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1、海洋专业术语修改校对版南大洋 Southern Ocean 太平洋 Pacific Ocean洋 ocean 印度洋 Indian Ocean渤海 Bohai Sea 東海 East China Sea海 sea 海洋 marine海域 sea areas 黃海 Yellow Sea南海 South China Sea 边缘海 marginal sea潮间帶 intertidal zone 潮上帶 supratidal zone潮下帶 subtidal zone 大陆边缘 continental margin大陆架 continental shelf 海滨 seashore海峡 channel

2、 陆地岸线 continental coastline内陆海 inland sea 河口 estuarine大地水准面 geoid 高程起算面 base sea level海表面 sea surface layer 海平面 sea level微表面 sea tiny surface layer 平均海平面 mean sea level深度基准面 datum for sounding reduction 海图基准面 chart datum岸礁 shore reef 堡礁 barrier reef岛弧 island arc 岛屿 islands and islets环礁 atoll 珊瑚礁 cor

3、al reef3 海洋科学工程海洋学 marine engineering 海洋地理学 marine geography海洋地质学 marine geology 海洋地球物理学 marine geophysics海洋化学 marine chemistry 海洋技术 marine technology海洋经济学marine economics 海洋生态学 marine ecology海洋科学 marine sciences;ocean sciences海洋生物学 marine biology 海洋物理学 marine physics海洋学oceanography;oceanology 军事海洋学

4、 military oceanography卫星海洋学 satellite oceanography 物理海洋学 physical oceanography区域海洋学 regional oceanography 海洋动力学 marine dynamics动力海洋学dynamical oceanography 海洋气象学 marine meteorology海洋光学 marine optics 海洋声学 marine acoustics水声学 acoustics 古海洋学 paleoceanography海洋沉积学 marine sedimentology 海洋地层学oceanic strati

5、graphy海水分析化学 analytical chemistry of sea water海洋地球化学marine geochemistry 海洋生物化学 marine biochemistry海洋物理化学 marine physical chemistry 河口化学estuarine chemistry初级生产力 primary productivity 海洋生态系(统) marine ecosystems渔业海洋学 fisheries oceanography 海洋生物学 marine organism海岸带资源 coastal zone resources 海底资源 submarine

6、 resources海底矿产【资源】 submarine mineral resources海水化学资源marine chemistry resources 海水【水】资源sea water resource海洋可再生资源 ocean reproducible resources海洋空间【资源】ocean space resource 海洋能 marine energy resources海洋生物资源 marine biological resources海洋药物 marine pharmaceuticals 海洋资源 marine resources海洋产业 ocean industry 海

7、洋经济 marine economy海洋开发 marine exploitation 海洋旅游 sea tourism海洋农牧化sea farming and ranching 海洋倾倒区 dumping zone at sea 海洋渔业 marine fishery 海洋资源保护 marine resources protection多金属结核 polymetallic nodule, multimetal nodule多金属结壳 polymetallic encrustation 多金属泥 metalliferous mud海底地壳热流 sea-bottom hot flow 海底砂矿 s

8、ubmarine placer海底热液矿床 submarine hydrothermal deposits海底油田 submarine oil field 反渗透reverse osmosis,RO 电渗祈脱盐 electrodialysis desalination,ED 海水 sea water海水淡化 sea water desalination 海水直接利用 direct use of seawater苦咸水 bitter and salty water膜水处理元件 membrane water treatment element水处理膜 water treatmentmembrane

9、水处理设备 the equipment for water treatment蒸馏淡化法 distillation process for desalination海上人工岛 marine artificial island海上养殖工程 mariculture engineering海上油气开发工程 exploitative engineering of offshore petroleum exploitative engineering of gas reservoir海洋工程 ocean engineering 海洋工程地质 marine engineering geology海洋工程环

