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1、网络新词1.美国一名从大学辍学的男子在脑部受到重创后突然变成了数学和物理天才,他从创伤中清醒过来之后看到的任何事物都是带有几何图形的。他这种情况叫做“后天学者症候群”(acquired savant syndrome),目前全世界仅有40个相似病例。Twelve years ago, Jason Padgett was a college drop-out working at his dads furniture store when a mugging at a Tacoma, Washington karaoke bar changed his life forever.12年前,贾森帕

2、吉特只是一名大学辍学生,在父亲的家具店工作。然而,发生在华盛顿州塔科马一家卡拉OK厅的一起行凶抢劫案彻底改变了他的人生。After suffering a profound brain injury, Padgett started to see the world in a whole new light - literally - and became obsessed with math and physics.帕吉特的头部在那次抢劫中遭受重击,此后他眼中的世界完全变了样,他开始变得对数学和物理异常痴迷。He has since been diagnosed as one of only

3、 40 with acquired savant syndrome, in which once-normal people become skilled in math, art or music after a brain injury. (Source: Daily Mail)之后,他被诊断为“后天学者症候群”,目前全世界仅有40个人患有此症,他是其中之一。患此症的人大多原本平凡无奇,但在脑部受伤后就会在数学、艺术或音乐领域十分擅长。2. 最近席卷各路媒体的文章同学出轨事件不但引发国内网友热议,连外国媒体都被吸引过来了。我们就来看一看事件中的那些关键词1. 咎由自取I have brou

4、ght this upon myself.2. 出轨 Have an affair with another womanCheat on his wifeCheat with another woman3. 公开道歉Public apology4. 恋爱虽易,婚姻不易,且行且珍惜。 Being in love is easy, being married is not. It is to be cherished.Being in love is easy, being married is not. Cherish what you have at the moment. 另外,该事件中涉及

5、的第三方也就是我们所说的“小三”在英语中多用mistress,lady friend,the other woman,和home wrecker来表示。如果是女方出轨遭遇“男小三”,就可以用the other man或home wrecker来表达 例如:He left his wife and child and moved in with the other woman. 他抛妻弃子搬去和他的情人住了。3不少女孩子身边都会有一个随叫随到的男性好朋友,失恋的时候、没钱吃饭的时候、逛街没人帮着拎东西的时候,这位男性好友就会派上用场。可他从来都不会成为这个女孩子的恋爱对象,只是因为他对她太好了。

6、Nice guy syndrome basically describes a guy who will listen to his female friends every complaint, rant, problem, and experience in life; will help them out no matter to the cost to them; would die for their friends without even thinking; but can never get a girlfriend.“好人综合症”说的是这样一类男人,他们会倾听女性朋友无止尽的

7、抱怨和唠叨,听她们倾诉自己遇到的问题和人生经历;在她们遇到困难时会不顾一切帮她们走出困境;甚至会不假思索地为她们放弃生命,可她们永远都不会成为他的女朋友。All their female friends will continue to go out with mindless, stupid men who treat them badly, and hurt them over and over again, never even considering the nice guy, because he is “such a good friend”.他的这些女性朋友会继续跟一些毫无头脑的

8、愚蠢男人约会,被他们粗鲁对待,并且一次次被伤害。而这些女性朋友从来都不会考虑跟这个好人约会,因为他是个“这么好的朋友”。4. 上周末刚播出第一集的美食纪录片舌尖上的中国里让大家熟悉了“路菜”,“路菜”的特征有三:好吃,不容易坏,好带。英文表达是travel-ready dishes。Travel-ready dishes are the food prepared for traveling people to eat on the road. Travel-ready dishes should be easy to carry around and would not go bad in

9、two to three months. “路菜”是准备给旅行的人在路上吃的菜。“路菜”应便于携带,而且放上两三个月也不会坏。Example:他舀出一勺路菜,加入开水,路菜的香味立刻在空气中弥漫开来。He scooped out a spoon of travel-ready dish and poured in hot water, the delicious smell instantly filled the air.5.闲来无事找个咖啡馆泡一天,既能喝到美味的咖啡,还能享受免费无线网络,想想都觉得很惬意。不过,一杯咖啡喝完了,你还长时间待在那里,似乎会有点不好意思吧?今年,首家计时收费

10、咖啡馆现身伦敦,一小时支付1.8英镑(约合人民币18.7元),你就可以免费享用里面的所有服务。Walk past many cafes during the daytime and youll see people sitting inside, nursing a coffee as they work away at their laptops. If youre spending all day buying one expensive coffee after another, though, the costs can really add up.白天路过很多咖啡馆时,你会看到人们坐

