water.II. 根据要求写出相应的单词。6. understand (过去式) _7. different

15、 (名词) _8. captain (复数) _9. tiny (反义词) _10. quiet (副词) _III. 根据句意及首字母提示写单词, 完成句子。11. The woman is not able to carry the heavy box, so she has to p_ it forward on the ground by a rope.12. We are going to c_ his success by having a party next week and there will be many people to come.13. All of us pla

16、n to take a trip this weekend e_ Li Ming because he will be busy.14. Mary asked me to wait for her at the m _ gate of our school after class.15. We have a s _ place to play on Sunday afternoon and nobody knows it.16. There are many d_ between them, but they are good friends.17. If you look at him fr

17、om his s_ instead of the front, he looks like his father very much.18. You will s_ if you work hard to do what you like.19. The Greeks captured the city by a t_ instead of fighting.20. I have already u_ your meaning because you explained it clearly.IV. 词语释义。( ) 21. Yesterday evening, he didnt sleep

18、till midnight, so he got up late in the morning. A. the middle of the night B. the beginning of the night C. the end of the night( ) 22. The thief entered the building through the back door and got out through the front door.A. left for B. arrived in C. got into( ) 23. The little boy looks stupid, b

19、ut in fact hes very smart.A. happy B. foolish C. clever( ) 24. They came out of the room quietly and nobody saw them.A. without any noise B. with noise C. quickly ( ) 25. They tried to finish the work in a month and worked very hard.A. promised to B. added to C. did their best toV. 根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词。

20、26. 我们可以写出一个剧本, 但是我们很难将它表演出来。We can write a play, but its difficult for us to _ _ _.27. 当我们到达海边时, 他们还没有开船走。When we arrived at the sea, they didnt _ _.28. 在广场的中心位置出现了一匹巨大的木马。There is _ _ _ _ in the center of the square.29. 不要拿他开玩笑, 他是一个极好的人。Dont _ _ _ him. He is a very good person.30. 除了她之外我不相信任何人。I

21、dont believe anyone _ _ her.31. 这个房间里有许多书, 你可以挑你喜欢的。The room _ _ _ books, and you can pick what you like.32. 一只小老鼠从洞中爬出去, 四下看看, 然后跑了。A little mouse _ _ _ the hole, looked around and ran away.33. 你们要逐个地回答我的问题, 然后我再告诉你们哪个是正确答案。You have to answer my question _ _ _, and then I will tell you which answer

22、 is true.34. 捉弄别人是不礼貌的。Its not polite to _ _ _ _ others.35. 当你已经决定了你的目标, 就不要轻易的放弃。When you have decided on your goal, dont _ _ _easily.36. 天将要下雨, 带把伞。Its going to rain, and _ an umbrella _ you. 37. 他们成功地完成了那项艰巨的任务。They _ _ _ the difficult work.VI. 从方框中选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空, 补全句子。try to, look over, win fi

23、rst prize, main square, go to sleep38. My elder brother _ help me with my Maths, but I didnt get a good grade in this exam.39. I didnt _ until 3 a.m. this morning.40. There will be a concert in the _ of the city tomorrow evening.41. _ there. Some children are picking up rubbish and cleaning the gard

24、en.42. Its not easy to _ in the knowledge quiz, so we have to do our best.Section B (For Listening)I. 根据句意及首字母提示写单词, 完成句子。1. The p_ fell in love with a girl, but his father, the old king, didnt agree.2. A long time ago, there was a beautiful q_, but she was not friendly to the little princess.3. The

25、 thief s_ a bike and finally he was caught by the police.4. When children do something wrong, parents should have a talk with them instead of p_ them.II. 语法填空。 阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Niu Lang was a cowboy. One day, 5._ cow told him that he would meet a fairy girl (

26、仙女) and advised him to take 6. _ girls clothes away when she was swimming in the river. Niu Lang 7._ (do) as the cow told him. In this way, Niu Lang 8._ (meet) the fairy girl, Zhi Nv. They fell in love and got 9. _ (marry). 10._ (luck), Zhi Nvs grandmother Wang Mu learnt about it and was very angry.

27、 She 11. _ (take) her back and made a river in the sky to separate (分开) them. 12. _ (final) Wang Mu was deeply moved by their love 13. _ decided to let them meet 14._ July 7th every year.第19期N2版 Keys: (One possible version)词语点将台句型导航1. take; with 2. is full of短语收藏夹1. in the end 2. act; out 3. make jo

28、kes about 4. pull; into 5. except for第19期N3版 Keys: (One possible version 选择题除外)随堂练Section AI. 1. ancient 2. war 3. soldier 4. empty 5. armyII. 6. understood 7. difference 8. captains 9. huge 10. quietlyIII. 11. pull 12. celebrate 13. except 14. main 15. 16. differences 17. side 18. succeed 19. trick

29、 20. understoodIV. 21-25 ACBACV. 26. act it out 27. sail away 28. a huge wooden horse 29. make jokes about 30. except for31. is full of 32. climbed out of 33. one by one 34. play a trick on 35. give it up 36. take; with 37. succeeded in completingVI. 38. tried to 39. go to sleep 40. main square 41. Look over 42. win first prizeSection BI. 1. prince 2. queen 3. stole 4. punishingII. 5. a 6. th

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