10、境 marine engineering environment大陆架公约 convention on the continental shelf地理不利国 geographically disadvantaged state防倾倒公约 prevent dumping convention伦敦倾废公约 London dumping convention 公海 high seas公海公约 convention on the high seas 海洋政策 marine polity国际海洋法 international law of the sea 海图 sea chart海洋功能区划 divis

11、ion of marine functional zonation海洋法 law of the sea 海洋权 right of the sea 海域划界 delimitation of boundaries on the sea海洋法公约 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea领海 territorial sea 领水 territorial water领海基点 territorial sea base point 领海基线 baseline of territorial sea领海宽度 breadth of the territorial sea领海内的司法

12、管辖权 judicial jurisdiction over territorial sea领海通过批准制度 ratify regime on territorial sea through领海外部界限 outer limit of the territorial sea 内水 internal waters领海主权 sovereignty of the territorial sea 毗连区 contiguous zone群岛海道通过 archipelagic sea lanes passage群岛基线 archipelagic baseline 群岛水域archipelagic water

13、群岛制度institution of archipelago 群岛原则 regime of archipelago定常基线 normal baseline 直线基缝straight baseline专属经济区 exclusive economic zone 专属渔区 exclusive fishing zone管理management 海岸带管理 coastal zone management海藉sea area use register 海藉管理 management of sea area use register 海上倾倒 dumping at sea 岛屿管理 management o

14、f sea islands海洋管理 marine management海洋行业管理 management by marine trades海洋环境管理 marine environmental management海洋权益管理 marine right and interests management海洋资源管理 marine resources management海域使用法律制度 legal regime for the sea area use海域使用管理 management of the sea area use海域使用论证 feasibility assessment of the

15、 sea area use海洋环境 marine environment海洋环境保护 marine environmental protection海洋环境评价 marine environmental assessment海洋环境污染损害 marine environmental pollution damage海洋环境影响评价 marine environmental impact assessment 海洋环境质量 marine environmental quality海洋环境质量评价 marine environmental quality assessment海洋环境自然保护区 m

16、arine environmental nature reserve; marine protected area海洋污染控制 marine pollution control 海洋污染物 marine pollutant海洋污染物背景值 marine pollutant background潮流预报 tidal current forecast 海冰预报 sea ice forecast风暴潮预警报 storm surge forecasting and warning海浪预报 ocean wave forecast 海啸警报 tsunami forecast海洋环境警报 marine en

17、vironmental alarm海洋环境预报 marine environmental forecasting; marine environmental prediction海洋数值预报 numerical forecast of marine海洋灾害评估 disaster assessment of marine海洋地质勘探 geologic prospecting 大面观测 sea area observation海洋调查 oceanographic survey; oceanographic investigation海洋环境监测 marine environment monitor

18、ing海洋环境监视 marine monitoring 定点观测 fixed point observation标准断面调查 standard selection investigation定时观测 timed observation 断面观测 sectional observation 辅助观测 opportune observation海洋常规监测 continuous observation海洋连续观测 continuous observation海洋遥感观测 marine remote sensing observation海洋走航观测 ocean cruising observati

19、on海洋反演数据 oceanographic inversion data海洋历史数据(信息、资料) oceanographic history data (information、material)海洋实测数据 oceanography observed data海洋实时数据 oceanography timely data标准体系 standards system 海洋标准 marine standard海洋标准化 oceanography standardization ; marine standardization技术法规 technical regulation 海洋计量 ocea

20、nographic metrology国家法定计量单位 national legal unit of measurement海洋计量器具的检定 verificationof a oceanographic measuring instrument海洋特殊量 marine quantity 海洋要素 marine elements海洋特殊量值 marine valueof a marine quantity参比性能特性 reference performance characteristic附加误差 additive error 海洋测量仪器 oceanographic instrument海洋

21、测量仪器的计量性能 metrological characteristic of a oceanographic instrument海洋测量仪器的准确度 accuracy of a oceanographic instrument海洋测量仪器响应时间response time of a oceanographic instrument海洋测量仪器响应特性 response characteristic of a oceanographic instrument海洋测量仪器影响量 influence quantities of a oceanographic instrument海洋测量仪器准