11、在里面,一边细细品着咖啡,一边在笔记本电脑上忙碌着。如果在那里待一天,一杯接一杯地点那些价格不低的咖啡,这花费着实不小。But for those who work outside of the traditional office environment, there is a potential new alternative - pay-per-minute cafes.不过,对那些不用在传统办公室环境中工作的人来说,现在有个新的选择计时收费咖啡馆。Ziferblat is a concept that has already proved popular in Russia - and

12、 now the chain has opened its first cafe in Londons Old Street.Ziferblat经营理念已经在俄罗斯取得成功,现在,这个连锁公司在伦敦旧街开了第一家店。The founders say that everything is free, except the time you spend there. Customers pay 3p per minute - or 1.80 an hour - for unlimited food, coffee and access to wi-fi. You can even bring yo

13、ur own food or drink. (Source: BBC)该连锁的创立者说:“除了你在这里花费的时间以外,店里所有东西都不收钱。”顾客在这里每分钟需付费3便士,即一小时1.8英镑,便可享受无限量的食物、咖啡以及无线网络。你甚至可以自带食物和饮料。6 肯德基最近在美国推出了一款炸鸡手花套餐,包含一个满天星花环和一张价值5美元的肯德基代金券,顾客可以用代金券从三种不同口味的炸鸡腿中选择一款放在花环上,然后送给自己的女伴。Choosing a corsage that matches your dates prom dress can be a major source of anxie

14、ty for some young men, but KFC has come to the rescue this prom season with a fried chicken corsage that goes with everything.为自己的毕业舞会女伴选一个能够跟她的礼服相配的手花大概是一些年轻人很头疼的事情。不过,这个毕业季,肯德基推出了一款能跟任何礼服搭配的炸鸡手花来救场。No this is not a joke. The fast food chain has enlisted the help of Kentucky-based florist Nanz and

15、Kraft to create a drumstick fried chicken corsage kit. You can have it delivered in time for prom and it costs $20.不,这不是在开玩笑。该快餐连锁已与肯塔基州的花卉供应商Nanz & Kraft合作推出了一款炸鸡腿手花套餐。你可以让店家在毕业舞会前将手花送货上门,这款手花售价20美元(约合人民币120元)。But if youre expecting a box with a piece of fried chicken on a bed of flowers to arrive

16、at your door, think again. The florist sends a corsage with babys breath and a $5 KFC gift check so you can choose a piece of Original Recipe, Extra Crispy or Kentucky Grilled Chicken for the corsage centerpiece. (Source: latimes)不过,如果你以为送到你家门口的礼盒装的是躺在鲜花上的一块炸鸡,那你就错了。花店送来的手花会是一个满天星花环和一张价值5美元的肯德基代金券,这

17、样你就可以自己选择用哪种口味的炸鸡腿来搭配你的手花,有原味吮指鸡、劲脆鸡腿以及肯塔基烤鸡腿三种选择。7. 今年是互联网进入中国二十周年。互联网改变了世界,同时也改变了我们每个人的生活。线下内向的人可能在线上会变成豪放派,公司离家太远的人或许可以选择在家远程办公,购物的时候我们可以在实体店试好,然后在网上下单购买.这一切的改变为我们的生活带来了新鲜感,从语言的角度来说,自然也生出了不少潮流酷词。今天,我们就为大家精选了一些与互联网相关的潮词酷词。不想落后的你快来学一屏幕少年(screenager) 网络公开课(MOOC)头像性格(avatar personality)老板键(boss key)桌

18、边神游族(desk potato) App痴迷症(Appiphilia)媒体结合(media meshing)众包(crowdsourcing) 比特币(Bitcoin) 先逛店后网购(Showrooming)网怒(web rage)黑客狗仔(hackerazzi)网络口碑(word of mouse)分享父母(sharent)远程工作狂综合征(teleworkaholic syndrome) 屏幕近视(screen sightedness)数字戒毒期(digital detox)网络游民(Internet hobo) 7.你一定也珍藏着那件可以给自己的爱情带来好运的衣服,当你遇到心仪的人时,

19、就会穿上它,或许这件幸运衣服是条美丽的白裙,或许是一件花格子衬衫,英文表达是pulling shirt,如果是裙子,那就是pulling skirt。Pulling shirt is a garment to which you are particularly attached due to its acting as something of a lucky charm when it comes to wooing the opposite sex, which is called “pulling” in UK.“爱情幸运衬衫”是一件你情有独钟的衣服,因为这件衬衫似乎拥有某种魔力,当你

20、追求异性时可以给你带来好运。追求异性在英国称为pulling。Example:I get lucky almost every time I wear my pulling shirt.我几乎每次穿上我的“爱情幸运衬衫”都会如愿以偿。8为什么把左撇子(Left-handed)称为南爪子(Southpaws)呢?这说起来话就长了:它不但与美国人最热衷的棒球运动有关,也涉及其他体育项目例如拳击,还有人认为它源于著名影星史泰龙,结果把创造这个俚语的美国人自己都闹糊涂了。棒球在美国是一项非常普及的运动,在棒球运动中人们把左撇子投手叫做southpaws南爪子就越传越广,变成了俗话对左撇子的代称。至于拳


22、前吧,有个家伙在费城一带打拳,他是个左撇子,他的左手对着新泽西,那是在南边,所以人们叫他south paw。史泰龙在电影里的台词,使得南爪子这个对左撇子的俗称更加深入人心,但是却把它的来历闹得像传说一样。9智能手机、智能手表、智能眼镜,甚至智能冰箱、智能汽车,我们生活中的每件东西似乎都可以连接网络,让我们随时保持在线状态,同时还让我们的生活更加智能、便捷。这大概就是未来万物网(the Internet of Everything)将会带给我们的生活吧The Internet of Things was the it word for 2013, it concisely summed up t

23、he act of devices being more interactive with users. The Internet of Everything expands that idea. The Internet of Everything is described as something that brings together people, data and things, to create networked connections that turns information into action. So rather than just connecting dev

24、ices (like the Internet of Things), the Internet of Everything connects, well, everything.物联网(the Internet of Things)是2013年的潮词,它是对各类设备与用户间更多互动行为的精确总结。万物网(the Internet of Everything)将这一理念扩大。万物网指将人、数据和事物汇聚在一起,然后创建成一个相互关联的网络把信息转换为行动。因此,除了(像物联网那样)简单将设备连接起来以外,万物网将所有事物都连接在一起。From the connected lounge room

25、 to internet-enabled fridges, from the smart TV to the watch that keeps your Tweets up-to-date, technology has evolved to such a point that you could throw a dart in almost any direction and hit an internet-connected thing.从有网络连接的客厅到互联网支持的冰箱,从智能电视到可以随时更新微博的手表,科技已经进步到你朝任何一个方向扔出一枚飞镖都能击中一样与互联网连接着的“事物”。

26、去哪里玩儿要在朋友圈秀一下,晚饭吃了什么要发个微博,连掉头发这样的事情也要发条状态抱怨一下。在社交媒体时代,我们似乎已经形成了为自己撰写生活记录的习惯。有时候,我们会觉得自己做很多事情是为了写条状态。我们已经进入了“超级生活记录”时代。Hyper-documentation refers to the exhaustive and incessant recording of the details and events of ones life, particularly when these are shared on social media.Hyper-documentation指详尽

27、且不间断地记录生活中的各种细节和活动,尤其当这些细节被分享到社交媒体上的时候,我们译为“超级生活记录”。It now seems truer than ever for many social media users (particularly, teenagers and young adults) that “If youre not on MySpace and/or other social media sites, you dont exist.” Moreover, the pervasiveness of documentation throughout virtually ev

28、ery aspect of our daily lives has led us to start living for the documents, rather than the documents simply reflecting some aspect of our lives. Today, we must always behave as if our actions will be preserved forever and for all to see (because, most likely, they will). In the world of social medi

29、a, there is no longer a “back stage”. As far as we know, there is always an audience watching our every move with rapt attention, ready to applaud or jeer at any second.现在,对很多社交媒体用户(尤其是青少年和年轻人)来说,“如果你不在社交媒体上,你就不存在”这句话比任何时候都能反映现实。此外,几乎涵盖我们日常生活方方面面的这种全方位记录已经让我们开始为了这些记录而活,而不是让记录简单反映我们生活的某个方面。如今,我们需要时刻注

30、意自己的言行,就好像我们的行为会被永久保存且供大家“观赏”(因为,很有可能就会是这样)。在社交媒体的世界里,已经不再有什么“后台”。我们都知道,时刻会有观众饶有兴致地关注着我们的一言一行,随时准备鼓掌或加以嘲弄。Internet hobo refers to someone who is using their neighbors/hotel across the roads wi-fi internet.“网络游民”指那些用邻居或马路对面饭店的无线网络上网的人。Example:My friend just bought a new high power wi-fi card so he ca

31、n connect to the neighbors wi-fi and is now an offical internet hobo.我朋友刚买了一个新的高功率无线上网卡,为的是可以连接上邻居的无线网络,现在他也是个不折不扣的“网络游民”了。10.近期,奥斯卡影后格温妮丝帕特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow)与丈夫克里斯马汀(Chris Martin)发布分手宣言,称结束婚姻关系,但仍然是一家人。在分手宣言中,他们用conscious uncoupling一词来描述他们的分手状态。下面,我们就来详解一下这个表达。Conscious uncoupling refers to the act

32、 of ending a marriage or relationship, but in a way that is viewed as a very positive step by both parties, who believe that their lives will be better for doing so, and that they can continue to remain friends, co-parent if they have children, and possibly not even fall out of love with each other. The expression was hurled into the media spotlight in March 2014 by actress Gwyneth Paltrow and singer Chris Martin, who announced the breakup of their marriage online

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