22、确度等级 accuracy class of a oceanographic instrument海洋仪器设备 oceanographic instruments and equipments海洋仪器设备安全性 safety of a oceanographic instrument海洋仪器设备参考条件 reference conditions of a oceanographic instrument;reference conditions of a marine instrument海洋仪器设备额定操作条件 rated operating conditions of a oceanogr

23、aphic instrument;rated operating conditions of a marine instrument;海洋仪器设备极限条件limiting conditions of a oceanographic instrument;limiting conditions of a marine instrument;海洋仪器设备互换性 interchangeability of a oceanographic instrument;interchangeability of a marine instrument;海洋仪器设备环境适应性 environment appli

24、cability of a oceanographic instrument;environment applicability of a marine instrument;海洋仪器设备可靠度 reliability of a oceanographic instrument; reliability of a marine instrument;海洋仪器设备可靠性 reliability of a oceanographic instrument; reliability performanceof a marine instrument;海洋仪器设备可信性 creditability o

25、f a oceanographic instrument; creditability of a marine instrument;海洋仪器设备配套性 suitability of a oceanographic instrument suitability of a marine equipment海洋仪器设备通用要求general specificationsof a marine equipmentgeneral specifications of a oceanographic instrument 海洋仪器设备相容性 compatibility of a marine equipm

26、ent compatibility of a oceanographic instrument 海洋仪器设备 性能特性 performance characteristic of a oceanographic instrument performance characteristic of a marine equipment基本误差 intrinsic error有证参考物质 certified reference material ,CRM(缩写)海水 sea water 海面水温 sea surface temperature(SST)现场温度 in situ temperature

27、等温线 isotherm温度深度图 bathythermogram 暖水舌warm water tongue冷水舌cold water tongue 暖水圈 warm water sphere冷水圈 cold water sphere 盐度 salinity1978实用盐标 Practical Salinity Scale 1978(PSS 78)绝对盐度 absolute salinity 实用盐度 practical salinity等盐线 isohaline 盐舌 salinity tongue盐指 salt finger 盐【水】楔salt water wedge温盐图解T-S dia

28、gram 温盐指标 热盐结构 thermohaline structure 海水密度 sea water density现场密度 in situ density 密度超量 density excess海水比容specific volume of sea water 现场比容 in situ specific volume比容偏差 specific volume anomaly 热比容偏差 thermosteric anomaly铅直稳定度 vertical stability 对流混合 convective mixing涡动混合 turbulent mixing 潮混合 tidal mixin

29、g 【混合】增密 cabbeling,caballing 温跃层 thermocline主【温】跃层 main thermocline 季节性【温】跃层 seasonal thermocline盐跃层halocline 密度跃层 pycnocline内波 internal wave 拟置层 inversion layer均匀层 homogeneous layer 混合层 mixed layer ,mixing layer大洋对流层 oceanic troposphere 层化海洋 stratified ocean 冷涡 cold eddy 暖涡 warm eddy水型 water type 水

30、团 water mass水系 water system 表层水 surface water次表层水 subsurface water 中层水 intermediate water深层水 deep water 底层水 bottom water沿岸水 coastal water 中央水 central water南极绕极水团 Antarctica Circumpolar Water Mass北极水 Arctic water ; North Polar Water副热带模态水 subtropical mode water黄海冷水团 Huanghai(Yellow Wea)Cold Water Mass长江冲淡水 Changjiang Diluted Water ; Changjiang River Plume赤道辐合带 Equatorial Convergence Zone 海洋锋 oceanic front 细结构 finestructure 微结构 microstructure海面斑带 slick 海洋湍流 oceanic turbulence双扩散 double diffusion 海水状态方程 sea water state equation海色sea colour 水色 water colour海水

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